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Registration no.: 2019131060 Set Code: 131D 1" year 1 semester Examination 2020 Department of Chemistry, SUST Course No. CHE 131 Course Name: General Principles of Inorganic Chemistry-I Credits 2.0; Full Marks: 30 (Answer any two questions) 1.(a) Briefly describe the Bohr's theory of hydrogen atom. +4 How does it explain the appearance of an emission spectrum? =10 (b) — Anelectron in an orbit of principal quantum number n, in ahydrogen atom = 5, ‘makes a transition to an obit of principal quantum number 2. The proton emitted has a wave length of 434 nm. Calculate n,. (Given that Ru =2.18x10"* J, h= 6.63 x 10™ Js). 2(a) Define ionization energy. Comment on the first ionization energy of p ands and 3+3=6 discuss reasons. (>) What do you mean by effective nuclear charge? 343-6 Calculate 2* for a 3d electron of Mn atom. (©) Account for the decrease in electron affinity between C and N. 3 3.(a)__ Draw the resonance structure of the following ions, 3 (i) SO, (ii) CO* (©) Calculate formal charge on each of the atoms of the followings- 6 (i) NOx, (ii) NO* (©) Mention the following molecules as polar or non-polar. Explain your answer 6 with proper reasons: (i) NHs, (ii) NFs, and (i CCla “1/6 Departmant oF Chamistny , SUST Ack yean Sah semaster exam 2020 Counne No: CHE L34 Rag-No; 2019131060 Sel code ABAD No. od Page 06 tine Signstons oF the chudawt , Avo: To. The GO. No- 1%) clhn's Modsl oS an Atom: Bohr's model consists ox a small nuclaun posrtively changed) surrounded by Magevive. elacknons onound tra wiclour Ww onbrte Bore OUWA Wook an clackron located away From the wwrels ur han mona enangy ond elocknons closa-to tra nerelaur Jrave lass ensng y+ Ma Bohn's Meony oS Vayda gen okom 16 given Yoelow — [3S Tho, elactron i Me bydrogen atom com rave. aro und the wurclaur im ona oF Wa many possilola cinewlan paths oS- Freed nodiun awd enogy Whore podtr ona collad onbits, [stelvonany stalns on allowad ensng ¥ stoles. Troe orbits Jona. annanged econcontrically around tha nadeun in nouns orden oF energy: [24 Tho enorgy oS aw Alactran in Ma onkit does not change. buithvime. However. Aho elactronw will move Strom a lower shodionony stoleto Vaqhon stoMonany orale rS ond whan na raguirad amount oF enmgy 1s alosonleed by tha electron JEnangy 6 emitted whan on elachron moves Inom a Whore shockronany Nee Yo 0 \ower shalionony Ace. The ennngy Chenga. lroesurt olka placa IW a condinnoun mannan. Rags Nor ZO1giZlobo -2/6 iron Aw elaclnon may JUMP spontaneounly Strom one on lar tEwoyy \ Es) Yo Ba. omar onloicr Lenacgy Level Es) (Es) Ey) 5 Pan te magy houge ae inka clackrom qump Us given by Planck’ s eqpation: at = £.-Ey = hv phe Planck's consha. Ve Sraquancy oF Vr ented - BJ The motion oF aw cleetmon im a cineulan onlerbis mas- mitted in suda a manner Wo vhs Longedare vmomstum 1s ow iwhegrol mubkisla of Ware Sun rmvne Se Whore, m=manr oF tha elactnon; v= velocity of Ya alackrm menadiun oF Wa onldth 5 neon integer called principle quactum ben 65 Wo alachnon . | A special suntoaee onound. nudaun whidr cov\ained onborts oS eyrol enmgy and rodiun wan called shell. There shell are foxmbered From imnidato outwards an 1,2,3.4 ete.and lealled KL» MN ete. raapeet'vely . The explainadiion oF appearance oF oh emission spechram oF hydrogen oko + In the Bohn model of Yo \np drogen atom, Bohrer post. uloled Mot Me elactnow is allowed 40 occupy only contarn onbotts of specific enmgies This moons thet fro Jenangies oF We eleclrow