Analog Comms

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Reference Books: M. E. Van Valkenberg, 'Network Analysis, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall oI .....
B.P. Lathi, 'Modern Digital and Analog communication Systems ...
Reference Readings:- :-1 Data Communication Networks by Saniay Sharma
An Introduction to Analog & Digital Communications - Simon Haykin, John Wiley 2003.
Reference Books: 1. Communication Systems - Harold. P.E, Stern Samy. ...
1- 'Digital and Analog Communication Systems ' L. Couch, 6
Ed., Prentice-Hall, 2002.
2- 'Analog and Digital Communication Systems ' Martin Rodin, Prentice-Hall, 1991.
3- 'Introduction to Communication Systems, Ferrel G. Stremler, 3
Edition, Addison, 1990.
1. Principles oI Communication Systems - Simon Haykin, John Wiley, 2nd Ed.,.
2. Electronics & Communication System George Kennedy and Bernard Davis, TMH 2004.
3. Communication Systems Second Edition R.P. Singh, SP Sapre, TMH, 2007.
4. Fundamentals oI Communication Systems - John G. Proakis, Masond, Salehi PEA, 2006
For more details, visit PLLp//www[nLuacln/
Suggested Books:
1. Principles oI Communication Systems H Taub & D. Schilling, Gautam Sahe, TMH, 2007
3rd Edition.
2. Communication Systems B.P. Lathi, BS Publication, 2006.
Schaum Analog and Digital Communcations
Modern Digital and Analog Communications Systems B P Lathi Solutions
oxIord modern digital and analog communication systemsPhase Locked Loops Ior Wireless
Communications by stephens.
Knowledge of RF OsciIIators, Second Order FiIters, AM ModuIators, AM De ModuIators,
DSB-SC and SSB ModuIators, DSB-SC and SSB DemoduIators, FM ModuIators
(Characteristic Measurements & Frequency Modulator), FM DemoduIators
(PLL Characteristic Measurements, V-F Characteristic Measurements, PLL Frequency
Demodulator & FM to AM Frequency Demodulator), PWM ModuIators (Pulse Width
Modulator Using uA741 & Pulse Width Modulator Using LM555), PWM DemoduIators.
Analvsls of robablllsLlc SvsLems Llnear SvsLems ulalLal CommunlcaLlon SvsLems
Gate ECE Syllabus:
8andom slanals and nolse probablllLv random varlables probablllLv denslLv funcLlon auLocorrelaLlon
power specLral denslLv Analoa communlcaLlon svsLems ampllLude and anale modulaLlon and
demodulaLlon svsLems specLral analvsls of Lhese operaLlons super heLerodvne recelvers elemenLs of
hardware reallzaLlons of analoa communlcaLlon svsLems slanalLonolse raLlo (Sn8) calculaLlons for
ampllLude modulaLlon(AM) and frequencv modulaLlon (lM) for low nolse condlLlons lundamenLals of
lnformaLlon Lheorv and channel capaclLv Lheorem
lLS LCL Svllabus Basic information theory; Modulation and detection in analogue and digital
systems; Sampling and data reconstructions; Quantization & coding; Time division and
frequency division multiplexing;

SLudenL semlnar Loplcs
8adlo lrequencv ldenLlflcaLlon (8llu)
lnLearaLed volce and uaLa
Wlreless lldellLv
Wldeband Slama uelLa LL ModulaLor
8adlo neLwork ConLroller
AC erformance Cf nano elecLronlcs
AdapLlve 8llnd nolse Suppresslon
1erresLrlal 1runked 8adlo
1lme ulvlslon MulLlple Access
Mesh 8adlo
1) WhaL ls analoa?
2) WhaL ls dlalLal?
4) WhaL ls aLLenuaLlon?
3) WhaL ls crossLalk?
6) WhaL ls Lhe effecL of nolse?

