Schmidt2016 Article SolarPanelCoolingSystemWithHol

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ISSN 0003-701X, Applied Solar Energy, 2016, Vol. 52, No. 2, pp. 86–92. © Allerton Press, Inc., 2016.



Solar Panel Cooling System with Hollow Fibres1

Michaela Schmidta, Ilya Astrouskib, *, Marcus Reppicha, and Miroslav Raudenskyb
Faculty of Mechanical and Process Engineering, Augsburg University of Applied Sciences, 86161 Augsburg, Germany
Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Laboratory, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering,
Brno University of Technology, Brno 616 69, Czech Republic
Received February 1, 2016

Abstract—Photovoltaic (PV) panel overheating drastically reduces their efficiency and lifespan. Overheating
also has the potential to form electric arcs which can melt metal fixtures and burn away the module’s insulat-
ing materials. Due to these phenomena, the introduction of water-cooling or, more generally, liquid-cooling
systems inside the PV panel appears reasonable. Hollow fibre cooling system consisting of plastic tubes of a
small diameter (less than 1 mm) was tested as a simple solution. Fibres can be placed in contact with the back
surface of a PV panel and coolant flowing through provides efficient and uniform cooling. Heat removed
from the panel may be used for domestic or industrial needs or released to the surroundings. Hollow fibres
have very thin walls (about 0.1 mm) to transfer heat easily, and the system is light, compact and resistant to
corrosion. Experiments confirmed that such system can cool the PV panel, removing up to 1 kW of heat and
lowering the module temperature from 90°C to about 50°C. It was observed that cooling improves the electric
efficiency of PV cells by about 50%.

DOI: 10.3103/S0003701X16020213

INTRODUCTION Results showed that a PVT’s output has between 6.5

With the aim of providing more and more of the and 8.4% more exergy when compared to purely PV
world’s energy supply with renewable energy, solar systems and 4 times as much exergy as a pure solar
photovoltaics (PVs) are an important technology, and thermal system.
are characterized by a rapidly growing market. In 2014, An overview of the field since the beginning of the
40 GW of solar PV systems were installed for a total 1970s was performed by [3]. The authors reported that
global capacity of about 177 GW [1]. Solar PVs have PVT products have a much shorter economic payback
begun to play a substantial role in electricity genera- period than their PV counterpart and that PVT’s
tion in some countries, including Italy, Greece and renewable energy is expected to become competitive
Germany. The desire to increase the effectiveness of with conventional power generation. Extended review
PV panels has led to the development of photovoltaic on PVT designs and theoretical and experimental
thermal hybrid solar collectors, sometimes known as works was done by [4]. The review classifies and sys-
PVT systems. These systems combine photovoltaic temizes existing designs according to the working fluid
cells, which convert electromagnetic radiation into type and PVT purpose. It was shown that different
electricity, with a solar thermal collector, which cap- PVT designs should be chosen depending on location
tures the remaining energy and removes waste heat and meteorological factors [4].
from the PV module. The main advantage of this Methods of cooling PV panels and different PVT
design is that coupling these two devices (PV system designs have been studied in several works. It was
and solar collector) decreases the temperature of PV designed a solar PV panel cooling system based on a
cells, thus increasing their electrical efficiency and thermosyphon heat pipe [5]. It was found that the
operational life. The rise of efficiency due to cooling is introduction of cooling prevents photovoltaic panels
the most pronounced for widely-used crystalline sili- from overheating to over 46°C over 4 hours, substan-
con PV cells. tially increasing electrical output. It was investigated
An exergy analysis of solar thermal, photovoltaic, [6] the cooling potential of both water and air as cool-
and hybrid photovoltaic thermal systems conducted by ing agents for PVT panels. Water-based cooling was
[2] confirmed the high efficiency of PVT systems found to be more efficient but also more expensive. It
compared to classical PV panels and solar collectors. was developed a water spraying system and mathemat-
ical model for cooling PV panels [7]. It was shown that
1 The article is published in the original.
the maximum allowable temperature, 45°C, is a com-


(a) (b)

Fig. 1. Polymeric hollow fiber heat exchanger (a), PVT module with inbuilt heat exchanger (b).

