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Let's Celebrate Birthday Parties

Good Ideas for a

Husband's 50th
Birthday Party
By Rick Suttle

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Your husband's 50th birthday calls for a celebration to remember.

Your husband is turning 50 and you need to come

up with a party idea for the big day. Relax! There
are plenty of 50th birthday party ideas. Your goal
should be to make it fun and memorable; and try
to embarrass him a little, too. A party reminiscent
of his teens, a trivia-themed party and a roast are
just a few ideas you can toy with.

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Party Back to Your Teens

Having a party that takes you and your husband
back to your teen years can be a blast. Invite
plenty of old high school friends. When you send
out the invitations, make sure you tell everyone to
wear old varsity sweaters or clothing like they
wore in high school. You can blow up pictures of
your husband from his yearbook. Include pictures
of your guests in action as youths, as well.
Decorate your party surroundings with a
combination of "50th Birthday" and decade-
related items. For example, if he graduated in the
70s, put up some strobe lights. Make sure you
garner a large collection of your favorite tunes
from your high school days, as well.


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Create Special-Items Story

Another idea for your husband's 50th birthday
party is to select some items that are important to
him. For example, if he was the star quarterback,
find a football. If your husband liked collecting
"Star Wars" memorabilia, place Darth Vader on the
table. The key is to find a few different items that
are important to your husband. Divide your guests
into separate teams, or simply assign each table
as a team, if you have rented out a hall. Have
each table create a story about one or two of the
items. Allow guests to make up funny stories if
they want, or tell a true funny story about your
husband in reference to the item. At the end, each
table can tell the birthday boy how much he
means to them.


Plan a Trivia-Themed Party

Have a trivia-themed party. You can pull out some
old photos of your husband from different years.
You might also include at least one with the two of
you together. Purchase about 10 colorful poster
boards. Blow the pictures up, then include a trivia
question on each poster board. Include a question
related to when the two of you met, how many
brothers and sisters he has, or even the name of a
favorite pet in high school. Create a quiz with all
of the questions, then have your guests answer
the questions. Have a small gift for the winner.


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Have a Roast
You can also have a roast for your husband,
according to Rent out a hall
and make him the guest of honor. Place him at the
center of the table. Let some of the guests walk
up and roast your husband. Make sure you invite
a combination of family, relatives and friends.
Include lots of "Happy 50th" balloons, signs and



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Let's Celebrate Birthday Parties

The Best 80th-

Birthday Party Ideas
By Zora Hughes

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Honor your loved one turning 80 with special a heartfelt speech at the

Turning 80 years old is an accomplishment that

deserves to be recognized and celebrated in in an
extra special way. Plan a big birthday party for the
person who is reaching this major life milestone.
The party should be respectful and honor the
person's long life, with children, grandchildren,
and friends participating if possible.


Costume Party
To make the party nostalgic, ask guests on the
invitation to dress up in costumes that reflect the
era that the person grew up in or the decade
when she was born. For instance, if she was born
in the 1930s, you could have a 1930s Hollywood
theme, and guests could wear shimmery dresses
and tuxedos that were popular during that time
period. Or if she was in high school in the 1940s,
you could turn the party into a 1940s-themed
prom night, asking guests to come in 1940s prom
styles. Include examples of outfits and tell guests
that if they can't find anything from the era
specified, they are welcome to wear any formal
wear that they have.


Hire a band to play all the hits from the 80-year-
old's youth. If he was born in the 1930s, hire a
band that can play big-band style of music. If he
was a big music fan in the 1950s, hire a cover
band to play all the biggest hits from the '50s from
artists such as Elvis, Nat King Cole, Ella Fitzgerald
and Little Richard.


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Memory Centerpieces
Decorate the tables with a tablecloths in the 80-
year-old's favorite color. The centerpieces could
be a large framed photo of the person in a
particular stage of her life. Each table should have
a different photograph, surrounded by candles
and flowers. Have the frames engraved to say "80
Years of Love," or "80 Years Young."


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Create a slide show that shows pictures of the
person's life from when she was a child to the
present. Include pictures of important milestones
such as marriage and the birth of children and
grandchildren. If you have any video clips of her,
incorporate those into the video as well. At the
end of the slide show you could have video clips
of friends and family wishing her a happy 80th
birthday and saying what she has meant to them.


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Select a few family members and few friends to
make a remark and toast in honor of the person
turning 80 years old. If the 80-year-old has
several grandchildren or great-grandchildren,
have them work together on a poem about their
grandparent or great-grandparent.


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References & Resources

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Let's Celebrate Birthday Parties

Birthday Ideas for

My Husband's 60th
By Johna Simon

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Birthday Ideas for My Husband's 60th

Image Credit: Barry Austin Photography/Digital Vision/Getty Images

About 330 people will turn 60 every hour in 2010,

according to Fox Business, so your husband is in
good company. Turning 60 is a big milestone for
baby boomers that deserves to be properly
celebrated. Whether you decide to use humor,
nostalgia, sentiment or a combination of all of the
above, there are many unique ways to mark the
occasion. With planning and creativity, you can
create a memorable and fun celebration.


Focus on 60
Lottery tickets

Purchase 60 small gifts.

Image Credit: Hemera Technologies/ Images

Purchase 60 small gifts, or buy 60 of each of his

favorite inexpensive items. Give him 60 packs of
gum, or 60 lottery tickets. If you are having a
party, decorate with 60 balloons.


Focus on the '50s

'50s decorations are very popular and readily available on the Internet
and at party stores.
Image Credit: moodboard/moodboard/Getty Images

Consider a '50s themed birthday party to

celebrate the decade of his birth. Ask party guests
to wear '50s attire. '50s decorations are very
popular and readily available on the Internet and
at party stores.

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