vlvA CuLS1lCn lC8 AnALCC CCMMunlCA1lCn
1 WhaL ls ampllLude modulaLlon?
2 WhaL ls modulaLlon?
3 WhaL are Lhe dlfferenL Lvpes of analoa modulaLlon?
4 WhaL ls Lhe need for modulaLlon?
3 WhaL are Lhe ob[ecLlves meL bv modulaLlon?
6 WhaL are Lhe advanLaaes of WM over AM?
7 WhaL ls pulse poslLlon modulaLlon?
8 WhaL ls Lhe advanLaae of M over WM and AM?
9 WhaL are Lhe appllcaLlons of pulse poslLlon modulaLlon?
10 WhaL are Lhe purposes of uslna dlfferenLlal pulse poslLlon modulaLlon?
11 WhaL are Lhe advanLaaes of pulse poslLlon modulaLlon?
12 WhaL are Lhe appllcaLlons of M?
13 Lxplaln Lhe prlnclple of M?
14 WhaL ls Lhe purpose of M?
13 WhaL are Lhe analoa analoales of AM M and WM?
16 WhaL ls frequencv modulaLlon?
17 WhaL ls WM? Cr pulse lenaLh modulaLlon? Cr pulse duraLlon modulaLlon?
18 WhaL are Lhe dlsadvanLaaes of WM?
19 Lxplaln Lhe prlnclple of WM?
20 MenLlon Lhe appllcaLlons of WM
21 WhaL ls Lhe purpose of WM?
22 WhaL ls AM?
23 WhaL are Lhe drawbacks of AM?
24 Pow ls modulaLlon done ln AM?
23 MenLlon Lhe appllcaLlons of AM
26 Lxplaln brleflv how AM can varv ln dlfferenL svsLems?
27 WhaL ls AM ln pracLlcal clrculLs?
28 WhaL ls Lhe baslc prlnclple of AM?
29 WhaL are Lhe advanLaaes of AM?
30 WhaL ls a fllLer?
31 Clve Lhe appllcaLlon of fllLer
32 WhaL are Lhe dlfferenL Lvpes of fllLer?
33 WhaL are acLlve fllLers?
34 Whv lnducLors are noL ofLen used ln acLlve fllLers?
33 WhaL ls lowpass fllLer?
36 WhaL ls an ldeal lowpass fllLer?
37 WhaL ls Lhe dlfference beLween an ldeal and a pracLlcal low pass fllLer?
38 Whv doesnL lowpass fllLer use uS?
39 WhaL ls hlah pass fllLer?
40 WhaL does Lhe Lerm pass mean ln anv low pr hlah pass fllLer?
41 WhaL does roll off mean?
42 WhaL are passlve fllLers?
43 WhaL ls a pass band?
44 WhaL ls sLop band?
43 Whv ls buLLerworLh fllLer used mosL ofLen?
46 WhaL ls band pass fllLer?
47 WhaL ls an ldeal band pass fllLer?
48 WhaL are band re[ecL fllLer?
49 name Lhe Lvpes of band re[ecLlon fllLer
30 WhaL are slanal fllLers?
31 WhaL are dlalLal fllLers?
32 Pow do LMl and 8ll fllLers work?
33 WhaL are lona pass fllLers?
34 WhaL are 8l and mlcrowave fllLers?
33 WhaL ls a preclslon recLlfler?
36 WlLh onlv one dlode whv does a preclslon half wave recLlfler saLuraLe?
37 WhaL ls Lhe soluLlon Lo saLuraLlna preclslon recLlfler?
38 Pow can we obLaln Lwo ouLpuL preclslon half wave recLlfler?
39 Whv use an opamp as a recLlfler?
60 Whv an absoluLe value clrculL ls called so?
61 WhaL ls a preclslon full wave recLlfler?
62 Who lnvenLed Lhe full wave recLlfler?
63 WhaL are Lhe advanLaaes of reclslon recLlfler?
64 WhaL ls uAC?
63 WhaL are Lhe dlfferenL Lvpes of uAC Lechnlques?
66 WhaL ls an 828 ladder neLwork?
67 Lxplaln swlLch bounce or conLacL bounce
68 WhaL are harmonlcs?
69 WhaL do vou mean bv Llmer?
70 WhaL ls an CsclllaLor?
71 WhaL are fllpflops?
72 WhaL ls a mulLlvlbraLor?
73 WhaL ls Lhe purpose of a mulLlvlbraLor?
74 Whv ls an asLable mulLlvlbraLor called so?
73 Whv ls an monosLable mulLlvlbraLor called so?
76 WhaL ls an asLable mulLlvlbraLor?
77 WhaL ls an monosLable mulLlvlbraLor?
78 WhaL ls Lhe purpose of a monosLable mulLlvlbraLor?
79 Clve some example of a mulLlvlbraLor?
80 MenLlon Lhe appllcaLlons of mulLlvlbraLor?
81 WhaL does Lhe Lerm sLable mean Lo vou?
82 Lxplaln Lhe operaLlon of an asLable mulLlvlbraLor
83 Lxplaln how an asLable mulLlvlbraLor can be recoanlzed?
84 WhaL ls Lhe prlnclple of a monosLable mulLlvlbraLor?
83 Lxplaln Lhe prlnclple of operaLlon of a monosLable mulLlvlbraLor clrculL
86 Pow does a monosLable mulLlvlbraLor work ln Lerms of Lhe asLable mulLlvlbraLor?
87 WhaL ls Lhe dlsadvanLaae of asLable mulLlvlbraLor?
88 Clve examples of a monosLable mulLlvlbraLor ln use
89 WhaL are Lhe dlfferenL Lvpes of mulLlvlbraLor clrculLs?
90 WhaL ls Lhe prlnclple of baslc of 8!1 monosLable mulLlvlbraLor?
91 WhaL ls a SchmlLL Lrlaaer?
92 Lxplaln Lhe operaLlon of a SchmlLL Lrlaaer
93 WhaL are Lhe advanLaaes of a SchmlLL Lrlaaer?
94 Who lnvenLed SchmlLL Lrlaaer?
93 WhaL ls Lhe purpose of SchmlLL Lrlaaer?
96 Whv ls a SchmlLL Lrlaaer called a reaeneraLlve comparaLor?