ana quonbized. Bole attnilualed Wa emission of modiorlion by an energized hyd rogan elom Hro tha clactmon dropping Srom a Wighor-enagy onbirt lxtowen enangy onbit ond giving, BR quantum engy Fran Sonm oF lige Badd speetral Ve iw Whe emission spectrum of Wy Arto gen, eonmnes ponds bo a parcttenlare Hrcomcrlion iw a bydrogon atom + Rag. No: 20191060 -3/16 damon _ [We know More ane only Sour eolower oF hig tn hydrogen! & Visilola emission speetruun : rad lolus~ groan ua, viol Hydrogen aXom's elocknow tromstions: Web wee 4 Bralah sonics " Ew to EUNe4) ne3 ——— Parca sories EW te EW? Belwmor sorces ner EW) to Ewe?) Lyman senies med Ge Ewe Fgura sachs meer Sagnam Son Ann: To Wo GQ. No- i) GrvenWok, Rus AAR x10 FS @.-3¥in® vet Ase a he 6.63 KIO Qs R= 434m = U.34 20° wn ‘ We enn, oy oh on, QE = YS ae On, aE BkIOXK 6.63KI07 434x107 F 6 4E 2458 YO” : Wan a photon is emitted , mip is Conseqrsstly the Herm 1s panevtlusa is nagerlwe and aE ye nagetive_ (Lemareg y look ta to cunrounding 5) Jabs ~ 458 KUO ; aE = Bula we) 0) URE \ 19 on. ae, = DA TRK IO + . We TERK 1078 ay? OUN= 5.006 M5 Wed Rag No. aoisigioso 4] & Liman ; Av: To. The. Q. No-= 3 De lewis Anweluw oF Sulfate vow is Lsoe") 1: an 16-3=9 9-3-9 rOt Tra nasonomen structure oF Sulfate von soe Jig ° ” ce oles 7oOt $0t Thane ona 6 noronanee in $00” We wis stracuna of C0377 19 9 2 " [o-f-6) Vs The rasonanen stractura oy cos 1 rap 10% oN a) aN, \ its ° YI GS as BLEEP % Thome ane 3 pansnanen in COs7~ / Avr Te He G.No =3 Co) DNOs, ns Laws sinutlura oF NOD Vs 10," . - [sha] Be SO No asv asv Rp? yO DAY aev ape We knsws Formal change = V-L ~ -& Ven. a valance eloctrow L =n. oF lone pale eladron ow wad odor iw tha Lewis SAnmelura oF We molecnie « a P= Te wrben oS shanad elgeiron + Rog No: ZO\\D\O60 -5[4 Aiman Formal change of N atom EN = V-L--5=5-0- 5 = =a+tAa Formal dange oS O akon N-0.Fo,,0.- V-L- - =6-6-= =A Formal, deongs a5 0 okem ww N=0, Fo, - V-L- & = 6-4-4 Tun Yao Lowrs Pecnctang. oF NO> with Sosonasl hongais eer DNOz We leuis struckuna oF NOT V6 L&=- sy qn ois" 26% 2p? O > A447 26" 2~% The Sommal change of N stom Fuge peavy-L- = =5-0- =o Wa Sonmal ehorge oF O atom wm N-0,Fo.- V-L- & =o-6-= Twa Sonmal change 05 0 alm im N=O, = ~* Foes V- LE oe Thur Wo lewis Archie of NOF wrth Sormal dharge is Ove e, aot 6 =N-8 Rag. Nos 24019131060 -6/6 dimen Anton. No-3 (6) SNLSNE, om ammonia. 15 & Polo mdaenle nvieoe 4 hor a gracker eleclrionagedwirly camparsdto hydrogen?’ Wun wir covalant bond srittrogan pulls the shorad & a Lite closer towards rhe nuclaun This crete © partial Vaonge. called « Upala on all oF Wa actom + in {hs bowd _ Nyro gen qete a wagockive Role beenune wes palling We e~ elosore and emer ydro gan Vow hon a posvtve Vipdle Main em ara Sorcha away, IONE 5 NE melocnle is pdan. N-F howds ana palare wich Wa N lecing pardially posrViwe and Wa F porcvially nagetive “he Lone pain oS elackrons on We N cctom malas Wane wsleenle somaubet assypmatrie with naspec to the fragetwe eatras around Wa N atom WSEPR Yroony) Thre Meda momants oc Ma N-E bonds do nok emnesl out ond Waar ys a rasulboudt deda momar walang Yo rmdlaculs polar. wWCUlys CCly Ceanloon tetrachloride) is nonpdiare Ww rodure. AYhough Va Sour bonds Cel ana pala because oSWa dSSeonanea in cleelronagativrly oF Chlonina (3.16) amd comboon(&-55), CClq Vs nonpolar Wbecaune tha bond polarerty atts camcalad with each other dus te Sho: symmulrdeal qeomatrdeal strackuns Wetnaksdral) oS ha COg molecele .

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