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6/24/22, 9:37 PM BSN2 N25 - Rizal's Life and Works (Summer 2022) - https://urios.neolms.



BSN2 N25 - Rizal's Life and Works (Summer 2022)

RA 1425 Quiz

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Question 1
Which among the statements is attributed to Claro M. Recto?

Response: The reading of Rizal's novels would foster patriotism.

Question 2
RA 1425 is an act to include in the curricula of all public and private schools, colleges and universities courses on
the life, works and writings of Jose Rizal. However, in the Laurel version, the school administration has the option
to exclude Rizal in the curricula.

Response: False

Question 3 1/3
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Who were the senators who strongly opposed the bill authored by Sen. Claro M. Recto? (Pick two only)

Response: Sen. Francisco Soc Rodrigo

Response: Sen. Mariano J. Cuenco

Question 4
Which among the statements is not attributed to Sen. Claro M. Recto?

Response: You will not be bishops now were it not for Rizal.

Question 5
A substitute bill was written in place of the original bill authored by Claro M. Recto. Who wrote the substitute bill?

Response: Sen. Laurel

Question 6
Which among the statements is not true about the Rizal Law?

Response: It is a proof that Rizal was despised by the entire Church hierarchy when the latter opposed vigorously
against the bill.

Question 7
The Rizal Law was signed on June 12, 1986

Response: False

Question 8
RA 1425 is also known as Rizal Law.

Response: True

Question 9
According to the Rizal Law, nobody is exempted from taking the Rizal course.

Response: False

Question 10
The Rizal Law was signed by President Fidel V. Ramos

Response: False 2/3
6/24/22, 9:37 PM BSN2 N25 - Rizal's Life and Works (Summer 2022) -

Question 11
Claro M. Recto is the secondary author of the Rizal Law.

Response: False

Question 12
The act is all about re-dedication of the ideals of freedom and nationalism in the hope that the younger generation
would emulate Rizal and the other heroes.

Response: True

Question 13
One of the aims of the law is to refute the relevance of Rizal’s ideas, thoughts, teachings and life values to present
condition and apply them in the solution to day to day situation.

Response: True

Question 14
Which among the statements is attributed to Sen. Jose P. Laurel Sr.?

Response: Rizal is the architect of the Filipino nation. 3/3

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