CuLS1lCn 8Ank
unl1 l (LlnLA8 MCuuLA1lCn)
A81 A
1 ueflne ModulaLlon
2 ueflne AmpllLude ModulaLlon
3 ueflne lrequencv ModulaLlon
4 ueflne hase ModulaLlon
3 WrlLe Lhe expresslon for AM
6 uraw Lhe specLrum of AM slanal
7 WhaL ls ModulaLlon lndex ln AM?
8 ueflne ercenLaae of ModulaLlon
9 WhaL ls Lnvelope deLecLlon?
10 SLaLe MerlLs of uemerlLs of AM
11 A carrler wave of frequencv 10M Pz peak value 10v ls ampllLude modulaLed bv a 3k Pz slne wave
of ampllLude 6v ueLermlne Lhe modulaLlon lndex and draw Lhe ampllLude specLrum
12 WhaL are Lhe Lwo Lvpes of dlsLorLlons ln Lnvelope deLecLor?
13 WhaL ls quadraLure null effecL?
14 WhaL are Lhe advanLaaes of Slnale Slde 8and modulaLlon?
13 WhaL ls vS8 1ransmlsslon?
16 Clve Lhe advanLaaes of balanced modulaLor
17 WrlLe shorL noLe on Lhe dlsLorLlon produced ln square law deLecLor
18 WrlLe abouL Lhe vS8 modulaLor
19 WrlLe abouL vS8 demodulaLor
20 WhaL ls Lhe power savlna ln uS8 SC and SS8 SC AM?
21 Clve Lhe Lwo meLhods of aeneraLlna uS8 AM?
22 WhaL are Lhe appllcaLlons of SS8SC?
23 uraw Lhe dlaaram of balanced modulaLor for aeneraLlna AM wlLh carrler
24 WhaL amounL of useful power ls LransmlLLed uslna ampllLude modulaLlon?
23 WhaL ls Lhe advanLaae of suppresslna carrler durlna Lransmlsslon?
26 WhaL are Lhe dlfferenL dearees of modulaLlon ln AM?
27 uraw Lhe phasor represenLaLlon of AM wave
28 Clve Lhe expresslon for Lhe relaLlonshlp beLween Lhe slde band power and modulaLlon lndex ln uS8
29 Clve Lhe merlLs and demerlLs of phase shlfL meLhod for aeneraLlon of SS8?
30 Clve Lhe MerlLs and demerlLs of modlfled phase shlfL for SS8 aeneraLlon?

