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A Technical Report on


Submitted in partial fulfilment of the
Requirements for the award of degree of
Bachelor of Technology


Computer Science and Engineering


P. Sai Ragasri

Under the Guidance of

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science and Engineering

Department of Computer Science and Engineering

(Formerly CVSR College of Engineering)
(An Autonomous Institution, Approved by AICTE and NBA Accredited)
Venkatapur (V), Ghatkesar (M), Medchal(D)., T.S-500088

This is to certify that the Technical Report entitled “Reordering Webpage Objects for
Optimizing Quality-of-Experience” being submitted by P. Sai Ragasri bearing the
Hall Ticket number 18H61A0595 in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the
award of the degree of the Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science and
Engineering to Anurag Group of Institutions (Formerly CVSR College of
Engineering) is a record of bonafide work carried out by her under my guidance and
supervision from January 2022 to May 2022.

Internal Guide
Dr. G. Balakrishna, Dr.G.Vishnu Murthy,
(Assistant Professor) Professor & Head, Dept. of CSE

It is my privilege and pleasure to express a profound sense of respect,

gratitude and indebtedness to my guide Dr. G. Balakrishna, Assistant
Professor, Dept. of Computer Science and Engineering, Anurag Group of
Institutions (Formerly CVSR College of Engineering), for his indefatigable
inspiration, guidance, cogent discussion, constructive criticisms and
encouragement throughout this dissertation work.

I express my sincere gratitude to Dr. G. Vishnu Murthy, Professor &

Head, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Anurag Group of
Institutions (Formerly CVSR College of Engineering), for his suggestions,
motivations and co-operation for the successful completion of the work.

I extend my sincere thanks to Dr. V. Vijaya Kumar, Dean, Research

and Development, Anurag Group of Institutions(Formerly CVSR College of
Engineering), for his encouragement and constant help.

P. Sai Ragasri

I hereby declare that the Report entitled “Underwater communication

using acoustic links” submitted to the Anurag Group of
Institutions(Formerly CVSR College of Engineering) in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology
(B.Tech) in Computer Science and Engineering is a record of an original work
done by me under the guidance Dr. G. Balakrishna, Assistant Professor and
this report has not been submitted to any other university for the award of any
other degree or diploma.

P. Sai Ragasri

Quality of user-perceived experience (QoE) is an important performance metric

for web browsing. AboveTheFold (ATF) time has recently been recognized and widely
used by several studies as a direct measure of the quality of user experience. To reduce
the ATF time, the existing works mainly focus on reducing the delay of networking.
However, we've found that site structure and content ordering can also significantly
affect a web's QoE. In this presentation, we propose a optimization framework that
reorders the webpage objects to minimize the user-end ATF time. Our main idea is to
first identify the objects on the website that consume ATF time but do not affect the
page experience, and then modify the placement of these objects to achieve the
minimum ATF time.


1. Introduction 1

1.1. Motivation 2

1.2. Objective 2

2. Literature Survey 3

3. Methodology 4

3.1. Existing System 4

3.2. Proposed Solution 5-6

4. Applications 7

5. Conclusion 8

6. Future Enhancement 9



• The web has become the standard that allows billions of users to access the Internet.
The topic of Quality of Experience (QoE) as perceived by Internet users has been the
subject of much research in recent years. As demonstrated in many recent works,
web page load times are strongly correlated with web QoE.

• Quantifying QoE on website navigation seems rather complicated because 1) today's

web pages have become very complex and contain dozens or even hundreds of
objects and Internet connections and 2) No clear signal /explicit events that can be
used to measure user experience during web page loading and transfering.

• As a result, some new metrics are proposed to capture the actual QoE of web
browsing, such as the Page Load Time (PLT) and Above-The-Fold (ATF) time. ATF
time denotes the duration from the time the first request is sent to the time the content
above the first fold (i.e., the content that can be seen in the first-sight window of the
browser) remains unchanged.

1.1. Motivation

An intuitive idea is to execute the events related to the web page objects after the
fold line, such that the processing delay will not be added to the ATF time. In this
case, the ATF time can be greatly reduced. However, we should also notice that
although some objects are not relevant to the display above the fold, they are
depended on by some objects that have impact on display above the fold.
Therefore, such objects could not be moved below the fold.

1.2. Objectives

The objectives of our work are:

1) We aim at optimizing the webpage to minimize the end-to-end ATF time.

2) Both network delay and the computational delay are implicitly considered.

3) The framework can be extended and implemented at the cloud side.

It is also worth noting that our work is compatible to most of the existing works and
can be simultaneously exploited for optimizing web QoE.


The literature can be classified into two categories according to the optimization
objectives: Works on reducing the network delay and works on reducing the processing


There are several works aiming at reducing the network delay.

• Some works exploit the preloading techniques such as [1].
• The network delay can be reduced by establishing TCP pre-connection or TCP fast
open technique [2].
• Some works design new protocols for web browsing to speed up the browsing such as
HTTP2 [3] and SPDY [4].
• Local cache is also proposed and exploited for reducing the caching delay during the
loading and rendering process in web browsing [5].


Related measurement studies focus on improving page load computation.

• In Parallel Webpage Layout [6], a novel computing scheme is proposed to reduce the
time of webpage layout by parallelizing the CSS evaluations.
• A similar technique called Parallel Web Scripting [7] is proposed to exploit
parallelism between scripting and page layout under a new architecture.
• Parallel Web Browser [8] parallelizes preloading and preprocessing for web objects
and can speed up the computation in sub-activities.
• The work in [9] reduces the page load time by parallelizing the loading and evaluation
of JavaScript and CSS.


