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Chapter 1
Introduction & Project Objectives
Chapter 2
Literature Review
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Proposal: Product/Programme





1. Brief
ext of the Y
2. Reasons for the
choice of topic (Y
should be your
3. The use of
flashback to
briefly discuss X
4. Explicitly state
the lessons
learnt from X
(which can be
seen in idea that
addresses Y)

Important pointer:
Background Y or X
must be substantiated
by relevant citations.

5. Spell out objectives
of your project clearly
to provide focus for
your project.

Underline the
indicators that are
to be measured
(seen in Methodology
Template [Annex A])

Important pointers:
Your projects objectives
must reflect the key
findings you intend to
conduct in your project.

Every objective you state
must be carried out and
reflected in your Written

6. List down
specifically the
areas that you need
to conduct research
in (particularly the
specific knowledge
your group needs to
have in order to
have a clearer
understanding of
the Y or the idea
that your group is
going to
7. For Y, conduct a
research and
attempt to answer
these questions:
a. What has
been done to
address Y?
b. What existing
measures are
in place?
c. Why is there
such a gap?
Or what are
ations of the
d. How will your
groups idea
address this
gap and in the
same time
attempt to
address Y?

8. List down the areas or
indicators that your
group needs to
measure. ( which key
words found in #5).
9. State the methods
your group will
adopt to collect data
for areas or indicators
stated in #8 (survey,
observation, lab
experiment, interview,
focus group
discussion, etc).
10. Write down the
questions or describe
the experiment next to
the each key
area/indicator that
your group intends to
11. State the target group
next to each key
indicator (if different)
for survey. Indicate
who will your group
interview for
interview(s). State
what variables you
will use to conduct an
lab experiment.
12. List down all the
headings that your
group expects to see
in the
section (Chapter 5) of
the WR.

13. Details about your project
idea ( product/programme)
a. Give a name/title to your
project idea ( the product or
b. Show the various parts of
and label its functions clearly
in the diagram of your
product OR show all the key
areas of your groups
programme, some details
how these key areas work to
address Y.
c. How do you think this
effectively address Y ( to
future risk-taking by
inds/groups OR resolve
future conflicts)?
d. Who is the target group?
e. Which organization does
your group recommend to
consider/take up this

14. Review of F, M and A of
project idea
Evaluate (this should be
the same you evaluate
your PIs idea. However,
your evaluation in your
GPP should be clearer
since the project idea is
beginning to take shape
in your minds. Use the
evaluation in the PI your
group has chosen as a
reference point)
the feasibility of this
the manageability of this
the accessibility of
information required ( if
your group has already
addressed this in #6 or
#7, then dont repeat it
here again. Just evaluate
obstacles of obtaining
some of the info required
in #6 - #8)
15. References
List down all citations that
appear in your GPP by using
the APA format (download the
APA booklet from LMS or use
the citation machine or a
citation tool thats found in the
Word doc)

A GPP Roadmap

Sample of a Group Project Proposal (GPP)
Project Task: Conservation (2009)
Topic: The VertiCa

1he 8lack 8edsLarLs losL Lhelr breedlna hablLaL Lhrouah Lhe reaeneraLlon of Lhe 8arblcan and ls a hlahlv rare and proLecLed blrd specles ln 8rlLaln.
Complementing Chapter 1 (Introduction) of the Written Report Info group needs to include in
GPP(similar to those found in
the GPP Road Map)

Background of Y

Global warming is a pressing issue that requires urgent attention and action by governments worldwide.
From 1906 to 2005, global surface temperature has rose by 0.74 C and it is predicted to further rise by
between 1.1 C and 6.4 C by 2100. This could result in more frequent, intense and widespread
heatwaves, flooding, drought, tropical storms and also surges in sea level. Moreover, this will affect
food production and also cause many plant and animal species to be at an increased risk of extinction.
Hence, Singapore should participate and take the lead in the global efforts to combat global warming by
reducing energy consumption.

Reasons for choosing Y

By conserving electricity, this reduces the cost of electricity to consumers and also the demand for
electricity, thus preventing further hikes in electricity tariffs in Singapore.

So, we will come up with a product titled VertiCaso as to better achieve energy savings from air
conditioning in Singapore. This is necessary because of the inherent weaknesses of the main existing
measure which is the use of green roofs.
VertiCa was inspired by the conservation in Britain that aimed to provide a home on the rooftop for
some of the many endangered species such as the Black Redstarts
to nest and potentially breed. It
has since successfully reconstructed the habitat for the Redstarts and other species to thrive (Room at
the top, 2004).

