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- Formation of UNESCO
- Charters pertaining to WHS
- Nomination Criteria
- Current state of affairs - theory and practice of conserving natural heritage, i.e.
species, ecosystems and biodiversity, and cultural heritage, i.e. monuments,
sites and landscapes
- Brief discussions on select UNESCO Projects pertaining to conservation
Nomination Criteria – How are WHS’s chosen ?
3 Pillars of Outstanding Universal Value
Nomination Criteria
& Overlap
Criterion (i):
• represent a masterpiece of human creative genius

• The World Heritage List does not list geniuses but it can list their masterpieces.

• Example - Sydney Opera House (Australia)

Criterion (i):
• Taj Mahal, India
Criterion (ii):
• exhibit an important interchange of human values, over a span of
time or within a cultural area of the world, on developments in
architecture or technology, monumental arts, town-planning or
landscape design
• The 20th-Century Architecture of Frank Lloyd Wright
Criterion (ii):
Criterion (iii):
• bear a unique or
atleast exceptional
testimony to a
cultural tradition or
a civilization which
is living or which has
Criterion (iii):
Criterion (iii):

Only when
we understand the
significance and
value of the
structure, can we
protect it.
Criterion (iv):
• Be an outstanding
example of a type
of building,
architectural or
ensemble or
landscape which
significant stages
in human history.
Criterion (v):
• Be an outstanding
example of a
traditional human
settlement land use
or sea use which is
representative of a
culture or cultures
or human
interaction with the
especially when it
has become
vulnerable under
the impact of
irreversible change
Criterion (v):
Criterion (vi):
• to be directly or tangibly associated with events or living traditions,
with ideas, or with beliefs, with artistic and literary works of
outstanding universal significance. (The Committee considers that this
criterion should preferably be used in conjunction with other criteria);
Criterion (vi):
Criterion (vii):
• to contain superlative natural phenomena or areas of exceptional
natural beauty and aesthetic importance;
Criterion (viii):
• to be outstanding
examples representing
major stages of earth's
history, including the
record of life, significant
on-going geological
processes in the
development of
landforms, or significant
geomorphic or
physiographic features;
This is the most important site in the
world for the demonstration of this stage
of evolution. It portrays vividly the form
and life of these whales during their
transition. The number, concentration and
quality of such fossils here is unique.
Criterion (ix):
• to be outstanding
examples representing
significant on-going
ecological and biological
processes in the
evolution and
development of
terrestrial, fresh water,
coastal and marine
ecosystems and
communities of plants
and animals
Criterion (x):
• to contain the most
important and significant
natural habitats for in-
situ conservation of
biological diversity,
including those
containing threatened
species of outstanding
universal value from the
point of view of science
or conservation
Authenticity & Integrity
• Authenticity - the measure of genuineness or credibility

• Integrity - measurement of the totality or completeness

• ‘What are the original remains’ and ‘how much remains’

• Wholeness (are all the elements necessary to tell the full story of
the site? )
• Is the property of sufficient size to hold all feature, and process
enough to convey the significance
• Intactness (Asking about the condition of the property in relation to
the threats to its existence, and any risk in the environment
surrounding the property)
Significance of authenticity in creativity and form,
material, history & socio economic concept
• The Sun Temple’s authenticity of form and design is maintained in full
through the surviving edifices, their placement within the complex,
structures and the integral link of sculpture to architecture. The
various attributes of the Sun Temple, including its structures,
sculptures, ornamentation and narratives, are maintained in their
original forms and material. Its setting and location are maintained in
their original form, near the shore of the Bay of Bengal. In preserving
the attributes as stated, the Sun Temple, Konârak repeatedly evokes
the strong spirit and feeling associated with the structure, which is
manifested today in the living cultural practices related to this
property, such as the Chandrabhanga festival.
Kos Minar
Assessing Authenticity
Attributes are those
Authenticity and its Attributes elements of the property
that carry OUV

• The ‘test of authenticity’ - design, material, setting and

workmanship. (before 2005)
Attributes of urban areas
OUV of urban areas might be Authenticity thus relates to
‘carried’ by the following •How well attributes reflect
attributes: OUV
• Structures
• Spatial plans Authenticity can be
• Traditions compromised If attributes
are weak,
• Living communities
- communities cease to
–socio-environmental ‘whole’, thrive, buildings collapse,
working collaboratively traditions disappear etc
Authenticity = Link between attributes and OUV
• Integrity is a measure of the wholeness and intactness of the natural
and/or cultural heritage and its attributes.
• Components of Integrity
Aspects of Integrity
Integrity = completeness/intactness of the attributes needed to carry
Statement of Integrity – Sun Temple
• The boundaries of the nominated property encompass the attributes necessary to
represent the Outstanding Universal Value of the Sun Temple, Konârak. Within the
inscribed and protected extent of the property, its surviving structures and sculptures, as
well as the dislodged remains preserved in-situ, represent its quintessential qualities of
architectural form, design and sculptural relief. Furthermore, the protected zone includes
all areas that have the potential to reveal any unexplored archaeological remains that
may possibly enhance the understanding of the property’s Outstanding Universal Value.
Identified and potential threats to the integrity of the property include development
pressure: modernisation and urban growth affecting the environment of the monument;
environmental pressure: deforestation due to cyclones and human activities, saline
breeze and sand blasting, vehicular movements, and microbiological growth; tourism
pressure: 40% increase in number of tourists; natural disasters: flood and cyclones; and
local population growth. An extension of the site boundaries and the buffer zone around
the property by land acquisition has been recommended for the better management of
the site. Concerns over the structural integrity of elements of the site have been raised in
the past, including the impact of monsoon rains and associated soil erosion. In addition,
erosion of metal cramps supporting the structure due to salt air has in the past resulted
in some damage.
Authenticity and Integrity Analysis
Protection & Management
• A focus of management of a world heritage site property is the
attributes and features which are associated with or convey the
potential outstanding universal value of the property.

• the aim of this protection and management is that to ensure that the
value, authenticity, and integrity of the property are sustained for the
How can it be done ?
• to undertake impact
assessment for
proposed changes,
developments and
Common Issues in Management
Delineation of WHS
• Delineation –
outline of forms
or objects i.e.
• It is not a fence
or any literal
• But it is very
Buffer Zone
• Involving the local people, the community of the Nizamuddin Basti in
the different types of crafts work and other, so, it is a total inclusive
approach, so buffer zone is just not physical delineation or restricting
a height or something, it is the different varied types of community
which are there, and how that can be integrated along with the
attributes of the world heritage site.

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