Nion Marine Management Services Pte LTD

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Union Marine Management Services Pte Ltd

Vessel : M.V. KK MINERAL

Port : Senboku, Japan
Date : 24 May 2022


Welcome on board Capt. Perfecto O. Russiana Jr.,

Please find below basic Information on different aspects of the vessel for your reference and guidance which
would help you during your initial stages/days on this good vessel.

1. Owners and Commercial aspects of vessel:

The vessel’s registered owner is CHIJIN SHIPPING, SA. The vessel is owned by Kambara Kisen Co., Ltd. under
the management of Union Marine Management Services Pte. Ltd. based in Singapore.

The Head Charterer is Toyota Tsusho Co., Ltd from Tokyo, Japan for a period of approximately 120 months.
However, Kambara Kisen is also related to the cargo matters and we don’t have direct access to them which is
always thru Kambara Kisen PIC Mr. Yamauchi Satoshi & Mr. Hoashi Shotaro.

2. Trading:
Vessel is a newly build Supramax size bulk carrier delivered at Tsuneishi Heavy Industries Zhou Shan, China on
20 May 2017, with five holds and hatches, equipped with four deck cranes and four remote controlled grabs.
Trading is within Australia, Philippines, South Korea and Japan range only designated to load Silica Sand and
Grains only.

3. Charter Party:
Copy of Time Charter Party, between Owners KAMBARA KISEN CO., LTD. and the Charterers Toyota Tsusho
Co., Ltd is not available on board. All correspondents to the Charterer is thru Kambara Kisen PIC Mr. Satoshi &
Mr. Shotaro.
All voyage instructions are kept in Master’s Cabin folder and in Bridge computer.
Vessel now is sub-chartered to San Miguel Beer for 3 years.

Important: Cargo holds cleaning includes Hospital Clean requirement. Crew have to grind and paint cargo holds
prior washing with fresh water.

4. Charter Party Speed and Consumption:

Speed / Consumption (MCR 80%, RPM 100):
At Sea:
Ballast: About 14.20 knots under good weather conditions up to and including BF4 and Douglas sea state 3.
Laden: About 13.80 knots under good weather conditions up to and including BF4 and Douglas sea state 3.
Ballast/Laden: About 22.0mt (IFO) + G/E / Aux about 1.90 mt (IFO) Total about 23.90 mt (IFO).

No D.O. at sea but vessel may use D.O. when entering/leaving port, manoeuvring and in narrow, shallow or
congested waters, rivers, straits, canal, when ballasting/de ballasting, heating fuel in cold weather, familiarization,
maintenance and others in case of need.

In Port:
Unloading: About 6.20 mt (IFO) when ship’s cranes are in used.
Idle: About 4.20 mt (IFO)

Union Marine Management Services Pte Ltd

Bunker Specification:
The Charterers shall supply bunker with a quality complying with minimum ISO 8217 (2010) IFO 180 (RMG180)
RMG 380 for FO / ISO 8217(2005) DMA for MDO.
In case ISO 8217 being updated, an equivalent or higher grade is to apply.
Bunker usually replenished in Japan

5. Communications:
A. Communication with Owners
Following are the reports to be sent to Owners thru “thru E-Mail as per Voyage Watcher format:
Daily Position reports
Daily Port report
Arrival reports.
Departure reports.
A1. Communication with Owners (daily in port) thru Mr. Satoshi & Mr. Shotaro.
Discharging report
Loading report
After every bunkering send scanned copy of BDN to Kambara Kisen and UMMS Tech Unit 2.

B. Communication with UMMS

All communication to office and other parties is through Microsoft Outlook Email via KVH VSAT.
All messages sent to Owners, Charterers, Agents, Operations, HRD, Accounting, Purchasing & QHSE are to be
in CC to Tech Unit 2. Vessel is under Tech Unit 2 and Purchasing 2 with the following PIC:

Samarth Mathur
General Manager / Unit 3
Union Marine Management Services Pte. Ltd.
3 Harbour front Place, #12-01Harbourfront Tower 2
Singapore 099254.
DID: +65 69220266
MOB: +65 83635373

Kumar Anand (PIC)

Tech. Superintendent / Unit 3
Union Marine Management Services Pte. Ltd. (India)
Mob: +91 96316828800

Technical Group Contact Email:

Purchasing Manager: Ms. Michelle Lim
Union Marine Management Services Pte. Ltd. (Singapore)
DD: +65 6922 0264
Mob: +65 9791 3291

Union Marine Management Services Pte Ltd

Purchaser: Ms. Juhi Sharma

Union Marine Management Services Pte. Ltd. (India)
Mob: +91 805 7050208

Reports to be uploaded thru UMMS Web Application (Portal)

USER NAME: U313605 (Current)

Password : Umms2203 (up-dated every 15Days)

Noon report
Position report at anchor
Position report in port
Crew Working Hours Record
Work plan

Bridge Email PC
Password: Sanler

Bridge Email PC (KVH): (Commbox)

Username: Master
Password: M@aster19!

Password: Kambara1083

Password: V7IF89799939

Weekly report/Sunday report at the portal

Month End Report:

MSA Reports including bonded stores account: To be created and uploaded on the UMMS portal on 25 th day of
every month.
Near miss report: At least 6 near miss reports. Designated to Ch. Officer and 1st A/E.
Off Hire Report / Damaged / Disputed Report

Various dates:
Arrival / Departure report.
Loading and discharging report
Cargo report
Cargo hold cleaning checklist (Designated to Ch. Officer)
Defects list (Once defect is known)
PSC inspection, Owners, Charterers and Flag State Inspection report
Incident report when applicable.
CTM requisition
Agent, Charterers and Voyage details
Vessel survey and certificates updates

Union Marine Management Services Pte Ltd

Company and flag circulars are uploaded on the portal and can be downloaded.

CTM Request:
To be created and uploaded on the UMMS portal.
Message regarding CTM to be sent to: CTM and to
Ms. Alina Yaw
DD: +65 6922 0043
Mob: +65 9649 4565

You can request the CTM at least 10-7 day’s prior arrival for ample delivery time.

Reports to be sent by E-mail:

ETA Notice to Kambara Kisen / ETA Notice to agents, Charterers, Sub-charterers and Owners in cc to UMMS
Ops and Tech 2. – 0800 Hrs JST

Every 15th of the month:

HRD every 15th & end of the month:
Status of crew license and certificates
IMO Crew list
UMMS Crew list
Kambara Kisen Crew list

Message to Accounts Jebsen Manila

Every 20th of the month: Crew Deduction Summary

To be sent every month to UMMS Account, UMMS IT with copy to Uniformity:
Monthly KVH Cards inventory report.
Crew welfare fund report (included on the MSA report in portal)

To be sent every month to Strategy Wholesale Trading Provision:

Provision monthly inventory report and extra meals report.

To be sent every month to Videotel UK:

Crew VOD monthly training records which is generated on the VOD unit at Officers Recreation Room.

Month end mail to Unit 3:

Following to be sent via E-mail and as per standard format.

Deck Department:
1. Control of documents checklist
2. Hatch covers condition report
3. Paint Inventory.
4. Mooring equipment status report
5. Deck spares inventory.
6. Chart inventory.

Union Marine Management Services Pte Ltd

7. Medicine Inventory.
8. Monthly Deck Abstract
9. Standard Library
10. Bridge Navigation Equipment Status Report.
11. Lifting gear wire rope status report
12. Galley Stores Inventory.
13. Navigation Equipment Inventory.
14. Monthly work done report

Engine Department:
1. Running Ratio (on 1st of every month)
2. Monthly Activity Report (on 1st of every month/combined report for Deck and Engine Dept.)
3. Monthly Engine Abstract
4. M/E running hours
5. A/E running hours
6. Overhauling Aux. Engine Running Hours.
7. Aux. machinery running hours.
8. Lube Oil consumption report
9. Monthly MGPS log.
10. Spare parts inventory
11. Chemical and Gases consumption
12. M/E crankshaft deflection
13. Marpol Seals Record.
14. Bearing Measurement
15. ME Piston Ring Liner Inspection
16. Fuel Valve Condition Report
17. Boiler Water Treatment
18. Cooling Water Treatment
19. ME Performance sheet to be sent to
20. AE Performance sheet
21. Monthly work done report
22. ME and Aux. engine stores and spares inventory.
23. ME PMS in Excel Format

QUALITY AND SAFETY: Reported on portal

Reports to be sent to UMMS Operations:

1. Dryops Checklist: Prior every loading, to be send to the operations department with Cc to Uniformity.
2. Area Specific checklist: Prior arrival each port, to be send to the operations department with Cc to Uniformity.
3. Sailing Plan: Prior departure from the port, to be send to the operations department with Cc to Uniformity.
4. Cargo Operation Safety procedures: Prior arrival load/discharge port, to be sent to the agent with Cc to
Operation department and Uniformity.

