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4.8.3 Comparison of intrinsic a id Extrinsic Semiconductors 4.9 PN. JUNCTION Definition PN junction: When a Pype vemicon iscalled PN Junction tori joined to N-ype semiconductor, te contact surface Mest semiconductor devices contain one or more P)junetions. apiece is joined to apiece of N-type semiconductor in such a manner thet the crystal structure remains continuous at the Boundary, then a new sttucture called PN"junction is formed. Suc a PN junetion rakes a device which scaled semiconductor diode or PN junction diode Fi junction 1 Pay semi Fig, 113 PN junction. SE Fae et on {ueTu 20086, 200607 en just formed, there exists «concenration gradient near the junction, There are large numberof holes on P side while very Small number of oles on side. Ths holes stat moving fom Psdeto V side i.e. fomigh concentration trea towards low concentration area. This is called diffusion of hole from P side 10 side, RS ‘ _ ‘ Similarly the electrons on N side start diffusing across the son gusun <= {junction into P region. This initial diffusion is shown in Fig. 1.14 ‘As holes enter the N region, they find a number of donor atoms, ‘The holes recombine with the danor atoms. As donor atoms aecept ‘Additional holes. They become positively charged immobile ions. . This happens immediately when holes cross the junction hence: ‘umber of positively charged immobile ions get formed near the junction onside. 2S Homan Atoms on P side are acceptor atoms. The electrons diffusing Fig. 114 from N side to P side recombine with acceptor atoms on P side, ‘As acceptor atoms accept additional electrons, they become negatively charged immobile ions. Such negatively charged immobile ions get formed near the junetion on P- side. The formation of immobile ions near the junctions is shown in the Fig. 1.15, ‘As more numberof holes diffuse on NV side, large positive charge s junction, Eventually the diffusing holes which are positively charged, et repelled due to accumulated positive charge on N side and the diffusion of holes stops Similarly due to large negative charge accumulated on P side, the diffusing electrons get repelled and eventually the diffusion of electrons also stops. Inthe region near the junction, there exists a region of negative immobile charges on P side and a region of Positive immobile charges on N side. In this region there are no ‘mobile charge carriers. Such a region is called depletion region ‘or depletion layer or space - charge region. Thus, «barrier are set up against further movement of charge carriers ic. holes and electrons. Ths is called potential barrier or junction barrier, accumulated on N side near the (2 Barrier Potential [UPTU 2005.06) ‘Near the junction on one side there are many positive charges and on the other side there are many negative charges. According to Columb’s aw there exists a force between these opposite charges. The direetion ofan electric field is from positive towards negative charge. ‘The opposite charges existing near the junction creates a potential difference (Voltage) across the junction, The electric field between the charges is responsible for producing potential difference across ‘the junction. This potential difference has fixed polarity. tact as a 2arrer to the flow of electrons and hholes. across the junction. Hence this potential is called barrier fotential or junction potential or builtin potential barrier of PN junction. ‘The barrier potential is expressed in volts. Its valve is called height ofthe barrier. It is denoted as Vy Fig. 1.16 shows the unbiased PN junction Fig. 1.16 Unbiased PY junetion 1.10 THE PN JUNCTION DIODE | Detinion we i "The PN junction foms a popular semiconductor device called PN junction diode. The PN junction “fas two terminals called electrodes, one from P region and cher from N region. Duc to the two eles itis salle diode a+ eectrode). ‘Symbol of a Diode ‘The symbol of PN junction diode is shown in Fig. 1.17. The Pate fenton acts a8 anode while the N- region ats a3 cahode. The “s-———[> {arrowhead inthe symbol indicates the direction ofthe conventional current, which can flow when an external voltage is connected in py A a specific manner across the diode. * ph cheba 4.41 BIASING OF PN JUNCTION DIODE As seen, there is no current EM Forward Biasing of PN Junction Diodg-~ mn diode. To limit the eurrent, N junction diode. Fig. 1.18 (b) (@ Forward biasing | Fig, 1.18, Operation