Good Times, Good Feelings

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*undreds people
practiceyoga beneath
Sinpa@re's Supertfees.


LISTENING Understanding the Speaker's Purpose 1 Look at the photo. Why do you think all these people are
Using a Split Page to Take Notes doing yoga here? How do you think they feel?
SPEAKING Showing Interest 2 Read the unit title. What do you do to feel good?
Intonation of Yes/No and Wh- Questions
CRITICAL THINKING Making Predictions
Look at the map
and read the
information. Then discuss the questions.
1. What HOP How
i'. it
2. Which country
3. Accordino to the map. coniincnt
has the moq
4. Accordino to the chart.wh'(h is a
htah ot low environmental A
high ot low 00'centaoc of
5. What do voo ts the most inteteslinn
or surpnstnq information presenled'

HA ppy

Costa Rica
2nd Mexico 24%
3 rd Colombia 22%
4th Vanuatu KEY
.40 3 Lowest
5th Vietnam Highest
6th Panama
7th Nicaragua 27% Happy Planet Index

8th Bangladesh 15% Expectancy (years)

9th Thailand 22%
10th uado- t/being (out of 10)

1Itt-, Jamaica auironmental Footprint


13th Gibanta
14th Uruguay
15th Spain

How do you measure the happiness of a country? In 2016,the Happy Planet Index
(HPI) was created to look at 140 countries around the world to see where people
are living the longest and happiest lives with the least impact on the planet. The
HPI combines four factors:
• life expectancy (the average number of years a person is expected to live)
• overall wellbeing (people's satisfaction on a scale of 0 to 10)
• environmental footprint (each person's impact on the planet)
inequality (a percentage showing how uneven life is for different people
within a country)


know. Use a to
you already
0 and
with any new words.
the words

fed (v)
C] 'Oke (n) researcher (n)
amusino (ad')
C) laughter (n) (n)
C) comedy (n) CJ situations
CJ happiness (n)
each word in blue and think about its
@ Read and listen to the article. Notice
CONTEXT meaning.


like laughter?
Look at the photo. Does this look
New research says that apes laugh when
are tickled. A researcher at the University
team." The
Portsmouth in the U.K. led a "tickle
team tickled the necks, feet, hands, and armpits
of young apes. The team recorded more than
800 of the resulting laughs on tape. The research
suggests that the apes' panting noise is the sound A chimpanzee
of laughter. Researchers think that this short,
of happiness—the "ha_ha.
quick breathing is the starting point of human expressions
such as a joke,
sound we make when we laugh. When we find something amusing,
we laugh. When apes find something amusing, such as a tickle, they laugh.
find many situations funny—such as jokes, tickles, TV comedy shows—but we are not
unique because animals laugh, too.

C Writeeach word in blue from exercise B next to its definition below.

arr.using causing laughter or pleasure

piay, show, ar story
,hit be heard
2, something scientifically

a thing that someone says to make

people laugh
8. made an audio or written copy of
9. something
the sound of happiness or
how things are at certain
times and places

Complete each sentence with a word
from exercise C. Use each word only once. Then
practice the exchanges with a partner.
l. A: Social +ituat.iono such as parties sometimes make me nervous.
B. Me. too.
2. A: They felt great
when they held their first grandchild.
B: I'm sure they were really
3. A: So, who the group discussion yesterday?
B: Adriana did. She asked some
really good questions about the topic.
4. A: There isa new
on Professor Watson's team.
B: Interesting. What is she studying?
5. A: Larry told a but it wasn't Nobody even smiled.
B: Poor Larry!

6. A: They must be having fun. I hear

coming from next door.
B: Yeah, they're watching their favorite
7. A: I missed the lecture.
B: Don't worry. I it on my computer. We can listen to it again later.
8. A: Your car is making a really odd
B: Really? Maybe I should take it to a mechanic.


When you see or hear a word you don't know, recognizing the part of speech can
help you understand its meaning. Some suffixes,or word endings, are very common
for nouns: -er/-or/-ar, -ion, -tion, -sion, -ness, -ence/-ance.

Verb Noun
teach teacher
create creation
decide decision

With a partner, answer the questions below using the noun form of the word in bold.
1. What do you call a person who researches a subject?
2. If you are happy, what feeling do you have?
3. 'n most groups, there is one or more people who lead and the rest follow What do
you these two types of people?
4, T. form of the verb laugh is irregular.What is it?

