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Action Check Disclaimers

Action Check is an on-line elec- Table of Contents


tronic magazine dedicated to

the Alternity Science Fiction Cover Art: “The Tig” by TerroX
Roleplaying Game.
Page 3 Editorial [Jeff Ibach]
This work is offered free of Time to Play.
charge to all interested parties
and is not to be sold in any Page 4 Fleet Systems GV-1M [David A. Webb]
form. It may be printed if dis- An emergency vehicle for Star*Drive.
tributed free of charge.
Page 6 Supporting Cast [Neil Spicer]
This work supports the Alternity A fascinating character for Star*Drive.
roleplaying line, specifically the
Alternity Players Handbook and Page 8 The Stones of Ventriloquism [Dwayne Leonard]
Gamemaster Guide. In addition Communication made easy in Dark*Matter.
is supports the Campaign Set-
tings Star*Drive, Gamma Page 9 The Tig [TerroX]
World, Dark*Matter, and Tan- Amazing alien creatures for Star*Drive.
gents by Wizards of the Coast,
Inc. Alternity is a registered Page 10 Gridsites [Contributions and Staff)]
trademark of Wizards of the Deckplans from around the web.
Coast, Inc.
Page 11 The Drive Courier [Chris West]
The staff is not associated with The master of CG mapping gives us ship deck plans!
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
Page 13 Supporting Cast [Angelo Sargentini]
Wizards of the Coast, Inc.: A Concord Marine with kick!
Page 15 Darkness Descends [C. Kendrick Dunham ]
STAFF An alternate & dangerous Star*Drive campaign.
Publisher/Layout: Jeff Ibach
Editor: Jim Sharkey
Page 21 Ask the Oracle [Neil Spicer]
The Oracle: Neil Spicer
Your questions about Alternity answered for all.
Cover Design: Daryl Blasi
Page 25 Letters [Staff]
Our feedback is rolling in to create a new column!
E-Mail: actioncheck@hotmail.
com Important Errata From Last Issue!
WEB SITE Last issue the cover art was done by Dwayne Leonard, not
Enrico Fermi, and Enrico Fermi is also incorrectly listed in
BACK ISSUES his contributed articles, they should be credited to Leptonica
David Brin has granted us revo-
The people responsible for the credits in last
cable permission to use certain month’s issue have been sacked.
aspects of his UPLIFT universe
for small-scale play by sub-
scribers of Action Check, on an Action Check On-Line Magazine is published monthly by the New Jersey
amateur and a strictly non-fee, Role-Playing Game Association Network sanctioned club
nonprofit basis. He retains all “The Third Floor Fellowship”.
rights to the concepts and char- Issue #9, February 2001
acters in his works. Please see
the UPLIFT novels or go to for
more information. Action Check Magazine is not a publication of the RPGA Network.

Editorial: Time to Play
Action Check
Sometimes I wonder if our group has mental problems, or if it’s just dedica-

tion. We have folks that have missed family funerals to get to a game, and
we’ve had others (in the past) with excuses so lame you wonder if they have
To submit an article to Ac-
any control over their own lives. What I’m referring to is attendance and
tion Check magazine, read
campaign continuity. When faced with the facts that a regular player may and follow the guidelines
not be able to continue attending a session, we experiment with the same laid out at:
things game groups have for over 20 years:
Introduce a new player. This isn’t always easy for most groups. There are
always players looking for one another in game stores, online, or standing in And send all submissions
line at Burger King. Our group doesn’t really have this trouble. Jim and I (in txt, rtf or doc) to:
have happily surrounded ourselves with an overabundance of rabid gamers
ready to tackle anything Alternity has to throw at them. But what about story
continuity? If you weave a story that involves multiple PCs and one player Regular Features:
leaves, how does that effect your story? Do you quickly clean up such
threads? What about the new player (or worse: players) who come into a The Oracle: Ask your Alter-
campaign not knowing anything about the relationships, Supporting Cast, nity rules questions to our
group history, or dynamics? Just tell them what happened and hope they fit all-knowing Oracle and
in? There’s also the question of how the regular players, set in their ways, watch the answers appear!
who developed relations with the now-missing PCs, will deal with this new
blood. Transmissions: adventure
hooks, along the lines of
those previously found in
End the campaign and start a new group. This might not be an especially Dragon Magazine for the
bad idea. And it doesn’t even spell the ‘doom’ of a campaign necessarily. various campaign settings.
What if you started a new focus? For example, if your Star*Drive game con-
centrated on Concord Marines, you could all roll up deep space explorers Gridsites: Alternity related
and continue in the same universe. This isn’t always practical, especially if Web sites that deserve rec-
you have players with widely erratic schedules or sudden changes in timing ognition and serve a spe-
that can cause their absence. It also isn’t fair for the reliable ones who want cific purpose.
to create a long-term character and watch him grow to have to keep creat-
Creature Feature: Aliens,
ing new characters because half the group had to change game nights.
Creatures, Xenoforms, etc.
for the Alternity campaign
End the campaign. Not even an option, really, especially if you dedicate settings.
yourself to running this one game a week. But in the old days I had my
share of this. In fact, if I’m not mistaken, research shows the number one Futuretech: Gear, equip-
reason folks don’t continue campaigns is schedule and player attendance ment, vehicles, weapons,
difficulties. If you really enjoy the game and the time put into it, you should armor and other hardware
take the initiative to find a way for it to continue. Even if that means running for the Alternity game.
a smaller group, or asking a player to run a few sessions while you concen-
Supporting Cast: NPC stats
trate on finding new game players in your area, a campaign running full for insertion in Alternity
speed only to fall victim to scheduling problems tugs at the heartstrings of a games. All submissions
dedicated GM who must get up, get going, and save that game! must follow the Supporting
Cast Template in the Alter-
Some groups use rewards to encourage players with regular attendance to nity GMG!
continue their good habits. Some groups don’t even start a game until they
have a signed contract that everyone will see it through! And others sort of Reviews: of Alternity or re-
lollygag through the situation, running stories that are little more than week- lated-use product.
to-week one shots dealing with missing folks with excuses from “the artifact
Special FX: New FX/Psi or
made him vanish” to “he has a hangover on spiked Yoo-Hoo and must sleep mutations.
this night off in engineering!” How does your group deal with attendance
difficulties, and more importantly, what kind of campaign do you run and Plus cartoons, details of
how does that deal with missing players or problem schedules? campaign ideas, star sys-
tems, full adventures, etc.


By David A. Webb

Fleet Systems GV-1M Max 240 (149mph)

Type G
The GV-1 is the standard ground transport Durability 20/20/10
vehicle commonly purchased or leased by Avail Com
corporations for light duty in favorable envi- Cost 75K
ronments. The GV-1M is the medical trans-
port configuration most often encountered, Game notes: This vehicle can be found in
although the GV-1 chassis can be heavily nearly any civilized area of the galaxy.
reconfigured to meet many different needs Characters utilizing this vehicle for any rea-
as well. Measuring 7.25 meters long by 3.6 son will have to contend with the conse-
meters wide and 4.5 meters high, the GV-1 quences of misrepresenting the universal
is a tracked vehicle that uses triple lanthide sign of Non-Combatants/Medical Aid if they
cells with a Hi-Power Engine for a 72-hour do so. (This is defined as "treachery" and
range. The GV-1 can be staffed by as little illegal even on Earth today by nations that
as 1 person; it can carry up to 4 comforta- sign the Geneva Conventions.) This vehicle
bly, or 12-14 in extreme cases, such as an is not designed for combat or a combat
evacuation. zone and accordingly has no armor or
weapons. The GV1 series is built on a well
The GV-1M has two staffed positions: made chassis (20/20/10 durability of type
---Only the pilot is necessary for basic op- Good) and is even superior to SUVs. As
eration of the GV1-M such, it can take a respectable amount of
---Co-pilot is the primary medical attending. abuse for a civilian-grade asset. The lack
Pilot's station (also controls the Comm suite) of weight from armor allows the addition of
Co-Pilot's station (also controls the Surface fuel cells to achieve 72-hour operations.
Search Radar and IR Detector) The main hatch on the right side either
slides forward or lowers to form a 2.5m
Comm suite (Comm gear/Emergency Bea- ramp to facilitate moving the sick or
con/Inertial Compass) wounded. This particular vehicle bears the
Radar (Surface Search) corporate logo of Bright Star Medical Ser-
IR Detector vices, a "mega-corp HMO" in my game
Medical suite world. This will print out at nearly the per-
Rescue Gear fect scale for use with 25mm - 35mm minia-
Hi-Power engine tures; after all, this was designed by for use
with Alternity. This design was created
Weapons None based on "Chapter 10: Vehicles" in the Alter-
Armor None nity GameMaster Guide. Comments and
suggestions are welcome at the following e-
Skill Vehicle Operation -> Land mail address: ROGUEMORGAN@BIGNET.
(Tracked) NET
Drv 0
Acc 48 An image of this craft is on the following
Cruise 134 (83mph) page.