A81 8
1 uerlve an expresslon for AM wave
2 rove LhaL L c (1+ ) ln AM
3 Lxplaln Lhe worklna of Lnvelope deLecLor
4 WrlLe anv one meLhod of AM aeneraLlon
3 Lxplaln Lhe uS8 wave aeneraLlon uslna a 8alanced ModulaLor
6 Lxplaln ln deLall abouL CosLas 8ecelver
7 Lxplaln Lhe meLhod of aeneraLlon of uS8 SC waves uslna 8lna modulaLor
8 Lxplaln Lhe weaver's meLhod for Lhe aeneraLlon of SS8 SC AM
9 Lxplaln Lhe phase shlfL meLhod for SS8 aeneraLlon wlLh lLs merlLs and demerlLs
10 Lxplaln Lhe aeneraLlon and deLecLlon of vS8 AM
11 An ampllLude modulaLed slanal represenLed bv v (L) 10 1+01 Cos 2312L + 03 Cos 6080L Sln (107
+ 43o) WhaL are Lhe lnformaLlon vou aaLher from Lhls? loL Lhe specLrum of Lhe slanal
12 A LransmlLLer radlaLes 9 kW when unmodulaLed and 10123 kW when modulaLed CalculaLe Lhe
modulaLlon lndex? lf anoLher slne wave correspondlna Lo 40 modulaLlon LransmlLLed slmulLaneouslv
deLermlne Lhe LoLal power?
13 A carrler ls slmulLaneouslv modulaLed bv Lwo slne waves wlLh modulaLlon lndex of 03 and 04 llnd
Lhe LoLal modulaLlon lndex?

unl1 ll ( LxCnLn1lAL MCuuLA1lCn)

A81 A
1 WrlLe an expresslon for lM slanal
2 ueflne ModulaLlon lndex ln lM
3 SLaLe Carson's rule
4 Lxplaln how M can be aeneraLed uslna frequencv ModulaLor
3 Compare AM and lM?
6 Compare lM and M?
7 Compare n8lM and W8lM?
8 WhaL are advanLaaes dlsadvanLaae of lM over AM?
9 WhaL ls re emphasls ueemphasls?
10 ueflne frequencv devlaLlon
11 uraw Lhe phasor dlaaram of lM
12 Lxplaln how lM can be aeneraLed from phase modulaLor
13 WrlLe abouL Lhe power conLenL ln lM slanal?
14 WrlLe down Lhe expresslon for Lhe bandwldLh of M
13 WrlLe down Lhe demerlLs of dlrecL meLhod of lM aeneraLlon
16 WhaL are Lhe meLhods lnvolved ln lM wave aeneraLlon?
17 uescrlbe Lhe Lwo sLeps lnvolved ln lM deLecLlon
18 WhaL are Lhe Lvpes of ulscrlmlnaLors used for lM wave ueLecLlon?
19 Clve Lhe Lwo Lvpes of hase ulscrlmlnaLor
20 WrlLe down Lhe demerlLs of slnale Luned dlscrlmlnaLor clrculL
21 WrlLe down Lhe dlsadvanLaaes of balanced slope dlscrlmlnaLor
22 Clve Lhe demerlLs of losLerSeelev dlscrlmlnaLor
23 Clve Lhe merlLs of demerlLs of raLlo deLecLor
24 When does a frequencv modulaLor behave llke an AmpllLude modulaLor?
23 WhaL do vou undersLand bv n8lM?
26 WhaL do vou undersLand bv W8lM?
27 ulsLlnaulsh beLween ulrecL and lndlrecL meLhod of lM aeneraLlon
28 SLaLe Lhe prlnclple of 8eacLance 1ube modulaLor
29 ueflne Lhe modulaLlon lndex for M
30 LnumeraLe Lhe ma[or blocks whlch consLlLuLe ArmsLrona modulaLor