promise temperature between the output energy from cost and low weight thermal collectors with all the
the PV panels and the energy needed for cooling. Dif- advantages associated with a product made from one
ferent designs of PVT were analyzed in review by [8]. material (plastic).
The paper presents the state-of-the-art on flat plate In the same manner, a PVT cooling system from
PVT collector classification, design and performance polypropylene hollow fibres was designed, purpose-
evaluations of water, air and combinations of water built and tested in this work. To determine any power
and/or air based systems. The author concluded that increase, measurements were done with an unmodi-
PVT solar collectors are a promising alternative system fied photovoltaic module and compared with mea-
for low-energy applications and suggested several surements of the same module after linking it with the
points for future investigations. It was investigated [9] polymeric hollow fiber heat exchanger.
PV panel cooling by parallel arrays of ducts with an
inlet/outlet attached to the back of the PV panel. It
was found that without active cooling the temperature EXPERIMENTAL DETAILS
of module was high and solar cells could only achieve The PVT cooling system (Fig. 1) was made of poly-
an efficiency of 8–9%. propylene fibres [16] which were uniformly distributed
Under active cooling conditions, the temperature and the ends of the fibres were connected to PP
dropped significantly, leading to an increase in the inlet/outlet collectors. The system is light, compact,
efficiency of solar cells to between 12 and 14%. It was non-corrosive and has a small internal volume, mak-
studied output parameters of PVT converters with sil- ing it suitable for thermal control. Table 1 presents the
icon solar cell [10]. The described PVT system can be main parameters of the cooling system (for more
used to obtain hot water up to 60°C, providing 25% details see [17]). The system was tested for leaks by
more electrical energy than equivalent PV module pressurizing with water up to a 3-bar gauge pressure.
without cooling. It was designed and studied experi- Moreover, coloured water (with dye added) was used
mally thermal performance of water-cooled hybrid to determine which fibres water could flow through.
PVT module [11]. It was found that total PVT effi- A monocrystalline silicon PV module was used to
ciency of 80% could be achieved. test the cooling system. The module was a donation
The use of polymeric hollow fibres for heat the University of Augsburg, so the exact origin and age
exchange applications was first proposed almost of the module were unknown. Information about the
10 years ago and several papers describing the hydrau- module was taken from the label on the back of the
lic and thermal response of hollow fibres were pub- module: STORM, model ND1325X674. The corre-
lished [12, 13]. Hollow fibres are polymeric tubes with sponding data are summarized in Table 2.
small diameters (about 1 mm) that can be produced by The cooling system was placed inside the module
an extrusion process using various plastics. The idea to as shown in Fig. 1. Contact between the fibres and the
use hollow fibres to cool PV modules is similar to the back side of the PV module was created by pressure
application of microcapillary films [14]. It was shown from the insulation layer. To estimate the fibre heat
that such devices can effectively remove heat from a transfer area in contact with the back surface of the
heated surface and can be used for cooling electronic PV, the following procedure was performed: fibres
equipment. These types of polymeric films were stud- were painted with ink and the cooling system was
ied for solar collector applications as well [15]. It was placed inside the PV module. Next, contact pressure
reported that it is possible to fabricate all-plastic, low was introduced and the module was mounted. Finally,



Table 1. Heat exchanger characteristics

Parameter Value Unit

Length of collectors with fibres 1000 mm

Width of the system/Fibre length 600/570 mm
Inlet/outlet collector tube diameter 1/2 inch
Full number of fibres/Number of functional fibres 472/425 –
Fibre outer/inner diameter 0.83/0.63 mm
Heat transfer area based on full external surface of fibres 0.63 m2
Heat transfer area in touch with PV back surface 0.078 m2

