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My name is Nicolai Vervain Moréna. You may call me Niko. You wanted to know my story?
My "story '' is my family's story. Just a series of events, secrets and line's crossed, that led me to
this current predicament. Let's start with my father. Cruel, cold and values his work over his own
blood. The man responsible for my sister's arrest(death) and most of my nightmares. Believe it
or not, he was once a different man. According to mother anyway. And I believe her. She said
he was driven but kind. He saw the potential in everything. It's thanks to him that two decades
ago, the research and study of Necromancy as a school of magic, was made legal by the crown,
under strict regulations of course. You see, he saw the potential in that too. A word that invokes
nightmares when uttered. People, even well knowledgeable people won't see it as anything
other than zombies, Liches, all things unholy and a violation of the sanctity of life. He, with the
aid of my mother, changed everything. That's actually how they met. {When father went to the
king and boldly requested that he be allowed to research necromancy, however he was able to
convince them.} He was finally allowed an opportunity, to convince the crown, that necromancy
can be used for the good of the kingdom, but only under strict scrutiny by the temple of the
raven queen. And that, was it. He was titled and given sole authority to spearhead further
research into necromancy and mother who had just become a high cleric of the matron was
assigned to watch over him and his work. Soon, they fell in love and even started to work
together. With mother bringing her religious expertise from being a cleric of a literal death god,
she brought in a unique perspective to their research and made great headway. We came
along, during the several years after. I have two siblings Bianca, the oldest, my step sister and
Salem, my younger brother by five years. And life was good.
Mother tried her best to separate work from life but we were raised to be wizards. Our home
was a magical treasure trove and she would joke, saying I learned to read spell runes before I
learned my ABCs. I was taught the ins and outs of arcane theory and learned the basics of
magic at a very young age. And while I wasn't watching over Salem, I was even allowed to help
out with their research in the laboratory. Soon I knew enough to do my own studies. Sister would
encourage me to work hard and I loved to show her everything that I learned while she was
away. She was the only one who found it funny when, one time, I made a cantrip to animate
dead Beatles to scared the gaurds. I could honestly say, I look up to her the most.
Sister wasn't around much since she was part of a Mercenary group and had other duties.
When we were little we thought she was our aunt because of the age gap and how infrequently
we saw her. She had the tactical mind of a soldier but she was also an arcane prodigy and
proved it whenever she returned. Bianca had known father the longest, yet her relationship with
him wasn't as strong as you'd expect. There were many-a cold shoulders and backtalk. But they
worked closely. At times, when they're both entrenched in a new project, their workplace
mannerisms mirrored each other. As far as I know Bianca was just as good a necromancer as
father was. Maybe that's why he did what he did. Knowing what I know now, I wouldn't be
surprised if it was simply jealousy. But I think there was something more. Something dark, that
drove Bianca to confront him like that. Something that drove father to have his own daughter
Sigh. I'm getting ahead of myself.
My mother, cleric of the Raven queen, Ma'hriel Lethebrook. She was headstrong and powerful.
Wise and beautiful. She was the heart of our little family. The chains that held us together. And
now I'm thinking, she also held back father's cruel side. Because everything fell apart, the day
she died.
Father locked himself away in his tower for weeks. Sister was away. And we were alone. Salem
took it the hardest. He wouldn't speak to me and became despondent. Salem was mother's
child, he was always with her following her around as she conducted her duties. We were taught
wizardry together but he was never interested in pursuing it. He'd write, paint and sing hymns at
the temple. He was a free spirit. But after mother's passing, he'd do none of them. He stays in
his room, and visits the temple often. We used to talk about everything. But now, he wouldn't
speak a word. Asking the other clerics, they say that they've heard him praying. That he blames
himself for not noticing mother's illness. For not being able to stop it. He wouldn't understand
that it was out of his control. That he couldn't have done anything.
This went on for three weeks when father finally came out from what I assume was grieving. He
had no kind word to say. No apologies. No words of consolation. Only a look of determination
and realisation(epiphany). In the coming years he began to teach us. He had us working on his
experiments and the research sanctioned by the crown. And other times he'd train us. Make us
carry out... experiments. What the training was for, I could only assume was to mold us to be
more like him. Because it was… cruel. He'd gaslight us with moments of kindness. Moments we
soon grew to be weary of. One such moment that scarred us significantly was the day he had us
choose a pet. We thought of the worst, most horrid things he would do but we couldn't do
anything about it so, we went ahead to pick. Sal chose a puppy and I chose one from the same
litter in hopes this would repair our bond. I just wanted him to talk to me again. And it did work.
Afterwards father ordered us to train them. And that's what we did for two years. Sal named his
pup Fester and mine was Olly. And we spent everyday playing with them and training them
when father worked in the sanctum and then, back to his lessons. It was quite the contrast but
having the time to spend with Sal and the dogs really made our day to day easier. Sister would
return every now and then and we'd take them on walks through the forest. She'd even teach us
ways to train them. Those were some of the most pleasant memories I have of my childhood.
After mother passed. Of Course all good things must come to an end, in this household.

