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a er Te — an mon fl of alt souta} “Wiihuteam < dhestnte is a -nukunal inskitubiem. Aristotle said mam is.” —Vhesiedlean loam ckete? 4 social animal ancl by nudore fois a frolitrcel | choing Hein tue ine Slate_ancl fo be a_man_nace-snduniiss > Ae fide ic dnd fone he nerd fads? “Shane Cia stand) an mare theufteclly fram ‘Status? (40 Skarcling om seni) ep ecto: who finsk used the concep af Sy fake 2— to _u toasitm vial sovensiqo _qovonnnmedt ce) tthe published in 1222 Shasta te Aighat fear sf Rone aomeiukcan die casmanss hetauine it-somnoy into eraskonte uk cof. the panie nods cof. life - — estab tno Wee lwo wetiken$ -24%eb am iks definite - = see Asistolle definat-the stute a» a ucian villug fis its ends peifeceudself. aged oe kL = “laments af State ae cn pe _fyoventun. en a _ Soponts Souemignty 5 Ri Boss wilory, - eet ast is an oxen usith decal. lefined ional _re abil? ‘a stake Lays chum 2 cun he no stute usilf cm a Bes kesuuitowy ~ (ech nad _ rere boa 4p live and organize thems obren = aod Annie be _sante whan ue © efor te the rownutory a & Shike, we __ mean _Huarby not om He lund glen domain even which the proce “ivan of Ro slate opkencle but alec vers 5 {alken, the Same “wh to ihe Ceclus init @cOnarnle gene anch thea face _dhove ih» _thnefore tewitory an iMbakamt aspect of stake - = is acoeiderable qraub of inane ee ad. make the state - Population is —thesiake Gytwel thinkers wore af the views that —thauld neither be too big nox too smalt. hucroling he Plate Grscedd _Hhiners Uke Plato ancA Prcisto tle think tng en Se —populukion is based am Small cily—stal-o Quwl= mo cluxn stale eany z breve is nok fimibuti an in populatia ’ in po fouedeatt crm is eo am imber fant elum ont af state besniica te __._ ae P| ' ee ap enondec abet the Oly, there cum bo nob Stet in ie no 4 . e Sven gly ees eet a ERR WP” soy ope a iynty — 4) meuns thal sbete she ales 05 ahem Tp ails dligems andl asso ahs dk tbe subomma ys euesr ould —Hhindiuidlaala ool the insiitulicons .usithin the stube 4b is the fuser ih hs feike Jo issua once and scok obectene fom th herble Sting im_the stube = a ee ae a eg jgnly — db means tha edie sue £ indlbemclem\- —Beh Fe —raon fasnelgn om aubsicle conkal. “{h tmblico thule a stake shina the —sulpsume homes to comaucts Hs erobonnat aeleckicom ust tlw —any fore from any evtorne aulaeiigs | ies of suiyiau wars among Ake main gaeheam baspons sand lod fean i af the pawer af the Church , qiuing Ling auntbrity over Ais awn deal. dt led to the steng theming af. q vill a ef intennatt anal Accu banecl_on_ fe fa thal all states—equcd au ght to S0lf- = clebromm (meat com. Yho earlier clispersecl politica! eauthori fy wos sreplaced by whol would eventually leacl to cembalisec! modenn custhert And the state cwme to be the saupce ap policed cutthenity - dheowieo af. on the owigin af _Glate aan — (9 Piuine Urigin theory ae hts the oldest thaxy af otugin af state» Aecercling to Huis thecry stuke how bam coated by lod: Gud itselP scnke o strlen oemoh Ore sends any nepnesentative fou this wok who gules on i _Heis accountable to by, nok to the general public _Yhis 4 eebonent af this theory boreve thatthe shebe obit nol tame into being fy arty. fom! of man - At is mated _b 7 the wing orks —euio over the stake is cn aponb af Otool. King tS —supsusemfakive af Cod dt is the subigioun cluty off. the public. to obey the Wing Yo oppose the Wings means to Oppose god. dhe wing & —cebove laut and no supjak how any sg ht tp _quackiam. ‘bis cettfhoni fey oe meting cy to aaron eMReix pawor anol 4o-eup bil Nhe garengy meee fanny cat ayn Inlay Ghabtoedd = a eo i és i fous is ta ony. quan am ie arin af Ld gitea! Stake is Sena aa ccmbrol auch ee wewkor the pon ort af- co apn anys elt ee cnduhiten ctf they. auld, act. thy & ng? an the historical o: ET — He ovigen uP fhe sae - be hraeron-ful Hee pater asnquanad the weak shale ib re saan sketge cabs She dhe bs hohe ino ete an eanily mack cach offiey and the tife ws panty, Solitary, hawkish anc poor thua to auatcl coat clema war ancl Kertnibu. sila hier —men ag rcead te setup an adie Quny ene accehted-acambact ancl by this camel eveuyene. AML hn nakuncd si his foa-souenaign ether ky nck {fon ohy, Stet and suddly were crnated! + phi Love tn Ris hook Sseconch Towatise of Gavennnea sayp-that uefe tn the stake aap neki coca cons tho } tayo Fauidom and Aanquility Chenmeny,)- fravesded..