Report during Adverse Weather and HRA transit to UMMS OPS:

Please refer to the Adverse Weather and HRA reporting form in the Bridge e-mail files and UMMS Circulars.

Prior arrival on all Chinese Ports: Master should inform company for the arrangement of landing garbage
and sludge prior arrival. Garbage and sludge should be landed with the company approved SPRO
contractor. Prior arrival at Chinese ports, send request for SPRO and Notice of Arrival to Hang Yu Shipping

Union Marine Management Services Pte Ltd

Service Co.,Ltd. Please see UMMS circular OPS/16: Procedures and Precautions while Landing Garbage and
Sludge in Chinese Ports.

NOTE: For all vessel’s reports, please see the files on the Email PC and the messages sent through email which
can be easily retrieved for your reference.

Communication with Charterer’s:

We don’t have direct access to our Charterers. All messages are thru Owners PIC Mr. Kenji Ootsuka
Kambara Kisen Co.,Ltd
Chartering Dep Tokyo Office
No.2 TG Bldg. 3F, 2-2 Ichiban-cho,
Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 102-0082, Japan
Tel   +81-3-3264-8801
Mob  +81-80-5612-2515

Kambara Kisen Co., Ltd: All Noon, Arrival, Departure and at berth daily reports as per KKC Excel Position Report
and daily noon report at sea and send via e-mail.

Format for all parties can be found in the charter party files and in Microsoft Outlook e-mail messages.

6. Microsoft Outlook E-Mail System:

All communication is being done through this system, using KVH VSAT. Vessel is also fitted with INMARSAT Sat-
C which can be used as a secondary means of communication. Vessel is using LES Stratos.

For crew private calls they call in their cabin directly using designated access codes and Pin Codes from master’s
possession. For requesting VOICE Pins will be explained during our handing over.
VSAT Internet, every month free data will be loaded automatically thru UMMS IT. Crew can purchase additional
data pins which will be reflected on the monthly MSA report.

7. General condition of vessel:

I. Accommodation and decks:

Superstructure and superstructure decks and external decks are maintained in high standard condition.
Accommodation inside is in good condition. Regular cleaning is carried out as per cleaning schedule which is
updated by Chief Officer.

Galley and provision stores are in good condition, Galley is regularly cleaned by Chief Cook and Messman.
They are (both) getting extra Overtime every month. Ch. Cook maximum 37 Hrs and Mess man 37 Hrs.

All garbage bins are clearly marked in all spaces inside accommodation.
Garbage Drums for common storage are kept on A-Deck STBD side and garbage compactor in Poop deck in
garbage room.

II. Forecastle deck and fittings:

Forecastle deck and all fittings are in good condition and regularly maintained. Forward and aft mooring areas are
painted with anti-skid for crew’s safety. Rollers are regularly maintained to prevent from stocking up.

lll. Main deck port and stbd:

Union Marine Management Services Pte Ltd

Spot chipping and touch up recently done on the various parts of the vessel to prevent and control the
development of rust as well as for the presentable cosmetics of the vessel.

lV. Ballast tanks Condition:

Double bottom tanks as well as top side tanks are in good condition, vessel is new build and delivered on 20 May
2017 at Tsuneishi Heavy Industries Zhou Shan, China. Had carried out 6 monthly inspections of all Wing Tanks,
FPT ant APT with good condition based on last inspection dated February 4, 2022.

No.5 WBT/TST P/S are dedicated as collecting tank.

Cargo hold bilges can be used while in port draining collected water to WBT 5 P/S

8. Mooring Ropes:
All in good condition of total 14 Ropes in used on board plus 4 new spares from delivery which are stored in
Forecastle (3) and Steering Gear Room (1).

9. Hatch Covers:
All hatch covers are weather tight, hose test and chalk test including hatch vents and booby hatches were carried
out before loading at each port. Hatch cover is operated by hydraulic motors in Engine Room.

