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Computer Fundamentals

Scope of Information Technology:

● The use of computers to store, retrieve, transmit and manipulate data, or information, often in the
context of a business or other enterprise.
● Scope- The extent of the subject area or subject matter that something deals with or to which it is
● Information Technology refers to anything related to computing technology, such as networking,
hardware, software, the Internet, or the people that work with these technologies.
● Many companies now have IT departments for managing the computers, networks, and other
technical areas of their businesses
● IT jobs include computer programming, network administration, computer engineering, Web
development, technical support, and many other related occupations.

Types of Computer Systems:

● Supercomputers: A supercomputer is a computer with great speed and memory. They can
perform extremely difficult arithmetic calculations very fast, so they are used for weather
forecasting, code-breaking, genetic analysis and other jobs that need many calculations.
● Mainframe: Very large capacity computers with several CPUs to control data flow between
peripherals and communication devices. Mainframes are multitasking, multi-user and are usually
the center of a large network. Primary and secondary storage are usually extremely large.
Organizations such as banks, airlines, universities and government departments use mainframes.
They are very expensive and need a full time staff for their operations, maintenance and
● Desktops: Also known as a personal computer or desktop system fits on an office desk. Its tasks
are for a single user and its main use is for office and school work, games and entertainment,
Internet access and data communication.
● Embedded: An Embedded System is a dedicated computer system that is designed for one or two
specific functions.They consume very little processing power and its main aim is to increase the
reliability and performance of the device.
● Mobile devices: Mobile devices, also known as handheld devices include laptops, notebooks,
netbooks, tablets, smartphones, e-readers and game consoles,
They are similar to personal computers but are smaller, lighter and contain batteries so that they
are not restricted to being connected to electrical outlets.
Major components of the Computer System:
● Input: An input device is any hardware component that allows a user to enter data and
instructions into a computer. Examples: Keyboard, Mouse, Joystick, Webcam
● Output: An output device is any piece of computer hardware equipment used to
communicate the results of data processing carried out by a computer.
● Central Processing Unit (CPU): commonly referred to as the processor is the part of the
computer system where the manipulation of symbols, numbers, and letters occurs
The CPU has two fundamental sections: The Control Unit and The Arithmetic
Logic Unit
● Primary Memory: Also called main memory, resides in the motherboard of the computer.
The two types of primary memory are RAM and ROM
● RAM (Random Access Memory): These hold temporary operating instructions for the
computer, its programs and the data. This is where the CPU receives instructions and data
it needs to do its jobs. RAM is volatile.
● ROM (Read Only Memory): When a computer is made, the basic input and output
instructions are put on this.ROM chips hold data and instructions necessary for starting up
the computer when it is switched on. ROM is non volatile.
● A storage medium is the physical material on which a computer keeps data, instructions
and information. A storage device records and retrieves items to and from a storage
● Secondary Storage: Saves programs and data permanently, whereas primary storage uses
main memory, which is temporary. Each secondary storage device or medium requires its
own drive.
Optical- CDs,DVDs
Magnetic- magnetic tape,hard discs
Flash- flash drive,usb
● Information Processing Cycle (IPO)
IPO stands for input, processing and output.
As the name suggests, the cycle is the input , processing and output of data.
Processing is the manipulation of data.
Data processing modes or (computing modes: Interactive computing / interactive processing):-
refers to software which accepts input from humans.
Data processing is the method of collecting data and converting it into its useful form. You can
then use the processed data for analysis, analytics, intelligence, etc. Data processing comprises
multiple stages, namely the following:
Of all these stages, the processing stage is where data is actually converted into its useful form.

Real time processing- Real-time data processing is the execution of data in a short time period,
providing near-instantaneous output. The processing is done as the data is inputted, so it needs a
continuous stream of input data in order to provide a continuous output.

A great example of real-time processing is data streaming, radar systems, traffic control systems,
customer service systems, and bank ATMs, where immediate processing is crucial to make the
system work properly. Spark is a great tool to use for real-time processing.

● The delay in data processing is minimal.
● Information is up to date and can be used immediately.
● You would need fewer resources to sync systems.
● You have increased uptime.
● It helps identify issues so you can take action immediately.

● It’s difficult to implement with simple systems.
● It requires high-performance hardware and is expensive.
● It adds an overload of data in case of system failure.

