TRM 409.01 Business Ethics Final Exam

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JANUARY 17TH, 2011


Instructor: Perran Akan Student: Nee Roman

Student ID: 2006104603

Joy Airlines (JA) is established in 1988 as a charter airline company. JA currently has a team of more than 5000 people and carried approximately 70 million passengers in 2010. As a member of board of directors in JA, when developing the code of ethics for the company, its all stakeholders should be taken into consideration. These stakeholders can be listed as; its workers, its passengers, its competitors, its shareholders and the society. The mission statement of the company is to be recognized as the best airline company in terms of quality of service, wide range of destinations, punctuality by valued customers and shareholders with a sustainable development in the global. I think the mission has many effects on the code of conduct of an organization. In a way, it gives clues about the organizations structure, its values and its image. As in the JA mission statement, it is clear that the company takes care of the environment, and thinks about the sustainable development. It also mentions its employees in the quality of the service part. Qualified service only given by qualified personnel. It gives signals about its development procedure with wide range of destinations in a sustainable way. All the words in the mission statement, indicates the stakeholders in the companys code of conduct. I think the first step should be the identifying the stakeholders of the company. Secondly, decision making and companys values should be identified by a commission of ethics which are composed of managers, business professionals, randomly selected employees and shareholders. Discrimination, conflict of interest, customer privacy, employee privacy, trade secrets, commercial bribes and extortion, accepting gifts, computer theft, trade secrets, insider trading, and whistle blowing, working conditions, wage should be covered in the ethical guidelines. CODE OF ETHICS FOR Joy Airlines Company Values &Rules 1. Wage In JA, wages are determined according to market analysis, equal pay for equal pay policy implemented. Salary information is confidential. Only hr department are responsible for salaries and no information given to an employee about another employees salary. The employees work 8 hours a day. If they work more than 8 hours, they will get overtime wage.

2. Working Conditions (health and safety) JA provides a work environment which is safe and healthy for the workers. The company makes private health insurance for its employees. 3. Discrimination JA avoid discriminating according to its employees age, race, nationality, political opinions, religious beliefs, gender, or sexual orientation. Every employee has equal opportunities in the company. 4. Harassment JA does not accept any kind of harassment. Harassments can be listed as:

Jokes, insults, treats about persons character, gender, color, religion, age, nationality, sexual preference, disability, social status, economic status or educational back ground, Any sexual abuse verbal or physical , Mobbing should be reported to hr department of JA.

5. Social Responsibility JA is sensitive about the needs of the community. We contribute to community in terms of free transportation (volunteers in NGOs) and scholarship for pilot students. We also support cultural projects in the country. 6. Environment We should be sensitive about the environmental problems and avoid being harmful for the environment. We should use the natural resources in a economic way. Employee Rules Conflict of Interest We, as a part of the company team members, should never put our personal interests before the interests of the company. We should never damage our company reputation. In every business decision, we should think about the best alternative for the companys interests. Commercial Bribes We should never deal with third parties for our interest. We should always deal with the best suppliers, not the ones who offer us more favorable personal interests. Commercial Extortion

We should never demand anything in return for our business deals. If we make a deal with a company, we should choose it among the other competitors because of its uniqueness. We should not demand any personal interest after making business deals.

Accepting Gifts In our company policy, if the gifts value is higher than 100liras, it is forbidden to accept it. Employee Theft and Computers The materials used in company, should stay in the company. Office supplies should be used only for the companys interest. We should not use it for our personal needs. Computer Theft In any companys computer, it is not allowed to copy, send or share any information about the company confidential documentaries and passenger lists. Trade Secrets We should not share companys current activities, future plans and policies with any competitors. Our company does not allow sharing information under the name of competitor analysis. Insider Trading The proprietary information that is not shared with public ever be shared with other parties or persons because it has significant effect on the companys stock. Insider trading is illegal and has legal sanctions, penalties for the employees. We should be very sensitive about insider trading issues and we should not share companys information with anybody. Employee Privacy In our company, company phones and employees company computers are watching by IT department. Every employee should be aware of this rule and must behave properly. Whistle blowing Our employees should report their superiorities any wrong doing in the organization. Employees contractual duty is to be loyal their employer but any case that is harmful and injurious to public, workers are should be reported Customer Privacy

The information about the customers private life, life style, demographics will be kept in companys data. Without their approval, no sales messages or emails will be sent. The passenger name will never be shared even passengers family. It is extremely confidential for an airline, and we as JA personnel never give any information except passenger his/herself.

RESPONSIBILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION OF CODE OF ETHICS Our company gives code of conduct in the first day of employee; employee will read and sign it. It is our company responsibility to give a digital or printed copy of the code of conduct to employee and publish it in our website. After becoming a member of organization we, can come across with situations which we do not know what to do. The right decision may not be clear and simple. Our decisions must depend on firstly, law and secondly our code of ethics. JA are responsible for explaining the legislation, values of the organization, code of conduct and employees are responsible for knowing and applying it. If our colleagues are violating law or our code of ethics, it is again employees responsibility to inform the supervisor about the situation. We should not hesitate to informing supervisors, if we do, we will become partners with our peers and sharing the harmful results of the situation. CONSEQUENCES OF VIOLATIONS OF LAW AND CODE OF ETHICS If the principle of the Code of Ethics is violated, HR department should use disciplinary action against the person responsible for those violations in compliance with the current legislation. Depending of the severity of the violation, employee can be warned or terminated. Violations of law and code of ethics will bring harmful consequences for all the stakeholders. Companys reputation will be damaged. Passengers loyalty will decrease. Company and employees will face with legal penalties and sanctions. Shareholders will not keep their shares in company and corporate business relations will be effected.

REFERENCES: Defining and Developing an Effective Code of Conduct by International Federation of Accountants
Alaska Airlines Code of Conduct %20Airlines_Code%20of%20Ethics_Jan2009revision_webV2.pdf
Turkish Airlines Code of Conduct

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