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Structure and browsing

Structure and browsing

In this tutorial, you will discover the sections that make up

the campus, its tools and how to browse the campus.
Structure and browsing
The campus is made up by:

• Top bar
• Transversal menu located in the upper side containing
• A navigation bar to browse the campus.
• The courses to which you are enrolled.
• Right-side tools that change in accordance with the
• Resources (icons) and navigation sections.

Let’s see examples of the campus’ home page and a course.

Structure and browsing
bar of the home page

Transversal Side tools


Structure and browsing
General view of the course/program
menu Top bar


Navigation bar

Side tools
Structure and browsing
Top bar

The top bar is visible at all pages.

It has the following functions:

• Icon to unfold and hide the transversal menu.

• Dynamic tutorials associated with the page (if appropriate).
• A notification menu to be notified about actions linked to the campus, for
example, to be notified about the correction of a task. Number of unread
messages is highlighted in red.
• Campus’ message system. Number of unread messages is highlighted in red.
• User profile and exit button: if you click on user name, you will have access
to different tools and to the exit button when leaving the campus.
Structure and browsing
Transversal menu
The transversal menu is present in every page of the campus
and is accessible from any of them, includes links to the
course sections and to the transversal sections of the

It can be displayed and unfold using the button

From this menu you can access to:

• Discover the campus

• Library
• Debates
• News
• Communication
• Technical support
• Academic record
Structure and browsing
Navigation bar

The navigation bar is present at every page except for the

home page.

As you browse the different sections, it updates, recording

every section you have visited.

In this way, browsing the campus will be easy for you.

It is recommended that you use this bar to browse the

campus instead of the navigator’s buttons.
Structure and browsing
Side tools

Side tools are present are almost every page.

Inside this menu you will fins different tools

depending on the section that is displayed at the
moment, some of them are the Calendar and the
Search in forums
Structure and browsing
List of programs

At the bottom of the campus home page, you can find the
programs to which you are enrolled.

In general, students are only enrolled to one program but it is

possible that they can see other programs.

To access to the program, go to the main page and click on

the title.
Structure and browsing

In this tutorial, you have discovered the parts that

make up the campus and its tools.

We encourage you to set up you user profile, and to

do so following the instructions included in the
Practical Task related to the Structure and
browsing located at Discover the Campus.

Visit the section Discover the Campus to look at

similar tutorials.

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