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In March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic brought learning to a screeching

halt worldwide, creating the most severe global education disruption in history. At

the peak of the crisis, over 100 million teachers and school personnel were

impacted by the sudden closures of learning institution and as of today, two-

thirds of the world's student population is still affected by full or partial school

closures (UNESCO, 2020). ¹ with schools all over the world redesigning because

of this prevailing crisis, blended learning is becoming a new normal (Ferlazzo,

2020). Due to the high-risk threat of the virus, The Department of Education

(DepEd) and Commission on Higher Education (CHED) of the Philippines

adopted and implemented the flexible model of blended learning despite many

oppositions concerning the risk to open classes because of the virus (Anzaldo,

2020). ²

The Department of Education (DepEd) recognized blended learning as a

good and valid way to deliver education as the agency looks into its

implementation after COVID-19. “Perhaps, after COVID-19, we also recognize,

as a good or valid way of delivering basic education services, the so-called

‘blended learning’ where children do not have to come to school every day,”

DepEd Undersecretary for Curriculum and Instruction Diosdado San Antonio said

over ABS CBN News Channel on June 24, 2021. Currently, some 27 million

students in the country are under the ‘distance learning’ system where the

medium of instruction is through modules and online, as face-to-face classes

were suspended to stem the spread of COVID-19 (Mendoza, 2021).³

Blended learning (BL), also known as hybrid learning (Panopto, 2019), is

widely adopted across higher education with some scholars referring to it as the

“new traditional model” (Ross and Gage 2006, p. 167) or the “new normal” in

course delivery (Norberg et al. 2011, p. 207). According to Colis and Moonen

(2001), blended learning is a hybrid of traditional face-to-face and online learning

so that instruction occurs both in the classroom and online, and where the online

component becomes a natural extension of traditional classroom learning. ⁴

Blended learning has been around for a while and it strives to provide students

the best of both face-to-face and online learning experiences. Blended

classrooms include face-to-face instruction techniques such as direct instruction

or lecture, group discussions, and small-group work while also using technology

to provide in-class online learning that students can do at home provided they

have access to necessary technology (Ferlazzo, 2020). ⁵

Garrison & Vaughan (2008) clarify that blended learning in higher

education clearly demonstrates how the blended learning approach possesses

the traditional values of face-to-face teaching and integrates the best practices of

online learning. This approach has proven to both enhance and expand the

effectiveness and the efficiency of teaching/learning in higher education across

disciplines. They state that “blended learning opens the possibility of creating and

sustaining a community of inquiry beyond classroom” (Garrison & Vaughan 2008,

p. 8).⁶

Blended learning has recently been considered a hot topic in education,

especially for teachers and students to employ for the enhancement of the

English language throughout the world (Hashemi and Kew, 2020). Hence,

various studies present that Blended learning affects each of the integrated skill

of the English language positively and it is suggested that using blended learning

as one of the 21st-century skills need to be taken into consideration for the

teaching and learning the English language in the future. ⁷ A previous study in

Teachers' Cognition on Process genre approach and Practice of Teaching

Writing Skills in EFL Context (Tesfie, 2017) showed that English language

instructors had good cognition on process genre approach; the teachers believed

that the blended (process genre) approach could help students to improve their

writing skills.⁸ A recent foreign study on the Development of English Writing Skills

through Blended Learning among ESL Learners in Malaysia by Hassan, I.,

Abdul Rahman, A.M. , & Azmi, M. N. L. (2021) demonstrated that blended

learning significantly improves ESL learners’ writing skills. The effectiveness of

blended learning could be due to its focus on active learning activities that entail

interactivity and flexibility. ⁹

However, given the fact that this type of learning approach is still new in

the Philippine context and is purposely applied and customized as an educational

emergency response to this high-risk crisis (DepEd, 2021), its effectiveness

rating gathered from local studies remains vague and insufficient. For the most

part, in terms of the effectiveness of Blended learning in the development of

English writing competency of the students, the odds on achieving an effective

and favorable statistical result on their level of writing proficiency and literacy

remain crucial. This is due to the impacts of the pandemic in the sector of

education and on the students financial capacity, gadget and material

affordability, internet accessibility, and on their health and safety (Dimatulac,