10. Navigational and communication equipments:

All navigational equipment is in good working condition; Deck officers are well familiar with the operation of the
ECDIS equipment. Vessel is paperless navigation as per Safety Equipment Certificate & records form E. Vessel is
using Chart world ENC’s, e-NP and ADP publications which are updated weekly.

11. Life saving and Firefighting equipment:

All are in good condition; cargo holds are fitted with fixed CO2 flooding system. E/Room has Fixed CO2 and
Hyper mist system to fight fires for specific locations which is automatically / manually activated, fresh water is
used for same, suction is taken from starboard side fresh water tank, always maintain the minimum of about 60
mt in the tank otherwise alarm will be activated.

Firefighting equipment last serviced on: 20 May 2022 at Pyeongtaek, S. Korea except Fixed CO 2
Life rafts last serviced on: 14 October 2021 at Higashi-Harima, Japan
Life boat and rescue boat last annual inspection/servicing on: 21 April 2021in Manila, Philippines
Last annual testing of EPIRB, VDR & AIS on: 1 May 2021 at Higashi Harima, Japan
Lifeboats are regularly moved from stowed position, lowering and manoeuvring in water is done as per SOLAS
Free fall lifeboat lowered & manoeuvred: Last on 10 April 2022 at Higashi Harima, Japan
Rescue boat lowered and manoeuvred: Last on 10 April 2022 at Higashi Harima, Japan
We shall try to lower at Senboku, Japan upon arrival and if weather permit.

12. Deck machineries including mooring/windlass and hatch covers:

Deck cranes and grabs are all in good working condition.
Greasing of grabs carried out on (Whenever Grabs are in use) last carried out on: 11 May 2022 at sea
Greasing of crane wires and greasing points carried out Grab wire 12 May 2022. All running wires were newly
Mooring Winch and Windlass (Weekly Routine) last Greasing on: 18 May 2022.

Brake linings of forward and aft mooring winches are in good condition, kindly note that winches are hydraulically
driven. Be sure that chains are leading up and down position in the entire duration of heaving up the anchor.
Kindly confirm that in every occasion, anchor wash is running in order to clean the anchor chains.
Last Mooring winch brake render test: 12 May 2022

Union Marine Management Services Pte Ltd

13. Ballast Hold:

No designated Heavy Ballast Water in case of heavy weather.

14. Ballast, Bilge system:

Ballast and cargo hold bilge no. 1, 2, 3 and 4 port and stbd valves are located on cross deck between HC 1 & 2
and cross deck between HC 4 & 5 control box.
Ballast pump capacity: 900 M3/H (1 Ballast pumps on board) Last Ballast Water Pump test on: 16 April 2022 and
pump delivery rate about 858.29 per hour
Bilge/ballast stripping educator: About 100 M3/H Last Ballast Water Pump test on: 16 April 2022 and pump
delivery rate about 284.33 per hour
Ballast and cargo hold bilge no. 5 P/S as well as the APT valves are located at Engine room.
We used ballast water treatment system every time to perform ballasting/ de-ballasting operations.


For stability calculation vessel is provided with class approved Loadicator laptop which is operational with
dedicated printer and under Chief Officer’s custody.
Vessel is strengthened for heavy cargo loading where hold no. 2 and 4 may be empty.

16. Crew matters:

JSU/IBF special agreement, copy posted on the crew mess room and officer’s mess room.

17. Portage Bill / Accounting:

Accounting is being done by JEBSEN-PTC. Just submit to them the and Crew deduction summary every 20th of
the month and vessel will receive pay slip every month, give the original pay slip to each crew and file the copy for
MLC 2006 compliance.

At every disembarkation of crew, please send to JEBSEN-PTC accounting dept. the off signer’s summary of
deductions. Final wages are computed by JEBSEN-PTC accounting dept. just advice the crew to keep their pay
slips for their reference and anyone who wants to know the exact amount of final payment including total leave
pay can ask accounting office at JEBSEN-PTC.

For SWA of Deck and Engine Departments, please refer to UMMS Circular # O-7 in the circular file. You must
submit first the completed UMMS SWA form to UMMS-Unit 3 for approval after which, you can pay the crew in
cash and reflect in the MSA.
Cargo Holds Cleaning SWA will be send to Kambara Kisen as they pay directly during each call in Japan by the
Owners Rep. Please see attached for SWA for current voyage to be received in Tokyo thru local Agent.