1. Brief background
information/context of Y

2. Reasons for the choice of
topic (Y should be your topic)

3. Flashback to X
(use a linguistic device to show
relevance from Y to X)

Egs of linking devices:
was inspired by
based on
With reference to

Features of conservation Lessons learnt
Makes use of roofs to conserve biodiversity.

Utilize unused space
such as rooftops for
Sedums carefully chosen for planting because they
are wind, frost and drought resistant and require little

Selection of relevant
plant species for their
potential benefits.

Uses recycled crushed brick and concrete to be
more environmental-friendly (Case Study - 1
Churchill Place, London. Barclays HQ, 2005).

Use of recycled building
materials to save the
United Kingdom government has encouraged
developers in installing brown roofs(Green roof
solution to lost habitats, 2003).

Strong government
support is vital.

Hence, our product, VertiCa focuses how green roofs are used to reduce energy consumption of air
conditioning, and how the disadvantages in having green roofs can aid us in developing strategies of
how we can overcome these disadvantages in our new product.

Our group will be focusing mainly on the first benefit of green roofs which is the reduction of energy
consumption of air conditioners. We will then come up with a modified product so as to better achieve
this benefit in Singapore.

To begin with, we need to understand that a green roof not only acts as an insulation barrier, the
This is similar to
considered by

4. Explicitly state the lessons
learnt from X (which can be
seen in idea that
addresses Y)

Synthesing other ideas to

combination of the plants processes (photosynthesis and evapo-transpiration) and soil processes
(evapo-transmission) reduces the amount of solar energy absorbed by the roof membrane. Thus, this
leads to cooler temperature beneath the surface and less electricity is required for air conditioning.

Moreover, to further make our new product to more effectively provide a cooling effect on the walls, we
have merged another idea of reflective roofs into our product. Reflective roofs are basically roofs that
are painted silver or other light colours to deliver high solar reflectance and to minimize heat gain. The
benefits of reflective roofs are similar but less than that of green roofs. Both of them can result in
greater energy savings and allow greater building protection. [Buildings in California and Florida with
cool roofing have shown 20% to 70% reductions in cooling energy use.] Thus, the inner walls
accommodating the plants and also the other areas of our product including the container in the rooftop
are painted silver in colour.

Objectives of Project

a. To compare the effectiveness of both vertical greening and reflective surfaces;
b. To determine the optimal leaf area of the plants for use in our product in reducing temperatures;
c. To draw up a detailed proposal and design a new and cost-effective product called The VertiCa
to be installed in shopping malls;
d. To estimate the possible benefits and costs of The VertiCa;
e. To review and improve the design and effectiveness of The VertiCabased on interviews and
make VertiCa innovative with
combining some features from
reflective roofs into groups
vertical greenings idea.

5. Spell out objectives of
your project clearly to
provide focus for your

The indicators to be measured
are underlined [refer to
Methodology Template (Annex
A) on how to do a proper
planning for measuring the
underlined indicators]

Complementing Chapter 2 (Literature Review) of the Written Report

Background of green roofs technology

Besides conserving biodiversity, green roofs also do provide many other benefits as listed below:

1) Energy savings: With green roofs, the room temperature of a floor directly below the green roof is
decreased, resulting in significant air conditioning energy savings.
2) Improved air quality and carbon dioxide fixation: Green roofs consume trace amounts of harmful
gases in the atmosphere such as sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Moreover, it also consumes
6. List down specifically the
areas that you need to conduct
research in (particularly the
specific knowledge your group
needs to have in order to have
a clearer understanding of the
Y or the idea that your group is
going to conceptualize.)

carbon dioxide during photosynthesis which mitigates the greenhouse effect.
3) Stormwater management: .
4) Sound insulation: .
5) Heat island mitigation:
6) Health and wellness: ..
7) Building protection: ..
8) Educational purposes: ..
9) Property value increase: ..

and many more references.

To begin with, we need to understand that a green roof not only acts as an insulation barrier, the
combination of the plants processes (photosynthesis and evapo-transpiration) and soil processes
(evapo-transmission) reduces the amount of solar energy absorbed by the roof membrane. Thus, this
leads to cooler temperature beneath the surface and less electricity is required for air conditioning.