CNN Philippines, 2021).¹⁰

Currently, Tiwi Community College is on its goal to cater the needs of the

students amid the pandemic in order to continue its aim for academic excellence

and quality education to students. The college is adopting blended learning

approach through modules and online portals to strictly observe the Inter-Agency

Task Force (IATF) guidelines in avoiding the said virus. Therefore, the

researchers who are experiencing the new trend in the educational system of the

college will be conducting a study among the First Year English Major Students

in Tiwi Community College to evaluate the effectiveness of Blended Learning

Approach on the Development of the Students' English Writing Competency

amidst the prevailing dilemma during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Statement of the Problem

This study will be designed to evaluate the Effectiveness of Blended

Learning Approach on the Development of English Writing Competency of

Selected First Year English Major Students who were exposed to this new

learning and teaching approach employed in Tiwi Community College (TCC)

amidst COVID-19 Pandemic.

The main purpose of this study is to give answers to the following

research questions:

1. What is the level of writing competence of the students in the evaluated

pre-subjective type of test and post-subjective test?

2. What is the significant difference of the pre-subjective test and post-

subjective test results of the students after undertaking the blended

learning intervention?

3. What plan of action can be crafted to further improve the blended learning


Assumptions of the study

1. The level of writing competency of the First year English major students in

Pre-test is presumably low due to lack of face-to-face instruction.

2. Blended learning approach is moderately effective in developing the

students' writing competency in the context of COVID-19.

3. Students encounter various difficulties and problems in the sudden shift of

instruction from face to face to blended.

Hypotheses of the study

Based on the research problem, the researchers formulated the following


1. Alternative hypothesis:

In this research, the alternative hypothesis states that the

significant difference in the students' writing score in Post-test is greater

than their Pre-test scores confirming that Blended Learning is effective in

improving the students' writing competency.

2. Null hypothesis:

In this research, the null hypothesis states that the significant

difference in the students' writing score in Post-test is lesser than or equal

to their Pre-test scores confirming that Blended Learning is not effective in

improving the students' writing competency.

Scope and Delimitations

This study will focus and revolve on The Level of Effectiveness of Blended

Learning Approach on the Development of English Writing Competency in

Descriptive Writing. It will also cover the definitions, structures, characteristics,

guidelines, components, and the basic mechanical skills for descriptive writing.

This will consider the proper use of grammar, spelling, word choice, vocabulary,

structure and organization as guidelines for an effective descriptive essay.

The respondents of this study will be the selected First Year English major

Students who were exposed to this new mode of instruction. The respondents

will be the combined randomly selected number of First Year BSED English

students out of the 123 students who are officially enrolled at Tiwi Community

College in the school year 2021-2022 during the reign of Covid-19 pandemic.

The selected respondents who will be chosen for this study will undertake

a pre-test and post-test to find out if there are any significant difference on their

writing competence after employing the blended learning and to evaluate the

level of effectiveness of blended learning approach on the development of their

writing competency specifically in descriptive writing amidst the COVID-19


Significance of the study

The findings of the aforementioned study will be helpful in the

improvement of teaching-learning process and performance among students.

The researchers believe that this study is beneficial to the following:

Students. The students particularly English Majors will be able to benefit

from this study and would be knowledgeable on the effectiveness of blended

learning approach on the development of English writing competency amidst

COVID-19 pandemic.

Parents. They will be informed of the effectiveness of blended learning

approach on the development of their child/children's English writing competency

in response to the prevailing crisis towards their child/children's education.

Teachers. They will be informed about the effectiveness of Blended

Learning Approach on the development of English writing competency of their

students. This would help them improve the quality of their instructions and

evaluate their instructional methods suitable to the needs and demands of their

students in order to achieve a more effective learning experience despite the

prevailing dilemma.

School Administrators. They will be given ideas on the effectiveness

rating of blended learning approach on the development of English writing

competency of the students. The findings of this study would be beneficial to the

school administrators as they can provide programs to be implemented with the

objectives designed to farther develop the learning experience and performance

of the students and address issues and concerns regarding the quality of

teaching in their institution amidst the prevailing crisis.