18. Officers & Crew:

All officers and crew are composed of old and new hands from JEBSEN-PTC Manila (Filipino), from PACIFIC
MARITIME MGMT. (Vietnamese) where belongs to UMMS. They had been familiarized with their duties and
responsibilities in all drills & exercises. During my tenure on board, the performance of most of the crew were
found good.

Ch. Officer is maintaining all ISPS files. including SSP folder.

2nd officer is correcting ECDIS, publications are all e-NP and ADP and being updated weekly.
GMDSS log is maintained by the 2nd Officer.

Union Marine Management Services Pte Ltd

3rd officer is doing the port papers, issuance of bonded stores and in charge of crew welfare fund. Also in-charge
of maintaining LSA/FFE with supervision of Chief Officer.

19. Certification and Survey Status:

ISPS and ISM Internal audits was carried out on 25th Sept. 2021 at Bunbury, Australia.
- No observation found.

Last ISM, ISPS and MLC external audit was carried out on 20th April 2020 at Senboku, Japan.
- (See attached Class Survey Status Quarterly Report to Vessel.

Class Inspection: Last annual/intermediate class inspection on 17th June 2021 at Senboku, Japan
- No condition/recommendation was given.
Vessel changed name from FUJISUKA to KK MINERAL with class inspection on 14th Jan. 2022 at Higashi-Harima
- No condition/recommendation was given.
Certificates given extension by class valid until 20th Aug. 2022.

Last Owners Inspection: 17th November 2020.


Last inspection carried out on 02nd September 2021 at Pyeongtaek, South Korea
- 2 Deficiencies found and closed

21. SMS Master’s review: Carried out on 10th Dec. 2021 through the UMMS portal.
 All observations have been closed in portal

22. ISPS Annual review: Carried out on 24th March 2022 through the UMMS portal.

23. PSC Inspection:

31st March 2022 in Manila, Philippines and no observation found.
03rd May 2022 at Albany, Australia and 6 observations found and rectified completely.

DPA: Contact details are as follows:

DPA: Capt. Anurag Sharma

Add: Union Marine Management Services Pte Ltd.

3 Harbour Front Place, # 12-01, Harbour Front Tower 2 Singapore 099254
Tel : +65 6922 0263
Mob : +65-9189-7564 (24 hrs)
E-mail :

Alternative DPA: Capt. Sunil Sharma

Mob : +91-9650076600 (24 hrs)

E-mail :

Union Marine Management Services Pte Ltd


Chief Officer is the “Ship Security Officer” and “Master” is the Alternate Security Officer as per the “Ship Security

Company Security Officer: Capt. Anurag Sharma his contact details are as follows:

Address: Union Marine Management Services Pte Ltd.

3 HarbourFront Place, # 12-01, Harbour Front Tower 2 Singapore 099254
Tel : +65 6922 0263
Mob : +65-9189-7564 (24 hrs)
E-mail :

Alternative CSO: Capt. Sunil Sharma

Mob : +91-9650076600 (24 hrs)

E-mail :

SSAS (Ship Security Alert System): Vessel is fitted with ship security alert system.
Two SSAS buttons, one on the Bridge and one on the Master’s office.
SSAS test last carried out on 17 June 2021, please see procedures in the SSP.

Master’s Key: 2 Pcs under Master’s custody.

Master’s Safe Key: 2 pcs. and password under Master’s custody.
Narcotics: Under Master’s custody.

Walkie Talkie (Entel) with battery charger: 1 set.

Following materials are in possession of the SSO (Chief Officer).

a) Visitor’s badges.
b) Plastic pull tie up seals.
c) Files:
-Security files
-Record of security drills.
-Visitor’s log and shore leave log.
d) 3 digital cameras for deck dept. use.
e) SSP folder

25. Provisions:

Provision is provided by Strategy Wholesale Trading and provision order is raised thru the UMMS Portal. The last
three-months provision was received on 20th May 2022 at Pyeongtaek, S. Korea.

Union Marine Management Services Pte Ltd


Our Safety Officer is the Chief Officer. He is to report any near miss (minimum 6 each month) and incidents and
upload the reports in the UMMS Portal which will be reviewed by the Master and SNQ dept. Till to date, this safety
campaign has shown positive result and every one is taking interest.