4 David A. Webb can be reached at


By Neil Spicer
FAYE MACKEIGAN Personal Information:
(formerly KR905 22GNE) Sex: Female
A Free Agent SCM for Alternity Star*Drive Motivation: Discovery
Attitude: Ethical
(Note: This SCM is designed using the alternate Traits: Suspicious, Helpful
skill point system and the option for Psi Talents. If
you don’t use these rules, adjust her skills or level Background:
accordingly.) From the perspective of her superiors, Faye
MacKeigan was brought into the VoidCorp fold as
Level 5 Human Free Agent Explorer an orphan twenty-seven years ago, though she has
STR 9 (+1) INT 11 (+1) only officially worn the corporate mantle for five of
DEX 11 (+1) WIL 10 them. Today, she is a fugitive, having fled to the
CON 10 PER 9 jungles of Grith in order to hide from her masters.
Durability: 10/10/5/5 Since distinguishing herself as a capable explorer,
Action Check: 14+/13/6/3 she is privy to a number of secret VoidCorp survey
Move: sprint 20, run 12, walk 4 #Actions: 2 missions in and around the Corrivale system. The
Reaction Score: Ordinary/2 company currently views her as a security risk to
Last Resorts: 2 their plans for future development in the Verge.
Perks: Photo Memory
Flaws: Moderate Infamy (trumped up charges), Faye’s parents were actually Lucullan Supervisors
Powerful Enemy, Untrained Talent that fled Penates after being identified as practicing
Psionic Points: 5 Mindwalkers. While trying to escape the system
their ship was attacked and damaged, causing a
Attacks: range of navigational and life support problems just
Unarmed 12/6/3 d4s/d4+1s/d4+2s before making starfall. They inadvertently arrived
Pistol, 9mm 12/6/3 d4+1w/d4+2w/d4m in the Corrivale system and became easy prey for
Stutter Rifle 12/6/3 d6+3s/d8+3s/d12+3s the Sesheyan corsairs operating in and around the
jungle moon of Grith.
CF Softsuit d6 (LI), d6 (HI), d6-1 (En) Both of Faye’s parents and their servants were
slain, but the looting of their ship was cut short by
Skills: the arrival of an escort vessel from Iphus United, a
Athletics [9]-climb [10], jump [10]; Acrobatics [11]- former VoidCorp entity whose mining interests were
defensive martial arts [12]; Modern Ranged Weap- reclaimed by the parent corporation upon its return
ons [11]-pistol [12], rifle [12]; Stealth [11]-sneak to the Verge. After being rescued, Faye was taken
[12]; Vehicle Operation [11]-land [12]; Movement in by a miner’s family and immediately given an
[10]-swim [11], trailblazing [12]; Stamina [10]- employee designation number. Since then she has
endurance [11]; Survival [10]-survival training: jun- joined the Division of Exploration and worked her
gle [11]; Business [11]-corporate [12]; ESP [11]; way up the corporate ranks to the title of KR905
Knowledge [11]-computer operation [12], first aid 22GNE.
[12], language: Standard [14], language: Sheyan
[12], stellar nation: VoidCorp [14], system: Corrivale In her early years, Faye assisted her co-workers by
[12]; Navigation [11]-surface [12]; Awareness [10]- surveying the landscape of Iphus for profitable min-
perception [11]; Investigate [10]-search [11], track ing sites, completely oblivious to her Mindwalking
[11]; Deception [9]-bluff [10], bribe [10]; Interaction heritage. Though not a full-fledged Mindwalker,
[9]. Faye is a psionic talent. Her skills manifested very
slowly, taking the form of a photographic memory
Gear: at first, which served her well in exploring and map-
CF softsuit, Sirocco 100 stutter rifle, 9mm charge ping the surface of her homeworld. She has always
pistol, combat knife, and sensor gauntlet. taken pride in the fact that she’s never become lost

6 Neil Spicer can be reached at

as a result. Since the arrival of VoidCorp and her could still escape them through the autonomy of her
reassignment to off-world exploration, her powers position as a scout. She tends to be suspicious of

have grown to include rudimentary ESP. This dis- those she meets nowadays, never knowing if a
covery frightened her and to this day she is still re- VoidCorp agent lurks nearby. In some ways her
luctant to put the ability to frequent use. As a result, growing mental powers help to reassure her of
she is completely untrained in the various special- most people’s intentions, and after some initial shy-
ties of the skill. ness, she quickly adopts a friendly, helpful attitude.

After experiencing the hand of direct VoidCorp Fitting into a Campaign:

management for five years, and knowing its view of Faye can be an adversary or an ally, depending on
psionic abilities as just another corporate asset, the GM’s needs.
Faye had no illusions that her life as an explorer
would come to an end as soon as her supervisors As an enemy, Faye can be someone the heroes are
learned of her powers. Therefore, she took an ap- trying to track down on behalf of VoidCorp or a law
proved leave of absence to vacation in Downunder, enforcement agency. Her former masters have al-
a seedy trading post and shipyard near Grith’s ready filed a criminal record of trumped-up
southern pole. She never reported back, and wan- charges against her. Perhaps she has also run
dered off into the jungles in an attempt to keep her afoul of the local Sesheyan crime lords, and they
life just the way she likes it. seek to capture her for their own reasons. The he-
roes could be called in as neutral investigators who
The jungles of Grith are no place for the inexperi- unknowingly turn over an innocent woman, and
enced or foolish. Faye is neither. Her skills as an eventually have to rescue her again.
explorer, attention to detail, and minor precognitive
abilities have enabled her to survive and flourish in As an ally, Faye could hire on with the heroes as
the wilderness. She has had to avoid sable snakes, their guide through the Grith jungles, particularly if
gandercats, Sesheyan criminals, and VoidCorp they desire a hunting excursion or a visit to the ruins
agents. To date, none of them have succeeded in of Quenaalt. She could just as easily rescue them
threatening her freedom. She has even earned the from a less-skilled or deceitful guide. Alternatively,
respect of some of the local Sesheyans, gaining the they could encounter her in Diamond Point seeking
nickname Ga’Talai, or “Hunter of Ghostly Fire,” in an audience with the Mindanaoth Academy to bet-
honor of her tenacity, elusiveness, and reddish- ter understand her psionic talents. Or, they could
brown hair. also run into her while visiting Downunder on a re-
supply mission.
Currently, Faye is interested in the ruins of Que-
naalt. Her natural curiosity as a scout and explorer In either case, over several encounters, the GM can
draws her toward them. She can also be found hir- slowly reveal small details that allow the heroes to
ing herself out as a guide from the jungle cities of learn more of Faye’s past. Eventually, VoidCorp will
Uyellin or occasionally Diamond Point. She tends come knocking…even if they’ve already hired the
to avoid the latter because of the increased likeli- heroes to find Faye for them. When that happens,
hood of encountering a VoidCorp agent. But Dia- they’ll be more interested in eliminating her as a
mond Point also lures her because it contains the security risk than taking her back to stand trial for
Mindanaoth Academy for the training of Hatire any crimes she might have committed.
Mindwalkers. At least a small part of her wishes to
better understand her psionic powers, if for no If the heroes befriend her, Faye can be used as the
other reason than to control the unexpected pre- catalyst for a number of future adventures.
cognitive flashes she receives. Whether it’s helping her come to grips with her
newfound mental powers, turning the tables on
Faye stands 5’7” tall and weighs about 135 lbs. She VoidCorp by investigating and revealing some of
has light reddish-brown hair, pale skin, and blue their secrets, or rediscovering her parents’ origins,
eyes. She speaks a little Sheyan, dresses like a lo- the prospects are bright for some very interesting
cal of the Grith jungles and does whatever she can adventures. She could easily become a recurring
to avoid the attention of VoidCorp. Her personality character in their lives.
is that of an adventurous free spirit. The chains of
the corporate hierarchy were never really able to
hold her. Even while in the employ of VoidCorp, she


By Dwayne L. Leonard

The Stones of Ventriloquism Game Information:

These stones allow the users to project their
I created this item to allow normal people to voices up to one thousand kilometers.
hold conversations over great distances. To use the stones the players must make a
Originally designed as mystical wands for a WIL feat roll or a Resolve-Mental roll. The
fantasy setting, I think they definitely have a difficulty is based on the range of the other
place in the Dark Matter Universe. stone. If the range is 10 KM or less there are
no additional penalties to use the stones. A
Hope you enjoy and let me know what you range of up to 100 KM gives the user a +1
think. step penalty to use the stones. A range of up
to 1000 KM gives the user a +3 step penalty
The Stones of Izul Mahatseb to the roll.
Izul was a man obsessed with communica-
tion. Over his lifetime he mastered twelve The stone users can talk only for a limited
languages and learned the basics of at least time, as the stones are very tiring to use. On
sixteen more. He studied mirrors, the prop- an Ordinary success they can be used for 1
erties of materials and energy, and anything minute. A Good success allows the users to
else that would improve his grasp of commu- talk for up to 5 minutes. On an Amazing suc-
nication. cess the users can talk for up to 10 minutes.
After the time has passed, the person who
Even with all of his learning, Izul eventually activated the stone suffers one point of Fa-
turned to the study of magic to further his un- tigue. If the users wish to continue using the
derstanding of communication. He studied stone, one speaker or the other must pay an-
scrying, telepathy, and any other magic that other point of Fatigue to continue talking.
would allow him to improve his grasp of con-
veying information. The stones also have a secondary, but im-
portant, function. Anyone who knows how to
While Izul created many devices and strange use the stones can use one to locate the
artifacts, the most commonly known are the other if it is within range.
Stones of Ventriloquism. Pairs of these
stones will allow the two people who possess Ideas for use:
them to speak over great distances. One of the PCs or possibly an important NPC
receives only one stone as a gift. The char-
Ventriloquism Stones are made from rubies acter will have no clue as to what its purpose
and amethysts. The two stones will typically is but it definitely has one. Any time the char-
be carved in such a way as to fit together acter is alone near the stone, it will tell him
perfectly. Each set comes in a hand carved things. This could be useful information or
box with instructions on its use. Some stone an attempt to drive the character insane.
sets are made into matching rings or neck-
laces. The PCs could attempt to retrieve a set of
stones for some reason. Maybe they owe
someone a favor or they need them to go
somewhere radios won’t function.