[In a report in BioScience, the journal of the American Institute of Biological Sciences, it estimates that
green roofs can reduce air-conditioning costs by 25 per cent.]

and many more references.

It was also found that the soil moisture content is a great factor in reducing the energy consumption for
air conditioning. When the surface of the soil is moist, a great deal of Latent Heat is reflected off of
the surface of the vegetation, and thereby providing superior heat resistance and increasing its
insulating efficiency.

Another factor contributing to the cooling effect of plants is the reflectivity of the plants. Plants reflect
slightly different amounts of light depending on how waxy the leaves are.


After having discussed how green roofs are used to reduce energy consumption of air conditioning, we
will now analyze the disadvantages in having green roofs to develop strategies of how we can
overcome these disadvantages in our new product, VertiCa

Disadvantages of green roofs: Strategies developed to overcome the
1) Implementation of green roofs can only
reduce the temperature and energy
consumption of air conditioning in the upper
part of the building.
A) Vertical greening is suggested so that the
entire building can reduce the energy
consumption of air-conditioning more effectively.
(NOTE: Vertical greening refers to growing plants
on the sides of the walls of a building.)
2) Higher installation costs as compared to the
traditional roof.
B) The long-term benefits of the vertical greening
(energy savings and lowered greenhouse
content) are predicted to be able to drastically
outweigh the initial installation costs. (See
Objective iv.)
3) High maintenance costs as plants grow all
over the place.
C) Limit the growth of the selected plants within
an enclosed area. (Use of panels to contain
growth of plants.)
4) Plants inappropriate in windy places as
plants are fragile and might be blown away.
D) Plants are held by acrylic to prevent them from
being blown away.
5) Buildings may be unable to support the
additional weight of the roof added to the
E) Use of acrylic as building material of product
which is lighter as compared to glass.
Calculations should also be made to ensure that
the building can support the extra weight before
installing the product.
6) May requires complex irrigation and
drainage system.
F) Includes a simple irrigation system to water the
plants. (See project outline for more details.)
7) May encourages breeding of insects such
as mosquitoes on the plants which is not
G) Include mosquito nettings to prevent bugs and
insects from entering the plants. (Mosquito nets
are placed in uncovered areas of or product.)


7. For Y, conduct research and
attempt to answer these
a. What has been done to
address Y?
b. What existing measures
are in place?
c. Why is there such a gap?
Or what are the
loopholes/limitations of the
current measures?
d. How will your groups idea
address this gap and in the
same time attempt to
address Y?


Hence, the costs of setting up and maintaining a green roof can actually be set to a minimal through the
strategies developed for our new product.

Possible strategies to reduce energy consumption:

1) Radiant cooling system

Radiant cooling systems use chilled water pipes to distribute cooling throughout the building and are
able to reduce the peak-power usage of the air-conditioning system by 30 to 45%

2) Greening efforts

i) Rooftop gardens

When rooftop surfaces are shrouded in greenery, the plants act as an insulation barrier and together
with the combination of the plants processes (photosynthesis and evapo-transpiration) and soil
processes (evapo-transmission), this reduces the amount of solar energy absorbed by the roof
membrane. Using such a method, research has shown that temperatures can drop from 58 C to 27 C
during a day. This significantly reduces the energy consumption of air conditioners in buildings as less
energy is required to bring the temperature down to the desirable level.

Examples of green roofs in the Tokyo Metropolitan Assembly Building and the California Academy of

Sciences respectively (

ii) Strategically select and site plants

Trees planted around the sides of a building can provide shading and this reduces cooling costs for
low-rise buildings.

Example of shade trees used in the Simon Fraser University

3) Reflective surfaces

Reflective surfaces absorb infrared radiation from the sun at a slower rate than other surfaces, thus,
resulting in lower surface temperature.

Example of reflective surfaces used in an office building in Salford

Complementing Chapter 3 (Methodology) of the Written Report

Refer to Methodology Template (Annex A )
Complementing Chapter 4 ( Proposal of VertiCa) of the Written Report

Proposal of The VertiCa
i. Overview
The VertiCa is a vertical greenery system installed in shopping malls to reduce energy consumption of
air conditioners effectively.

ii. Design and implementation of The VertiCa
The aesthetics of The VertiCa are also taken into account in its design so as to ensure the products

As for our product implementation, we propose that the building of The VertiCa in shopping malls to be
spearheaded and overseen by Trifecta Construction Solutions. Trifecta Construction Solutionsis a
company that aims to provide cost-effective and sustainable exterior greenery designs for buildings.
Thus, this company is suitable in providing the services required for installing The VertiCa.