of forward Biased Diode ‘When the PIV junction is biased, as long as the applied voltage is I positive terminal pushes the holes from P to N region. Thu ‘ross the junction against barrier potential. Thus ‘This reduces the width of depletion region. ‘As forward voltage is increased, a a particular value the deplet such that large number of majority charge carriers can cross | current is due to the majority charge carriers. This action is shown ‘These majority carriers can travel around the closed circuit and «relatively large current flows. The direction of flow of electrons is from negative to postive of the battery. While the direction of the ‘conventional current is from positive to negative of the batery as shown in Fig. 1.19 Fig. 1.19 Forward biased PN jun Effect on the Depletion Region | ue to the forward bias voltage, more electrons flow into the depletion region, which reduces the number of postive ions. Similarly flow of holes reduces the number of neg tive ions. Ths reduces the ‘width of the depletion region as shown in Fig. 1.20 Fig. 1.20 1.11.2 Reverse Biasing of PN Junction Di Definition de upTu 2006-07, 2007-08) fan external d.c voltage is connected in such a way that the P region terminal of PN junction is connected tothe negative ofthe battery and the N-tegion terminal of a PN junction is connected to the positive terminal of the battery. The biasing condition is called reverse Junction iasing of a PN Circuit diagram Figure 1.21 (a) shows the connection ofa reverse biasing of PY junction while Fig. 1.21 (b) shows the symbolic representation ofa reverse biased diode. Operation of Reverse Biased Diode When the PN junction is reverse biased the negative terminal attracts the hole inthe P- region, away battery atracts the fee electrons in the N- region away from from the junction, The postive terminal the junction. No charge cartier is able to cross the junction. As electrons and holes both move away ffom the junction, the depletion region widens. This creates more positive ons in the N-region and more negative ions in the P-region, This is because the applied voltage increases the barrier potential. This is shown in the Fig. 122 /1e6 lege; = Lenn $a — vias Fig. 1.22 Depletion region widens in 1 ‘As depletion region widens barrier potential across the junction aso increases. However, this process ‘cannot continue fora long time. In the steady state, majority curent ceases as holes and electrons stop moving away from the junction. ‘The polarities of barrier potential are same as that ofthe applied voltage. Due to increased barrier potential the positive side drags the electrons from P-region towards the positive of batery. Similarly ‘negative side of barier potential drags the holes from N-region towards the negative of battery. The ‘electrons on P-side and holes on N- side are minority charge caries, which constitute the fevers biased condition. Thus reverse conduction takes place. The reverse curen flows due to minority charge carriers which are small number. Hence reverse current is always very small. Thus the reverse curent depends on the temperature ic, thermal peneration and not onthe reverse vollage applied. 4.42, DIODE CURRENT EQUATIO} The theoretical relationship between the voage andthe current in thé PN junction is given by 1,(é -1) ay whee = diode cance 1, = cide revere stmton cuenta oom temperate f V = Extemal voltage applied othe diode a ‘constant (Is | for germanium and 2 fr sion) Hl fn te a q 11,600 where = Botmann’s constant = 138 * 10-3 WK q = Electron charge = 1.6 « 10°! Columb. [At room temperature (= 300K) =26mv | [Hence the diode current with reverse bias can be obtained by reversing the sign ofthe applied voltage V. T= 1,(e7" a) Now. i VV, ‘then the term ois cel Therefne TI, ‘This equation is valid as long as the external voltage is below the breakdown value 1.13. VOLTAGE- AMPERE (V-/) CHAR AC Tenis CS) OF A DIODE Definition page 2 an al tetova l s togh : ‘function diode Whien it is forward biased or reverse biased. In order to know how a device responds when it is connected in an electrical circuit. FI ‘characteristics OFPN junction diodes analyzed. The V7 characteristics in the forward biased and ratio fiona of vole ali dod svn te soe cura Sa oils ks | EE : uncon Odes 114 VI CHARACTERISTICS OF AN IDEAL Dione Seis PY junction dade has good conduction (no loss) infra bss and no conduction (act ay open sw gneve bits. Figure 1.23) sows