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Organize the Table of Contents (see the attached format) Rephrase the questions
under Chapter IV to declarative form.
2. Check the pagination from page 1 to the last page. Page numbers must be in
chronological order.
2. Revise the introduction, describe the the present scenario based on authorities. Mention
blockchain but focus on virtual assets (NFTs). Cite real life scenarios or existing situations
where problem of jurisdiction arose. Illustrate that there is a problem and the objective of the
paper is to resolve the problem. End the introduction by specifying what prompted the
researcher to conducted. Limit the introduction to 3-5 pages.

Some discussions in the introduction can be transferred to Chapter 2 or Chapter IV. Take note
that the introduction merely gives the readers a background of the research.

3. Revise the conceptual framework. What should be discussed is the framework of the
research and not that of blockchain. The conceptual framework must show the specific
direction by which the research is to be undertaken. It is a visual representation of an
expected relationship between variables. This was the same comment sent to you last
time but was not followed. You may transfer the discussion under this section to
Chapter II because its more of a related literature.

3. All subtopics must be free standing not italicised.

4. Chapter IV

a. Rephrase all subtopics to declarative form. See sample below:

Court jurisdiction over civil cases involving virtual assets created by blockchain

b. Correct the numbering The first question in page 55 is 4 when it should be 1

because it is the first question. The 2nd and 3rd problem statements are numbered 5
and 6 whey they should be 2 and 3 based on the questions in the Statement of the

5. Check the footnote numbers. The footnotes should be chronologically numbered.

Use upper and lower case letters for the footnotes.

1. Use proper format for the Table of Contents. See the attached form. Take note of
the use of Roman numerals, Upper case letters and Arabic numerals. And the
number and letters used in the Table must be consistent with the numbers and t

2. The introduction 21 pages and is too long. Reduce it to 5 pages and present it
continuously without topics. Some of the discussions can be transferred to Chapter 2

3. Pages 24-25, 27 - move the numbers close to the indented sentences or 2 spaces
before the sentences.

4. Chapter II

a. Use upper case letters for the major headings

A. Related Literature

1. The History and Origin of Wills


B. Related Studies

C. Synthesis

The items under these topics should be numbered using Arabic numerals (1,2,3)


Footnote number should from the body of the thesis. So the quote from
Heraclitus must be Footnote No. 1. There no need for citation in the abstract.

Check all footnotes, indent the first indent the first line. The 2nd and
subsequent lines must be aligned with the first sentence of the page or close to the
2. Correct the form of the following footnotes , Footnote 3, 5, 7, 11, 13 (and other
footnotes similarly presented), Avoid wide spaces on the right. The spaces on the the
2nd (and subsequent lines of the citation) must be filled out before proceeding to the
next line. Use black font for all footnotes. See the sample below.

Evolution of Technology Timeline History: Communication, Education,

Classroom, availableat

3. Use black font. There are footnotes with blue font - change all these to black
4. Footnote 9 Cite the full title of the law for initial citation.

An Act Providing for the _________ and for other purposes.

The short title may be used for subsequent citations.

5. Footnote 86 - use upper and lower case letters for the citation. Transfer PD 1083
after the title of the law.

6. Check the online sources in the bibliography. Adjust the spaces. All citations must
be in black font and not blue.

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