the module was dismounted and the cooling system resistance values of 15.4 and 48 Ohms. This test
was removed. The fibres' footprints were measured allowed the team to estimate the trend pattern of the
and used to calculate the heat transfer area. module temperature during normal operation and to
Figure 2 shows the principal layout of the experi- evaluate all parameters in the plateau region (once the
mental stand. It consists of a set of lamps: 32 mercury temperature had reached a stable value).
vapour lamps and 27 halogen lamps, providing radia- Experiments with cooling were repeated for three
tion in the solar spectrum range; cooling circuit equip- temperatures of cooling water. The distance from
ment and measurement equipment. The radiation lamps to module and their intensity were constant,
produced by the lamps had some differences from day creating constant irradiation. Pump settings were con-
to day and point to point. The average intensity of the stant for all tests as well.
lamps (24 measurements) was 802 W/m2, taking 716 W
for the entire surface of the module.
Stand equipment was used to collect the electrical REDUCTION DATA
and thermal characteristics of the module [17]. In par- The electrical power and the heat transfer of cool-
ticular, the following parameters were recorded: ing system rate can to be calculated based on experi-
• ambient temperature; mental data (Table 1). The electrical power P can be
• radiation intensity (at the edge of the test stand); calculated as:
• current and voltage; P = U ⋅ I. (1)
• three surface temperatures on the top of the Considering a stationary regime with no heat
module; sources inside the cooling system, constant water den-
• four surface temperatures on the back of the sity and heat capacity [14] and absence of heat losses
module; to surrounding, the heat transfer rate can be deter-
• pressures, temperatures and the flow rate of mined:
cooling water.
This data was used to calculate performance, mean Q = m ⋅ c p ⋅ Δϑ, (2)
temperature on the top of the module, mean tempera-
ture on the back of the module and average module ρ = m , (3)
temperature. The positions of the temperature sensors V
were between the individual solar cells.
Three different types of tests were performed to Table 2. PV module characteristics
compare the cooled and uncooled module: the Maxi- Parameter Value Unit
mum-Power-Point test, the resistance test and the
long-term test. To find the Maximum-Power-Point Rated maximum power 110 W
the resistance was changed continuously using the Rated voltage 34.2 V
rheostats from a minimum value to an infinite one. In Rated current 3.22 A
the Change-of-Resistance test, the series of defined
resistance values were approached. At intervals of Open-circuit voltage 42.8 V
approximately 3 min, the resistance was changed using Short-circuit current 3.40 A
the rheostats. The resistance values were 0.55, 8.8, 11, Maximum system voltage 1000 V
12.1, 15.4, 48 and ∞ Ohms. During the Long-term Length 1.32 m
test, all parameters were recorded for three hours for a
specific resistance value. This test was performed with Width 0.67 m



Ambient air
Pyranometer Amperemeter and
Anemometer A V

Manometer Manometer
Fuild temperature Surface temperature Fuild temperature
Volumetric flow rate meter

Plate heat exchanger

Volumetric flow rate meter


Rising device

Fig. 2. Principal scheme of the measurement stand (hybrid module).

Q = ρ ⋅ V ⋅ c p ⋅ Δϑ. (4) difference between the coolant and PV panel. The sur-
face temperatures on top of the panel were slightly
The energy of pumping P can be simply calculated as: lower than those on the bottom (the maximum differ-
ence was of 2.6°C). Although the cooling effect was
P = Q × Δp. (5)
high enough in all cases and caused a significant
reduction of the average panel temperature, the tem-
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION perature of the coolant water had a small influence on
Maximum-Power-Point Test
In the Maximum-Power-Point test (Table 3) the Figure 3 shows that cooling leads to a significantly
temperatures measured in different locations on the greater peak of electrical power output. By cooling,
PV panel were slightly different. The temperature vari- the maximum power point is shifted to the right,
ation was caused by the non-homogeneity of the cool- reaching the maximum only at a higher voltage. At low
ing and radiation of lamps. For example, in the area of voltages, cooling does not influence the resulting out-
the panel electric box, cooling was lower because put or has only a minor influence on it.
fibres were in poor contact with the surface. The more Whether the module is cooled with water at tem-
the module was cooled, the more pronounced this perature of 10 or 15°C, the cooling effect is irrelevant.
effect was. Without cooling, a maximum power of 31.2 W was
As was expected, the temperature difference achieved. This value significantly differs from the
between the inlet and outlet was higher for lower cool- manufacturer’s specified nominal output of 110 W
ing. This was due to the greater driving temperature because the aging of the module decreases its effi-



