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University of Tripoli - Faculty of Engineering

Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering

Communication Lab II


Name: Makhzom alshhumi. Instructor: Eng. Abdullah Abu Grain.

ID: 22171586. Date of Experiment: 20/6/2022
 Briefly, explain the basic theory of Gunn diode oscillators.
Gunn diodes are widely used as oscillators to generate microwaves with frequencies range of 1 to 100 GHz. It
is a Negative Differential Resistance device also they are called as transferred electron device oscillator.
When the DC bias is applied to this diode it behaves in
negative differential resistance and generates
microwave frequencies. Consequently, the circuit
provided below is able to oscillate at low
frequencies with the presence of tuned circuit
inductance and other circuit connections.
Figure1. Gunn Diode Oscillator Circuit.

 Explain how a variable height cylindrical cavity can be used for frequency measurements.
Circular cavities are often used for microwave frequency meters. The cavity is constructed with a movable top
wall to allow mechanical tuning of the resonant frequency, and the cavity is loosely coupled to a waveguide
through a small aperture. In operation, power will be absorbed by the cavity as it is tuned to the operating
frequency of the system; this absorption can be monitored with a power meter elsewhere in the system. The
mechanical tuning dial is usually directly calibrated in frequency.

 Illustrate some examples of matched loads built for waveguides and explain their
 What is meant by reciprocal and nonreciprocal devices, give some examples on each.
A reciprocal device is a non-active device “passive device”, such as resistors, inductors and capacitors.
A nonreciprocal device is an active device, such as transistors and op-amps, or ferrite or plasma.

 Sketch an example of ferrite isolator and explain its operation.

The isolator is a device that permits unattenuated
transmission from port1 to port2 but provides very high
attenuation for transmission in the reverse direction. The
isolator is often used to couple a microwave signal
generator to a load network. It has the advantage that all
the available power can be delivered to the load and yet
reflections from the load do not get transmitted back to the
generator output terminals. Consequently, the generator
sees a matched load, and effects such as power output
variation and frequency pulling (change in frequency) with
variations in the load impedance are avoided. The scattering
matrix of an isolator is:

 Mention at least two applications of directional couplers and illustrate how we can use
directional couplers for these applications.

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