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Classifieds Aircraft - Fuel - Jets (FS/W)

For Sale RC TurboJet Engine

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Oct 07, 2018 #1

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RC TurboJet Engine

I'm not an active enthusiast but managing my wife's deceased father's estate sale
for technical items.

We found two RC turbo jet engines and I'm looking to sell them and wanted advice
from the expert enthusiasts here.

He was an Airforce mechanic and very into RC planes, cars ext.

After extensive research I found that one engine is a WREN JPX 260. It looks like
$900 is a good sell price for this but interested in feedback or potential buyer.

Second unit I need help with. It was in a silver foamed briefcase with a emblem
"Turbojet technologies" Westerns Australia.

I can send or post pictures as well but it says FTE and Eagle on it. No other
numbers or anything so this one I'm not sure the manufacturer, model number or

Any help is appreciated. Will also look to sell this engine and simply looking for fair



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Oct 08, 2018 #2

Trader Rating: 20
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The one with the FTE on it was sold by Frank Tiano Enterprises and appears to be
a TJT brand engine (made in Australia?) that was available quite a few years ago.
The other engine isn't a Wren engine at all. It is a JPX that was made in France
and was one of the first commercially available jet engines for R/C model use. The
JPX came out either in the early or mid 90s. Both engines are pretty old and
probably won't bring much cash in a sale but I really can't help regarding how much
they are worth.

Oct 08, 2018 #3

Hinckley Bill
Trader Rating: 212
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+1 on what aptar said, both much older technology with minimum, if any
support.....but there was a gentleman looking for a JPX240 that may be interested
in your 260, as it appears to be in better shape than the one he has. Here's his
wanted ad on RCGroups

Did you happen to find an ECU unit (small programmer) with the Tiano turbine, as
that would be of great help with you sale? Here's a listing for the Australian
company that appears to have been the origin of the Tiano tubine.. Turbojet
Technologies (Australia), (61) 089 478 1877, Unfortunately the website is not

Last edited by Hinckley Bill; Oct 08, 2018 at 09:56 AM.

Oct 09, 2018 #4

Trader Rating: 24
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Hi Bill ,Thank you so much for help to attach my found thread here.This JPXT260
engine is not exactly the one I 'm seeking for but still attrack me a lot.I got one in
the same model but this one seems with more complete I have to
determin whether should I sell the one in my hand and get this one.Spent too much
on these things recently and the decision became so hard for me.I will contact the
seller anyway.
Thank you again

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