8 Dwayne Leonard can be reached at


By TerroX

The Tig Alien Species mended as a hero species as they dislike earth
(illustration on front cover of this issue) atmosphere and cannot communicate verbally.

STR 12 d4+10 (+1) INT 10 d6+6 Form and Physiology

DEX 10 d4+8 (+1) WIL 8 d6+6 Tigs are a multi-legged, colourful, scorpion-like
CON 12 d4+10 PER 8 d6+6 species. They have a volcano-shaped body with
Durability: 12/12/6/6 a circular mouth on top. Four multi-jointed legs
Action Check: 14+/13/6/3 #Actions: 2 are attached to the body in a manner similar to
Move: sprint 26, run 18, walk 10 that of a spider, and two arm-like appendages
Reaction Score: Ordinary/2 with four-fingered pincers protrude from the
front of the body similar to the claws of a scor-
Attacks: pion. Lastly, a head-like appendage sits atop
Claw/Punch 14/7/3 d4+1s/d4+1w/d4+3w an apparent tail that springs from the rear of
Rare Psionics (cannot affect own species ex- the creature’s conical body - resembling a scor-
cept using contact) pion tail with a head in place of the stinger.
Although Tigs have mouths, they have not de-
Defenses: veloped a verbal language. Instead their
Natural Exoskeleton d6 (LI), d6-1 (HI), d4 (EN) strange visual organs are able to both send
Psionics (immune to harmful effects of own spe- and receive energy in the form of light and
cies) psionics. They also communicate using body
language. Tigs have an exoskeleton covered in
Ecological Data a tough skin of varying shades of orange, yel-
Biochemistry Series V low and black. They are an oxygen-breathing,
Environment Class 2 silicon-based life form, although their native at-
GRAPH G2/R2/A3/P2/H2 mosphere is poisonous to humans. They are
Biome Subterranean/Surface very alien.
Encounter Chance Rare
Group Size 5-100 Individuals History
Organization Community Tigs evolved on a world in the 'Humanities
Niche Omnivore/Silicon Organism Edge' star system many millennia ago; they
Intelligence Sentient were long gone when humans stumbled across
the habitable star system. Tigs colonised a few
Skills planets in the star system, using each for differ-
Stamina* [12]; Knowledge* [10]; Life Science* ent purposes - burial ground, dumping
[10]; Awareness* [8]; Interaction* [8]; Telepa- grounds, study, etc. but eventually their home-
thy* world’s atmosphere became too toxic for the
* free Broad Skill species to bear. Fearing the destruction of their
race, they moved to a new star system many
NOTES: Tigs encountered are usually level 8+ thousands of light-years away which could fa-
but do not possess many mindwalker psionic cilitate their unique needs perfectly.
skills due to their inability to affect each other.
The Tig is a species capable of space travel Tig reproduction has an extreme affect on the
and wielding highly advanced technology. The type of society they can support. Essentially
data that follows provides the GM with the infor- there are five different genders, four being simi-
mation needed to use the species as support- lar in appearance and one gender being radi-
ing cast members or extras. Tig are not recom-

TarroX can be reached at 9

cally different, resembling a vertical, slow-
moving small tower. These factors over time

have forged an unbreakable community spirit

among the entire race. All are equal; one life is
as important as thousands. They will always
attack as few targets at a time with as many at-
tacks as possible, ensuring that at least one
casualty is inflicted on the enemy, rather than At this site are many available starship deck
minor wounds to many. From the Tig point of plans, nice and generic for all PL7+ Alternity
view, this is a far more devastating and person- needs. line art, nice small download sizes
ally offensive action, sure to bring fear to the and interesting design work.
rest of the enemy race.
Tigs do not tend to specialize in any field or pro-
fession, although they have excellent warriors
and scientists. It is always through a lot of ex-
perience that a Tig will attain the high skill lev- Yes, Profantasy, the company who makes the
els they have. They do not choose a profession. maps in 90% of the worlds d20 products pos-
Average lifespan is 290 years with genetic tech- sible has some super starship deck plans
nology; otherwise their natural lifespan is only too! Toward the bottom is a link for “Starship
40 years. Library”. There are over 20 designs ready to
Tig spend long periods of time socializing. For pilfer and adapt. “But wait,” you say “don’t I
them, time seems to pass quickly; years can need to spend a bazillion dollars to get Cam-
pass and they will not notice. Tigs have a hive- paign Cartographer 2 to view them?” The an-
mind type government with no discernible ulti- swer is no. At their site is a free download-
mate ruler. Tig religion does not support a able CC2 Viewer package that lets you fully
higher power, only a belief in their own species. view CC2 maps from anywhere (file exten-
They cannot affect each other with Psionic at- sion FCW) on your PC without the full regis-
tacks except using contact to communicate tered version of CC2 installed.
within line of sight. They can also communicate Trust us on this, however: if you are at all
using body language.
comfortable with your computer and really
enjoy making maps, investing in CC2 is a
wise idea.
Tigs are neither expansionist nor aggressive,
but will defend and fight ferociously, mercilessly
when threatened even slightly with death.
They do not wear clothing, but do adorn them-
selves with trinkets, surgically inlaid precious
minerals, and designs. Tigs are as likely to col-
lect items as humans do.
A Tig will consider the death of a single fellow
Tig as a very serious event, and they expect
other sentient races to have the same belief.
Tigs are intelligent and so scientifically ad-
vanced that nearly all of their tools are consid-
ered artifacts. They look like colorful, organic
objects and sometimes seem to have a life of
their own as the object digs painlessly into flesh
and melds permanently with the host.


By Chris West

Chris West can be reached at

Check out Chris’ Web Site: 11

Chris West can be reached at

12 Check out Chris’ Web Site:

By Angelo Sargentini

Concord Marine Gunnery Sgt. Perks/Flaws

Raiko Vlasic Reputation, Code of Honor

Age 28 Reputation-
Reputation- A veteran of numerous battles, Sgt.
Ht. 1.75 meters. Vlasic has a reputation for being a courageous
Wt. 100 kg. and aggressive field tactician. His squad follows
Eyes: Brown commands without hesitation, confident that his
Hair: Black knowledge of battlefield environment has
Level 7 Combat Spec. snatched victory from the jaws of defeat on sev-
eral occasions. Most notable was his perform-
STR 11 (+1) INT 10 ance against the Klicks during the battle of
DEX 10 (+1) WIL 9 Rakke.
CON 9 PER 11
His position overrun by Klicks, the ammunition
Durability 9/9/5/5 Action Check 14+/13/6/3* exhausted, and his men dying around him, Vla-
Move sprint 20, run 12, walk 4 #actions:
#actions 3** sic called in orbital bombardment on his coordi-
Reaction score: Good/3 * Last resorts
resorts: 2 nates. Miraculously, he survived the barrage.
This action stalled the Klick advance and al-
* -d4 achievement bonus to action check. lowed dropships to evacuate survivors before
** Achievement bonus action. the Klicks could rally.

Attacks Code of Honor-

Honor- While some would consider this
Unarmed-brawl 12/6/3 code a flaw, Sgt. Vlasic is proud to uphold the
d4+1s/d4+2s/d4+3s LI/O integrity of the Corps and those that fought be-
If-3 11mm charge rifle 13/6/3* fore him.
d6+1w/d6+3w/d6+1m HI/o
*-d4 cbt spc skill bonus Concordian Marine Uniform Code of Conduct
Tracer grenade 12/6/3
d4+2w/d6+2w/d4+2m HI/G Article 1. Identity

Defenses I am a Concordian fighting being. I serve in the

Cerametal Armor: d6+1 (LI), d8+1 (HI), d6 (EN) forces that guard my nation and our way of life. I
am prepared to give my life in their defense.
Armor [11]-combat [12]; Athletics [11]-throw[12]; Article 2. Vow
Heavy Weapons [11]-direct [12], indirect [12]; I will never surrender of my own free will. If in
Unarmed [11]-brawl [12]; Modern 10-Rifle [13]; command, I will never surrender my unit while
Vehicle op [10]; Stamina [9]; Knowledge [10]- they still have the means to resist.
First aid [11], Marine history and protocol [11];
Tactics [10]-infantry* [14]; Awareness [9]- Article
Article 3. Priciples of the laws of war.
perception [11]; Resolve [9]; Interaction** [11]-
intimidate [11]; Leadership [11]-command [15] 1. Marines only fight enemy combatants.
2. Marines do not harm enemies who surrender.
* Tactics - Infantry rank bonus -d4 3. Marines do not torture or kill prisoners.
** Reputation perk provides -d4 to interaction/ 4. Marines never abandon fellow marines.
encounter skills. 5. Marines do not attack medical personnel, fa-
cilities or equipment.