—Men pound by the (ew af nature und, hassermect contain nedura bu Here wooAhe ahsenca af. cn agency o_inken |esel— an HO Laws af nature y so mon ci ad fo cwocda commen ing tortoeke , Unlize Hebhea , Locke says thu fhe, suvandtin only a hart of fair. aught fo Ya auth oviky oP Hak se in erthange fox faotection af uy aomauning ng hts db meg sououign cudhorily «abe the fusl_of He contrat cnet tha he haus the ugh te dage Me author ly af he Fails fof clube nee cling a 7 Pcending “to Tean Jacques Rau earr ip his aided fe onc enjoyed idyllic habbinon? int notre - Qul- with fe ade population and. prctuced inthe state af fukine = Yo csbipe fram 4 tte ule autharly by came t af secitpdian he a ¥ ne 2 % ——— Ji i va a 7 e | a pe j Ditlifantamisn isa tadittan of. ethical bhilosobhuy Hbeei- ts - he macdn ‘ Ht Postham ancl Tame. will , tuo fth -accltath comtuny @satish btularchher ~ te ‘i a Ubilidenicmisen heels Hoan on ich’ is aught if thie bend to boomate 4 iti fo eto moke sadn oan an the owense exo individ bute Hoa funtifved on the grounds hoa inebna n ond_con fli Saye a 3) She libenal stake _mesin ain. Oltdccada try meng Cdl_the_Gp ease ese al uly oP giesps— and exqant stake cn aod. among them at. te chanader he feuturto. af liberal skabe ang aconflide om _claoh af. inkerwal can aloo be ndiA oo dn dvituble cumsequarries a. tan feutune of- libewcd stake Is thal th cs eee exe cate te the chizems which_meuns “theA oU iks ccttudhes clad sions ccpich ) folrden aw to be abbrowed by the body polihie —_——$—§ 5 U clube is ner: one ido Stite , it ember {j “a Wun, views and eis torneo of. PAseerveri0 oes 2h atch ta 4) th liboral stare deer nok omdomse the dominakiam gf ee -uiaioss ohinions 97 !deola gies wane and. “ Fox radical fom inis ts 4 the — onigin and wots aft dis huni ty bekveen men and womera_ics within the family, in the org anigat en ef lobaur within the Family the Sluke isan inshument of mak fewer . Cothomine Harcinnen hes angued thal (oo fiberad state, jis tecoug h Leu Rewo men's cuborcbinake and Silene ane mainteuned « 4m an unequal se the diPrnitian af the normal’ stutuo cep women _is : the abblicution of- male yubeers and _parcckces Shue 24 nikicise the view af the stake oy impanhiad ancl _neubrad —tovrmenaliis focal Ee le _ Micheal Focault , the Faench philosah har, He scick thea th He ocasulk of the paahicen cof the government: a wan maxed by the emengem Lalbgoker Clie te seasigaly sf) Glsbasutio izuhion is the hon a ae and lect sca in ono Ey seca fl ae ane te hechi in guike anothes ponk of the ~ Hs_emer genta off «.glebal ecm gti hn bae as ek he intennahiynat flee e@ esting | fear indkuiclrad steabe oT economic £:f-2 States have —atlao ae seqtteie mullire Hoan) cambanicn fom fay can eaaily—ovlocat: pcoduch' em: and _tn izatian has hud nolerd iohett ¢ axe Ihrgicceuu ins Impevkane @f- international and srpranaticmed hechies We LN , oem 28a eee ls doll Teccscle . have dimiled the scobe of thr cheatin oP state Sevenoiqn yin fie Sphere cf? international economic arelediuns— Bie. clk leat instance, He membarshipo? the EU Haeatems slatke ower, becamoc on al ars Srathen tun by memben states 2 il “the uboue staked case hus beem cheltimged by ceuerel aiithecs sn: commentators whe hoint that we sh sta inuesli gat He wes ih abics Hie state's qiale is Uhunging oa atcnulie of f oo to thom , Mere is the hassibility of states ad 3 franc fommatian (n intosnakiam society, in_tho fosim of £poolect soveneitl =the tea thal the slashes usuld bee be wea ancl inePertrur ai chin with otter Foent.

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