the cit dam ofan el die on é Feverse biased and forwand biased: When a eves bias voltage is applied curent housh te dio “0. The voltage seross ideal diode in reverse bias is MU ne vafmls Fig, 123 0) 17 cunts of nil ide, A Vi caracteRisnics OF A PRACTICAL DIODE: 1.45.1 Forward characteristics of a Practical PN junction diode Figure 1.24 shows the forward biased diode. The apliod came mtng tyke Yolage is V while the voltage across the diode is V,- The San ‘Guent flowing inthe circuit isthe forward current /, The ® >i— [UPTU 2007-08) ic curve can be divided into two regions. Sores eames Fig. 124 Circuit diagram for forward bias a — a Fe 125 Fo hacia 1. Region 00 P As ong a Fi es han et in Vlg (7 et fovng is rsa acl hi Curent atm ob aso Reson Po and onwards AsV incase oar he ih of depletion region goson sing. When Vexceds 1jieucuinvlage, te deo repontsomes ey hinand caren mane eySonoaly 2 shown in Fig 125. Th poi fer wich fran cre wee expecta Caled tae plat of be care 1.152 Reverse characteristics of Practical PN junction dlodg ~~ Figure 1.26 shows the reverse bissed dade, The revere voltage across dei wile the curent Aowing through the circuit due to minority charge carrier is reverse cant “The graph of fy agaist’ is called reverse carctrsic ofa diode. The polarity of reers voltage applied i opposite to that of forward volge. Hence in practic reverse vollage fis taken a negative, Similarly the reverse saturation curent is due to-minority carers and is opposite to the forwacd current. As revere voltage is ineeasd, reverse current increases inialy bt ater cern voltage, te curentrenains consent equal to reverse saturation currept J, though reverse voltage Fig. 1.26 Reverse biased diode Isinceasd. The point A where breakdown occurs and reverse curment increases rapidly is aed kne of he reverse characteristic as shown in Fig. 1.27 i eee 115 The Tan Fig. 127 Revene charcternics of a dode 1.18.3 Complete V1 characteristics of a Diode ‘The complete V1 characteristics of a diode is the combination of its forward as well as reverse ‘haracterstcs. Ths is shown in the Fig. 128 rece on Fig 1.28 Complete VI characteristics of a diode he uncon Dses| a 1.15.5. Effect of temperature on the Vicharactersties {UPTU 2001-02) ‘We know the expression for diode current is given by 9 e(.2) ‘When the voltage 1 is positive and several times of V,(¥”>> Vp) then the above equation may be 11, (¢™) a3 ‘When the voltage 7 negative (.. diode is reverse biased) and || is several times of Vy| V|>> Vp). then the equation (12) may be writen as i=], 4) The reverse current is therefore constant, independent ofthe applied reverse bias. Therefore, [, is called as reverse saturation current. The diode current, depends on temperature. Hence the characteristics is dependent on temperature. The effect of change in temperature cn the VI characteristics are shown in Fig. 130 1 ems tye2e fs Mors Fer same Vi, forward ‘rents more at higher temperate ve Tezre ke Fig. 1.30 Effect of temperature on V1 characteristics of a diode sump Jo pound voy yor si est snoSUSUT MINUTE ep SLL, wouana aapnodsa yeog °s aeuoae og un s9yty yon sanjen ‘usin prey Snsdsi yd jo Snide ions oy st Sue aan aAaAe aq CHAPTER | Diode Applications 2.4. INTRODUCTION ] Diode applications are mainly based on ts property of unidiectona conduction, In ideal case forward biased condition, tacts ax short eieuit while in revere biased coniton it acts a an open eieuit. The main application area of diodes ean be listed as below: 2.2. RECTIFIERS Definition ‘The process of a. t0 de. con rectification is called asa rectifier. aversion is known as rectfieaion. A cicuit which is used for ‘A rectifier is a circuit which is used to convert ac. voltage into pulsating dc voltage. It ean be | cassifed as follows \ 2.3. HALF-WAVE RECTIFIER Definition In half-wave rectification, the rectifier conducts current only during positive half-eycles of input puke solidi | eireute diagram : The basic eircuit diagram of half- wave rectfe In this circu it voltage to the stor R, + is shown in Fig. 2 vist own former couples &.c input transformer atthe input ofthe cicut. The trans i {A diode D ts connected between sec0nk former and wary of transform Fig. 2.41 Halvave rectifier circuit Operation of Half- wave rectifier circuit tive half eyele the other is negative half In ac. supply voltage, there are two half cycles, one is posi c 2 and waveforms generated by it, can be understood wel fom