(This section responds to
Objective iii )

13. Details about your
project idea
( product/programme
a. Give a name/title to your
project idea ( the product
or programme)
b. Show the various parts of
and label its functions
clearly in the diagram of
your product OR show all
the key areas of your
groups programme, some

Detailed design and features of The VertiCa

a. Specifications and design

The figures below show the 3-dimensional computer model of
The VertiCa

dimensional computer model of The VertiCa. The design of the

details how these key
areas work to address Y.
c. How do you think this
effectively address Y ( to
future risk-taking by
inds/groups OR resolve
future conflicts)?
d. Who is the target group?
e. Which organization does
your group recommend to
consider/take up this


panels and plant species are omitted for clearer illustration of the core product structure.

Rationale for material used


Acrylic sheets
Strong winds at higher altitudes might blow
plants away, endangering shoppers on the
streets. Acrylic, which is light yet durable, is
selected as protection barriers against the
winds (
Low-carbon steel as metal poles and supporting
platform for plant pots.
Used due to its relatively low-cost, hardness
and strength
Aluminium panes as reflective surfaces
Lightweight, affordable and easily available in
These three construction materials as mentioned above in the table above are recyclable so as to
incorporate one of the earlier lessons learnt in our initial conservation. This makes our product more
environmental-friendly and thus does not compounds the problems of extracting raw materials and
wasting resources.
b. Factors considered for The VertiCa
i. Plant species and leaf area per unit area of panel for vertical greening
Plants are carefully selected to fulfill the criteria of The VertiCa, which include the ability to thrive in
tropical regions and the need for low maintenance.
Shade cast by other buildings can reduce the effectiveness of vertical greening. Having learnt from the
initial conservation, selecting the right type and placement of plant species is crucial in order to reap
maximum benefits. Sun-loving and shade-loving plants are carefully placed in sunny and shady areas
of our product respectively, where they continue to grow optimally to cut down energy consumption.
Positioning of the plants is customised, depending on how sunlight is cast on the product.
Also, the amount of plants grown in each panel of The VertiCa is such that the leaf area per unit area of
panel is kept around the optimal value of 2.98. This can be ensured by the company in charge of
manufacturing the panels.

ii. Reflective Surfaces
Aluminum panes are used as reflective surfaces to further prom
blind shoppers approaching the mall, they are tilted at an upward angle instead.
iii. Irrigation
The VertiCamakes use of the simple sprinkler irrigation system (See Figure 3.10). We chose this
system because it allows an even distribution of water for the plants. It can also be calibrated using a
timer to water the plants at an every 12-hours interval.

iv. Ventilation

High humidity in the surroundings due to evapo
pedestrians (Nayak & Prajapati, 2006) and even the
buildings in close proximity (NParks, NUS, 2002)
and remove the moisture present in the surrounding
VertiCa to allow effective air circulation and so that it is not in an awkward position that disallows easy
maintenance of the product.

Aluminum panes are used as reflective surfaces to further promote cooling. Since these panels may
blind shoppers approaching the mall, they are tilted at an upward angle instead.
makes use of the simple sprinkler irrigation system (See Figure 3.10). We chose this
an even distribution of water for the plants. It can also be calibrated using a
hours interval.
High humidity in the surroundings due to evapo-transpiration by plants can cause discomfort among
and even the accelerated deterioration of the exterior of other
buildings in close proximity (NParks, NUS, 2002). Thus, ventilation fans help to facilitate air movement
and remove the moisture present in the surrounding air. Ventilation fans are placed at the top of The
to allow effective air circulation and so that it is not in an awkward position that disallows easy


v. Maintenance
To ensure the healthy growth of plants, fertilisers
This is done through water-soluble fertilisers that are
Thus, this will eradicate problems arising from excessive usage of fertilisers, and the need to add
fertilisers manually at time intervals.
There will also be regular inspections monthly by gardeners on the plants
the mobile platform at the back of The VertiCa

Feasbility of VertiCa:

Vertical greening is useful for buildings in Singapore as many building use electricity for air
conditioners. The specific target for the project idea
There is a need for shopping centers to lower down as electricity costs are increasing steadily.
ChannelsNewsAsia has reported that Singapore aims to be the leader of vertical greening in Asia
fertilisers are added often but at little amounts (NParks, 2002).
that are channelled to the plants along the water supply.
Thus, this will eradicate problems arising from excessive usage of fertilisers, and the need to add
There will also be regular inspections monthly by gardeners on the plants growth. This is done through
The VertiCa .
Vertical greening is useful for buildings in Singapore as many building use electricity for air-
conditioners. The specific target for the project idea are the shopping malls.
There is a need for shopping centers to lower down as electricity costs are increasing steadily.
ChannelsNewsAsia has reported that Singapore aims to be the leader of vertical greening in Asia This shows the feasibility of



14. Review of F, M and A of
project idea
Evaluate (this should be
the same you evaluate
your PIs idea. However,
your evaluation in your
GPP should be clearer
since the project idea is
beginning to take shape in
your minds. Use the
evaluation in the PI your
group has chosen as a
reference point)
the feasibility of this
the manageability of this
the accessibility of
information required ( if

the project idea in Singapore and aligned direction that the project is adopting.
It is practical as it can lower down the electricity bills by cooling down the interior of the building so
as to not use the air-conditioners as much.
Cost benefit analysis is also a consideration to show whether the project idea is feasible to the
shopping malls. This is important as shopping malls are very concerned about incurred costs of the
project idea as the whole objective is to reduce costs.
Manageability of VertiCa (as our group project):
Need to focused in terms of the scope of the project idea
Need to focus on a design that will relay the project objectives
Design need to accommodate different designs as shopping malls have different architecture.
Design not only need to achieve project objectives but also needs to address safety issues need
to ensure that design does not pose any danger to shoppers and pedestrians,
Choice of materials is a key consideration. Need to ensure research is done to see which materials
are suitable for different designs.
Foresee difficulties in getting information experts and the managers of different shopping
establishments solution: prepare many sources for eg. Many experts at hand and do not depend
on only one resource person.
Problems may be encountered in collecting information from the public for example, in the form of
survey need to consider location, survey questions, division of work.

Accessibility of Information for VertiCa:
A) Primary sources:
Resource persons for interviews have been identified:
i) Professor Wong Nyuk Hien, National University of Singapore is an established professor involved
in design and engineering Resource expert due to his academic qualifications and expertise:
Ph.D.(Building Performance and Diagnostics) CMU, MSc(Bldg Sc) BSc(Bldg)(Hons)NUS (Building
Performance and Diagnostics)
Contact: (65) 6516 3423 E-mail:
ii) Ms Kelly Chiang who is a plant biologist from NParks who possesses the expertise who can
provide valuable information about plant types that is conducive for cooling down temperatures.
your group has already
addressed this in #6 or #7,
then dont repeat it here
again. Just evaluate
obstacles of obtaining
some of the info required in
#6 - #8)


Contact: (65) 6545 2333 email:
iii. Surveys to be conducted:
A survey to gather feedback by shoppers about product idea and design needs to be conducted.
Probable locations would be Bishan Junction 8, Yishun Northpoint, Centrepoint, Suntec City.
Different surveys from heartland shopping centres and shopping centres found in the city may
generate different opinions. It is good to look at the variation in opinions about the project idea.
2) Secondary sources:
Websites cited earlier may not be enough as concrete data on current measures in Singapore
shopping centres is required to show the need of the project Information on types of plants is
required; may face difficulty in researching on suitable plant types that are suitable.
Solution: look at past successful projects in the US and see its compatibility.
Source: html - reference to a research project
on the benefits on vertical greening. It is an established leading research organization will help in
highlighting the benefits and problems that associated.
Point to note: Need to consider the climate differences in Singapore.
i) Building design and structure:
Kibert , Charles J., Sustainable construction: green building design and delivery, 2
Ed (2005)
Raeber, John, Building Design/Materials & Methods (2006)

Case Study - 1 Churchill Place, London. Barclays HQ (2005). Living Roofs. Retrieved August 21, 2009

Energy consumption high: Culprit air-con (2006, January 10). The Straits Times, Home H3

Frances C. Moore (2008). Average Global Temperature, 1880-2007, with Projections to 2100.
Retrieved August 20, 2009, from

Global warming: latest evidence (2007). The Sydney Morning Herald. Retrieved August 20, 2009, from

