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Elements of Communication
23 Questions

1. The process through which we express, interpret, and

coordinate messages.
a) communication b) messages
c) canned plan d) script

2. Mary _____ messages when she speaks.

a) decodes b) encodes
c) writes d) sets

3. Justin relies on his sight, mouth, and nonverbal behavior

to convey the ___________ he wants others to understand.
a) decoding b) feedback
c) message d) script

4. Todd _____ messages when he responds to what was

a) encodes b) scripts
c) plans out d) decodes

5. Two ways to pull up how to react and what to say in a

situation are through a _______ and _________.
a) canned plan and script b) message and decoding
c) feedback and social context d) physical context and settings
6. The communication context is made up of what ve
situations or contexts?
a) Physical, message, historical, b) Physical, social, historical, psychological,
psychological, and cultural and background
c) Physical, social, historical, psychological, d) Physical, social, historical, childhood, and
and cultural cultural

7. What are the ve communication settings?

a) Intrapersonal, interpersonal, small group, b) Intrapersonal, big group, small group,
public, and social public, and mass
c) Intrapersonal, interpersonal, small group, d) Intrapersonal, big group, small group,
public, and mass public, and social

8. The communication process involves all of these

activities except...
a) message production b) message interpretation
c) message families d) interaction coordination

9. The route traveled by the message and the means of

transportation is the ...
a) message. b) channel.
c) feedback. d) coding.

10. True or False: There are two noise types and these
include physical and psychological noise.
a) True b) False

11. The extent to which channels allow for immediate

feedback is its ...
a) context. b) synchronicity.
c) setting. d) decoding.
12. Sarah and Mick met face to face. Their meeting face to
face is an example of a __________.
a) form of feedback. b) message.
c) channel. d) form of communication.

13. The phone rings. Mick is angry. Both are examples of

types of _______ that can interrupt communication.
a) channels b) feedback
c) people d) noise

14. _________ is a system of shared beliefs, values, symbols,

and behaviors.
a) A script b) Feedback
c) Culture d) A canned plan

15. Communication can vary in conscious thought by being

________ or _________.
a) spontaneous expressions or constructed b) spontaneous thoughts or constructed
messages messages
c) spontaneous expressions or noise d) Spontaneous noise or constructed noise

16. The measure of the emotional temperature of our

relationship at that time is called...
a) emoticon. b) richness.
c) index. d) noise.
17. The seven characteristics of communication are that….
a) It has purpose, is unstoppable, b) It has no purpose, is continuous,
irreversible, situated, indexical, varies in irreversible, situated, indexical, varies in
conscious thought, and is guided by conscious thought, and is guided by
cultural norms. cultural norms.
c) It has purpose, is continuous, d) It has purpose, is continuous,
irreversible, situated, indexical, varies in irreversible, situated, indexical, varies in
conscious thought, and is guided by conscious thought, and is guided by
family time. cultural norms.

18. A set of moral principles that may be held by a society, a

group, or an individual is called ...
a) feedback. b) psychological context.
c) ethics. d) index

19. Ethical communicators are said to …

a) lie, act with integrity, behave fairly, b) be honest, act with integrity, behave
demonstrate respect, and be responsible. fairly, demonstrate respect, and be
c) lie, act with disregard for others, and be d) be honest, act with integrity, behave
responsible. unfairly, demonstrate disrespect, and be

20. Eric you will improve by leaps and bounds if you do not
give up. This is an example of a _________ message.
a) bright side b) dark side
c) feedback d) happy
21. The impression that communicative behavior is both
appropriate and e ective in a given situation is de ned
as ...
a) communication knowledge. b) communication competence.
c) messages. d) dark side messages.

22. The fear or anxiety associated with real or anticipated

communication with others is de ned as ...
a) communication competence. b) physical noise.
c) communication apprehension. d) psychological noise.

23. A communication improvement plan includes all these

steps except...
a) Identify the problem. b) State the goal.
c) Outline how goal will be achieved. d) Devise how progress will be measured.
e) Judge everyone you talk to critically.
Answer Key
1. a 7. c 13. d 19. b
2. b 8. c 14. c 20. a
3. c 9. b 15. a 21. b
4. d 10. a 16. c 22. c
5. a 11. b 17. d 23. e
6. c 12. c 18. c

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