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Dentistry is the branch of health sciences that is responsible for the

study, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the teeth
and, in general, those that affect the stomatognathic apparatus.

History of Dentistry
2700 BC
to the century
1678 1900 1990
bebé dani abad
1890 1980

• Hessie-Re first dentist, • Pierre Fauchard, Father • Heinrich Braun,

of Modern Dentistry and introduces novocaine

tried sterilization

procedures. the inventor of the (anesthesia).

• Alexander Fleming

• The Chinese used dental filling for cavities.

acupuncture to relieve the • Simón P. Hullihen, discovered penicillin used

against dental infections.

pain caused by dental Father of Oral and

caries. • The national office of

Maxillofacial Surgery,

•Hippocrates used a hot standards is integrated into

created his instruments, the ADA (American Dental

wire to treat diseases of some of which are still Association).

the teeth and oral tissues. used today. • The electric dental brush, • Dentistry is practiced
• Auguste Taveau which was baptized with with minimally invasive
develops the first the name of Broxodent, techniques.
amalgam. was born in 1954, by the • There are techniques and
• Basil Wilkerson, Swiss doctor Philippe-Guy materials to regenerate
invents a hydraulic Woog. bone.
dental chair that was • William Morton patents • It works with the
raised and lowered by a the use of "Letheon" gas to patient's own plasma to
pedal; and the use of produce ether anesthesia in help tissue healing and
the turbine in dentistry surgery. regeneration.
is attributed to him. • Horace Hayden, in • There are treatments to
• Edward Angle perfects collaboration with Chapin keep teeth in the mouth.
the studies of Pierre Harris, invents the first • There are medications,
dental school in the world, products and painless
Fauchard, being the in Baltimore, and the first
Father of Orthodontics, anesthesia to reduce the
American dental society patient's anxiety, making
and asked to be (ASDA). dental treatments more
separated from Dentistry • Michael Buonocore bearable.
and turn it into an invented white resin fillings • And the newest thing
independent discipline and described the method today is that research is
within Medicine. of bonding resin to enamel. being carried out with
• Wilhelm C. Roentgen, • John Borden invents the stem cells.
discovers X-radiation high velocity air handpiece.

Most common diseases in dentistry

an oral disease that affects
almost 100% of the
Periodontitis or
population, both adults and pyorrhea
children. In addition to
brushing your teeth, it is Periodontitis is a periodontal
very important to perform disease in a severe stage
the dental check-ups that and appears when gingivitis
your dentist considers has not been treated in
optimal to keep the health time
of your mouth in good

Gingivitis Halitosis or
periodontal disease in early
bad breath
stage and its appearance Halitosis or bad breath is
has a direct relation with mostly caused by
the lack of oral hygiene periodontal diseases of the
and this will be noticed mouth, lack of hygiene or
how your gums are swollen tobacco consumption.
and reddened, even
bleeding may occur.


Did you know…?

4% of the world's population have teeth in areas of their body other than their
mouth. A 17-year-old Indian boy was suffering from intense pain in his jaw and
it was discovered that it was caused by 200 extra teeth.

Private Northeastern University "Gran Mariscal de Ayacucho". Faculty of

Bachelor: Becerra, Grecia Teacher. Reyes Tomauly.
C.I.V. 17.503.793.
Section III

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