Angelo Sargentini can be reached at 13

6. Marines do not destroy more than the mission In action Sgt. Vlasic first uses his knowledge of
requires. infantry tactics to position his men, providing a 1
7. Marines treat all civilians humanely. step penalty to the enemy. On subsequent ac-

8. Marines do not steal. tions he alternates using his command skill to

9. Marines do their best to prevent violations of provide a 1 step bonus to his men’s actions.
the laws of war. Raiko's Raiders is made up of three 4-man
fireteams. Usual maneuvers involve a leap frog
Gear pattern of movement where one fireteam lays
11 mm charge rifle; combat knife; cerametal ar- suppressing fire (providing up to a 3 step penalty
mor; load bearing equipment; first aid kit; comm to enemy forces), another engages the enemy
gear; imaging goggles, klick carapace neck- with direct weapons fire, and Raiko’s fireteam
lace. provides command and control and indirect
heavy weapons fire as needed.
Sgt. Vlasic has spent the past 10 years in the Sgt. Vlasic has learned that the Klick swarm
Concord marines. 10 years is a phenomenal maneuvers consist of closing rapidly with the en-
amount of time to remain on active duty in an emy and "grabbing their belt straps." By engag-
age where non-powered infantry survivability is ing in close quarter combat, Klick forces utilize
measure in seconds. Vlasic attributes his lon- their bioweakness field to disrupt unit cohesion
gevity to never forgetting the three constants of and make opposing forces reluctant to utilize
battle: heavy weapons fire.

"Who ever controls the high ground, wins the To counter this, his squad trains intensively in
battle. " "hitting the deck" and working with extremely
close fire support. This training is made easier
"Never send a marine if you can send a bullet by upgraded Starmech smart munitions that can
instead." orient their blast patterns to have minimal effect
on friendly signals.
"He who laughs last usually initiated a pre-
emptive strike. " Despite the increase in energy weapon perform-
ance, they are usually relegated to combat in
To the casual observer, Vlasic gives the impres- vacuum or thin atmosphere environments. Bat-
sion of a stern-faced warmonger and adrenaline tlefield lasers are usually used in the point de-
junky. His eyes give the impression of a person fense role for their dazzling capability to defeat
who has witnessed events aging him more than optically guided warheads or blind enemy per-
his fit 28 year-old body shows. sonnel.

His men revere Vlasic as a freakish lucky charm. Man portable weapons lack the power to over-
Those that follow his orders without hesitation come the range limitations atmosphere causes.
finish campaigns intact, those that don't get their Additionally, most energy weapons when fired in
remains shipped home in a poly-carbonate a substantial atmosphere produce DEW (direct
sack. energy weapon) lines that disclose the shooter’s
Sgt. Vlasic's unit is unofficially referred to as
"Raiko's Raiders." They are members of Mercury For these reasons, Raiko's Raider's use the
company’s 3rd platoon recon/marauding force 11mm charge rifle that remains the standard
operating in the Hammer's Star system. There is weapon issued to all marines. While operating
a mild competitive rivalry between Sgt. Vlasic in Klick territory, Raiko's Raiders use armor-
and Sgt. Luis Sanvictores (see pg.211 of the piercing ammunition and two squad support re-
Star*Drive Campaign Setting) con body tanks mounted with grenade launch-
ers outfitted with AP Blood Hound Smart gre-


By C. Kendrick Dunham

My campaign is a variant of the Star*Drive uni- surface dwelling Fraal as abominations of the
verse and can be easily adapted into any ongo- "pure" Illithid race. Racial hatred grew among
ing Star*Drive campaign. Let me know if this the Illithid communities, and they launched a
goes to publication by e-mailing me at massive attack on the Fraal by scorching the skies and depriving the Fraal of sunlight. A war
that lasted centuries soon followed. The Fraal
-C. Kendrick Dunham were losing the battle with the much more mili-
tant Illithids, primarily because of their ene-
Summary of contents: mies’ powerful mind blasts that shattered the
1. Campaign Background History of "Darkness psyches of even the Fraal. The Illithids discov-
Descends" Campaign ered that consuming the minds of the Fraal en-
2. Major Themes abled them to increase the power of their mind-
3. Illithid Verge Operative walking abilities. They also developed psi-
4. The Xylos Fraal restraint devices and soon began enslaving
5. Hammer's Star Asteroid Klick Leader many captured Fraal. Finally, the Fraal ac-
6. Alien/New Technology of Campaign cepted defeat and abandoned their homeworld
7. About the author of Fra to move to a
neighboring planet
1. Campaign Background (New Fra) to settle, al-
History of "Darkness De- lowing the Illithids full
scends" Campaign control of their home-
My campaign is based on world. The Illithids
the Star*Drive universe, lacked space-traveling
with a few twists. In the technology, and began
beginning of the cam- plotting how to eradi-
paign, the heroes dis- cate the Fraal from the
cover that the Fraal fled neighboring planet.
genocide by an alien race
that they lived with on The Fraal moved to the
their original home planet. new planet and en-
The history combines the countered a semi-
lives of four alien races: the Fraal, Klick, Kroath, sentient species that resembled armored spi-
and the Illithids (Mindflayers adapted from the ders. The Fraal domesticated the animals.
D&D campaign). Soon, the Fraal leaders decided that the
"spider-aliens" would make useful shock troops
It appears that the Fraal and the Illithids share against the Illithids with a little genetic and
a common genetic heritage, and evolved from psionic modification. The entire technology of
the same ancient species. The Illithids devel- the Fraal went into developing a breed of spe-
oped an amphibious nature in the core of the cies designed to protect the Fraal from the Il-
planet’s underground seas, and they were lithids. Within a few generations, the Fraal had
highly psionic, like the Fraal. created the Klicks. The Klicks were designed to
be sentient, highly organized tool users that
When the two species met, an uneasy alliance had the capability to weaken the minds of all
was made. The Fraal were a peace-loving race species except other Klicks and the Fraal.
that embraced the Illithids. The Illithids, how- Thus, the Klicks' bioweakness field was de-
ever, were no so amicable. The Illithids saw the signed by the Fraal. The Klicks were therefore

C. Kendrick Dunham can be reached at 15

immune to the powerful mindblast of the Il- tacked by the Klicks. The battle was devastat-
lithids. ing on both sides. The Klicks soon discovered

how to utilize asteroids as weapons. Many

Eventually, the Illithids did launch another at- Fraal cities on New Fra were lost in the initial
tack. The Fraal countered by unleashing thou- onslaught. In panic, the Fraal cities on New Fra
sands of transport vehicles filled to the brim (designed as spaceships with Drivespace tech-
with Klicks and a few Fraal commanders to the nology during the war with the Illithids)
now Illithid dominated world. The Klicks were launched into space. The Drivespace technol-
an amazing success. Most Illithids were de- ogy was untested; there was no such thing as
stroyed. The rest fled to the depths of the earth Drivespace Navigation. The Fraal abandoned
were they remained for centuries, but only after their homeworld in Megacity sized ships to the
releasing a military grade virus that destroyed unknown vastness of space.
most of the Fraal commanders that accompa-
nied the raiding party. Enslaved Fraal (called No two Fraal cityships have come into contact
"thralls," a term that is used to describe any with each other since they abandoned their
species enslaved by the Illithids) were either planet. For thousands of years many ships
used to combat the Klicks (and died), were mur- wandered the galaxy. One of the ships stum-
dered, or were taken as slaves by the Illithids to bled upon a wormhole near their system and
the depths of Fra. was accidentally sucked into this anomaly.
This same ship eventually made its way to the
The Fraal rejoiced at the defeat of the Illithids Sol system and became the first aliens that hu-
and began to organize a recolonization effort of mans encountered. Other Fraal cityships were
the original homeworld. However, the Klick in- simply lost. This one cityship is the source of all
vasion had had an unexpected side effect. The Fraal in Old Space and the Verge. All Fraal are
loss of so many Fraal commanders created a taught their history (called the Great Story of
power vacuum among the Klicks. Infighting be- Falling); all are also forbidden to tell it to other
gan. The Klicks were now warring among alien species. It is a crime to record the Great
themselves. The Fraal discovered that the Story in any way. The Fraal cityship has
Klicks were irretrievable and destroyed the re- spawned many other cityships, each becoming
maining crops on New Fra. The Fraal decided a kind of city-state, each with its own rules and
that the Klicks could be handled after their war regulations, all ruled under Common Fraal Law
among themselves ended. and in treaty with the Concord, except for one.
This ship, the Xylos (translation, "explorer") has
Nobody really knows how the Klicks developed made it its mission to find Old Fra or the other
social strata that involved Leader, Tech, War- Fraal ships that were launched into Drivespace.
rior, and Social castes. Some Fraal believe These Fraal are considered rebels to traditional
that they were organized by surviving Illithids. Fraal.
Others speculate that it was just a by-product of
the genetic programming and sentience given 2. Major Themes
to the Klicks by the Fraal. Regardless, Old Fra The Heroes
became the home planet of the Klicks. They This is a "space opera" theme with conspiracy
combined the psi-technology of the Fraal with and "Men in Black" components. The heroes
the strange biotechnology of the abandoned are working as Concord agents under the op-
Illithid cities and discovered black laser tech- eration code-named Black Shield. Their pri-
nology. They also became fiercely independent mary mission is to investigate External alien ac-
of other species and viewed themselves as ge- tivities in the Verge per Concord Command.
netic superiors to the Fraal and the Illithids. Af- Their goal is to ensure the survival of the Con-
ter all, they had defeated one, and could defeat cord and all those under Concord treaty from
the Fraal by simple numbers. possible External threats. They have an HQ at
the Lighthouse and access to a transport ship
It wasn't long until the Fraal were being at- and scout ship, most weapons, armor and tech-

