Dps-Modern Indian School, Doha, Qatar Class X Economics Notes Chapter 1 Development 2022-23

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Q.1 What is Per Capita Income?

Ans. It is obtained by diving national income by the population of a

country i.e.

Per Capita Income = National Income(GDP) / Total Population

Q. 2 What is meant by ‘Economic Development’? Write the two

bases of measuring economic development of a country?1 Mark

Ans. Economic development is a sustained increase in real per Capita

income that promotes economic welfare by reducing poverty,
unemployment & inequalities in distribution of Income.

Two bases of measuring economic development are National Income &

per Capita Income.

Q. 3 “What may be development for one may not be

development for the other.” Explain with a suitable example.

Ans. The establishment of a dam leads to infrastructural development

but many people (Like Adivasi of Narmada Valley) have to shift out of
the village, hence it may not be development for them.
Q. 4 Why is the total income of countries not used to make
comparisons between them?

Ans. The total income (GDP) of the countries is not used to make
comparisons between them because the population of different
countries is different.

Q. 5 Why do you think average income is an important criterion

for development? Explain

Ans. It is an important criterion because it gives some idea about the

rising standard of living.

Prosperity of a country depends not only on the size of the national

income but also on the number of people who would share it.

Q. 6 Besides the size of per capita income, which other

property of income is important in comparing two or more

Ans. Per capita income is an important but not the only criterion for
development. Along with average income, equitable distribution of
income in a country should also be considered.

Q. 7 Why is the issue of sustainability important for


Ans. Sustainability is important for development because it results in

 Protecting the people against pollution ensuring their quality of

life & health.
 Conserving the environment which is necessary for development.

Q. 8 What is Human Development Index (HDI)?

 HDI is a composite index of achievements of a nation in terms of

three important variables that determine the quality of life. These
three variables are longevity, knowledge & standard of living.
 It is prepared by United Nations Development Programme.
Q. 9 Among Maharashtra, Kerala & Bihar, which one has the
lowest infant mortality rate?

Ans. Kerala has the lowest infant mortality rate.

Q.10 How can development be sustained in an economy? Give

an example with reference to use of resources.

Ans. Development can be sustained in any economy by using

renewable resources such as ground water, wind energy & solar

Q. 11 Why is per capita income of different countries calculated

in dollars & not in their own currencies by the World Bank?

Ans. It is done in order to make comparisons of per capita income of

different countries possible.

Q.12. What does IMR stand for?

 IMR stands for Infant Mortality Rate.

 It indicates the number of deaths of children under one year of
age per thousand live births in a year.

Q.13. Define literacy rate.

It is the proportion of people aged 7 or more who can read and write
any message with understanding in any of the language enshrined in
the eighth schedule of the constitution of India.

Q.14. Besides income what are the other aspirations when they
think of development? List out any two.

 Freedom
 Respect
 Equal treatment
 Security
Q.15. What do you mean by life expectancy?

 It is the average number of years a person is expected to live in

a country.
 As per census 2011 it is 66.9 years.

Q. 16 Kerela, with low per capita has a better human

development ranking than Haryana. Hence per capita income is
not useful criterion at all & should not be used to compare
states. Do you agree?

 It is true that per capita income is not the only criterion behind
human development.
 Factors like infant mortality rate, literacy rate & not attendance
ratio are also very crucial for overall human development.
 In these factors Kerala is better than Maharashtra. However, if
we are interested only in comparing two or more states in terms
of production and income generated then per capita income is an
important criterion.

Q. 17. “The earth has enough resources to meet the needs of

everyone but not the greed of anyone.” Do you agree with this

 This means that there are enough resources to meet the needs of all if
they are used judiciously so that others could not be deprived of them.
 To sustain the planet earth the non-renewable resources should be
replaced with the renewable resources.
 We need to stop the misuse and over-exploitation of the resources to
ensure the longer life of the planet.
 We should do development in such a way so that the ability of the
future generation to meet their needs should not be threatened.
 There should not be mass production rather it should be replaced with
production by the masses.

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