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RW- (Section A)
DESIGN OF Fence Wall



i. ACI 318M-08, Building Code requirements for Structural Concrete.

ii. Uniform Building Code 1997
iii. Design of Concrete Structures, Arthur H. Nilson
iv. Foundation Analysis & Design, Joseph E. Bowels


Density of Reinforced Concrete [ gc ] = 24.0 kN/m3
Compressive Strength of Concrete [ f'c ] = 31.0 N/mm2
Yield Strength of Steel [ fy ] = 420.0 N/mm2

ii. SOIL
Density of Soil [ gs ] = 18.0 kN/m3 Soil report
Coeff. of sliding friction between. soil & Concrete [m] = 0.40 Soil report
Angle of Internal Friction of soil [f] = 33.0 degree Soil report
Coefficient of active earth pressure [ Ka ] = 0.29 Soil report
Coefficient of Passive earth pressure [ Kp ] = 3.39 Soil report
Net allowable Bearing Capacity [ qa ] = 200.0 kN/m2 Soil report
Increament in Bearing Pressure = 0.0
Gross allowable Bearing pressure [ qg ] = 200.0 kN/m2
Surcharge pressure = 12.19 kN/m2 2 feets of soil
Design wind speed = 150.0 Km/hr

iii. Dimensions
Depth at bottom of foundation of Retaining wall = 1.35 m
Top of Retaining wall [ TORW ] = -0.75 m
Top of Boundary Fence [ TOBF ] = 2.25 m

Width of Strip to be used [B] = 1.00 m

Include Passive resistance = Yes

W1 = Weight of Stem Top Part

WF = Weight of steel fence = 10 kN
W2 = Weight of Stem Bottom Part
W3 = Weight of soil (Active Side)
W4 = Weight of base slab
W5 = Weight of soil (Passive Side)
TOBF = + 2.25

Wind pressure = 0.98 kN/m²


TORW = -6.25
TOA = -6.60 0.35 Earth pressure

10 @ 200

Surrcharge pressure


12 @ 200

W5 12 @ 200
Toe Heel TOF = -7.30
3.71 kN/m2


70.173 A 5.31 3.59

12 @ 200 10 @ 200 12 @ 200 kN/m2 kN/m2

0.000 0.300 1.100


Footing Base Slab
( Heel & Toe )



0 0



0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2.0 2.2 2.4 2.6 2.8 3.0 3.2 3.4 3.6

Bearing Pressure Diagram after redisturbution

Weights & Resisting Moments about the front edge (A) are as follows :

Force (kN) Arm (m) MA (kN.m)

Depth/Thk. Length/Ht. Width Density

D L W g D*L*W*g X Force.X
W1 0.10 8.50 0.13 24.0 12.55 0.150 1.88
W2 0.30 1.05 1.00 24.0 7.56 0.150 1.13
W3 1.10 0.70 1.00 18.0 13.86 0.850 11.78
W4 1.40 0.30 1.00 24.0 10.08 0.700 7.06
W5 0.00 0.85 1.00 18.0 0.00 0.000 0.00
S.W. Surrcharge weight 1.00 12.19 13.41 0.850 11.40
Pass 0 0.85 1.00 18.00 0.00 0.000 0.00
Total 57.46 0.58 33.25

a. Check Over Turning [ OT ]

1-Over Turning Moment:
i. Moment due to Soil pressure
P1 = 1/2 *5.31 * 1 * 1 = 2.65 kN
y1 = 1/3 *1 = 0.33 m
[OT] M1 = P1 * y1 = 0.88 kN.m

ii. Moment due to Surcharge

P2 = 3.59 * 1 * 1 = 3.59 kN
y2 = 1/2*1 = 0.50 m
[OT] M2 = P2 * y2 = 1.80 kN.m

iii. Moment due to Wind on precast wall

Wind Load according to (ASCE SEI 7-05 )
qz = 0.613 Kz Kzt Kd V² I [N/m2] Eq.- 6.15
where :-
qz : velocity pressure calculated using Eq.6-15
Kz : velocity pressure exposure coefficient = 0.850 Section
Kzt : topographic factor = 1.000 Section
Kd : wind directionality factor = 0.850 Section
V : basic wind speed = 41.667 m/s²
I : importance factor = 1.150
qz = 0.613 x 0.85 x 1 x 0.85 x 41.67^2 x 1.15 / 1000 = 0.884 kN/m²
p = q G Cf kN/m² using Eq. 6-27
q : velocity pressure = 0.884 kN/m²
G : Gust factor = 0.850 Section 6.5.8
Cf : Net force coeffient = 1.300 Fig. 6-20
p : wind pressure
CF1 : Mesh & Fabric Size Cofficients = 6.4
Post spacing = 4.25 m
Net area of fence = 36.125 m²
Q3 p= 0.88 x 0.85 x 1.3 = 0.98 kN/m²
P3 = 1/CF1 X Net area of fence x Wind pressure
P3 = ((1/6.4) X 36.125 X 0.98) = 5.532 kN
y3 = 2/3 X 8.5 = 5.67 m
[OT] M3 = P3 x y3 = 31.35 kN.m