Batch Processing- Batch processing is a technique in which an Operating System collects the
programs and data together in a batch before processing starts.

Examples of batch processing include those that process utility bills such as water and electricity,
payroll systems and examination report card systems.

1.Payroll system
Batch systems are ideal for making payrolls. The salaries of employees can be printed at the end of
month by the batch systems. So the statements can be made easy by using batch systems.

2.Bank statements
At the end of month the bank makes statements for each account holder. So these bank statements
can be made easily by batch systems at the end of month.

● Repeated jobs are done fast in batch systems without user interaction.
● You don’t need special hardware and system support to input data in batch systems.
● Best for large organizations but small organizations can also benefit from it.
● Batch systems can work offline so it makes less stress on processor.
● Processor consumes good time while processing that mean it knows which job to process
next. In real time systems we don’t have expectation time of how long the job is and what
is estimated time to complete it. But in batch systems the processor knows how long the
job is as it is queued.
● Sharing of batch system for multiple users.
● The idle time batch system is very less.
● You can assign specific time for the batch jobs so when the computer is idle it starts
processing the batch jobs i.e. at night or any free time.
● The batch systems can manage large repeated work easily.

● Computer operators must be trained for using batch systems.
● It is difficult to debug batch systems.
● Batch systems are sometime costly.
● If some job takes too much time i.e. if error occurs in job then other jobs will wait for
unknown time.
Online processing- Computers and peripheral devices are on-line when they are connected to a
main processor and turned on, so that the operator can interact with them. For example when we
purchase something on the internet then it is handled by online processing systems.

Example: Printers are online when they are ready to receive data from the computer to print,
ATM, Point of sale terminal at the check-out counter and online games.

● Easy to use to do shopping online
● These systems have quick response time
● It is easy to use just form filling and your job get processed automatically by web and
database servers
● Online banks nowadays use online processing systems for money transactions
● Usage of credit cards is also handled by these systems
● You can access anything worldwide online and purchase it on the spot by bank wire
transfer, credit cards, and online banks. All these systems are handled by online processing

● There occurs millions of requests to banks at a time which is difficult to handle
● During purchases if servers hang out for few seconds then transactions get interrupted, so
not good for big websites and organization and high traffic sites
● All user data like credit card details, email addresses are kept on database servers so if
websites get hacked or data lost then it creates a problem. For example Linkedin website
which get hacked and email and password get accessed by hackers and then displayed
credential details of users on internet by hackers
● If any hardware failure occurs in online processing systems then visitors of website get in
trouble and online transaction get stopped and effected
● Electricity problem is another issue i.e. if electric supply get off so backup of generators
and hardware devices in better
● Online processing involves lot of staff to maintain inventory
● There should be make some relation with banks so if any transaction problem occurs then
banks handle it correctly
● Transferring products to people physically is also another problem
● Some issue also get involved during creation of new accounts by visitors


● Multitasking/Time-sharing
● Multiprogramming
● Multiprocessing

Processor's time which is shared among multiple users simultaneously is termed as Time- sharing.
Time sharing is the method of processing that allows many users to use a computer system
Multitasking is when multiple jobs are executed by the CPU simultaneously by switching between
them. Switches occur so frequently that the users may interact with each program while it is

Sharing the processor, when two or more programs reside in memory at the same time, is referred
to as multiprogramming.
Multiprogramming increases CPU utilization by organizing jobs so that the CPU always has one
to execute.

The simultaneous processing by two or more CPUs.

A software can be defined as programs that control or maintain the operations of the
computer and its devices
Application software- programs that help the user perform a specific tasks eg. word processing
software like MS word used to create letters & reports, etc.
Database software- access, oracle(access or store data and perform some operations on the data)
spreadsheet software- excel, google sheets(organize data in rows and columns, and perform
Presentation software- slides, powerpoint(make presentations using slides)
Internet browser- safari, firefox, chrome(used to access the internet)