nology, and many other Concord resources. The Average Verger
They have salaries as high-ranking Concord Believes that the Fraal are nice to help the Con-

officers. the heroes all know the history of the cord and that the Concord is nice to destroy the
Campaign and are well-informed on External mysterious Klicks which may pose a threat to
alien profiles. However, they must follow the the entire Verge. As long as the Concord stays
often enigmatic orders of the Concord, are con- out of the Verger's business, the average Verger
sidered Black Ops, and their existence as doesn’t care what it does. They are clueless, in
agents of the Concord may be denied at the essence, to the real scheme of things.
whim of the governing body, and they can The Klicks
never, ever, leave the Concord. Listed below is One theory on the Klicks is that they are part of
information that the heroes of the campaign an initial scouting team that is terraforming the
know or at least suspect. Hammer's Star system for eventual coloniza-
tion. The current Black Shield theory is that the
The Concord Klicks are still operating outside the power of
The heroes are only one circle of many working the Illithids.
under the Black Shield operation. No circle
knows of the other and each operates inde- The Illithids--Featured as Alien External Spe-
pendently of the others. All circles are consid- cies for Alternity in Dragon Magazine
ered "expendable." The Concord uses the cir- Black Shield has holovid evidence of an assas-
cles to keep tabs on External activities. Very sin operating in Lisbon that shows an Illithid-
few outside the Black Shield operation have shaped form underneath an exoskeletal armor
knowledge of it, even within Concord com- suit. The assassin killed some Rhodium Miner
mand. The Concord is very interested in the Union officials. Autopsies of the officials reveals
Hammer, because due to the history of the that one was missing all of his brain and had a
Fraal's coming to this part of the Galaxy via a 3 cm diameter hole in the back of his skull. It is
wormhole, the Klicks may have arrived the believed that this is the work of an Illithid. Its
same way. Finding the location of the worm- relationship with the RMU and why it was at Lis-
hole (a first for any in the Verge or Old Space) bon is unknown. Black Shield xenobiologists
is of primary importance to the Concord. have proposed that the Illithids have developed
a taste for the brains of sentient species given
The Fraal the history of the Illithids devouring Fraal brains
Concord believes that the Fraal have double to increase their own mindwalking abilities.
agents within Black Shield, but hasn't found a
mole yet. The Fraal fear what the knowledge of The Kroath
their history with the Klicks would do, and strive One Kroath ship was recovered in an acciden-
to keep it a secret. The Fraal have agreed to tal discovery by a group of freelance Rhodium
help the Concord by providing them with elite traders. The Kroath ship was built for speed
special forces troops in the battles in the Ham- and had little weaponry. Inside the ship, an
mer's Star System and Mindwalkers throughout exoskeletal armor similar to that worn by the
the Verge and Old Space. In exchange, the Illithid on the holovid (above) was discovered.
Concord keeps the history of the Fraal and This exoskeleton is currently in the possession
Klicks a secret and does not allow the Xylos of Black Shield scientists. Any information link-
Fraal near the Hammer's Star System. The Xy- ing Kroath to the Illithid is of primary concern to
los Fraal are trying to negotiate with the Con- the BS.
cord to allow the cityship in the system. They
feel that knowledge of how the Klicks got to the The Thuldans
Hammer would help them find their way back A Black Shield agent codenamed "Victor" disap-
home. They illegally send unmarked scouting peared after sending a secure DriveSat mes-
vessels into the Hammer system for recon and sage suggesting that the Thuldans have formed
information. some type of treaty with the Kroath. Any infor-
mation discovered by agents about this issue is

of primary concern to the BS. [12]*, Powered Weapon [14]; Acrobatics [14];
Ranged Weapons Modern [14] – Pistol [15];

3. Illithid Verge Operative/Assassin Stealth [14] – Hide [15], Sneak [15]; Movement
B'rorithid: Illithid, Biowarrior Mind Walker Lvl: 5 [16]; Knowledge [14] – First Aid [15] Life Sci-
ence, Genetics [17]; Resolve [14]; Deception
B'rorithid is the only known Illithid in the Verge. [13]; Interaction [13]
He receives his orders from the Highmind via
an alien artifact. He was the assassin in the Perks & Flaws: Alien Intuition (situational
holovideo. checks); Obsessed 1 (+1 penalty on all actions
when triggered = Must have 2d4 Thralls under
STR 11 (+1) INT 14 (+2) his command or will not follow his orders).
DEX 14 (+2) WIL 14 (+2)
CON 16 PER 13 EQUIPMENT: Bioholster, Protective goggles,
Pouches (2), 5 First aid kits, 5 RxPsi enhancers,
Durability 16/16/8/8 Action Check
Check 16+/15/7/3 Sensor gauntlet (in Illithid Exoskeletal Armor), 5
Action Check Modifier –d4 Psi-restraint collars, Illithid Highmind Necklace
Move sprint 24, run 16, walk 6, Easy swim 6, (contains parts of the HighMind's essence al-
Swim 12 #actions:
#actions 4 lowing B'rorthid to remain connected with his
Reaction score:
score: Amazing/4 Last resorts:
resorts 3 kin and communicate with the Highmind, also
allows communication with his thralls).
Can make 1 Psionic attack plus one of the 4. The Xylos Fraal
above M-Loi "War Mind" Fraal-Xylos Clan Female
Unarmed [untrained]: 5/ 2/ 1 d4+1s/d4+2s/d4+3s Mind Walker Mind Knight
unarmed combat modifier +d4 Honorable Deeper Meaning Honest, Confident

Weapons M-Loi is a Xylos operative agent. Her job is to

Psi Sword* 14/ 7/ 3 En/O determine where the Klicks are coming from.
d6+1w/2d6w/d4+3m* She has been given a tip by the Gardhyi that
Pistol_laser 15/ 7/ 3 En/O the heroes may know something about this in-
d4+1w/d6+1w/d4m formation.
Tentacle knives(4) 12/ 6/ 3 LI/O
d4+1w/d4+2w/d4+3w (4x) STR 7 INT 12 (+1)
DEX 7 WIL 16 (+3)
Defenses CON 10 PER 7
Illithid Exoskeletal Armor** 5/ 2/ 1 O
d6+1/d8+1/d6 Durability 10/10/5/5 Action Check 11+/10/5/2
Without Armor = 0 Move:
Move sprint 14, run 10, walk 4, Easy swim 2,
Swim 4 #actions:
#actions 3
Psionic Energy Points: 14 Reaction score Good/3 Last resorts
resorts: 0
Biokinesis [16]- Bioweapon [17], Control Me-
tabolism [17], Heal [17], Rejuvenate [18], Attacks
Transfer Damage [16], Awe [13] (costs 2), Tele- Power Martial Arts: 11/ 5/ 2 d6s/d6+2s/d4w
port [14] (costs 3-13), ESP [14], Clairaudience, unarmed combat modifier +d0
Clairvoyance, Empathy, Postcognition, Precog-
nition, Psychometry, Sensitivity, Mind Reading Defenses
all at [16]*, Telekinesis, Levitation, Photokinet- CF softsuit O d6/d6/d6-1
ics, Psychokinetics, Pyrokinetics all at [13], Mind
Blast [18] cost 4 Psionic Energy Points: 27

Melee Weapons [11]* - Blade [12], Bludgeon Athletics [7] – Climb [8]; Unarmed Attack [7] –

Power Martial Arts [11]; Manipulation [7]; Athletics [13] - Climb [18], Jump [16]; Unarmed
Ranged Weapons Modern [7] – Pistol [8]; attack [13] - brawl [18]; Modern Ranged Weap-

Stealth [7] – Sneak [8]; Vehicle Operation [7]; ons [11] –SMG [16], Rifle [16]; Stealth [11] -
Stamina [10]; Biokinesis [10] – Bioarmor [11], Hide [14], Sneak [14]; Stamina [12] - Endurance
Bioweapon [11], Heal [14]; Computer Science [16]; Movement [12]; Awareness [12] - Intuition
[12]; Knowledge [12]; ESP [12]; Awareness [16]; [14], Perception [16]; Knowldedge [12] - Com-
Telekinesis [16]; Kinetic Blow [17], Kinetic puter Operations [14]; Tactics [12] - Infantry
Shield [17]; Interaction [7] - Interview [8]; Te- [14], Space [14]; Leadership [10] - Command
lepathy [7] - Contact [11], Illusion [11], Mind [12]
Blast [11], Suggest [11]
Perks 6. Alien/New Technology of Campaign
Fast Recovery 3 ("Mindwalking" book) The Illithid equipment was inspired by the Il-
Increased Energy ("Mindwalking" book) lithid Monstrous Arcana D&D sourcebook.
Also, some unique devices designed for Black
Miscellaneous Gear Shield agents are presented
Passive ER
Cyber Tolerance 5/3/2 *The Illithid Psi Sword
Powered Psionic Weapon
5. Hammer's Star Asteroid Klick Leader Standard Damage: En/O
Kl' Kl' Klickic Kl Klick Leader d6+1w / 2d6w / d4+3m
Skill for use --Powered Weapon and/or
Kl' Kl' Klickic Kl is a commander for an asteroid Bioweapon (see below)
base in the Hammer's Star system (Use the Description--Like a Jedi Lightsaber except that
Klick Clack module for more information on the handle is filled with a viscous fluid made of
these asteroid bases). His asteroid has a spe- the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of the wielder, an-
cial function, it has a Drive engine. Why? Only other Mindwalker (whose life is sacrificed in the
the Klick command knows. Klickic doesn't think process), and a rare crystal found in the core of
the expense was worth it, but he's just following the planet Fra. Each Psi Sword is unique and
orders. His men have managed to capture a has a special ability (determined by the chart
live Kroath (located in the prison cell of the below). An Illithid who donates his CSF to the
base). pommel may activate the Psi Sword by mere
thought. When the sword is activated, the Il-
STR 13 (+2) INT 12 (+1) lithid can use the standard damage (see above)
DEX 11 (+1) WIL 12 (+1) or may seek to enhance the weapon’s power by
CON 12 PER 10 rolling against his Bioweapon skill (cost 10
psionic points). The results of that roll last for
Durability 22/11/6/6 Action Check 16+/15/7/3 10 rounds and are as follows:
Move sprint 28, run 18, walk 6 #actions:
#actions 2
Reaction score Ordinary/2 Last resorts:
resorts 2 Critical Failure = Psi Sword overloads and ex-
plodes causing 1d6+1w damage in a 15 meter
Attacks radius. Psi Sword is ruined.
Pincers (x2): 18/ 9/ 4 d6+2w/d8+2w/d4+2m Failure = Psi Sword malfunctions and is inac-
Blk Laser SMG: 16/ 8/ 4 d6+1w/d6+3w/ tive for 2d6 rounds.
d4+1m F/B/A 20/80/200 Ordinary = Psi Sword acts as a Good grade
weapon (En/G)
Defenses Good = As Ordinary, but damage is doubled
Armor: d8+1/d68+1/d8+2 unless victim struck is a Mindwalker (indicates
extra damage caused to psyche of an un-
DURABILITY trained mind)
Stun 22, Wound 11, Mortal 6, Fatigue 6 Amazing = As Good, plus can attack double
the normal rate per round (indicates a mental