C"Jestions in a small group. PERSONALIZING

i he last time you laughed a lot? What was so amusing?
you do that makes other people laugh?
:tu.itjons do you find amusing?
tokes. Thejokes are so bad I laugh!
Listening AI about I atl('hter

CRITICAL THINKING Makino you focus your
make predictions about content, it what you will hear. Ask yourself
When you to predict
Use your experience and knowledge
questions such as: interview?
a conversation,
What wi/// listen to—a lecture, on the title or the topic?
/predict based
What will it be about? What can
about the speaker(s)?
Who wit/speak? What do / know

CRITICAL THINKING: With your "artner, check (v) What

You are going to hear a lecture about laughten
PREDICTING think you will hear.

two people talking D facts about laughter

C] examples of jokes research results

LISTENING SKILL Understanding the Speaker's Purpose
lecture, etc.
You will understand more if you know why a speaker is giving a talk,
This is the speaker'spurpose. Often you must guess the speaker's purpose based on
what they say and how they say it. But sometimes speakers will state their purpose
I'm here today to explain the importance ofp/ay.
My goal today is to teach you three newjokes.

Read the questions and answers below. Then listen to the first part of the
lecture and choose the correct answers.
1. What is the speaker's main purpose?
a. to make us laugh b. to give us information
2. Does the speaker directly state her purpose?
b. no

CHECKING C Look back at the predictions you made in exercise A. Then listen to the
PREDICTIONS entire lecture. Which of your predictions were correct?
Read the statements and answer choices below. Then listen again and choose
the best word or phrase to complete each statement.
1. People usuallv lauqh 2. People will probably not lauqh
a. at snoodjokes a. in a social situation
b. after they learn to talk b. when they're with friends
c. when other people laugh c. when they're alone

Read the statements. Then listen again and complete each statement with LISTENING FOR
information from the lecture. DETAILS

1. Professor Panksepp, the rat researcher, works at State University.

2. The rats' laughter is at a very frequency, so people can't hear it.
3. More than percent of laughter is not because of jokes.

4. TV comedy shows often use a track to make the audience laugh.

Discuss the questions below with a partner. CRITICAL THINKING:
1. Do you think it's a good idea to use animals for research? Explain.
2. Do you think some people laugh more than others? If so, what do you think the
reason is for this?
to laugh? Explain.
3. Is it always a good thing to laugh? Are there times when it is not good

Professor Panksepp
studied rats to learn
why animals laugh.

questions with be
VespNo Short answers
Are Z No

YesrNoquestions with Other verbs

Do laugh a ' Yes, I do : No, I don't.
Does tell a/t the time? he docs / No, he doesn't.
Do laugh lectures.' Yes.wc do. / No, we don't.
Wh- questions with be
When is the Tonight at 7:00.
Where are the rats ? In the lab.
Wh-questions with other verbs
When does thc lecturebegin 2 At 400 p.m.
Why do people like yokes? Because they're funny.

Complete the questions. Use do, does,or are and the verbs from the box.

do get have like take

Survey: How Happy Are You?

you a social person? Yes No

2. you activities with other people? No
3. you fun with people? Yes No
4. you a vacation every year? Yes No
5. you enough sleep? Yes No
6. you being outside? No

Answer the questions in the survey by choosing Yes or No. Then compare your answers
with a partner's. Do you think your answers mean you are happy, or not so happy?

Girls have fun playing

a game of jump rope
outside their school
in Rwanda during a
break from class.

28 UNIT a
Writequestions using the words given and the simple present.

vow fc»d•'
a of 0' to'

S Where / tbe doe.est •nthis

trees good for the environment

With a partner, take turns asking and answering the questions

from exercise C.

Talk to your partner about one of the topics below Your

partner will listen and ask you
questions. Then switch roles and discuss a new topic.

a hobby a favorite book or movie a beautiful place a family member

A- I want to you about my older brother.

B' What's your brother's name?

EVERYDAY LANGUAGE Asking for Repetition

Could you say thüt again? I'msorry?
What's that? What did you say?
Couldyou repeat that. please? Sorry.I ddn't get that

Listen to the conversation.Then practice it with your partner.

A: Everyone'shaving a good time'
B: What did you say?
A: I said everyone's having a good time.
8: They sure are—it's a fun party!

