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May 06, 2022

Sent via District Email

Rebeca Llamas
229 Fig Ave
Chula Vista, CA. 91910
Dear Rebeca,

The Sweetwater Union High School District hereby notifies you that you have a reasonable assurance of returning to work in the 2022-2023
school year. All classified personnel with permanent status or those probationary employees not currently serving in a specially funded
position or position with an ending date have been approved by the Board of Trustees for reemployment for the 2022-2023 school year,
except for those who have retired, or have been expressly notified to the contrary before June 30, 2022. You also have reasonable assurance
of returning to work in your usual capacity at the close of all holiday and recess periods during that year. Your service year will remain the
same. Dates of service will be in accordance with the Board-adopted 2022-2023 employee’s work year calendars.

If you are working less than 12 months as a permanent/probationary employee and not serving in a restricted position, you may, nonetheless,
file a claim for unemployment insurance benefits. Your entitlement to benefits will be determined by the Employment Development
Department and not by the district. If you are not offered an opportunity to perform services in the next academic term, you may be entitled
to unemployment benefits retroactive to the date you filed your initial claim, provided you make a claim for retroactive benefits within 30
days of the start of the next academic year or term, and you are otherwise eligible. If you file an Unemployment Insurance claim, the
following address should be written on your claim form:

Sweetwater Union High School District

PO Box 23020
Oakland, CA 94623-2302

This letter is the only official and authorized notification on which you should rely when determining your employment status for the next
academic year or term. Nothing in this notice is intended or shall be construed to alter or add to your employment rights or status, or
otherwise create or alter an expectancy of continued employment or create or alter any legal right or property interest of any kind, except and
to the limited extent and for the limited purpose expressly required by Unemployment Insurance Code Section 1253.3(h). Additionally, this
letter is being sent electronically to your district issued email address with delivery receipt confirmation as proof of service.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss your employment for the 2022-2023 school year, or if for any reason you are
unable to continue employment for the 2022-2023 school year, you must notify the Human Resource Services Division as soon
as possible. Failure to report to duty on the expected date of return without prior notification will result in disciplinary action, up
to and including dismissal.

If you have any questions or would like to discuss your employment for the 2022-2023 school year, please feel free to contact
Dr. Maribel Gavin, Director of Human Resources.

Thank you,

Maribel Gavin, EdD

Director of Human Resources

C: Employee file (EMP ID 34452)

Inst Health Care Asst, BVH

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