System software- a set of programs that controls the computer’s hardware and is a platform for
running the application software.
User>>>application software>>>system software>>>hardware
The two categories of system software are operating system and utility software.
Operating System- acts as an interface between user and device(computer system).
Eg. linux, microsoft windows, mac os(laptops)
Android, ios(mobile devices)
Utility software- a software used to analyze, configure and optimize the computer.
Eg. antivirus software, backup software, disc compression tool, file management software
When a program or data is too large to fit into main memory, a method called virtual memory is
A driver allows the flow of information among devices
Files need to be saved, copied, renamed and deleted. A file manager checks the amount of memory
needed to perform these tasks and manages the organization of files in the secondary storage
Types of Software
● General- Purpose Software: The programs that you use at home or school- word
processing, database, spreadsheets etc.- will be such programs. These are known as
general-purpose software, because the user decides what to use the software for. These are
● Custom-written software: Also known as bespoke or tailor-made, can modify general-
purpose software to perform specific tasks for the user.
● Specialized Software: Software that is written solely for a specific task. Examples include
software used by air traffic controllers to manage the flights of thousands of aircraft, airline
reservation software etc.
● Integrated Software: A program that includes all major types of applications and brings
them together into a single software package, For example: Microsoft Office and Adobe
Creative Suite.
● Customized Software: This is general-purpose software that has been modified to perform
specific tasks for the user.
User Interface
Interface is the point of contact between the computer and the user.
● Hardware Interfaces: Interfaces such as touchscreens, sensors, digital camera
cameras and special keyboards.
● Software Interfaces: Available after the computer has booted up (turned on) and the
operating system has been loaded, allowing the user to interact with the computer
or device through an interface. There are 4 main types of software interface:
● Command-line Interface: This requires you to type in command using a special
language (example: Windows PowerShell)
● Menu-driven Interfaces: A menu is a list of options from which you can choose
what you want to do. Menu-Driven interfaces were developed to try to make the
interface easier to use.
● Graphical User Interfaces (GUI): A visual way of interacting with a computer using
items such as windows, icons, menus and pointers called WIMP. (read text for more
● Touch user interface
Troubleshooting Computer Hardware Problems
● Troubleshooting is the tracing and correcting of faults in a computer system.
Troubleshooting is the process of identifying, planning and resolving a problem, error or
fault within a software or computer system.
Check textbook for more information
Computer System Specifications
● A system specification describes the operational and performance requirements of a
system, such as a computer.

● Resolution: This refers to the sharpness and clarity of an image. It is usually used to describe
monitors and printers. Monitor resolution consists of a specific number of pixels.
● Processor Speed: Basically means how many instructions can be executed by the processor in a
second. Processor speed is measured in megahertz (MHz) or gigahertz (GHz) (Gigahertz is faster)
● Processor Type: small type of chip that is placed in the computers and other electronics
components. Processor can manage all instructions such as arithmetical, logical, input/output
(I/O) and other basic instructions. (check handout for further information)
● Drive Size: A drive is a location (medium) that is capable of storing and reading information that
is not easily removed. All drives store files and programs used by your computer. The drive size
simply refers to the amount of information that can be stored on the computer drive.
● Memory Type: The most common type of memory you will see in System Specifications IS
DDR2/3/4 SDRAM. DDR2 Stands for Double Data Rate 2
● Operating System: Also known as OS, is software that communicates with the hardware and
allows other programs to run. Examples: IOS, Windows, Android, Blackberry etc.
● Application Software: This type of software can be defined as programs that allow the user to
perform specific tasks Example: word processing software, spreadsheet software, database
management software, presentation software, web browsing software.
● Display Size: Display Size refers to the size of the computer monitor. Screen size gets measured
using inches. It's the size of the actual screen of a particular device.

Information Processing
● Data is raw unprocessed facts
● Information is processed data
● Information processing describes the ways that data is gathered, interpreted and processed
Read up on ‘evaluating the reliability of information obtained from online sources’

Data Validation
The use of a variety of checks to make sure input data has no errors before it is processed.
● Range Check: Ensures that data entered is within a certain range.
● Reasonableness Check: Checks whether the data obeys specified criteria and whether or not it is
● Data Type Check (character or alphanumeric check): Ensure only numbers, letters or symbols
have been entered.
● Consistency Checks: Compares data you have entered against other data you have entered.
● Presence Checks: These ensure that data is actually entered.
● Length Checks: Ensure that data is the correct length.
Extras: format check

Data Verification
Data verification ensures that data entered into a computer contains no errors at all.
There are two methods of data verification:
● Double Entry: Where the data is entered twice
● Proofreading: Checking the data entered against the data on the original source document
Extra Things to Note:
● Industrial Information Processing
● Scientific Information Processing
● Commercial Information Processing
● Source Document: A document used to capture information by writing it down (can either be
hard or soft copy)
● Turnaround Document: A machine creates this and a human adds more data or uses it as input for
something else.

