Javier - Learning Insight (April 11 - April 15)

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Dr. A. Santos Avenue, San Dionisio, Parañaque City


Name: Tricia Mae C. Javier

Topic: Jargon Used in The Travel Industry and The Art of Negotiation


Today April 11, 2022, we have two online session in our on-the-job training at Rajah
Travel Academy, which is the Jargon Used In Travel Industry and the Art of Negotiation.

Today we study about the travel insurance. Travel insurance is intended to safeguard
against dangers and financial losses that may occur when traveling. The dangers vary
from little inconveniences like missed airplane connections and delayed luggage to more
significant ones like injury or serious sickness. Travel insurance can help protect you from
medical bills incurred while traveling overseas that are not covered by your regular health
insurance. Most health insurance policies do not give complete coverage in foreign
countries, and some health plans, including Medicare, do not provide any coverage at all.
Travel insurance supplements your regular health insurance and can help you pay for
medical expenses if you get sick or injured before or during your holiday. Travel insurance
can assist cover the costs of lost or stolen luggage. This is especially beneficial if your
luggage is lost by an airline, as it might be difficult to convince them to compensate for
lost luggage. In the United States, the Department of Transportation (DOT) mandates
airlines to pay passengers for missing luggage up to $3,300. In other nations, the
maximum sum is $1,750. However, in order to obtain the full amount, travellers must show
invoices verifying the worth of the missing luggage and their contents. Furthermore,
several airlines require the claim to be lodged within 21 days. Travel insurance can assist
cover costs incurred as a result of trip cancellation. Most resorts and cruise lines will not
offer you a full refund if you cancel. Most resorts will charge a cancellation fee if you
cancel two weeks or more before your vacation; many cruise companies will only give
you a 25% refund or partial credit on another cruise if you cancel two weeks or more
before your trip. Most firms will not give you a refund if you cancel within two weeks of
your vacation. Unforeseen events occur, and you want to be prepared just in case. Some
credit cards provide limited coverage, including yearly limitations and restrictions for
cancellations and interruptions (if they give any cancellation/interruption coverage at all).
Few credit cards, however, cover the most expensive travel risks, such as medical
expenditures or emergency evacuations, which travel insurance can cover. While travel
insurance cannot avoid disasters, it helps alleviate the strain of unanticipated charges
and additional travel plans that must be made with little notice. Travel insurance policies
Dr. A. Santos Avenue, San Dionisio, Parañaque City

are designed to provide you peace of mind if your plans are disrupted by a delay,
cancellation, natural disaster, or terrorist attack.

Tricia Mae C. Javier

(Name of the Student & Signature)
Dr. A. Santos Avenue, San Dionisio, Parañaque City

Name: Tricia Mae C. Javier

Topic: Designing General Tourism Marketing


Today, April 12, 2022, we only have a one session in our on-the-job training at Rajah
Travel Academy , which Designing General Tourism Marketing. The Designing General
Tourism Marketing is being led by Ms. Jessica of Rajah Travel Academy.

Today in our first session we just had the final assessment for our teacher. Assessment
is an important component of learning since it assists students in learning. Students can
decide whether or not they comprehend course material when they can observe how they
are doing in class. Students might be motivated by assessment as well. Students may
begin to work harder if they are aware that they are performing poorly. Assessment is
beneficial to both students and teachers. Teachers can detect if their instruction is
effective by assessing students on a regular basis. Teachers can also use assessment
to ensure that students understand what they need to know in order to satisfy the course's
learning objectives. When teacher evaluation is done correctly and includes those being
assessed, it may give an opportunity for instructors to reflect on their everyday practices
and improve. However, in many circumstances, the assessment is inadequate and has
no influence on instruction. More importantly, the assessment is frequently demeaning to
instructors, especially when those assessing are disconnected from the reality of
classroom life. In this method, evaluation is meant to just illustrate what is wrong and is
not intended to offer genuinely helpful recommendations on how to do better. Even when
the evaluator understands the complexities of classroom life, there is no universal
agreement on “what makes a good teacher.” Thus much of the focus of assessment is on
a limited range of generic “technical skills” or on an atomized list of relatively easy-to-
measure “competencies” — which may not be key factors in why a teacher is successful.
The pedagogical and social grounds for evaluating teachers must go beyond just
determining whether instructors have technical abilities and are "efficiently" attempting to
pass such skills on to pupils. There must also be an interest in the greater political and
social environment in which teachers work, as well as in providing the tools they require
to make a difference. As a result, evaluation must include social justice both within and
outside the classroom. Assessment should enhance the life prospects of the most
disadvantaged pupils by indicating where more human and financial resources are
Dr. A. Santos Avenue, San Dionisio, Parañaque City

required. It should provide individuals who have been marginalized or silenced in our
classrooms a voice. Rather of focusing on flaws in teaching or requiring teachers to do
more with less, it should concentrate on the circumstances in which teaching happens; it
should guarantee that teachers get the sort of support that allows them to do their job.

Tricia Mae C. Javier

(Name of the Student & Signature)
Dr. A. Santos Avenue, San Dionisio, Parañaque City

Name: Tricia Mae C. Javier

Topic: Appreciating Airline and Airport Operations


Today, April 13, 2022, The Appreciating Airline and Airport Operations is being led by Ms.
Marj Custodio of Rajah Travel Academy. Today is out last day also in this session.

I would like to recommend Ms. Marj for being a good mentor to all of us trainee. For me
she has the characteristic a good mentor must have. Mentors are an essential component
of both personal and professional growth. They serve as guides during times when people
require someone to steer them in the proper route. Good mentors are persons who are
excited about the role they play in assisting others in achieving their goals. A excellent
mentor has several characteristics. When looking for a mentor, seek for someone who is
passionate, a good match, considerate of others, and a well-known expert in their
industry. This will help you achieve your goals and, perhaps, establish a mutually
beneficial connection between you and your selected mentor. A good mentor is a life-long
learner who wants to pass on that passion to everyone with whom they come into touch.
They should understand that, while they are specialists, they will never be able to know

The awareness that it is okay to be an expert and not know anything is an important
attribute in a mentor (and, to be honest, in everyone). A mentor who can respond to a
query with, "I don't know, but I will find you an answer," is someone worth your time.

A good mentor will be eager to share their expertise with you and will be open to the
potential that you may have solutions that they do not have. A mentor who is willing to
learn from their mentee is deserving of your respect. Everyone has a zone in which they
function and live. They are at ease and capable of excelling in this environment. This is
referred to as a comfort zone.

To grow, you must move outside of your comfort zone in order to have new experiences
and learn. A competent mentor can identify your comfort zone and create actions and
activities within your goals that will drive you to become comfortable outside of your
Dr. A. Santos Avenue, San Dionisio, Parañaque City

comfort zone. A mentor must be able to hear what you are saying. They should be a part
of the dialogue, pressing you for clarification or further information.

When you're chatting to them, they shouldn't be distracted. A individual who is constantly
being distracted by phones, emails, or others passing by while in a session with you is
not really listening.

When you're conversing with a good mentor, you won't have any distractions since they'll
be focused on you and participating in the conversation. They will ask you questions,
reflect on your responses, and even give you some space to ponder if you need it.

Tricia Mae C. Javier

(Name of the Student & Signature)
Dr. A. Santos Avenue, San Dionisio, Parañaque City

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