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Remediation Worksheet in English 8

Name: _______________________________________________ Score: ________________________

Year and Section: ______________________________________ Parent’s Signature: ______________

Directions: Read and understand each activity before answering. For multiple choice type of questions,
encircle the letter of the correct answer.

Activity1: Match them up! To further check your understanding of the lesson, determine the meaning of the
underlined idiomatic expressions by noting context clues and collocations. Choose the corresponding meaning
of the idiomatic expressions inside the box. Write the letter of your answer on the space before each number.
A. Angry about something.
B. Possible obstacles in your path.
C. Do or say exactly the correct thing.
D. A mild punishment, such as scolding.
E. A willingness to do something right away.
F. It’s better to do something than just talk about it.
G. Complaining about a loss or failure from the past.
H. Something that worsens an already bad situation.
I. Skip the irrelevant parts, and go straight to the main point.
J. Something good and beneficial that did not initially seem that way.
K. Being verbally threatening, but unwilling to do anything significant.

A 1. Media has traditionally been up in arms with the government of today.

___2. Why don’t you just cut to the chase, and tell me where you hid my phone!
___3. Amira really hit the nail on the head when she guessed they were getting married.
___4. I promise you, come hell or high water, we are going to make it to your party tonight!
___5. The cop pulled me over for speeding, but it was my first time so she just gave me a slap on the wrist.
___6. I wanted to intervene when they were yelling at each other, but that would have just added fuel to the
___7. Our boss expects us to show up in her office at the drop of a hat, even when we’re in a meeting with
___8. Ayanda was mad that he broke her vase, but it was an accident, and there’s no use crying over spilt milk
anyway, so she forgave him.
___9. He keeps threatening to shut down our paper after we ran that article about him, but I don’t think he will.
In my opinion, he’s all bark and no bite.
___10. Bogani always tells his girlfriend that he loves her, but he never actually does anything nice for her.
Someone should teach him that actions speak louder than words.

Activity 2: Idioms Challenge. At this point, you have to read and analyze the given sentences. Then, determine
the meaning of the underlined idiomatic expression as it is used in context.

1. The increase in customs duty by the government has upset the applecart of those car companies who
were importing most of their car parts.
A. Do something that causes a plan to go wrong.
B. Do something that causes a plan to be possible.

2. The author tried to drive a hard bargain with the publisher on signing amount, but couldn’t because he
didn’t have best sellers in his name.
A. Argue hard to create a fight.
B. Argue hard to get a favorable deal.

3. Chidi was scraping the barrel when he had to stay for six months with his parents after he lost my job.
A. Using something you really enjoy doing.
B. Using something you do not want to but you’ve no option.

4. Dejen made no bones about getting a hike in his salary.

A. Just rely on the opinions of others.
B. Say clearly what you feel or think about it.

5. More than five thousand cars sold so far. The new model is selling like hot cakes.
A. It sells very fast.
B. It sells very slowly.
Activity 3: The Calabash Kids.  To further check your understanding of the lesson, you will read the summary
of the famous Tanzanian African Folktale entitled “The Calabash Kids” told by Aaron Shepard. Then, fill the
graphic organizers below.
“The Calabash Kids:
by _______

The Calabash Kids is a Chagga story. The Chagga are a tribe who live near Mt. Kilimanjaro in the north of
Tanzania. The story tells of a lonely woman, Shindo, who has no husband or children. She prays every day to
the Mountain Spirit for children to love and care for and who can help her with her chores. One day the
Mountain Spirit gives her some seeds. From the seeds gourds grow which Shindo makes into calabashes. One
day the calabashes change into children while she is out collecting water. She loves the children dearly and
they help her. One child, Kitete, finds most things difficult to do so he mostly sits by the fire and smiles. Shindo
loves Kitete but sometimes he gets in the way. One day, Shindo yells at Kitete and says he is stupid and
nothing but a calabash. Kitete quickly changes back into a calabash. Shindo regrets what she said and begs
the other children to help her change Kitete back to a child. They are all very happy when Kitete changes back
into a child and Shindo never says nasty things to any of her children ever again.

Focus on the conflict or problem highlighted in the story read. What is it all about and its effects on the
characters. Emphasize how the problem was solved and link them to other elements of the story. Tell how
each contributes in making meaning of the story. One item is answered for you. Write your answers on a pad

Solution to the 
Effects on the Characters 
Title of the Story Conflict or Problem conflict or
(write two)

1. “The Calabash Kids” 2. 3.

Activity 4: Sequencing Map. Retell the story by accomplishing the sequencing map below. With only one
sentence per box, can you create a shorter version of the “The Calabash Kids”? Copy the graphic organizer on
your pad paper and then write your answers.
Sequencing Map

Activity 5: WH-Chart. To further see if you understand the lesson, take a look at the news extract below from
CNN. Do the activity afterwards.  
9-year-old receives award for building wooden hand-washing machine 01:28 (CNN)
By: Aisha Salaudeen, CNN
A 9-year-old Kenyan boy who made a wooden hand washing machine to limit the spread of Covid-19 received
a presidential award on Monday. Stephen Wamukota, from Bungoma County in western Kenya, was the
youngest of 68 people to receive the award from President Uhuru Kenyatta.
Wamukota built a semi-automatic machine to help curb Covid-19 in Kenya, which has reported more
than 2,000 confirmed cases.
Patrick Amoth, acting director general for Kenya's Ministry of Health, and Wachira Waruru, managing director
of Royal Media Service, also received the presidential award.
Wamukota's father, James, told CNN that his son came up with the idea to build the machine after learning
how to stay safe from Covid-19 on a local TV channel.


Directions: Fill up the chart to help you fully understand the content of the news. Draw the chart on your pad
paper. Instead of the questions, write the answers to the questions given.


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