Government Agencies. They will be informed about the effectiveness of

Blended learning approach on the development of English writing competency of

the students as one of the adjustments made due to the consequences and

threats of the COVID-19 pandemic in the sector of education here in the


Researchers. They will be guided to conduct a study on the effectiveness

of Blended Learning Approach on the development of English writing

competency of English Major Students amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.

Setting of the Study

The study was conducted in Tiwi Community College, a public higher

educational institution located in Geraldine Village-Libtong, Tiwi, Albay. The

school offers programs in senior high school and college levels. Its SHS

department has the GAS, HUMMS, and ABM strands available. For college

students, TCC provides CHED-recognized degree courses in Elementary

Education, Secondary Education, and Office Administration.

Figure 1.1: Map of the setting

Definition of Terms

For the purpose of clarification, the important terms used in the study will

be defined. The following terms are:

Effectiveness - the degree to which something is successful in producing a

desired result or output; success. When something is deemed effective, it means

it has an intended or expected outcome, or produces a deep, vivid impression.

Blended learning - (also known as hybrid learning) is a method of teaching that

integrates technology and digital media with traditional instructor-led classroom

activities, giving students more flexibility to customize their learning experiences.

Approach - a way of dealing with something: a way of doing or thinking about


Writing Competency - are specific abilities which can help writers put their

thoughts into words in a meaningful form with proper standards, grammar and

other important aspects of writing, and to mentally interact with the message.

Descriptive Writing - is a literary device in which the author uses details to paint

a picture with their words. This process will provide readers with descriptions of

people, places, objects, and events through the use of suitable details. The

author will also use descriptive writing to create sensory details as a means of

enhancing the reading experience.

Covid-19 - an acute respiratory illness in humans caused by a coronavirus,

capable of producing severe symptoms and in some cases death, especially in


older people and those with underlying health conditions. It was originally

identified in China in 2019 and became pandemic in 2020.

Traditional instruction - a structured education program that focuses on face-

to-face teacher-centered instruction, including teacher-led discussion and

teacher knowledge imparted to students.

21st century skills - refer to the knowledge, life skills, career skills, habits, and

traits that are critically important to student success in today's world, particularly

as students move on to college, the workforce, and adult life.



¹UNESCO (2021). One year into COVID-19 education disruption: Where do we

stand? URL:
²Anzaldo, G. D. (2021). Modular Distance Learning in the New Normal Education
amidst Covid-19. International Journal of Scientific Advances (IJSCIA),
Volume 2| Issue 3: May-Jun 2021, Pages 263-266, URL:
³Mendoza, J. E. (2021). DepEd eyeing blended learning scheme after COVID-19
pandemic., URL:
⁴Rovai, A. and Jordan, H. (2004). Blended Learning and Sense of Community: A
comparative analysis with traditional and fully online graduate courses.
Regent University, USA. URL:
⁵Ferlazzo, L. (2020). Blended Learning in the Age of COVID-19. Opinion
Contributor, Education week.
⁶Garrison, R. and Vaughan N. (2008). Blended Learning in Higher Education:
Framework, Principles, and Guidelines. ResearchGate. URL:
⁷Hashemi, K. and Kew, S. (2020). The Effects of Using Blended Learning in
Teaching and Learning English: A Review of Literature. International
Journal Of Eurasia Social Sciences 18(4):173-179. URL:
⁸Tesfie, A. (2017). Teachers' Cognition on Process genre approach and Practice
of Teaching Writing Skills in EFL Context. ResearchGate. URL:'_Cognition
⁹Hassan, I., Abdul Rahman, A. M. , & Azmi, M. N. L. (2021). Development of
English Writing Skills through Blended Learning among ESL Learners in
Malaysia. Arab World English Journal (AWEJ) Special Issue on CALL
(7). 377-389. DOI:
¹⁰Dimatulac, C. (2021). Some students, teachers admit struggle in blended
learning during pandemic. CNN Philippines. URL:

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