• The experiment was conducted on a Mac with a 2.8 GHz Intel Core i7 CPU, 16 GB.
The top 500 websites in China were downloaded and the website data was saved
locally. The data mainly includes CSS files, JavaScript files and multimedia files.

• The webpages for training are first loaded and transferred locally using Google
Chrome with the Chrome devtool. The information includes the loading and
rendering process of the webpage and the corresponding delay. Chrome devtool
records the timestamps at the beginning and the end of each event executed during
the page loading.

• We choose the top 300 and top 500 websites of China for training and testing our
model, respectively. The different screen sizes and resolutions for different devices
are considered and after the local reordering, the webpages are uploaded and then
accessed by different devices.

3.1. Existing System

Several works have been done to improve the web QoE.

• The first line of works focus on improving the network transfer for web browsing.
For example, techniques such as DNS pre-resolution , TCP pre-connection are
utilized to reduce network delay at the application layer.
• The second line of works focus on reducing the loading delay. These works are
designed to reduce the loading delay of web objects.

• Some other works aim at reducing the computation delay of the javascript and css
evaluation process. Although these works can improve the web QoE in some level,
they often overlook the optimization space within webpage structures.

3.2. Proposed Solution

• Our design aims at reordering the webpage objects in order to achieve the minimum
ATF time. The basic idea is to change the positions of the objects before the fold that
have no impact on the display (termed as ‘‘non-impactive objects’’). Specifically, we
would like to reorder them to the positions below the fold.

• Figure 3.2.2. shows the proposed framework. Our reordering system acts as a proxy
between the cloud web servers and the web publishers/developers. When the
webpages are uploaded, our reordering system in the cloud changes the structures by
reordering the objects and then publish the web- pages for different devices.

• After that, the web user clients access the improved webpages with improved web

• There are three key building blocks in the reordering system:

1) Obtaining the Fold

2) Identifying the non-impactive objects
3) Judging whether the objects are movable.

. 2.1: The
General Page loading process

Figure 3.2.2: The Proposed Optimization Framework.

1) Obtaining the fold: For different devices and different resolutions, the fold
positions (the bottoms of the first- sight window) are different. Therefore, the
first step is to obtain the fold position before finding the non- impactive

2) Identifying the non-impactive objects: If all webpages are loaded and

rendered at the proxy, the computational overhead will be too large. Therefore,
we would like to identify these objects based on the html files without loading
the contained objects.

3) Judging whether the objects are movable: After we find out the non-
impactive objects, we need to judge whether their positions can be changed by
considering the dependency among objects.

After the above three steps, all movable non-impactive objects are moved below
the fold to reduce the ATF time.


• Reordering objects in the webpage inorder to improve the Quality of Experience can
be applied in two ways : either in the Cloud side or in the Publisher client side).

• In our paper, we apply the proposed system in the webpage publisher end (i.e., the
webpages are first reordered before uplaoding to the cloud servers).


• We propose a novel optimization framework that modifies the webpage structures

to minimize the user-end Above-The-Fold (ATF) time.

• We first identify the non-impactive objects and events that contribute to ATF time
and then judge whether these objects and events can be moved considering the in-
page dependency.

• The proposed work is implemented and evaluated with the top five websites in
China according to Alexa rank, the evaluation results show that the ATF time is
greatly reduced with our work compared to the original webpages, especially for
complex webpages.


• Our future work will focus on the implementation of the work on the cloud side,
where crowd sourcing can be used to further improve the accuracy for impact
identification and reduce the ATF time


[1]. R. Mundwiler and M. Gaffin, ‘‘System and method for communicating pre-connect
information in a digital communication system”, U.S. Patent 6 178 173, Jan. 23, 2001.

[2]. S. Radhakrishnan, Y. Cheng, J. Chu, A. Jain, and B. Raghavan, ‘‘TCP fast open’’ in
Proc. 7th Conf. Emerg. Netw. Experim. Technol., 2011, p. 21.. Meenan, ‘‘Above the
fold time: Measuring Web page performance visually’’., 2011.

[3]. D.Stenberg,’’HTTP2 explained,’’Comput.Commun.Rev.,vol.44,no.3, pp. 120–128,

2014.L. A. Meyerovich and R. Bodik, ‘‘Fast and parallel webpage layout’’., 2010.

[4]. X. S. Wang, A. Balasubramanian, A. Krishnamurthy, and D. Wetherall, ‘‘How

speedy is SPDY?’’ in Proc. 11th USENIX Symp. Netw. Syst. Design Implement.
(NSDI), 2014, pp. 387–399..

[5]. S.W.Aiken and J.A.Saba,’’Highspeed flexible slave interface for parallel common
bus to local cache buffer,’’ U.S. Patent 5 761 707, Jun. 2, 1998.

[6]. L. A. Meyerovich and R. Bodik, ‘‘Fast and parallel webpage layout,’’ in Proc. 19th
Int. Conf. World Wide Web, 2010, pp. 711–720.

[7]. M.Butkiewicz,D.Wang,Z.Wu,H.V.Madhyastha,andV.Sekar,‘‘Klotski:
Reprioritizing Web content to improve user experience on mobile devices,’’ in Proc.
NSDI, 2015, pp. 439–453.

[8].C.Caşcavaletal.,‘‘ZOOMM:A parallel Webbrowser engine for multicore mobile

devices,’’ ACM SIGPLAN Notices, vol. 48, no. 8, pp. 271–280, 2013.

[9]. C. G. Jones, R. Liu, L. Meyerovich, K. Asanovic, and R. Bodík, ‘‘Par- allelizing the
Web browser,’’ in Proc. 1st USENIX Workshop Hot Topics Parallelism, 2009, pp. 1–6.


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