One day.. we awoke and the dogs weren't there. We Searched for them all over the estate, until
father called us to the pigpens. He handed us both, two knives and told us to make it quick. We
were shellshocked. I've never seen Sal look so defeated. I blamed myself for thinking that this
would last. For hoping. Salem lurched in, as if every ounce of life he had was drained out of him.
And I followed. After that, It was all a blur. I remember how I felt. I remember seeing blood all
over my hands and on the knife I was clutching and Olly, unmoving, on my lap. And I don't
remember what I did after that. How I got back to the house. How I ended up in bed. I just
remember waking up in tears night after night having nightmares. I remember spending days in
my room. I remember how long those days were. Then Bianca came home and she was furious
at father. I woke up to the noise of her screaming at him , exchanging harsh dialogue. It even
got pretty violent. And this continued.
Bianca decided to leave her duties and stay. For our sake. Which changed things around the
house. They didn't work together anymore. Father mostly kept to himself doing his own work.
And sister set up her own workspace. More importantly, father stopped his lessons and left us
alone. And I was left alone to deal with everything that happened. But I was glad Bianca was

What did I just say about "all good things"? Yeah.

{Insert.Last straw- one final lesson. Sister becoming more and more focused on her work. In
secret. She disappears at times and know one sees her leaving. Father starting lessons again.
A final lesson}

They got into fights often. If they're weren't screaming at eachother, they were locked inside
their laboratories working on devil knows what. Meanwhile, Salem visited mother's temple more
and more. Like it was his escape from everything. One day I decided to go as well. And I
couldn't believe what I heard. Salem was speaking with the high priestess, and asking to join
them and become a cleric. And the priestess said all plans were made to relocate him. I didn't
know what to do. I was hurt and I ran home. What was waiting for me was an ugly sight. Half the
house erupted in flames and rubble and through it came Father and Bianca, locked in combat.
Bianca was shouting at father, saying how corrupted he is and how she won't allow him to
continue what he was doing. Father kept calm. He looked like he was enjoying this. More violent
spells were exchanged. And in that moment I couldn't do anything. I fell to the ground, petrified
by seeing the display of sheer strength of two powerful mages in combat. But it was over in a
matter of seconds. Father brought Bianca to her knees and before long, she was surrounded by
the royal guard being accused of treason{blinding spell sister death}. I was in tears. But then
she turned to me, gave me a smile and with a burst of magic she ceased to exist. And that
broke me. I was losing everyone I had. The guards questions everyone and cleaned out her
room and workplace. I don't think Salem returned from the temple those two days and I was
alone in a broken house. And I felt so lost. I didn't want to live there anymore. But one night, as I
was laying there in my room. I felt something nudge me. It was a presence I felt familiar with but
I didn't know what to make of it. It tugged at my clothes and I felt like it was leading me
somewhere. And I followed. I thought of what a bad idea that was but again, that familiar feeling
I got from this invisible presence had me at ease. It led me out of the house and all the way to
the edge of the property and into our family crypt father had made when he was given the land.
Inside, it led me to where our eventual spots were and stopped in front of sister's tomb recess. I
was surprised to see it half open and inside were my sister's belongings. Her research journal
and spell book, a sizable tome. Her crystal skull necklace. I always thought it was gaudy and so
not her style but up close, it had a strange beauty to it. The way each inlaid gem twinkled even
when there's no light made it seem alive at times. And finally, next to them, were things very
familiar to me. The scarab husk I used for my pranks years ago, weighing down a note that
read, "Take care of each other and keep these safe. All will be well soon" and Olly's Collar. Last
I saw it, was around his neck. But here it was. Covered with runes and arcane scripture and
small canine teeth and bones sewn into the collar and a sealed vial of blood hanging from the
tag. Sister's handiwork. And the moment I held it, I finally saw(?) what led me here. A spectral
form of Olly appeared out of wisps of smoke. And it looked like it wanted to lead me further. I
knew this was my way out. I gathered my things and left in the middle of the night. Olly took me
through the forest along the path we used to take and further in where Bianca would take them
to hunt. We walked for a long time, Olly's distant echoey barks leading the way. He led me to a
stream. Bianca had prepared a boat and that was it. I never turned back. I was heartbroken to
leave without telling Sal but I knew he would be safe with the clerics at the temple.

I was on my own then. I found odd jobs here and there and slept wherever I could. I didn't have
a goal nor direction at first. But soon I grew weary of doing nothing but wait for Bianca to return.
I didn't know what she was doing or where she disappeared to or when she's coming back. So I
decided to find her instead. I kept moving from town to town. Always moving away from father. I
was scared, he would find me and drag me back to that hell hole.
Eventually I ended up here.

So a critical point in Niko's backstory is his mother's death.

Like I said.. I wanted to play a character that's borderline evil which is trueneutral. But I don't
want him to be evil so I need to give his a reason to strive for good.(N/G)
And because he's a necromancy wizard I thought what if it was a disease or a magical illness
like a fantasy version of cancer like something that can't be fully cured by healing magic?
Something that would drive him to find a cure for in necromancy! As a personal goal.

Duffle Bag with one and a half skeletons and full plate armour.
Forged documents for medical practitioner, coroners/Mortician guild? multiple cover
organisation membership docs for the blackmarket merchant guild.

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