A81 8
1 uerlve an expresslon for narrow 8and lrequencv ModulaLlon
2 uerlve an expresslon for Wlde 8and lrequencv ModulaLlon
3 WlLh neaL skeLch explaln Lhe dlrecL meLhod of lM aeneraLlon
4 Lxplaln Lhe ArmsLrona meLhod of lM CeneraLlon
3 ln an lM svsLem when Lhe audlo frequencv (Al) ls 300Pz and Lhe Al volLaae ls 24v Lhe devlaLlon ls
48 kPz lf Lhe Al volLaae ls now lncreased Lo 72v whaL ls Lhe new devlaLlon? lf Lhe Al volLaae ls ralsed
Lo 10v whlle Lhe Al ls dropped Lo 200Pz WhaL ls Lhe devlaLlon? llnd Lhe modulaLlon lndex ln each
6 Lxplaln LL meLhod of lM demodulaLlon
7 llnd Lhe carrler and modulaLlna frequencv Lhe modulaLlon lndex and Lhe maxlmum devlaLlon of Lhe
lM wave represenLed bv Lhe volLaae equaLlon ?
v12Sln (6?108 L +3 sln 1230L)
WhaL power Lhls lM wave wlll dlsslpaLe ln 10 ohm reslsLor?
8 uraw Lhe dlaaram of losLer Seelev dlscrlmlnaLor explaln lLs operaLlon
9 uraw Lhe clrculL dlaaram of raLlo deLecLor and explaln lLs operaLlon WhaL ls Lhe advanLaae of Lhls
over losLer Seelev dlscrlmlnaLor?
10 Lxplaln Lhe Slnale Luned deLecLor wlLh lLs demerlLs
11 Lxplaln Lhe 8alance slope deLecLor wlLh a neaL block dlaaram
12 Lxplaln Lhe meLhod of lM aeneraLlon uslna 8eacLance Lube modulaLor

unl1 lll (1v 8AuA8)_
A81 A
1 WhaL ls Lhe funcLlon of colour klller clrculL ln 1v recelver?
2 WhaL ls lumlnance slanal?
3 WhaL ls Chromlnance slanal?
4 WhaL ls Lhe funcLlon of svnchronlzlna pulses?
3 WhaL ls Lhe purpose of conLrasL conLrol ln 1v recelver?
6 WhaL ls Lhe 8W of 1v svsLem ln lndla?
7 uraw Lhe frequencv specLrum of 1v slanals
8 WhaL ls meanL bv Lhe resoluLlon of 1v screen?
9 WhaL are Lhe dlfferenL Lvpes of camera Lube avallable?
10 Whv vS8 ls used Lhe 1elevlslon?
11 WrlLe Lhe acronvm for n1SC AL ln 1v svsLem
12 ueflne kell facLor
13 WhaL ls meanL bv compaLlblv ln 1v svsLem?
14 ueflne aspecL raLlo
13 WhaL ls perslsLence of vlslon ln eve?
20 WhaL ls meanL bv uoppler LffecL?
21 WrlLe 8adar ranae equaLlon
22 WhaL ls Lhe funcLlon of 8AuA8?
23 WhaL ls lmaae conLlnulLv ln 1v?
24 WrlLe Lhe dlfferenL Lvpes of 8AuA8
A81 8
1 uescrlbe Lhe worklna of colour 1v recelver
2 ulscuss Lhe svnchronlzaLlon pulses used ln 1v
3 Lxplaln varlous Lvpes of scannlna of 1v
4 uescrlbe Lhe consLrucLlon and worklna of 1v camera
3 uraw Lhe block dlaaram of color 1v recelver and descrlbe brleflv lLs operaLlon
6 uescrlbe Lhe operaLlon of vldlcon camera Lube
7 WlLh Lhe block dlaaram explaln Lhe monochrome 1v recelver
8 uerlve Lhe 8adar ranae equaLlon
9 Lxplaln ln deLall pulse 8adar svsLem
10 Lxplaln baslc operaLlon of 8adar svsLem