link with weapon that is beyond comparison) Illithid). Knives have combat values of LI/G
d4+1w/d4+2w/d4+3w. Cannot use any other

Any Mindwalker or Illithid that tries to use a Psi attack form (except psionics) when utilizing
Sword that wasn't designed for him can do so these extensions.
with the Bioweapon skill. He can NEVER en- Suit acts as a hard e-suit when in space
hance the weapons functions. To determine (adapted for Illithid skin/mucus secretion physi-
the capacity of the Psi Sword in the new owner's ology, unacceptable for other aliens)
hands, roll the Bioweapon skill. Undetectable to IR scans (suit AI matches heat
signature to surrounding environment)
Critical Failure = Psi Sword overloads and ex-
plodes causing d4m damage in a 15 meter ra- Black Shield Cyber Implant--Mental Armor
dius. Psi sword is ruined. Cybernetic Enhancement (cost = 0 cyber toler-
Failure = Psi Sword overloads and explodes ance points)
causing 2d6w damage in a 15 meter radius. Psi This top secret device gives a +3 step penalty
sword is ruined. to any Mindwalker trying to affect the mind of a
Ordinary = Psi Sword is En/O weapon with Black Shield agent carrying this device
1d4w/1d6+1w/1m damage, user must reroll the (Suggestion, and Mind Reading for example).
next time he tries to activate the weapon. The device is permanent, and attempts to re-
Good = Psi Sword acts as normal. Must reroll move the device causes d4m damage to the
to reactivate weapon. agent and has a 19 in 20 chance of destroying
Amazing = Psi Sword acts as normal and user the device. The device has antiscan properties
has mastered control over weapon. As long as and is undetectable by most top line security
the Mindwalker is the only one that tries to use devices. All Black Shield agents have this im-
the Psi Sword, he does not have to reroll. If the plant
Psi Sword is used by another mindwalker then
the original mindwalker must reroll (despite Black Shield Blast Ring
Amazing result). Military Grade Weapons Device
Every agent has access to an antiscan weave
All users of a Psi Sword use the Melee enabled ring that has one of the two following
Weapon – Powered skill to hit. In the hands of powers: Act as a Powered Cestus for 10+d6
non-Mindwalkers, the Psi Sword does nothing. rounds or fires 4 bolts as if it was a Laser Pistol.
No other alien species has the technology to Using the weapons requires the appropriate
make a Psi Sword. If they studied for a year or skill checks. This weapon is generally used by
two, a Fraal psi-tech team might be able to de- agents in "tight" situations. Each ring is custom
cipher its construction. designed for use with an individual's biofield
(thus, is unusable for others). On a Critical Fail-
Illithid Exoskeletal Armor ure the ring causes d6 stun damage to the
Powered Armor acts as Cerametal Armor with wearer and is effectively destroyed. Once used
the following exceptions. the ring regenerates power in 1 Solar week.
Protection = d6+1/d8+1/d6 LI/HI/En
+2 step penalty added to a psionic attack di- 7. About the author.
rected at the Illithid wearing the armor C. Kendrick Dunham has been playing RPGs
The helmet has Glare Goggles, Binoculars, and for about 15 years. At the age of 26 Ken is now
Sensor Gauntlet built in (activated by psionic at medical school in North Carolina and can't
thought of wearer) and may have Cybernetic seem to find the time to game anymore. If you
Tentacle Combat Knife extensions each one ten are interested in Ken's Dungeons and Dragons
feet long (makes 4 tentacles project retractable (2nd edition) adventures, he has posted some
combat knives that make separate attacks to at
one or two opponnets in front of or flanking the



By Neil Spicer

AKA “Sage Advice” ness of these weapons for his or her campaign
Q: How does the metal a weapon (melee and
ranged) is made of affect its accuracy? Its dam-
dam- A number of house rules can be put forward to
age? Its range? What about advanced cera ceram-
m- explore such an element of realism in the game.
ics? Titanium javelins might enjoy a greater throwing
range. Depleted uranium or tungsten ammuni-
A: Presumably the whole idea of weapons manu- tion would certainly cause greater damage and
facturing lies within producing an item from the possibly enjoy a greater level of accuracy. Re-
toughest material (so it won't break, chip, or lose gardless of what new alloy a Gamemaster
its edge) while keeping it lightweight (so it's eas- chooses to make available within the game, cer-
ier to wield, throw, and carry) and yet still pre- tain aspects must be kept in mind when decid-
serve the original goal of causing the greatest ing how to adjust a weapon’s statistics based
damage. Of course, cost and practicality often upon it. Weight, flexibility, etc. all factor into the
follow closely behind these things. In addition, equation. A titanium sword might be incredibly
there are always trade-offs among these criteria, durable but would be more flexible than steel. A
leading to the huge variety of weapons that are weapon like the T-Bar, although made out of the
available on the open market, both today and toughest alloy, would be incredibly heavy.
presumably in the future as well. These things make the alloy less useful in some
weapon designs and more useful in others. The
No distinct rules have been set down in the Alter- bottom line is to fully research any real-life met-
nity system for denoting how different sub- als that you choose to use in order to preserve
stances contribute to accuracy, damage, and the realism. Otherwise, just go with what the
range. It's more or less implied in the damage game system already provides or use your
ratings for the weapons that are scattered imagination.
across the various Progress Levels. A club, for
instance, being made of wood, does less dam- Q: In Gamma World, What advantages and dis- dis-
age than a metal shortsword: d4+1s/d4w/d4+1w advantages are there to having a duralloy sword
vs. d4w/d6w/d6+2w. A katana, after going and shield? In addition, can the current duralloy
through hundreds of folds in the forging process, be cut like the old version? Is it still a total con-
is slightly better than a saber: d4+2w/d6+2w/ ductor of heat?
d4+1m vs. d4w/d4+2w/2d4+1w.
A: Duralloy is a fictional metal in the Gamma
Despite those examples, it’s obvious that such World universe that has gone through almost as
factors do figure into the accuracy, damage, many incarnations as the game itself. Origi-
and range that are assigned to various weapons nally, it was described in the 1st edition of
in the Alternity system. For example, in the Gamma World as being virtually impervious to
Star*Drive campaign setting the T-Bar TN Blade all other substances and most energy sources.
is made from tungsten-neutronite, the toughest Duralloy was to Gamma World what tungsten-
conventional alloy known to man in the year neutronite is to Star*Drive; it was quite simply
2502. As such, it carries a much higher damage the toughest substance known at the time. You
rating than a normal dagger: d6w/d6+1w/d4m couldn’t even dent it.
LI/G vs. d4w/d4+1w/d4+2w LI/O. There’s no ex-
planation for exactly how to adjust the numbers Later, the 4th edition of Gamma World changed
based on whether a weapon is manufactured or elaborated upon duralloy’s description as
from such a superior alloy. It’s pretty much left having the “…unusual property of absorbing
up to each Gamemaster to judge the effective- and dissipating most forms of energy as heat.”

