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Name : Haya Rasheed Abbasi

Roll number :19 24

Section: EW 1

Choose the correct option

1 eliminated
2 composure
3 distressing
4 signalled
5 Break
WRITE short answerS
1 ] Some parents force their children to study those
subjects in which they do not have any interest. Such
subjects are distasteful for them. They don’t work with
interest and ultimately fail. This reason of failure can be
avoided if boys are allowed to study the subjects
according to their interests.
2 ] Lazy bluffers are the students who don’t take studies
seriously. They do not have any serious aim in their life.
They do not concentrate on their studies and spend their
time in useless activities. Such students should not be
allowed to stay in college.
3 ] Some parents force their children to earn their living
with studies. So they get poor education and poor living.
Parents should contribute towards the expenses of their
4] The writer wished to have a tricycle in his early
childhood. As he grew up his tricycle which was changed
into a bicycle wish. His parents were very poor and could
not afford it. In the same way he could not buy ice cream
or sweets in his childhood.
5 ] Summer vacation was a period of permanent joy and
felicity for the writer. He walked across in July wearing
his grey shirt, grey short and red Weston blazer.
Idioms and phrasal verbs
An axe to grind :
A selfish person Will not help anyone unless he has his
own axe to grind.
A wild goose chase:
A wise man Never indulges in wild goose chase.
A bird of passage:
A bird of passage never succeeds in life.
Bring about:
The previous government brought about many changes
in the constitution.
Bring up:
She brings up her child with great care.
The End

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