Computer Networks and Web Technologies

Types of Networks
A computer network connects computers so that peripherals such as printers can be shared among
● A few computers, printers and large hard disks, usually on one site, can be linked in a small Local
Area Network (LAN)
● Many small and large computers, located on different sites spread over a large geographical area
or in different countries, can be linked in a Wide Area Network (WAN) for example, the internet.
● A Metropolitan Area Network (MAN) falls between a WAN and LAN. It’s large enough to extend
to an area like a city or campus. It may be owned and operated by a single organization and
accessed by other associated organizations or people. They help to connect LANs and WANs like
the internet.
Research the 5 Mobile Network Generations

Wireless Network Technologies

● Bluetooth and Wi-Fi (short for wireless fidelity) both provide wireless connectivity using radio
● Bluetooth’s main purpose is to replace cables… it also allows for the exchange of data over short
distances among wired and wireless devices.
● Wi-Fi provides high-speed wireless access to a network or the Internet.
● Hotspot is a public area either small or large that offers Internet access over a WLAN (wireless
local area network)
Levels of Privacy
● Intranet: A private network based on Internet standards but only available within a business or
other organization
A firewall is used to stop computers on other networks from accessing an intranet
● Extranets: An extranet is a computer network that allows controlled access from the outside, for
specific business or educational purposes. It is an extension to an intranet that is made available
through the intranet to people with permission to view it.
● Internet: a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet
protocol suite (TCP/IP) to serve several billion users worldwide. It is a network of networks that
consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks that are
linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies.
Transmission Media
● Twisted Pair: Most popularly used as a form of transmitting data via telephone lines
● Coaxial Cable: Found on televisions, videos and cable TV. They use thickly insulated copper wire
and are capable of high-speed transmission but are difficult to install since the cable is somewhat
● Fiber Optic Cables: Fiber optic cables contain a bundle of glass fibers that each transmit lights.
This is a very fast and reliable form of data transmission. Fiber optic cables are now widely used
in telephone systems. These give clear transmission of voice and pictures.
● Microwave: refers to the technology of transmitting information or energy by the use of radio
waves whose wavelengths are conveniently measured in small numbers of centimeters; these are
called microwaves.
● Satellite: an artificial object which has been intentionally placed into orbit. A satellite enables
radio signals to be sent around the world.
● Infrared: Infrared (IR) light is electromagnetic radiation with longer wavelengths than those of
visible light. Infrared transmission is used in remote controls for television and other domestic

● Modem (modulator/ demodulator): Provided by your ISP(Internet Service Provider) (for eg.
Digicel and Flow), who provides you with internet access and its purpose is to convert analogue
and digital signals between your landline and the internet.
● Router (‘traffic cop’ of a network) : It directs data from the modem and sends it to different
devices that are connected to it.
● Switch: A switch expands the number of devices that can be connected to a router.

● Network Interface Card (NIC) or Network Adaptor is hardware that is usually already part of a
computer or laptop and it provides a dedicated connection to a network.

Your modem is a box that connects your home network to the wider Internet. A router is a box that lets
all of your wired and wireless devices use that Internet connection at once and also allows them to talk to
one another without having to do so over the Internet.

Switches facilitate the sharing of resources by connecting together all the devices, including computers,
printers, and servers, in a small business network.
Just as a switch connects multiple devices to create a network, a router connects multiple switches, and
their respective networks, to form an even larger network. These networks may be in a single location or
across multiple locations.