iv. Total Over Turning Moment

M O.T. = M1 + M2 + M3 = 34.03 kN.m

2-Stabilizing Moment: (passive moment)

M ST. = + 15.47 = 48.7 kN.m
F.O.S. Over Turning = M ST. / M O.T. = 1.432
F.O.S. Allowable = 2.00
Check Sliding [ S ]
1-Sliding Forces:
FS = P1 + P2 + P3 = 11.78 kN
2-Resisting Forces:
FR = m.SW = 22.98 kN
Hp (Passive) = 0.5 x 3.39 x 18 x ( 0.3 + 0.85 ) ^ 2 x 1 = 40.35 kN Considered

Passive Resistance = 23.0 + 40.35 = 63.33 kN

F.O.S. Allowable = 2.00
F.O.S. Sliding = FR / FS = 5.377
Safe against Sliding

Check Bearing Pressure [ B/C ]

Design Forces:
Total acting Moments = M1 + M2 + M3 = 34.03 kN.m
Total stabilizing Moments = 33.25 kN.m
Total Weights = 57.5 kN
Distance between point "A" and resultanat force
= (SMS - Ma)/SW = -0.01 m
Distance between base C.G. and resultanat force = 0.714 m
Resultanat force is outside middle third
Q toe = 166.55 kPa
Q heel = -84.47 kPa
Bearing pressure at toe is less than Gross B/C
Bearing pressure at heel is less than Gross B/C
Percentage of tension stress under the foundation = 33.6%
Moment at base of stem due to backfilling pressure
Active pressure
F1 = 1/2 x3.71 x 0.7 = 1.30 kN
d1 = 0.7 / 3 = 0.23 m
MS1 = F1 x d1 = 0.30 kN.m

Passive pressure (Included)

F1 = 1/2 x70.17 x 0.85 = 29.82 kN
d1 = 0.85 / 3 = 0.28 m
MS2 = F1 x d1 = 8.45 kN.m

Moment at base of stem due to surrcharge pressure

F2 = 3.59 x 0.7 = 2.52 kN
d2 = 0.7 / 2 = 0.35 m
MS3 = F2 x d2 = 0.88 kN.m

Moment at base of stem due to wind load

F3 = 0.88 x 0.85 x 1.3 x ( 8.5 + 0.35) x 1 = 5.53 kN
d3 = 0.7 + 8.85 x 0.55 = 5.5675 m
MS4 = F3 x d3 = 30.80 kN.m

Total Moment at base of stem (Bottom Section)

Mt = MS1 - MS2 + MS3 + MS4 = 23.53 kN.m
Mu = 1.6 x MS1 - 1.6 x MS2 + 1.6 x MS3 + 1.6 x MS4 = 37.65 kN.m
a. Design of Section at base of stem (Bottom Section)
1. Vertical Reinforcement:
Cover of steel reinforcement = 50 mm
d = 300 - 50 - 6 = 244 mm
f = 0.9
b = 1000 mm
R = Mu/fbd2
= 37.654*10^6/(0.9 * 1000 * 244^2) = 0.70
m = fy/0.85 f'c = 15.94
r = (1/m)*[1-(1-(2Rn/fy))^0.5] = 0.0017 for Net Area
rmin = As per ACI 318-11 Clause 14.3.2 = 0.0012 for Net Area
rselect. = Governing = 0.0017
rmax = = 0.0199 OK
As = Max. of min. and required steel reinforcement = 413.837 mm2 /m
Dia. = 12
Use Dia. 12 @ 200 / m Inner Side
for Other Side use
Use Dia. 12 @ 200 / m Outer Side

2. Horizontal Reinforcement for Stem :

r = As per ACI 318-05 CL: 14.3.3 = 0.002
As provided in two layers = 600 mm2
Dia. = 10
Use Dia. 10 @ 200 / m Both sides