Questions on Alternity Rules should be sent to: ORACLE QUESTIONS at 21

It further described the metal as no longer being and its allies do, they still have the means of
immune to physical abuse. It could be dented or traveling from system to system. They accom-
broken, but not melted. It was also impossible to plish this through star rifts and gate activators.

carve it into a particular shape without the ad-

vanced technology of the Ancients. As such, a A star rift is actually an energy tunnel temporar-
duralloy sword would be almost impossible to ily brought into existence between two locations
create, but duralloy shields were certainly possi- through an immense power source. Power is
ble and were included as a Tech Level VI artifact something the Medurr have in great supply, en-
capable of partially dispersing any energy at- joying a PL 8 technology that allows them to
tack directed against it (i.e., reduce damage by glean more power from vacuum fluctuations
50%). than they have to expend to produce it, i.e., zero-
point energy. With such an endless resource
Unfortunately, with the revisions to the 5th edition available, the Medurr and their servant races
of Gamma World in the Alternity system and the developed PL 7 technology for matter transmis-
introduction of the Shadow Age alien invasion, sion in two distinct forms: permanent star rifts as
duralloy didn’t receive the same attention as be- dark metal circles orbiting a sun at a distance of
fore. As such, there are no game statistics for it about 1 AU, and large riftships which carry
in Alternity terms. It does receive a brief refer- smaller-scale devices inside them.
ence as a component in the Shadow Age armor
known as body tanks, but little else. This means The permanent star rifts are huge constructs
that Gamemasters are free to reintroduce the that actually use a sun’s energy to generate the
material as they see fit. A good guideline might vacuum fluctuations to power themselves. They
be the T-Bar TN Blade in the Star*Drive Arms & are invoked by special devices called gate acti-
Equipment Guide. Since it’s made of tungsten- vators on all Medurr ships wishing to journey to
neutronite, it represents the toughest material for another star system. They can do this by keying
its Progress Level, too. The metal is incredibly their destination to another known star rift gate,
dense and therefore deceptively heavy, lending or they can attempt to blindly jump to a random
itself better to a dagger than an actual sword. location where a terminating star rift doesn’t yet
Duralloy could be interpreted in much the same exist. A blind jump sends the ship d20+4 light-
way, and provided it could be reshaped, it might years into the unknown and can be even more
produce a weapon similar to the T-Bar in terms dangerous than starfalling without a set of coor-
of damage rating. Duralloy shields could also dinates. A controlled jump, however, to a known
be reintroduced, scaling up the protection of the location that contains another star rift, can trav-
Plasteel Shield with the following statistics: erse even longer distances. Regardless, the ac-
tual journey takes much less time than other FTL
PL Armor Skill AP Type technologies. For example, the Medurr in the
S Duralloy Shield combat +2 O Cambria system can make the trip to Lucullus in
only d8 hours as compared to the mandatory 121
LI/HI/En Hide Mass Cost hours of a comparable Verge Alliance ship with
+2/+2/+2 - 7 5000 a sizeable stardrive. No one knows exactly how
long it takes to travel from the Verge to the cen-
Q: In the Star*Drive universe,
universe, if the Medurr have ter of the Medurr Imperium, but undoubtedly the
no FTL drives for their ships, then how do they star rifts make the trip in much less time than
get from system to system? And why did Admiral anything humanity has ever encountered.
Sun attack them
them if they cannot move FTL?
The second method of star rift travel involves the
A: The Medurr were first introduced in the Alien use of Medurr riftships. These huge vessels
Compendium II: The Exploration of 2503 as a were first described in Zero Point, the Star*Drive
very expansionistic race of dragon-like lizards. novel by Rich Baker. Often they are sent out into
They constantly seek to expand their borders be- unknown space under the power of their sub-
cause of the intense competition that exists be- light engines as “sleeper” ships carrying several
tween the family members of each clan. Al- Medurr in suspended animation. The ship’s
though the Medurr don’t have Faster-Than-Light computers continue to monitor its sensors until a
drives on their ships in the way that humanity suitable system is found for conquering or colo-
nization before waking the crew. If the riftships ral Sun was directed to teach them a lesson. By
are discovered by another sentient species, they showing the Medurr enough strength to con-
also serve as a “Trojan horse” trap capable of vince them not to attack the vulnerable Verge


delivering an invasion force directly into the en- Alliance, they hope to preserve the peace with
emy’s stronghold through the star rift gate car- them long enough to deal with the I’krl Theoc-
ried on board. These ship borne star rifts are racy.
even sizeable enough to gate in more ships from
another location, as demonstrated in Zero Point, Q: What races make the ships described in Ex-
making the appearance of a Medurr riftship a ternals? (i.e. which are N'sss/Ravan, Klick,
bad omen indeed. As the crew of a riftship es- Bareem, etc.)
tablishes a viable colony or beachhead in a par-
ticular system, the star rift on board is carefully According to the Externals ESD there are only a
dismantled and then reassembled with addi- handful of races among the I’krl Theocracy that
tional components to put a permanent one in or- hold the technology to manufacture starships.
bit around that system’s star. From that point on, The Sifarv, Thaal, Kadarans, and N’sss/Ravans
Medurr ships may freely come and go from the were starfaring races before joining the Theoc-
system through any other star rift gate as long as racy. The Ghardyi also have the capability to
they know the correct command code sequence travel the universe, but they use their cybernetic/
to initiate the transfer. psionic starwebs rather starships. The Klicks,
Kroath, Bareem, and Teln are all liberated races
Lastly, within a star system, Medurr ships still that were introduced to the stars by the other
possess very capable sub-light engines and can members.
travel to and from individual worlds with the
same speed as a Verge Alliance ship. Their ves- As for which ships are manufactured by what
sels also contain a formidable semi-organic races, the Kadarans are the quintessential Tech
compound as resistant to damage as the heavi- Ops for most of the I’krl Theocracy, using their
est neutronite plating. This combination of limit- technology to grow weapons and ships making
less power and incredible durability makes for a up more than 65% of the External fleet. The Si-
dangerous opponent. Also, since their ships farv contribute the Raptor light fighter and pre-
don’t have to make room for a stardrive, signifi- sumably several other ships considering their
cant space is freed up for more weapons and longer history of traveling the stars, especially
systems to enhance their combat effectiveness. the carriers that house their fighters. The Thaal
The Medurr are simply born to fight and their obviously craft the mammoth Cathedral ships.
ships reflect that personality. They also don’t And the Nsss/Ravans could probably make a
respect anything that can’t fight back. A show of good case for having contributed the Ray, Skate,
weakness toward them is an invitation to start a and Shark class vessels considering their jelly-
war. fish description and origins as aerial swimmers
of Jovian worlds. Anything beyond that isn’t dis-
With this attitude, the Medurr definitely represent cussed in the Externals ESD, so it’s all open to
a threat to the Verge Alliance during the External interpretation.
War, especially the Lucullus system. Humanity
hasn’t really come to a complete understanding Q: If the Lighthouse was destroyed in the Exter-
of the nature of Medurr society, specifically their nal War, why didn't they use their superweapon
internal strife between competing clan mem- as a last ditch defense?
bers. According to the timeline of the war, a dip-
lomatic mission to Cambria resulted in an unex- A: There’s actually no clear description of how
pected attack by the Medurr. In reality, the at- the Lighthouse met its fate in the External War.
tack was orchestrated by Stykor’s scheming sis- All we do know is that it was lost in the Battle of
ter, Teran, in a power play to dominate the re- Aegis while facing the External fortress ship,
gion for herself. The Verge Alliance has no way Phlegethon. According to the Externals ESD, Ad-
of understanding this, or who to believe. In addi- ministrator Wakefield intended to cripple the
tion, humanity can’t afford to wage a war on two alien ship and then board it in order to capture
fronts, and the Medurr only seem to recognize its Precursor tachyon cannon so it could be de-
and respect a show of force, which is why Admi- livered into the hands of the Verge Alliance. If
this was his goal, that could explain his reluc- the attack.
tance to use the Lighthouse’s superweapon as it
would have resulted in the loss of not only the The first scenario is certainly possible given the

Lighthouse (which would have been crippled as incredible technology and psionic powers of the
a result of using the weapon), but also the I’krl Theocracy. In that event, the Lighthouse
Phlegethon’s tachyon cannon. Would the trade- would have expended itself in a single fruitless
off have been worth it? Perhaps. But there are a attack before falling victim to the rest of the
few other reasons why the Verge Alliance might Exeat forces. This seems unlikely, however, con-
have withheld using such a last ditch effort. sidering that the Battle of Aegis ended with the
Verge Alliance driving away the invaders.
First, Administrator Wakefield never knew about
the superweapon. Michael Thayne was the real The second scenario seems more likely. Only a
power behind that secret and only shared it with handful of people knew about the Lighthouse’s
a select few individuals. Secondly, ejecting the secret weapon. Michael Thayne, Captain
station’s stardrive as a projectile weapon would Wistzec, Engineer Kevin Ochoa, the First
have totally wrecked the entire engineering sec- Prophet Galindus and his peers in the Orlamu
tion and killed any crewmembers in that section Theocracy, Prelate Tassina as their on-board
of the Lighthouse. Third, the remnants of the sta- representative, and lastly, Commander Jacob
tion would also have been crippled, largely with- Cohn, who was the weak link whom Captain
out power, the ability to function, or even move. Wistzec informed about the Lighthouse’s capa-
It would have been totally defenseless, and with- bilities despite Thayne’s blanket order to keep
out quick relief anyone in the station’s city would the secret to himself. Commander Jacob Cohn
have perished as well. Lastly, it would have could easily have fallen prey to a Teln tangle or
been more worthwhile to the Verge Alliance to a VoidCorp interrogation team that would have
keep the Lighthouse operational for as long as taken steps to disable the superweapon so it
possible in order to save their planetary head- couldn’t be used in the battle. This would have
quarters and the lives of the population of Aegis. forced Wakefield to continue the fight with just
Trading the station for the Phlegethon would not his conventional weaponry.
have staved off the inevitable. The Externals still
had enough forces to finish off the remainder of The third scenario certainly provides us with the
the Verge Alliance. So, the Lighthouse would most heroic image possible. In a last-ditch effort
probably have valiantly fought until the bitter to deny the Externals the use of the Precursors’
end, unwilling to cripple its remaining guns by tachyon cannon and win the Battle of Aegis, Mi-
using its superweapon in a single attack that chael Thayne and Administrator Wakefield may
may or may not have worked against the supe- have agreed to fire the superweapon. Their vic-
rior technology of the Externals. tory in retaining the system would have been
short-lived as they realized that the Phlegethon
Despite these reasons, we don’t actually know if still survived and was simply starfalling in order
the Lighthouse refrained from using its super- to regroup. And, as the rest of the External ships
weapon or not. Like many other products in the bore down on the defenseless space station to
line of Alternity Star*Drive, the Externals ESD finish it off before following their flagship into
leaves much of the truth clouded in mystery, drivespace, the two Concord representatives
mostly so that Gamemasters are free to decide would have realized their sacrifice had accom-
their own interpretation. It’s important to note plished very little except to buy the Verge Alli-
that three other possibilities exist. The Light- ance more time.
house could have used the superweapon and
had it turned aside by Phlegethon’s shields. Or, Any of these are possible scenarios. Without fu-
it could have attempted to use the superweapon ture products from Hasbro/Wizards of the Coast
and had it foiled by the sabotage of an External for the Alternity Star*Drive line, we may never
spy or a VoidCorp traitor. Or, it could have used know exactly what happened to the Lighthouse.
the device and succeeded only partially in dam- But in the interim, feel free to choose your own
aging the Phlegethon, thereby driving it away, interpretation. And, in the words of one well-
but falling victim to the rest of the Exeat forces as respected member of the A-list…Good gaming!
it lay defenseless in the void of space following