Key Web Technology Concepts:

● World Wide Web (www) is based on millions of pages of information linked together and viewed
by Internet browsers also known as web browsers. A Web Browser is a software application that
allows you to access resources and websites on the Internet. For example Microsoft Edge, Google
Chrome etc.
● Every site on the internet has an address known as a URL (uniform resource locator). To access a
site, you enter its address (URL) into the web browser.
● To upload data means to send this data from your computer on the network or the Internet.
● To download data means to receive data to your computer from another computer on the
network or the internet.
● File Transfer Protocol (FTP): A protocol is a set of rules and procedures that govern
transmission between components in a network. FTP is the internet equivalent of a file
server, with files made available on thousands of the Internet’s computers for downloading
onto individual computers.
● Hypertext Markup Language (HTML): a text-based language used to create web pages for
display by a web browser.
● Hyperlink: an electronic link providing direct access from one distinctively marked place
in a hypertext or hypermedia document to another in the same or a different document.
● Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP): the set of rules for transferring files -- such as text,
images, sound, video and other multimedia files -- over the web.
● Web Server: computer software and underlying hardware that accepts requests via HTTP
or its secure variant HTTPS.
● Web Page: a hypertext document on the World Wide Web. Web pages are delivered by a
web server to the user and displayed in a web browser.

Word Processing
Mail Merge
● Mail Merge is an advanced feature that produces as many letters as possible, creating two
documents: One is a list of the details such as names, address of the people etc. and the
second one is a master letter, with markers where the details are to be added.

Main Steps for creating mail-merged letters:

1. Create the List
2. Write The Letter
3. Link the letter and list
4. Perform the mail merge

Setting up data records:

1. Click select recipients
2. Select Type a New List
3. In the New Address List window, type the data that is relevant to your letter under each
4. To make another entry, click New Entry . Add all the data, set at time.
5. When you have finished entering all your data, click OK
6. In the Save Address List window, save the file for the data list by putting a name in the
Filename field.
7. Click Save
8. Select Edit Recipients List

Completing the letter, label or envelope

1. Place the cursor at the appropriate position in the main document.
2. Click Insert Merge Field or, if using the Step by Step Mail Merge Wizard, select the More
3. In the Fields Window, click the field you want.
4. Click Insert, and then click Close.
5. Repeat steps 1 to 4 until all fields are inserted into the main document.

Completing the merge

1. Click preview results to view your letters, labels and envelopes
2. Click Finish and Merge
3. Click Edit Individual Documents
4. In the Merge to New Document window, select the records you want to merge
5. Click OK
6. Microsoft Word will create a new merged document.

● A spreadsheet is a grid of cells organized in rows and columns. Each column is assigned a letter
and each row is given a number.
● The most common reason to use spreadsheets is to store and organize data, like revenue, payroll
and accounting information. Spreadsheets allow the user to make calculations with this data and
to produce graphs and charts.
Spreadsheet Terminology

● Rows: A row is a group of cells that runs from the left of the page to the right. In Excel, rows are
identified by numbers.
● Columns: A column is a group of cells that runs from the top of the page to the bottom. In Excel,
columns are identified by letters.
● Cells: A cell is the intersection of a row and a column. Cells are the basic building blocks of a
● Cell address (or reference): A cell address, or cell reference, is an alphanumeric value used to
identify a specific cell in a spreadsheet. Each cell reference contains one or more letters followed
by a number. The letter or letters identify the column and the number represents the row.
● Cell Range: A group of cells that form a rectangle on the screen. A range is represented by a cell
address with a colon in between. Eg:(B2:B6)
● Labels and Values: Values are numbers that can be used in calculations. Labels are other types of
data, entered as titles and headings.
● Worksheets: A collection of cells organized in rows and columns. Each worksheet serves as a
giant table that allows you to organize information.
● Formula: An equation that tells the spreadsheet what actions (calculations) you wish to take on
any spreadsheet data. (check for examples)
● Formulae: Calculate how one cell relates to another (check for examples)
● Workbook: a file that contains one or more worksheets to help you organize data.
● Function: A pre-set formula, that helps perform mathematical, statistical and logical operation