3. Stem , Check Shear:

Shear at distance "d" above base
V1 = Shear due to backfilling pressure (active-passive) = -28.52 kN
V2 = Shear due to surrcharge pressure = 2.52 kN
V3 = Shear due to wind load = 5.53 kN
Vtotal = Total shear force = -20.48 kN
Vtu = Total ultimate shear force (1.6 x V1 + 1.6 x V2 + 1.6 x v3) = -32.76 kN
f = = 0.75
fVc = (1/6) x f(f'c^0.5)*(b x d) = 169.817 kN

Shear is safe
C. Design of Base slab (Heel side):
Moment due to Overburden soil Weight
Mh1 = 12.6 * ( 1.1 ^ 2 ) / 2 = 7.62 kN.m
Moment due to surrcharge weight
Mh2 = 12.19 * ( 1.1 ^ 2 ) / 2 = 7.37 kN.m
Moment due to selfweight of foundation
Mh3 = 24*0.3 * ( 1.1 ^ 2 ) / 2 = 4.36 kN.m
Moment due to Upward pressure
Mh4 = 0 + -141.76 / 2 * ( 1.1 ^ 2 ) / 2 = 42.88 kN.m
Total Moment at face of the wall
Mut = 1.2xMh1 + 1.6xMh2 + 1.2xMh3 - 0.9xMu4 = -12.42 kN.m

1. Longitudinal Reinforcement (Main - TOP REBARS):

Cover of steel reinforcement = 50 mm
d = 300 - 50 - 6 = 219 mm
f = 0.9
b = 1000 mm
R = Mu/fbd2
= -12.42*10^6/(0.9 * 1000 * 219^2) = -0.28773
m = fy/0.85 f'c = 15.94
r = (1/m)*[1-(1-2Rn/fy)^0.5] = -0.0007 per Net Area
rmin As per ACI 318-11 CL: = 0.0018 per Net Area Governs
rselected = 0.0018
rmax = 0.0199 OK
As = Max. of (min. and required) steel reinforcement = 394.2 mm2
Dia. = 12
Use Dia. 12 @ 200 / m Both sides

Horizontal Reinforcement for Heel:

r = As per ACI 318-11 Clause = 0.0018
As provided in two layers = 540 mm2
Dia. = 10
Use Dia. 10 @ 200 / m Both sides

Heel, Check Shear:

Shear at face of wall
V1 = Shear due to backfilling weight = 13.86 kN
V2 = Shear due to surrcharge weight = 13.41 kN
V3 = Shear due to selfweight of foundation = 7.92 kN
V4 = Shear due to Upward Pressure = 77.9699 kN
Vtu = 1.2 x V1 + 1.6 x V2 + 1.2 V3 - 0.90 x V4 = -22.58 kN
f = 0.75
fVc = (1/6)*f(f'c^0.5)*(b*d) = 152.418 kN

Shear is safe
iii. Design of Base slab (Toe side):
Moment due to Upward pressure
Mh1 = 209.39 * 0 ^2 / 2 + 0.5 * ( 209.39 - 209.39 ) * ( 0 ^ 2 ) * 2/ 3 = 0.00 kN.m
Total Moment at face of wall
Mt = Mh1 = 0.00 kN.m
Mow = 24 * 0.3 * 0 ^2 / 2 = 0.00 kN.m
Mu = 1.6 * Mt - 1.2 Mow = 0.00 kN.m

Longitudinal Reinforcement (BOTTOM REBARS):

Cover of steel reinforcement = 50 mm
d = 300 - 50 - 6 = 219 mm
f = 0.9
b = 1000 mm
R = Mu/fbd2
= 0*10^6/(0.9 * 1000 * 219^2) = 0.00
m = fy/0.85 f'c = 15.94
r = (1/m)*[1-(1-2Rn/fy)^0.5] = 0.0000 per Net Area
rmin As per ACI 318-11 Clause = 0.0018 per Net Area
rselect = = 0.0018
rmax = 0.0199 OK
As = Max. of min. and required steel reinforcement = 394.2 mm2
Dia. = 12
Use Dia. 12 @ 200 / m Both sides

Horizontal Reinforcement for Toe:

r = As per ACI 318-11 Clause = 0.0018
As provided in two layers = 540 mm2
Dia. = 10
Use Dia. 10 @ 200 / m Both sides

Check Shear:
Shear at distance "d" from wall
# Downward Loads shall be ignored

V3 = Shear due to bearing pressure = 0.00 kN

V4 = due to Selfweight of Toe = 0.00
Vtu = (V3 x 1.6) - (0.9 x V4) = 0.00 kN
f = 0.75
fVc = (1/6)*f(f'c^0.5)*(b*d) = 152.42 kN

Shear is safe

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