Final Exam Reading 1 - SUMMI

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Write the topic or the main idea, the pattern,, the signal words and the Details/Events/Causes
Effects/Likeness/Differences of the paragraph.
Text 1
Jessica was born in May 2002 in a small town where she lived until she was three years old. Next, she
moved to the big city of Atlanta. There she stayed until she graduated high school. Next, she went
away to college in New York city. She stayed there for four years where she met the man of her
dreams and decided to get married. In addition to marriage she moved to Houston Texas. There she
started to work in the medical field. After a few years old Jessica decided that they would move back to
the same small town where she was originally from. Finally back at home she was at last happy.

TOPIC: Short Jessica's Biography

The pattern of the paragraph: Time Order Pattern
Signal words Details/Events/Causes Effects/Likeness/Differences
in May 2002 She was born
Next She moved to the big city of Atlanta
until graduated high school She stayed Atlanta
Next She went away to college in New York City
for four years She stayed New York City and get married
In addition she moved to Houston Texas
After a few years old jessica decided that they would move back
Finally back at home
Text 2
Drug addiction is a serious health issue that affects addicts, their families and society. First of all, drug
addiction has severe physical effects on the addict’s body. Drug users can experience many physical
symptoms including sickness, fevers, sweats and shakes ,loss of appetite, and weight loss. They also
face the danger of contrasting serious diseases such as IDS, hepatitis, and other communicable
diseases, not to mention the risk of overdose. Families and friends of drug addicts are inevitably also
affected by their addiction. Addiction can lead to serious financial problems, loss of trust, and
eventually family breakup and divorce. Society as well pays a cost :crime rates go up, and more
security and hospital care is needed which are all paid for by taxpayers. Drug addiction is a destructive
way of live. Maybe more would be done about it if it were looked at not just a problem that addicts face
alone, but as something that affects society as a whole.

Main idea: Drug addiction is a serious health issue that affects addicts, their families and society.
The pattern of paragraph: Listing Pattern
Signal words Details/Events/Causes Effects/Likeness/Differences
First of all drug addiction has severe effects on the addict's body
also families and friends of drug addicts are inevitably
Society as well pays a cost

Text 3
As broad as their sounds are, there are several distinct similarities between electric and acoustic
guitars. For instance, both utilize the use of a body for the neck to attach to and a neck with frets for
finger placement. The strings attach to the lower end of the body and go all the way to the head, or the
top of the neck. They both use strings that vary in gauge, or size, which are vital to produce sound
when they are picked, hammered on, or strummed as a group. Similarly, each is tuned in the same
manner to produce the proper tone desired.

Main idea: ther are several distinct similarities between electric and acoustic guitars.
The pattern of paragraph: Comparison Pattern
Signal words Details/Events/Causes Effects/Likeness/Differences
both utilize the use of a body for the neck to attach to and a neck with frets for finger placement
both use strings that vary in gauge, or size, which are vital to produce sound when they .....
similarity each is tuned in the same manner to produce the proper tone desired

Text 4
Flight attendants have three important characteristics. First of all, flight attendants are friendly. They
enjoy greeting passengers and making them feel more comfortable. Soemtimes passangers are afraid
of flying. A friendly flight attendant can talk to them and help them fee lcalm. For example, he or she
can explain strange noises made by the air craft. Second, fight attendants are self-confidents.. They
give instructions to passengers, and they must be firm enough so that passengers obey them. This
characterististics is especially important in emegencies. Third, flight attendants are physically strong.
They push heavy carts of food and drinks up and down the aisles. They also have to open and close
heavy doors of airplanes. In short, flight attendants are friendly, self confident and strong.

Main idea: Flight attendants have three important characteristics

The pattern of paragraph: Listing Pattern
Signal words Details/Events/Causes Effects/Likeness/Differences
First of all friendly
Second Self confident
Third physically strong

Text 5
Kevin and Amos differ in the way they approach life. One way the two men differ is that Kevin is an
optimist while Amos is pessimistic about life. Kevin approaches each day anticipating the surprises and
good things like his child understanding a difficult problem on her first attempt; however, Amos
suspects something will go wrong like his car breaking down. In addition, Amos is conservative in his
thinking for he believes government support makes people lazy; in contrast, Kevin holds liberal views
believing that government can help people help themelves. Furthermore, Kevin likes to be in action and
is always looking for something to do such as fixing things around his house or volunteering at school
or in the community.
Main idea: Kevin and Amos differ in the way they approach life.
The pattern of paragraph: Comparison Pattern
Signal words Details/Events/Causes Effects/Likeness/Differences
while Kevin is an optomist, Amos is pessimistic
however Kevin approaches each day anticipating the surprises ... Amos suspects something will go wrong ....
in contrast Amos is conservative in his thinking .... Kevin holds liberal views ...


Read each passage and then respond to the question. Each question will ask you to make a logical
inference based on actual details. Explain your answer by referencing to the text.

Ryan was looking forward to sleeping over at his friend Robert’s house. Though they had been
classmates for a while, the two had only recently become good friends. Ryan packed up his sleeping bag,
a pillow, and a few of his favourite toys and games, and then his mom dropped him off at Robert’s. Robert
met Ryan on the porch and the two did their secret handshake and started playing right away. First they
played pirates in Robert’s tree fort. Next, they played ninjas in the driveway. Then it started getting dark
and they went inside of Robert’s house. As soon as they walked in the house. Ryan’s eyes starting getting
red and itchy. He saw a big orange cat sitting on the couch. Then he started sneezing uncontrollably. “I’m
sorry, Robert. It’s been a lot of fun, but I have to call my mom.”
1. Why do Ryan’s eyes get red and itchy when he walks into Robert’s house? How do you know
this? He has a cat allergy , when he entered the house he began his eyes got red and itchy, and he saw big orange cat there
2. Why does Ryan want to call his mother? How do you know this? he must go home, he started sneezing uncontrollably

“William, don’t forget your towel!” Mom shouted as she applied sun block on the baby. William threw The
folding chair in the back of the minivan and shouted through the garage door, “Ok Mom!” He then ran up
and grabbed his towel. “Georgie!” William shouted. There was no response. Mom packed the baby up into
the car seat. “William, can you help me with his umbrella?” William ran down the stairs, almost tripping
over a chew toy, and then he helped his mother load the large umbrella in the minivan. ’Mom, I can’t find
Georgie.” William said. His mother shrugged and replied, “That’s OK, William. He probably shouldn’t
come with us anyway.”

3. Where are Mom and William going? How do you know this? to beach, mom applied sun block on the baby, William threw the
folding chair in the back on minivan
4. Who is Georgie. How do you know this?
His pet, maybe. He can't find Georgie

Part C

In this exercise, fill in the blanks with words from the academic word list in the box.

assignment culture lectures

contrast goals methods
cultural individualism traditions

Education in North America and Asia

In a Western society, such as the United States or Canada, that has many national, religious, and
________(1)____________ differences, people highly value _______(2)__________
individualism - the differences

among people – and independent thinking. Students do not often memorize information. Instead, they find
answers themselves, and they express own their ideas in class opinions.
In most Asian societies, by _______(3)____________,
cultural the people have the same language,
history, and ____(4)_____________.
culture Perhaps for this reason, the educational system in much Asia
reflects society’s belief in group _________(5)____________
goals and _______(6)_____________
contrast rather than
individualism. Children in China, Japan, and Korea often work together and help another on
assignment In the classroom, the teaching ______(8)_____________
methods are often very
formal. The teacher _________(9)______________,and
lectures many students listen. There is not much
discussion. Instead, the students recites rules or information that they have memorized.

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