Work with your partner and follow the instructionsbelow.

Student A: Say the sentences below to your partner.When you see ///////////.don't
speak clearly.
Student B: Ask your partner for repetition when you don't understand something. Your
partner will repeat the information using his or her own ideas.
hec;rd that 1////////// ore on the exam.
B' Cout you say that GOO"??Whüt ore on the exam?
Vero tenses,
Oh, OK Thonks.

There's a free concert In the park on ///////////.

T pe is beautiful today! It's 1//////////.
tike ths Cass because ///////////.
na: s fr.end over there. Her name is 1//////////.
easy to find. It's next to the ///////////.


tat' of eotos When
Intonatton the r»se
word Content wonis
your voice rives or ooes up on the last content
adverbs nouns and s•eths

think funnyö
she laughing'
on the syllable of the
When you ask a +- quest•on, your voice rises
content word. and then falls at the end Of the question.

Where is the nearest park When are you going?

you think you Willhear

Read the two conversations. Mark the intonation in
the questions. Then listen and check your answers. Practice the conversations With
partner. Then switch roles and practice them again.

Conversation 1 Conversation 2

A: What's the name of the park? A: Do you like to go to the park?

B: It's called the High Line. B:Yes, I do. I go there to run.
A: Is it in New York City? A: Why do you do that?
B: It's good exercise, and I enjoy being outdoors.
A: Why do people go there? A: Are you going again tomorrow?
B. It's a good place to relax. B:Yes. Do you want to come?

Take turns asking your partner yes/no and wh- questions about what he or she doesto
have fun.

dance go to parties watch TV socialize with friends play games

A: Do you like to dance?

B: No, (don't. Do you?
A: Yes, 'do! What do you like to do instead?
B: I like to socio/ize with my friends.

Form a small group. One member of the group thinks of a well-known TV show or
movie. Other members of the group ask yes/noquestions to find out the name of the
show or movie.
A: Is it a movie?
B. No, it's a TVshow.
C: Does this show come on ot the same time everyweek?
B: Yes,it does.
A: Do older people like to watch this show?

LESSON TASK Discussingrun Activities
Think of an activity you enjoy. Read the questions. Complete the chart with yout

My Answers My Answers

l. What's the tiv.ty?

How often do vou do it?

When do vou do it?

4 Who do vou do it with?

S 00 you have to wear spec•al clothes?

What do you do?

7.Where does it take place?

8, Why do you like it?

With a partner, ask and answer the questions in exercise A.

Complete the chart. Add
one more question to find out more about your partner's

Form a group with another pair of students. Report what

you learned about your
partner in exercise B.

The High Line ism park

an Old


was arrmged

Laughter Yoga
the activities you think
PRIOR KNOWLEDGE AJ In Lesson A, you discussed things you do for fun. Check Y)
fun. Discuss the reasons for your answers with a partner.

a party exercIse a funnv

MEANING FROM The underlined words are in the video. Use the context ot a dictionary to help you
CONTEXT understand them.

laughter is something eve ail en)0S' It
is funny. we laugh naturaliyaAnd 'tS
people nearbv star: lauahtna, toe. But ' us
it can or ult situation. it he;ro c sease: 'tv
a that br:ne.speople toaethet. We don t know
works to make us feel better, but the tine Gua\nter gooe us

With a partner, take turns asking and answering the questions about laughter. Use the
information from exercise B and your own ideas.

1. What happens when someone starts laughtnq?

2. How does tauohterhelp us?

Read the questions. Then write the answers while you watch the video. UNDERSTANDING
1. What do people do in lauqhter yoga?

2. What health issues can laughter help with?

3. How many calories can you burn up if you laugh for 5-10 minutes?
4. When do babies first begin to laugh?

5. How do babies use laughter?

Read the statements. Then watch the video again and choose T for Trueor UNDERSTANDING
F for False. DETAILS
1. People tell jokes in laughter yoga.
2. Laughter has effects that are similar to jogging.
3. Laughter is present at birth.
4. Scientists don't know everything about laughter yet.

Discuss the questions below in a group.
1. What was the main purpose of the video?
a. to tell us about the benefits of laughter
b. to tell us different ways to make people laugh
c. to tell us about different kinds of yoga
2. What surprised you about the video? Explain.
3. What are some things that make you laugh?
4. Are you interested in trying laughter yoga? Why or why not?
5. In Lesson B, you will learn about how people use their free time to have fun and be
happy. Do you think that people in different cultures have different ways of having
fun? Explain.


