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 Assignment 1 - professional writing III

 Reg. No :- DEH/EN/2019/F/0057
 Name:- S.H.H.Harasith
1. Write and argumentative essay using your own idea, knowledge and experience support your
arguments with examples and evidence.

Should wealthy nations be require to share their wealth among poorer nations by providing such things
as food, education etc.? or is it the responsibility of the government of poorer nation to look after their
citizens themselves.

There is an obviously lack of resources in certain countries in Asia. The government infrastructure and
corruptions as well as the financial poverty at those countries prohibit from being developed. Well as an
industrialized nation they try to support under develop countries sending recourses. However even though some
support is provided it enough to create a developed country. What factors prevent developing country from
become developed! why ? what are the responsibilities of industrialized nations to developing nations to this
regard ? The responsibility of wealthy nations are there any ? why ?why not ?

Poor countries are poor not because they are poor because they lack of the essential resources are significant for
economic growth and development. In the world African continent is consider as the poorest continent. Some of
the reasons poor countries are poor are corrupt government, low literacy levels and many others which include
lack of recourses to job opportunities, healthcare, drinkable water, foods, education and history .However, they
have unusual trade become which results come from the dependence upon primary producers. For example tea,
coffee, sugar, bananas, cocoa are experiencing shrinking demand with the new technologies. So that require
smaller quantities of raw maters. The government of these developing countries have put in high barriers of

However the government of the poor nations should mainly take the responsibility to take after their people.
They should find ways to improve the economy as well as the standard living of the citizens. No countries can
survive without any hands nevertheless even they can stand by themselves but in some conditions they still need
some assistance from others, in my country still need much improvement in some areas while citizens in
developed countries have a high standard of living. Poor in poorer are nations still suffering from the terrible
and bad economic conditions us well as their quality of life. For example, in Africa some countries are
depending on less development lack of a substantial recourse water or because of race problems. I would court
some more strong courses such as lack of transparency in political actions on poor nations, high price traditional
ceremonies, baseless warsand others which remains a drag on development in poor nations.A lot of countries in
following because of this global trend.

The first reason is that this world economic unbalance can read global problems. As you may know, many
problems result from the difference in economic conditions. Hardship and hunger promote people to begin day
illegal activities. For an example, in Somalia one of the poorest country in the world. So these citizens have turn
their self in to Pirate. I believe sharing reduce problems more over, which sharing part of resource might cost a
little to one country. It might help a great number of people in another country. Without problems the countries
can get country co-operation. That is the reason so we want to help others and protect environment because it is
the very first thing to do while we going to improve country. However it should prevent bad things when they
helping others so poor countries must know to develop right things. Sometimes the news also the media give
harmful outcomes. They must give information to the citizens to see and hear what is happening , not only it
prevent to increase good understanding developing our country but also to prevent bad things.

 Assignment 2 - professional writing III

1. Write a review of movie that you watch or a book you read recently to be published on a local


There are some movies that gives us different lessens. The worst experience teach the best lessons. Drug
addiction is a major problem in our society today. Many youngsters are falling victims to addiction. Young men
take these drugs just to find a temporary pleasure.

FOUR GOOD DAYS, this film is directed by Rodrigo Garcia and Starry Glenn in 2020 based on drug addiction
of young generation. Four good days is knockout of a movie. The duration of the entire film, they captirating
performence by Glenn Close and Mila Kunis keep the viewer deeply involved in the lives of the movie’s two
main characters. Many film about addiction can feel clicked and sometimes , they can feel like bad movie but
director Rodrigo Garcia’s FOUR GOOD DAYS surprise to note that these traders manage to thrive at the cost
of precious lives and rosy possibilities of our young generation.

Once the take it, they are caught in a death trap. Slowly but surely they are led to death. But we have duty to
fight against this dangerous enemy of our social life. ALENN CLOSE and MILA KUNIS play a mother and
daughter named DEB and MOLLY. As the film’s main story begins, the unemployed, drug addict Molly
(Kenis) shows up at her mother Deb (close)’s demanding to be let in.Deb now lives with her second husband
Chris (Stephen roof) who is not Molly’s farther Deb has been living to by Molly in the past and isn’t ready to
hear her daughter make promises she can’t keep about getting clean. She pawned off Deb’s jeweleries and
stolen money for drugs.

As a result, possibilities of these young men and women are being depending on the bud. The dishonest traders
operate underground and the deadly narcotics and drugs are smuggled in to this city. What makes Four Good
Days such a good picture is presentation of mother-daughter bond. Four Good Days makes a whopping
emotional impact it leaves with an uneasy feeling what is hard to shake. We can see drug business is punishable
and the highest punishment that there is a shot which can help keep Molly clean off he can just manage to keep
off drugs for four days Molly will be able to get the shot if she say off HEROINE and her overall will be much
more optimistic as result.

Finally, this is a great movie that does well on every character I think it worthy to repeating watching. The
director always pushing gives a valuable lesson to the present and future society. I love this movie because it
gives a massive message to the society.

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