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This chapter delves into the specifics of the processes that will be used by

researchers. The people on whom the researchers will concentrate their efforts are

mostly those who utilize technology in their daily lives. The approach that will be

employed in this study is observational, which will involve observing individuals who

use technology to determine its importance, as well as to learn about technology's

positive and negative implications on society.

I. Description of The Participants

The people who will be observed in this study are those who are concerned

with the use of technological advancements and those who live in a technologically

advanced society. Those who work in vocations that require the use of technology,

such as cashiers, contact center employees, and office workers, will be inspected. It

will also include students who are now using their mobile devices to attend online

classes, which helps them obtain information that will aid in their studies.

II. Distinguish the Methods Used

The researchers will observe people who use technology in their daily lives,

as well as in their professions and studies, using the observational approach for

gathering information or data from participants. Researchers will be able to learn

about their viewpoints and beliefs, as well as how technology has impacted their lives

and what it means to live in a technologically advanced society. The method to be

used is explained so as to more clearly understand what this study wants to convey.
The researchers will first determine what needs to be observed in this

research. The content of the observational method consists of prospective thoughts

and observations acquired by researchers that are relevant to a technologically

advanced society. The observation conducted by the researchers contained

observations regarding the impact of living in a technologically advanced society and

how they also adjust themselves to the use of technological innovations depending

on what their occupation is or where and how they use technology. Researchers will

examine data gathered through public observations, such as documentaries, to

better understand what needs to be done to prevent negative implication of

technology to society and to keep technology beneficial in daily lives.

III. The Concept of Observational Method

The observational method was chosen by the researchers in this study, which

is a valid and effective tool for researchers with apparent benefits and data

accessible to participants to assist, explain, and investigate the thoughts, viewpoints,

and maybe possible constructions of interest to individuals. This method is suitable

for data collection, especially given the current situation in our society.

Among the many benefits of observing, this method enables researchers to

collect potentially large amounts of data in a short period of time. Researchers have

more time to gather information from traces left by the public since It is a non-

interfering observation that will answer the research question.

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