Fi : se] Te 1 ‘eyele. The operation ofthe this circuit ate shown in Fig (a) During Positive halfeycle (0) During negative halcycle Fig. 22 During positive half-cycle Dring the positive half eyele (0S ax m), the terminal 4 of secondary is positive w.rt terminal B, The diode D gets forward biased and hence possesses & low resistance gat (low resistance R,) to the ~ ‘current. The load current i, flows through the load resistor R, to produce output voltage V,, During Negative half-cycle During negative half eycle (n < ew $ 2x), the terminal B of secondary is positive wet terminal A and diode D becomes reverse biased and hence acts as an open switch. Therefore, no current flows inthe circuit (J, = 0) and the output voltage across load resistor is also zero (V,,= 0 V). Its clear from above discussion that diode D conducts only for one half cycle or in other words we ‘get only one half cycle of the input acrose the load. The output voluge obtained from this circuit is not ‘of constant magnitude but pulsating in nature. fo Diode Applications ry 2.3.1 Analysis of Half-Wave Rectifier Parameters ~~ ‘We assume that the input is sinusoidal, then the mathematical representation of sinusoidal signal is ¥,= Vy sin or QI) If we neglect the drop across the diode D, from Fig. 2.3 we have output voltage in the form vpn =%_ sino ;0Sarsn + 42.2) v.20 iRSorS2n ‘Similarly, the current iis represented as i=1,sinor — ;0Sarse ino insets 2n 2) S - 2 he aa \ where “eee h 1 Te lowing preter freer re ane 1. Average (4) lad cen 2 RMS. (as) kad cen 3. Form far 4 avenge) od votage 5 RMS (ac) lad volape Ripe er 1. va Va fens 9. Teanfomerwilton ator (TUF) Ao, Pearse voliage regulation ‘Average (d.> (Re+ RB) then o (2.33) RMS Load voltage [UPTU 2007-08] “The RMS value of load voltage is given by Vers Ioms * Re, Electronics Engineering (2.34) rae canioa i 20 y= (FFP - 1)? Substituting the value of form factor forthe full wave rectifier, we get y= (lary - 1"? 4 = 0.48 a ee. ame oe eer ere the quality ofthe dc voltage obtained from full wave rectifier is beter than that of haf wave rectifier, because the ripples present in the rectified output of full wave rectifiers are just 48% which are much ee ry cies Rectification Efficiency ‘Rectification efficiency is defined as 2, ton= BE x 100 (2.35) where Pose Nae Ry, Ang Pet ER 2.36) aod Pigg Fon’ * (Rp + Ba * Ry) a we aye meny 03 ode Appcations “Therefore, substituting equations (2.36) and (2.37) into equation (235) we have (2.38) If we assume (Ry + R,) << R, then equation (2.38) reduces to es 8 Jenene Uttization Factor (TUF) F retiod to calculate the TUF for fll wave ecifier with centre tapped ransformer is slightly different to that for half wave rectifier. For this circuit the TUF for primary and secondary windings is ‘eleulated separately, and the average ofthese two isthe TUF forthe circuit. This is because the half of secondary supplies the power to the load only forthe half cycle duration, while the current flows in the the primary winding for the full cycle of input voltage, Now Powe ‘a power mating of transformer For secondary winding: TUF = text, Toms * Fs a Pg 12) XO y I) (lg! SEV Wm 2) a Secondary TUF = 81.1% (2.39) ‘TUF for primary winding ie, For primary winding TUP=2.x TUF of HWR 0.287 (from HWR) Primary TUF=0:574 ‘Thus, the TUF for a fall wave rectifier with centre tapped transformer is given as ‘Tur = Primary TUF + Secondary TUF Diode Applications es of FWR with Centre Tapped Transformer 253 is half that of maximum induced voltage at second 1, The output maximum volta 2. DIV is tice that of HWR, therefore higher rating diodes are required 3, Increased cost due to centre tapped transformer isadvantag ; ary winding 2.6 FULL WAVE BRIDGE RECTIFIE! [UPTU 2000-01, 2003-04] Circuit diagram The main disadvantage thatthe centre- tapped tfansformer fullwave rectifier have is the high PIV and ensure of the centre tapped transformer. These can be overcome by using @ bridge of diodes as shown in Fig. 2.10. It is the basi circuit of full wave bridge rectifier. The transformer in this circuit is a simple step down transformer. The four diodes D,, D,, D, and D, are connected in the form of a bridge. Two diodes either D, and Dy or D, and D, conduct ata time, this gives the full wave rectification Fig, 2.10 Bridge rectifier cireuit Operation of the circuit During Positive half cycle During postive half eyele (ie, 0

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