15. References
List down all citations that
appear in your GPP by using
the APA format (download the
APA booklet from LMS or use
the citation machine or a
citation tool thats found in the
Word doc)


Approved bv: ______________________________________________

Supervlslna 1uLor: __________________________________________ uaLe: ______________________

Green roof solution to lost habitats (2003). BBC News. Retrieved August 21, 2009, from

J.K. Nayak & J.A. Prajapati (2006). Handbook on Energy Conscious Buildings. India: Ministry of Non-
conventional Energy Sources, Government of India

Liaw Wy Cin (2009, June 27). Electricity prices to go up. The Straits Times. Retrieved August 20, 2009,

Lee Hun Ching (2002, October 05). Green Piece. The Straits Times, Lifestyle L8

Mah Bow Tan (2007).Why we need 6.5 million people. Retrieved August 22, 2009, from

Michael T. Klare (2007). Global Warming: Its All about Energy. Retrieved August 20, 2009, from

Now everyone wants a garden (2002, October 05). The Straits Times, Lifestyle L9.

NParks, NUS (2002). Handbook On Skyrise Greening In Singapore. Singapore: NParks, NUS

Room at the top (2004, September 08). The Independent. Retrieved August 21, 2009, from

Scientists urge limits on carbon dioxide emissions (2009). Retrieved September 15, 2009,

Yearbook of Statistics Singapore 2009 (2009). Singapore: Department of Statistics, Ministry of Trade
and Industry, Republic of Singapore


Methodo|ogy 1emp|ate [Annex A]
8. List down the areas or
indicators that your group
needs to measure
( where the underlined
key words are found in
groups project
9. State the methods your
group will adopt to
collect data for areas or
indicators stated in
(survey, observation, lab
experiment, interview,
focus group discussion,

10. Write down the survey/interview
questions or describe the
experiment next to the each key
area/indicator that your group
intends to measure.

11. State the target group next to
each key indicator (if different)
for survey. Indicate who will your
group interview for interview(s).
State what variables you will use
to conduct an lab experiment.

12. List down all the headings
that your group expects to
see in the
Review/Findings section
(Chapter 5) of the WR.

a. Effectiveness (of vertical
greening compared to
reflective surfaces)

[Refer to Objective i]

Interview 1. Does the density of the plant
species affect the cooling
effect derived from vertical
greening? What should be the
appropriate thickness of the
plants used such that we can
optimize the cooling effect
derived from vertical

2. How do you think about the
accuracy of the results (actual
temperature drop in shopping
malls) obtained from this
experiment? What are some
of the suggestions that you
suggest to improve on our

3. Do you think that the reflective
surfaces would further
optimize the effect of lowered
temperatures in the building?

Professor Wong Nyuk Hien,
Professor at National University of
Singapore in Design and Engineering

Effectiveness of vertical
greening and reflective

( This heading was placed
under the Preliminary
Investigation/Lit Review

b. optimal leaf area of the
plants for use (in VertiCa)

[Refer to Objective ii]
Interview a. What are some of the criteria
involved when choosing plant
species that are appropriate for
use in our product?

b. What recommended species of
plants do you recommend us in
our experiment and also our

c. How do you comment on our
experiment to determine the
optimal leaf area to be used in our

Ms Kelly Chiang,
Plant biologist from NParks
Plant species and leaf area per
unit area of panel for vertical

c. benefits and costs

[Refer to Objective iv]

Interview i. Given that the entire
implementation of our product is
around $150 000, do you think
that your shopping centre is likely
to purchase our product if it is
manufactured in a large scale and
sold commercially? Why?

Mr Chee Wah,
Manager of Junction 8 Shopping
Cost of VertiCa and effectiveness

[Refer to Objective v)
Interview i. Do you think that our
product will be effective in
reducing the energy
consumption of air
conditioners? If no, why?
ii. Do you find our product
appealing in its design?
iii. Do you think that the
installation of our product
is simple enough to be
easily implemented in the
shopping mall? If no,

Mr Chee Wah,
Manager of Junction 8 Shopping

Design and Effectiveness of

Date created 15 Apr|| 2011
Innova Iun|or Co||ege

Survey i. Do you think that our
product will be effective in
reducing the energy
consumption of air
ii. Do you find our product
appealing in its design?
iii. Do you think that the
installation of our product
is simple enough to be
easily implemented in the
shopping mall?

Shoppers in Malls

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