Table 3. Results of the Maximum-Power-Point test

Parameter and unit Cooling regime 1 Cooling regime 2 Cooling regime 3 No cooling
Heat flow, W 1011 895 776 –
Water inlet temperature, °C 8.6 12.5 17.0 –
Water outlet temperature, °C 12.1 15.3 19.3 –
Water flow rate, l/min 4.04 4.53 4.74 –
Water pressure drop, bar 0.42 0.41 0.38 –
Temperature of the module top, °C 50.2 52.0 55.5 90.8
Temperature under the module, °C 52.6 52.6 55.6 89.7
Maximum electrical power, W 44.8 38.1 38.6 31.2

ciency. However an increase in the maximum power inlet/outlet coolant temperatures and module tem-
output by up to 44% to 44.8 W can be achieved by peratures were very similar to the 15.4 Ohms resis-
cooling. tance, the influence of cooling on electrical perfor-
mance was pronounced. Substituting the performance
of the uncooled module equal to 100%, we achieved a
Change-of-Resistance Test and Long-term Test performance increase of over 50%. During the three
The results of the Change-of-Resistance test and hour experiment the temperature of the module
Long-term test had similar trends as the Maximum- mostly achieved its asymptotic value of 95°C. The sig-
Power-Point test. To evaluate the influence of resis- nificant improvement in the performance due to the
tance, six resistances were tested. The inlet/outlet cooling is again apparent.
coolant temperatures of the resistance tests were close
to the corresponding temperatures at the Maximum-
Power-Point test. The results of the resistance test Pressure Drops and Energy Required for Pumping
showed similar trends as the results of the Maximum- Cooling Water
Power-Point test. The effect of cooling is pronounced
The implementation of forced circulation of water
only for 48 Ohms of resistance, and it was confirmed
(or more generally, cooling fluid) for PVT cooling is
that the cooling affects output only for resistances near simple and reasonable but its economical expediency
the maximum power point.
should be confirmed. It is obvious that the energy
Firstly, the long-term test was carried out at a resis- profit from the cooling should be higher than the elec-
tance of 15.4 Ohms and then it was repeated at a resis- trical energy required for pumping.
tance value of 48 Ohms. For the 15.4-Ohm resistance
there was no significant influence of cooling on volt- The pressure drop and flow rate data from Table 2
age, current and power. These parameters were stable seem unexpected (lower pressure drop for higher flow
during the three hour test even when the temperature rate). This discrepancy can be explained by the change
increased from 45 to 90°C. This result agreed with the of the cooling intensity and the temperature regime.
results of the resistance test. The fibres’ inner diameter is larger for higher tempera-
The opposite was observed for the long-time test tures (cooling regime 1) due to polypropylene thermal
with a resistance of 48 Ohms (Figs. 4, 5). Table 4 expansion and higher mechanical deformation by
shows the results in the plateau region. Although the inner pressure because polypropylene loses its stiffness
with increasing temperature. Moreover, water viscos-
ity rises with a decrease in temperature so it is smaller
for a higher water flow rate (cooling regime 2 and 3).
Power P, W
Cooling regime 1
40 No cooling Module mean temperature tmodule, °C
30 100
20 60
10 40
20 Cooling regime 1 No cooling

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10 000

Voltage U, V Time, s

Fig. 3. Maximum-Power-Point test: power vs the voltage. Fig. 4. Long-term test: module temperature over the time.



Electrical power, W The advantage of the cooled module would be

40 more pronounced in hot climate areas. However, the
system can provide useful features in cold climates as
30 well. In addition to the thermal energy production, the
20 system can be used, for example, to melt the snow on
10 Cooling regime 1 No cooling the module surface. These efforts are particularly
advantageous in a limited space because the electrical
0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10 000 power generated per square meter increases and ther-
Time, s mal energy can be produced without the installation of
additional devices. Another relevant factor is that the
Fig. 5. Long-term test: electrical power over the time. total weight of the system stays low. This is important
not only for the roof load, but also for the manageabil-
ity. From this point of view the use of polymeric mate-
Thus, the combination of these two factors causes a rial is a significant advantage.
reduction of the pressure drop to flow rate ratio for On the other hand, the cooling system increases
constant pump adjustment. the cost and requires energy to operate the pump in the
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was operated in the low efficiency range. The mean resistance and durability of polypropylene is limited
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in hollow fibres was 0.4 bar (Table 1). The mechanical age the system.
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Table 4. Results of the Long-term test with a resistance of 48 Ω

Parameter and unit Cooling regime 1 Cooling regime 2 Cooling regime 3 No cooling
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