By Action Check Staff

“Worst column name ever.” ble with a white board fitting the exact dimension of the
-Comic Book Guy. table. We can write everywhere on the table with a dry
ink pen. A true white board is quite expensive, but you
So, in the footsteps of so many magazines and can use a white sheet that goes in the bathroom walls to
comics before us, we’re holding a contest to name "look like" ceramic. Around 25$ Canadian for a 4 X 8
our new Letters page. Yes, Action Check is getting feet sheet. Cut the sheet to fit the size of your table and
feedback, more and more feedback, and there’s a put it on the table. Now you have a really large drawing
lot of wisdom out there to be shared. So send in board on your table....but you need some scaling markers
your ideas to! Send us to help you out for drawing the maps on it. You could
your letters on any Alternity topic. We may edit for draw a grid with a permanent pen on the board but we
content, but not necessarily editorial errors! found a better way. Instead, use a hammer and a nail and
make a tiny hole at each inch on your white board.
PREPARATION FEEDBACK I You'll get a grid made of tiny holes that won't go off
when you wash the board.
First, let me congratulate you for your excellent "Action A sound system is installed in the gaming room for mu-
check" monthly magazine. I am a veteran GM (first sic and the room is lighted with 5 oil lamps and some
game in 1983, with the D&D red box!) and I really ap- candles, for intimacy and ambiance. The room also has a
preciate all the efforts you put in that great magazine. computer for use by the DM and the players. On the
In your last magazine, you requested some feedback on computer, we display scanned maps, we play the MP3
the game preparation work we find invaluable. So here is messages I've done earlier, we use it as our mailing list
some information I'm willing to share with you. server, and we also use it to webcast our game to our
Here is how I get ready for my gaming sessions: remote players or spectators.
After reading the adventure many times, and writing Yes, we do live webcast our gaming sessions via the
down the npc sheets on my custom made template, then I web. This is useful for the player that could not make it
print some random names from a name generator (just in at this week gaming session, also for the occasional re-
case I need them), after that I try to find some mote player and to the friends that wish to take a look at
"messages" in the adventure that I could record in MP3 our games. The game is recorded and made available for
format. Exactly like the one on the TSR web site from one week. It is broadcasted via a cable modem at a 56k
the silver bell colony. I usually end up with more mes- quality. 2 Microphones and a webcam are used to broad-
sages that I have time to record. Could be a simple voice cast, along with the microsoft windows media encoder.
mail from a PC friend to the enigmatic "Mission impos- Roger Wilco is used and hosted on the gaming room
sible" type message from their superior. You can have a computer for people wishing to exchange comments on
look at the messages I've done so far at http://alternity. our game channel during the live broadcast., they are all in french and so is the Our mailing list. Any player that wish to talk to our com-
web site...sorry. rades may use our lyris free list manager to send an
The messages are done with Goldwave and Multiquence, email to everyone. No need to know the emails of every
great sharewares available on the net. The background player, he just sends in the email to the designated ad-
noises and special effects are taken from all over the dress and the list manager will do the job. All the mes-
internet, I still have some great sites on my other com- sages sent to this mail list are available on a news server
puter bookmarks so I can send them to you later if you're and also on a web server. This feature is really useful
interested. Once the messages are done, if a message is and appreciated from the players.
private (means for a single Character only) then I sent it After each game, the DM does a resume of the gaming
via email to that player. Other than that, they will be sessions and put it online. Then, he sends a message to
played during the game. I had a really good feedback the mailing list to notify everyone.
from many players about those messages and I think it's Our web site is used to keep track of the group finances
really worth it. Your players look at you with big eyes and ship status, it's the center of all things for the cam-
saying Wow! paign. The mp3s, the maps, photos, links to roger wilco,
The gaming session setting is quite impressive I think. webcast, maillist server, the resumes of each gaming ses-
Over the years, we added some really nice features to sions, etc. we could not do it anymore without the inter-
our sessions. net and the computers...funny ehh...where are the good
The table, we use no ordinary table. We covered the ta- old games with dices, pc sheet and a pencil?

One special note on our gaming sessions. You know, the most important rules to German language.
when the players all have kids, wife, home and work oc- Thus, I have now a fully 200 pages Rulebook and
cupations it may be difficult for them to be present each sometimes I write on (at the moment I translate the

week for each gaming session. Some of them are more different Stellar Nations).
absent then others, so to give some reward to the players Before I start to play a game session, I always
that are always present and to help everyone being on translate some few lines about the different star-
time (which is also a problem)....when the games begins systems my people are going to visit. After this I
at exactly 19h00 we throw 1D4. If it's a 1, then everyone always make copies of the maps and then I am
present will get 1 experience point for his charac- going to figure out the plot of the adventure.
ter. If not, then better luck next week :-) This is also one reason I write this email, because
Hope this helps, if you could put together an article in my opinion, it could be a good thing to collect
with the best suggestions from everyone that some of the adventure ideas of all the Alternity
would be great, I'm sure there is something we did fans out there, just like in the Alternity and
not think of and we'd like to try in our gaming ses- Stardrive books, and share it to everyone who
sions. reads your magazine.

-Steven Boudreault -Oliver Bischoff

Technically, we have, Steven, this column! In fu- I secretly can’t help but wonder how many re-
ture months we’ll be asking more direct questions quests you’ll get for that translation work! I know
in our editorials for feedback and your suggestions what you mean about Alternity being the perfect
are not just state of the art, but in some ways may engine for running a sci-fi campaign of your own
present the future of gaming, excellent suggestions! creation. That was my first draw to, and experi-
-JEFF ence with, Alternity as well. Sounds like your
group appreciates the efforts, long live your cam-
paign! -JEFF
My name is Oliver and I guess I am one of the very
few Alternity - Players in Germany. First I wish to
thank you for the great work, you are doing with
the Action Check magazine. I like it very much. This is an incredibly useful site, both for the player and
Next, you ask in the last issue, which kind of the GM. One thing which I and others have had some
preparation a gamemaster does for the Alternity trouble with is deciding on a good name for a character,
RPG. Thus, I have to say, that it is a lot of work. whether my own PC or an SCM that I'm introducing
In December 1998 I bought the core - rulebooks (usually with no forward planning whatsoever). This
and I figured out, that these rules are some of the website boasts over half a million names, male and fe-
best I ever had the pleasure to read (we are also male, and I've found quite a few interesting ones that I've
playing CoC, Shadowrun, Vampire and a german used for my characters. But this site goes far beyond
RPG, calld "Das schwarze Auge"). simply listing thousands of names, it also includes a
After this I bought the Stardirve books too and I brief analysis of what it means to have a particular name.
was fascinated about the possibilities to create a The Kabalarians have devised a systematic method for
mainstream SF - plot with a whole new back- determining a person's personality traits, gifts and hin-
ground, unknown by my friends and players. You drances, as well as health tendencies. In short, the brief
know, I like it to have my "own universe", not just description that goes with a name gives one a great
Starwars, older Startrek, which everyone knows guideline for an interesting personality to go along with
very well, and perhaps to well. it. I've gathered quite a few different names, with the
My problem was the fact, that only three of the personality descriptions and printed them out so that I
members of my RPG - group could understand have at my fingertips a unique and memorable SCM to
your language. Thus I have to translate some rules interact with the players on the fly. And for the player
and the background. who's stumped on what kind of character to try
At first I translated the timetable and after that I next, a good name and Kabalarian analysis can
whole historical story of human kind. After this I really jump-start the creative juices. Check it out:
translated the Character Creation with skills and click the button that says “What's in YOUR
vehicle- and combat rules. Finally I took the Mind- Name? - demonstration analysis.”
walker, Dataware and Starships books and get -Fredric Stewart

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