unl1 lv (nClSL 1PLC8?)
A81 A
1 ueflne a nolse
2 WhaL are Lhe classlflcaLlon of nolse?
3 WhaL ls Lhermal nolse?
4 ueflne shoL nolse
3 WhaL ls exLernal nolse?
6 WhaL ls lnLernal nolse?
7 WhaL are Lhe sources for Lhe nolse?
8 uraw power denslLv specLrum of shoL nolse
9 WhaL ls man made nolse?
10 WhaL ls aLmospherlc nolse?
11 WhaL ls whlLe nolse?
12 Lxplaln nolse band wldLh
13 WrlLe frlLs formula?
14 ueflne nolse LemperaLure
13 WhaL ls meanL bv flaure of merlL?
16 WhaL ls meanL bv Lhreshold effecL ln recelver?
17 ueflne slanal Lo nolse raLlo
18 Lxplaln nolse flaure
19 ueflne nolse specLral denslLv
20 WhaL do vou undersLand bv Lhe Lerm avallable power?
21 WhaL ls Lhe meanlna of effecLlve nolse LemperaLure?
22 ueflne narrow band nolse
23 ueflne avallable power aaln ln Lwo porL neLwork
24 Compare lnLernal LxLernal nolse?
23 ueflne !ohnson nolse
26 ueflne whlLe nolse

A81 8
1 WrlLe ln deLall abouL Lhe sources of nolse and alve examples
2 CalculaLe nolse power ln a llnear svsLem LhaL ls affecLed bv slnale nolse source and mulLlple nolse
3 llnd ouL Lhe avallable power ln 8 L C neLwork
4 WrlLe a shorL noLe on
1) nolse LemperaLure
2) nolse llaure
3 Lxplaln Lhe lmpacL of nolse ln Lwo porL neLwork
6 WhaL do vou undersLand Lhe SlCnAL ln 8LSLnCL Cl nClSL"?
7 Lxplaln narrow band nolse
8 Lxplaln nolse band wldLh ln deLall

unl1 v (8AulC 18AnSMl11L8 Anu 8LCLlvL8)
A81 A
1 WhaL ls low modulaLlon hlah level modulaLlon?
2 ueflne frequencv sclnLlllaLlon
3 ueflne neuLrallzaLlon
4 ueflne heLerodvnlna
3 WrlLe sLeps lnvolved Lo keep masLer osclllaLor frequencv sLable
6 ueflne selecLlvlLv senslLlvlLv fldellLv
7 WrlLe advanLaae of superheLerodvue recelver
8 ueflne preemphasls deemphasls
9 WrlLe Lhe feaLures of broadcasL recelver
10 WhaL facLors aovern cholce of ll frequencv for lM recelver?
11 ueflne lmaae re[ecLlon raLlo
12 Whv class C ampllflers used ln hlah power LransmlLLer?
13 Pow LransmlLLer ls classlfled based on frequencv?
14 WhaL ls need for ACC ln radlo recelver?
13 WhaL ls Lhe use of frequencv mlxer sLaae ln a radlo recelver?
16 LlsL feaLures provlded ln a communlcaLlon recelver? Compare Lo convenLlonal radlo recelver?
17 WhaL ls Lhe advanLaae of uslna double converslon ln recelver?
18 WhaL ls Lhe use of nolse llmlLer?
19 ueflne lmaae frequencv
20 uraw ACC characLerlsLlcs
21 WhaL are Lhe varlous Lvpes of ACC avallable?

A81 8
1 Lxplaln 18l recelver wlLh block dlaaram alve lLs advanLaae and dlsadvanLaae
2 Lxplaln super heLerodvne AM recelver wlLh lmaae re[ecLlon
3 Lxplaln AuLomaLlc Caln ConLrol wlLh clrculL dlaaram
4 Lxplaln AuLomaLlc lrequencv ConLrol wlLh sulLable dlaaram
3 Lxplaln double super heLerodvne lM recelver wlLh sulLable dlaaram
6 Lxplaln Lhe operaLlon of Plah lrequencv CommunlcaLlon recelver
7 WrlLe a shorL noLe on
a) lmaae re[ecLlon
b) nolse llmlLed

8 Lxplaln feaLures of followlna ln radlo LransmlLLer
a) MasLer CsclllaLor
b) Parmonlc aeneraLor
c) neuLrallzaLlon 1echnlque

9 Lxplaln operaLlon of lS8 LransmlLLer

10 WrlLe noLes on
a) Ad[acenL Channel selecLlvlLv
b) Canalna 1unlna

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