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Essential Agreements between Parents and School 2022-23


I understand that the school has the Culture to Live, Learn, Think, Trust, Read,
Lead, Work, Give, Appreciate, Collaborate and Conserve and be consistent to
develop values in the student community. I will support the school in this endeavor.

Culture to conserve

I am informed about the culture to conserve, being practised at Silver Oaks which aims
• Cutting down costs on stationery for parents
• Teaching children goals for conservation and respect for resources.
• Developing a sense of equality and simplicity in children
I will work on developing responsibility towards stationery in my child.

Teaching & Learning

I am briefed about the teaching, learning and assessment policies of the school. I
am aware that it is a professionally developed program and I trust the school in
implementing it to the benefit of my child. I understand that the school has internally
developed the curriculum for all subjects in alignment with the National Curriculum
Framework of India. Kannada language learning is compulsory in the State of
Karnataka as per circular no ED-274-PGC 2017 dated 21/10/2017.

As a parent I am responsible for teaching my child respect and values. I will refrain
from passing negative comments about the school or teachers so that my child will
not lose respect for learning, teachers or the school.
Me & My Country, We grow together-Civic and Social Responsibility
I understand that the school encourages every child to save and earn Coins- for- the
Country which will help in the education of less privileged children and other socially
relevant programs. I will support the school in this endeavor.


I understand that the school uses the Parent Portal for all academic updates,
Class Dojo/Schoology for class updates, emails, Newsletters for information
on events and news, messages for important communication.
I understand that the school conveys everything positively. I am informed on how
I can approach the school through Home school relationship managers who will
be organizing a meeting with Homeroom teachers/ Transport in charge/
Admin officer/ Principal / Director with prior appointment.
As a responsible parent, I will interact with the above mentioned for any of my
concerns instead of just voicing them on social networks and gathering

Leave of Absence

I understand that I have to plan and sync my child’s leave of absence with the school
calendar. In case of unavoidable circumstances I have to inform the school ahead of
time through mail to:
In case I want to pick up my child earlier than school leaving time, I should send a
mail/message to the school front office at least three hours in advance.

Picking up the child during school hours

I understand that the school advises against picking up the child during school time,
as it causes disturbance to the class, teacher and teaching process. I will not disturb
the school, unless there is an emergency.
Uniform, ID card and Personal Hygiene
The school will facilitate procurement of uniforms for the child through a reliable
vendor. The child should be wearing the uniform as per rules at all times in school
and wherever the child represents the school. All students are expected to display ID
cards on the school premises and the school bus. Therefore it is imperative that they
have ID cards at all times. If ID cards are lost, the school will replace them at a
nominal cost.
Cleanliness and personal hygiene is to be maintained at all times – trimming/clipping
the nails, haircuts, neat and clean uniforms for girls, hair to be tied neatly and timely
inspection of school bags.

Colourful bands, clips, earrings and nail polish is to be avoided. Only red and black
bands and clips are allowed. Gold jewellery, fancy stationery/accessories/water
bottles are to be strictly avoided.

Birthday Celebrations

I am informed that the school discourages

• Celebration of birthdays by distributing chocolates and return gifts.
• Inviting classmates to birthday parties and picking them up from school.
Any undesirable behavior by students after school hours is the responsibility of
the parents and not the school.

Food at School

I am informed that the school provides pure vegetarian, healthy non-spicy food for
breakfast and lunch to the students who have opted and paid for the meals.

School encourages parents to send only vegetarian healthy food for those that opt to
bring their own food. School will be unable to cater to requests for food on a day basis
as we do not have a kitchen facility in school.
School Bus

● I will make myself aware of the transport routes.

● I understand that school cannot change bus stages for my personal
convenience. I assure you that I will not demand or pressurize the school for
changes in the bus stages, nor will I gather groups of people to support me.
● I understand that I am responsible for ensuring that my child is at the pickup
point at the stipulated time in the mornings and the bus will not wait for my
child for more than one minute.
● I understand that traffic conditions do not allow school buses to wait for long at
bus stops. I am aware that while dropping the child, if the designated guardian
or parents are not at the drop point, the bus will take the child back to school
and the parent has to pick the child up from there. I am responsible for picking
up my child at the scheduled time at the designated bus stop.
● I will not enter into arguments or conflicts if I have any concerns regarding the
driver, cleaner, students, teachers on my child’s school bus. Instead I will
approach the school for redress.
● I agree that the display of a parent ID card is mandatory at the pickup and
drop location and at the security gate in case of own transport. This will help
the bus attendant identify the right person. I agree that once the child is
dropped, the safety of the child is my responsibility. Whatever may be the age
of the student, once he or she alights from the school bus, it is the
responsibility of the parent.

Medical Situations

I understand that sending a sick child to school is harmful to the child and his/her
peers so I will refrain from sending my child to school when unwell.

Minor ailments, injuries will be addressed by the school nurse and the parent will be
informed of the same.

If the child becomes unwell at school, the parent has to pick up the child.
Beyond minor injuries the school nurse will administer first aid and parents will be
informed. The school will take the child to the hospital. Once the parent is informed,
the parent can take charge of the child at the hospital.

Date of birth

I am informed that the school has defined the suitable age criteria for each grade
level as per CBSE norms, for National and International level exams. I understand
that the school is following this strictly for the benefit of my child.
I understand that physical and mental age go hand in hand to enable my child to learn
effectively. I will be honest in producing a genuine birth certificate. It is my
responsibility towards my child.

Parent Teacher Meeting

I am informed that there will be planned dates for PTMs and in the interest of my
child, I need to attend them.

School Events
I understand that the school organizes many events for children to build their potential.
I need to encourage my child to participate and make it a point to attend such events.

Fee Structure

I am fully aware of the fact that there is a differential fee structure and a slab change
that exists in the school and the same is explained to us and we will continue to pay
the fee as mentioned/ enhanced by the school from time to time. Apart from the tuition
fee, any other fee for programs such as NIE, Mindspark and Asset etc. will also be paid
from time to time on intimation.
Further we are also aware that there will be fee enhancement by 10% on the
existing fee structure every year. Other expenses related to participation in
competitions, MUN, Annual day etc. will be informed and incurred from time to
Please note that the annual tuition fee is paid in two installments as mentioned in
the fee structure. The first term fee is payable at the time of admission and the
second term is payable in the month of September. I assure you that I will abide by
these dates of payment.

Fee Refund Policy

I am aware that, for withdrawals during the academic session the tuition fee and other
charges of the respective term will not be refunded.
In case of withdrawal before March 31st 2022, 50% of the 1st term tuition fee will be
refunded. 100% of the transport and lunch would be refunded as applicable.
Any unpaid dues of the student shall be recovered from his/her refundable deposit.

I agree to all the above essential agreements laid down by the school.

Child’s Name: Signature of the Parents

Class: Date

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