Basc pre-defined systems functions (ensure to make sure you know how to carry these out)
● SUM: Automatically totals a column or row eg. =SUM(range of cells)
● AVERAGE: Adds the values in the range and divides by the number of cells in the range eg.
=AVERAGE(range of cells)
● MAX: Used to determine the largest value in a range. eg. =MAX(range of cells)
● MIN: Used to determine the smallest value in a range. eg. =MIN(range of cells)
● COUNT: Counts the numbers in a range. eg. =COUNT(range of cells)
● COUNTA: Counts numbers but also other data such as text or non-blank cells in the range. eg.
=COUNTA(range of cells)
● COUNTIF: Counts the number of cells that meet given criteria.
eg. =COUNTIF(range of cells,“criteria”)
● DATE: Combines values in three cells to produce a date. eg. =DATE(year,month,day) →
● IF: Allows you to make a choice depending on whether a condition is met or not and returns
one of two values. eg. =IF(logical test,value if true,value if false)
● PMT: A financial function that is used to calculate the payment for a loan based on a specific
number of payments and a constant interest rate.
eg. =PMT(interest rate,number of payments,loan amount)
● VLOOKUP: This searches the first column in a table of data for a value. If the value is found,
any other value in that row can be selected. The V in VLOOKUP represents looking vertically
down the first column. eg. =VLOOKUP(value you want to look up, the range of data where
the value is located in the first column, the column number relative to the first column
containing additional info needed, whether the list in the first column of the range is sorted or
not)... =VLOOKUP(B8,class,2,FALSE)
Look up arithmetic formulae: addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and use of brackets.

● Relative Addressing: The adjustment of a formula when copied to other cells.

● Absolute Addressing: Unlike relative addressing, absolute references do not change when
copied or filled. It uses it to keep a row and/or column constant.
● Naming Ranges: Your selected range produces an address which includes the upper-left cell
address and the lower-right cell address, separated by a colon. eg. (A2:A7)

Page 166: Manipulating Columns and Rows

Read up on the effect of move, copy, delete operations on formulae.

Manipulating Data in a Spreadsheet

● Sorting: The rearranging of the rows, individual cells or columns of a list in either ascending
(A-Z) or descending (Z-A) order. (page 172 for further details)
● Filtering: The process of selecting some of the records of a worksheet on the basis of certain
criteria. Excel has Auto Filter and Advanced Filters (pages 172-173)
● Pivot Table: A pivot table makes it easy to summarize your data without altering the original
location of your data. (pages 175-178)

Research “Numeric Data Formatting”

Read up on pages 180-182 for info on ‘Performing charting operations’

Linking Spreadsheets
● In the cell where the link will go, type an equals sign, then click on the cell in the worksheet
and press ‘enter’. Excel links the two cells. It is best to have both files open to make this link


● Database: Consists of a number of related files, more commonly called tables.

● Database Management System (DBMS): the term for any program that handles the storage,
modification and retrieval of data, as well as controlling who has access to the information
● Table: A collection of records
● Record: consists of a number of fields
● Field: The smallest piece of data that can be stored.
● Primary Key: A particular field of each record that contains an item which is used to identify the
record. This value in the key field must uniquely identify each record.
● Secondary Key: Used to view records in an order that is different from the order defined by the
primary key fields
● Candidate Key: These can also be a primary key if it is unique. However, only one field must be
chosen as the primary key. Candidate keys are entirely optional, so a table may contain none, one
or several of them.
● Foreign Key: In a database where the same field is found in two or more tables, if it is a primary
key in one table, then it is a foreign key in the other tables.
Data Types

● Text (Memo has been renamed as Long Text): Long or Short text- letters, numbers and special
● Number (aka. Numeric Field): Numbers for eg. 12345
● Date/Time: Date- day, month and year information (for example, 26/08/1992) including time
information (for example, 9:32)
● Currency: Dollar-and-Amounts of money- $(dollar) or pound or euro.

Creating A Table:

Before you create the database and its tables, you must first choose an appropriate name for the
database that describes its purpose . Then, provide suitable names for the tables based on the type
of records that will be stored in them. For each table in the database, you should consider the
following components:

● Field name, which identified the data stored in a field

● Field type, also called data type, which tells the database program what kind of data goes in the
field, such as text, numbers or dates.
● Field Length, which determines the size of each field in the table
● Field description to allow you to describe the purpose of the field.
● Field properties , which include checks that the data is valid.


You can link two tables in two ways:

● One-to-one: this type of linking usually takes place when the primary key in one table matches
the primary key in the second table.
● One-to-many: This occurs when one primary key in one table links with a foreign key or a
combined key in another table.

Manipulating Data in a Database

● Query: Asks specific questions about the data in a database

● Form: A graphical user interface designed specifically for entering, displaying and
searching dta. This is an alternative to entering data in the spreadsheet-like view.
● Report: Summarizes and formats data from either table or query data.

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