Read and listen to what four people say about their free time. Notice each
CONTEXT word in blue and think about its meaning.

Free Time
I. As a poir-e officer. deal gath crime an daylong I 3 J enjoy taking walks in the park love bong
like to cook to take rryy my work It's a pretty outdoors—seeing the trees and feeling the sun
common hobby. so I know a lot ot other people on my face Basically, I'm a'ways moving. Walking
who like to cook. too Somettmes. my frends come good exercise Ail that exercise keeps me ht
over and we cooV.together We laugh and tell stones.

2. I don't have much free time because have a full- 4 When I want to relax, I listen to music at home. My
time job and I have children like to spend time favorite music is classical, especially Mozart There's
With my k'ds when carv Somet•meswe go to only one disadvantage to spending my freetime
the beach. and somertmeswe go to the park, For at home: almost never spend time outside.
me. playtng With my children has some Important
benefits 't br•ngsme happiness and makes me
feel young and healthy

Matcheach word in blue from exercise A with its definition.

a (n) physical activity that keeps you fit

2. benefits b.(adv) in the open air: outside a building
3, c. (adj) strong and well; not Sick
4. outdoors d. (n) a period when you are not working
5 healt hy e. (v) to get pleasure or satisfaction from something
6 common (v) to spend time doing something calm and peacefu; g (n) advantages; good results of doing something
8. exercise h (n) a negative ponti something that can create a
9. reim (n) an actyon that is against the
10 d:sadvantaqe (ad') usual. happening often

34 2
evetcise A.
•j Read the article. Vill in each blank with a word in blue from

An U'ban Escape

In a tya cttv such as people to shop,

te hod, thit very

and are that

The City ot Pans spends a lot of money to create and qatdenq.Some

people think that the high cost is a So why does the city do

this? What are some of the of parks and other green spaces?

Better Health. Having places to after work helps people feel good

Parks allow people to get such as walking and jogging. Being

in the sunlight is good for people.

Better Environment. Trees help to clean the air and make cities cooler. Gean air

helps people stay

Less Crime. such as robbery and murder. can be

crime in places with green areas

in big cities. But research shows there is less

around them.

great place for children to learn and play.

Improved Education. Parks are also a
they play in a park.
According to one study, children learn better after

D Discuss the questions below with a partner.

1. Why do people enjoy parks?

of spending money on parks?
2. What are some disadvantages

Somali school girls

play soccer during

Listening A Talk about City Parks

c R' T 'c AL THINK INCE tA You are going listen parks. Look at the photo.
to to a guest speaker talk about city of parks in cities?
PREDICTING What do you think the speaker will say about the importance

Central Park,
New York City, U.S.A.

NOTE-TAKING SKILL Using a split Page to Take Notes

One way to organize your notes is to draw a line 2 to 3 inches from the left side of
the page. On the right side, take notes on main ideas and important details as you
listen.When you review your notes after class, use the left side to write questions
that the notes answer The questions will help you focus on the important points.
Writing questions will help to clarify and connect ideas. It will also help you
remember informationand predict test questions.

se good for exercise: walking

LISTENING FOR (B, Read the statements.Then listen and complete each
MAIN IDEAS information you hear. statement with the

1. The speaker is there to talk about some

of the of public parks.
2. The speaker says that parks provide
benefits, social benefits, and
environmentai benefits.
B. The speaker says that
is lower in places with a lot of
green spaces. trees and

4. The speaker says that

healthier, happier people have fewer
choices. Then listen again and choose the CISI[NING (OR
@ Read the statements and answer
correct answer.
asks is about
1, The first question a student
do toqether at parks
a the thinos families
'b the types of exercise people do at
c. the number of people who go to parks
asks is about
2. The second question a student
a. the health benefits of parks
b. the educational benefits of parks
c. the environmental benefits of parks
3. The third question a student asks is about
a. the types of city parks
-b. the drawbacks of city parks
c. the importance of city parks
4. The fourth question a student asks is about
a. the health benefits of city parks
b. the social benefits of city parks
cc. the environmental benefits of parks

De Review the notes from the talk below. What was the speaker talking about? Write your NOTE TAKING
own questions on the left for the details on the right.