MARPOL Inspector in-charge is the Chief Engineer. He oversees all the aspects pertaining to Oil Pollution
matters. Last MARPOL Declaration by crew on: 12th March 2022 at Bunbury, Australia but still waiting SI
UMMS had new campaign to have a Marpol and Safety Officer on board. The chosen crew will report whatever
Marpol and Safety procedures/unsafe practices on board. They will be given 10USD as incentive. Marpol and
Safety Officer is rotated every 2 weeks.

Important Points / Reminders:

1. Master's statement of account to be uploaded every 25 th of the month on the UMMS portal and the
original reports and invoices to be sent by mail/DHL to UMMS Singapore office.
2. Always use No. 2 steering motor during manoeuvring, it is connected to the emergency generator.
3. Max RPM is 100 and manoeuvring RPM is 82, Give at least 1hour notice to E/R prior EOSP for
4. Master Gyro compass was replaced last serviced 1st May 2021. And under observation, for any kind of
abnormalities inform Tech. SI Palewar.
5. Send owner’s monthly activity, running ratio and ME performance report every 1 st of the month.
6. Take permission from Operations/Technical before carrying out any hot work
Outside E/R work shop or FO / DO tanks.
7. Please go through the IMPORTANT MESSAGES files, operational circular and
technical circular file. You can view all circular in web portal
8. Schedule of Safety Equipment tests:
a. SSAS: Last carried out on 17th June 2021.
b. Free fall lifeboat lowered & manoeuvred: 10 April 2022 at Higashi-Harima, Japan
c. Rescue boat lowered and manoeuvred: 10 April 2022 at Higashi-Harima, Japan
d. Emergency Steering drill: Last carried out on 17th May 2022.
9. Every 15th of the Month, Crew Status Certificate & IMO/UMMS Crew list
Updated forms must be sent to UMMS-HRD + KAMBARA Crew list form.
10. When wind reaches to BF-7, Adverse Weather report must be sent to UMMS-OPS,
cc to UMMS-TECH together with BCMF-03 & BCMF-05 (see files).
Send situation Report Every 6 Hours to UMMS OPS when the vessel is in the vicinity of
typhoon area until the vessel is safely well clear from the typhoon.
11. Send Reports to UMMS OPS when transiting High Risk Areas (Entering/exiting)
Also report to be send to various monitoring agency (to be explained once on board)
12. Every 1st day of the month, “TEST MESSAGE” must be sent to UMMS-OPS & cc
to UMMS-TECH thru the INMSAT-C. This is to be done in order to verify if Inmarsat C is
operating in good order and so that Masters will not forget the sending procedures when
KVH VSAT trouble persists.
13. Send 3 monthly stores requisition thru Portal: March, June, September, December
and any urgent requirement.
14. Tender “Letter of Protest for Multiple Ports of Discharge” to respective parties if discharging cargo for
multiple ports and for other cases requiring an LOP always cc to UMMS Operations. Submit first to
UMMS Operations/Capt. Sudhir Udar or Capt. Javed for their review.
Union Marine Management Services Pte Ltd

15. Vessel is scheduled for dry dock this coming first week of July 2022 at Batangas Shipyard Philippines.
Dry docking plan for deck and engine department were submitted to SI Kumar Anand and waiting the final
confirmation. All Requisitions needed for quarterly store and dry docking are submitted completely.

16. Maintenance plan

- To de-rust and paint main deck port/stbd. including cross deck, pipe lines, fire line and hydraulic line.
- To de-rust and paint all deck cranes including jib and provision crane.
- To de-rust and paint forward and aft mast.
- Class and annual inspection will be carried out in dry dock including load test.
- The next schedule for wire renewal will be June 2022 – Hosting Wire in carne no. 4
- Some garbage drum started to replace and recondition.
- We have 3 defects (Air horn forward, SCBA defective alarm and LO low pressure tripping device for
GE1 are defective.
- To de-rust and paint main pilot assist. Ladder port/stbd.
- Have enough paint for cargo hold cleaning and the prospect V.45 (Bunbury – Manila – Higashi-Harima).

Have a safe voyage, fair winds and favourable weather and may our Dear GOD
ALMIGHTY bless and guide you and your crew as always.

Prepared by: Acknowledged by:

Capt. Leonardo L. Quiobe Capt. Perfecto O. Russiana Jr.

(Outgoing Master) (Incoming Master)


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