Lees diabetes. high bloodpressure. overweight

In hospital, get better

Less crime
Study 9b apt buildings.50% lower

buy land
builb playgrounds, walkways

You learned that city parks have several benefits. Rank the benefits from 1 to 6 in order CRITICAL THINKING:
of importance to you (1 = most important; 6 = least important). RANKING

People have a place to exercise. Cities are cleaner and cooler.

Cities have less crime. People have a place to relax.
Children learn better. Children have a place to play.

Work with a partner. Compare your answers from exercise E. Discuss the reasons for
your decisions.
A: I think the most important benefit is that cities have less crime
B: Really?ldisagree. I think the most important benefit is that parks give children a place to play.


interest in what the other person
it is polite to show find out more information
When we have a conversation,a followo question to
is saying. It is also polite to A: Themovie was
just awful!
A: / don't like this TV Oh, that's too bad.
Why didn't you
like it?
Oh? Why not?
fabulous. I'm A: It was a fascinating
A: My vocation was Really? Why?
so relaxed now
B: Good for you. Do you
any photos?

expression from the box.use

each conversation below with an appropriatewith a partner.
@ Complete the conversations Switch rolesand
once. Then practice
each expression
practice them again.
How funny! Oh, that's too bad. Oh, why
Good for you!

1. A: I really don't like that new

A: It isn't funny!
me happy.
2. A: Oh, I love this weather. It makes
Most people don't like rain and cold.
3. A I'm going shopping. tjust got my
Don't spend it all at once!

4. A: I'm studying to bea chef.

That's exactly what I want to do.

5. A: I didn't pass the test.

Better luck next time.

Work with your partner and have a conversation. Follow the steps below. Then switch
roles and repeat.
l. Student A: Ask Student B what makes him or her laugh.
2. Student B: Answer the question. and if possible. give specific examples.
3. Student A: Show interestand ask questions to find out more.

38 UNIT 2
When we do not know people well, we can be friendly by making small
and answetirnqquestions about the weather talk
: Small talk and other
'sate" topic S
vou evt't to Rivet "
a thü(ltdu/
Thc is hu€y todnv. Do you know if It's to tam?

Read and listen to the conversation. Underline examples of

small talk.

Children playing in a
fountain in a city pirk

Shelli: There are a lot of people here today.

Omar: I'm sorry?
Shelli: I said there are a lot of people at the park today.
Omar: There sure are. It's a beautiful day to be outdoors.
Shelli: It really is. Do you know if it's going to last?
Omar: I don't know, but it feels perfect today. I'm here with my daughter.
Shelli: Oh, which one is your daughter?
Omar: That's her over there.
Shelli: Really? She's playing with my son!
Omar: That's your son? What's his name?
Shelli: Robert, and my name is Shelli.
Omar: Nice to meet you, Shelli. I'm Omar, and my daughter is Zara.
Shelli: It's great that the kids can play here.
Omar: It really is.

Compare your answers from exercise C with a partner's.Then practice the

conversation. Switch roles and practice it again.


FINAL TASK Presenting on a Celebration or Holiday

You are to qive short about that you

oood. such as a celebration, a holiday, or an activity you like to do in your

BRAINSTORMING @ Write some ideas for your presentation topic in your notebook.

ORGANIZING tot AS Choose one of your ideas from exercise A. In your notebook, write short notesto
you plan your presentation. Use the example below to help you.


Introduction: in

Details: eat (6•otvwyeonor rice cakes).

Conclusion: Chu«c'k family


When you are speaking to a group, you need to speak so that everyone can hear
you. Try to speak loudly, slowly, clearly, and with good pronunciation. This will help
your audience understand what you are saying.

PRESENTING Form a small group. Follow the steps below.

1. Decide who will present first, second, and so on.
2. While one person presents, the audience listens carefully.
3. After the presenter finishes, each person in the audience must ask one question—
either a yes/no question or a wh- question.
4. The presenter answers each question.
5. Repeat steps 2—4for each member of the group.

What ways did you learn to show interest in a 3. Here are the vocabulary words from the unit. Check (v)
conversation? the ones you can use.

amusing D exercise C] outdoors

benefit C] free time record
C] comedy O happiness
2. What research discussed in the unit surprised or
O common healthy C] researcher
interested you the most?
O crime ojoke D situation
D disadvantage O laughter sound
O enjoy O lead

40 UNIT 2

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