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What are the methods to solve problems relating to stocks which are bitter, cloudy, lacking

colour or lacking flavour?

 if stocks are bitter:- prior to cooking the stock, discard any

blackened bones or vegetables, otherwise the bitterness will
grow as the stock decreases. the whole batch must be discarded
if the burnt taste is heavy or overpowering. vegetables that are
not adequate for the stock may be the other cause of bitterness
of strong aromas. as they will impart unwanted flavors into the
stock, do not use eggplants, cabbage, or old vegetables.
 if stock is cloudy:- as you would for a consomme, you need to
justify cloudy inventory. add whisked egg whites to the boiling
stock for a warm stock and whisk thoroughly. bring the fluid back
to a boil and the impurities would be attracted by the egg white
and float to the surface. strain via a fine sieve or muslin.
 if stock is lacking color:- cut a mire- poix, adequate for the stock
volume, and roast to a brown- golen level, add tomato paste and
deglaze several times until a dark base is reached. add the
stock, simmer and complete as normal. 
 if stock is lacking flavour:- for brown stocks, roast additional
bones and off-cuts or add additional white stock ingredients and
simmer until the flavors have been extracted into the stock. finish
as normal.

Question 2
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 List 3 food safety aspects which must be considered during the production of soups stocks
and sauces to ensure food safety and a clean workplace during and post production.

1) Work territories should be spotless, clean, and sanitized. 
2) out the utensils with some space between them.
3) Follow the tidy-up procedure whenever you get the time while doing different tasks.
steps for cleaning during work and at the end of service:-
1) Regularly check the cleanliness at your workplace while doing different tasks.
2) Disinfect all the user equipment and floor.
3) Make sure all the ovens, burners, and floors should be cleaned up.
4) Use proper and correct chemicals fr cleaning the floor, benches, ovens and walls.

Question 3
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Provide 3 examples each, for brown, white and miscellaneous stocks, and list

1. the cooking times which apply

2. the quality signs for good stock

brown stocks:-
1) chicken stock- it takes about 2 to 4 hours. good white chicken stock should have the full
clean flavors of chicken and aromatic vegetables and have more body than water. if it gets
at least slightly when cooled, that's a positive sign.
2) veal stock= it takes about 4 to 8 hours. usually, this stock will have a glazed look.
3) beef stock- it takes about 4 to 8 hours. usually, this stock will have a glazed look.
white stock:-
1) fish stock- it takes about 20- 30 minutes. and also it should not be cooked any longer
than that as it could become bitter. a good fish stock consists of fish head and bones
strained thoroughly.
2) chicken stock- it takes about 2 to 4 hours. good white chicken stock should have a full
clean flavor of the chicken and aromatic vegetables and have more body than water. if it
gets at least slightly when cooled, that's a positive sign.
3) veal stock- it takes about 4 to 8 hours. usually, this stock will have a glazed look. 
miscellaneous stocks:-
1) sweet corn stock- it takes about 2 hours. it usually gives a beautiful color and aroma of
cooked corn.
2)vegetable stock- it takes about 30 to 45 minutes. minimum until vegetables begin to
soften. the color of the stock changes when it is ready.
3) roast carrot and saffron stock- it usually depends on how the carrot has been cut. It
approximately takes 35 to 40  minutes for regular carrots. usually, this stock would have all
the flavors.


Question 4
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What are the basic ingredients of sauce mayonnaise? List the preparation steps and
provide 2 examples for derivative sauces (and ingredients used), that can be produced from
sauce mayonnaise

the basic ingredients of the sauce mayonnaise are:- egg-yolk, mustard, vinegar, oil
the ratio is 8 yolks to 1 liter of oil for those ingredients. whisk the mustard and vinegar with
the yolk and then slowly add the fat. it is possible to finish the sauce with a small amount of
boiling water to help preserve it. the underlying flavor will be created by the oil used. olive oil
is traditionally used.

derivative sauces are as follows:- 

tartare sauce- mixed mayonnaise with chopped, cooked egg yolk, green onion puree.
green sauce - mixed mayonnaise and puree of minced, balanced herbs.

Question 5
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Provide 3 examples each for, thickeners based on fats, and thickeners based on starches.
Explain how these are used in the preparation of soups and sauces including points of care
to ensure a quality product

3 examples of thickeners based on fats are:-

 butter= used to mount sauces to give them additional sheen and

flavour. used in emulsion sauces, to hold the sabayon. used in
butter sauces to bind the liquids e.g. reduced stock and cream. 
 cream= used by itself to round off the flavour in soups and
sauces. used in a liaison to provide additional flavour and
binding- equal amounts of egg yolk and cream are required.
 egg yolks= used in sabayon and emulsion sauces to provide
stability. used to provide additional flavour and sheen. used to
glaze dishes under the salamander, as the egg yolks will hold
the sauce in place. used in a liaison with cream to provide extra
flavour and thickening.

3 example of thickeners based on starches are:-

Slurry- a mixture of liquid and flour, e.g. red wine and flour, water and flour or cream and
flour .

Modified starches= starches can be modified by a range of techniques so that they are
more stable, promote binding, or are more resistant to heat or cold, without affecting the
flavour or texture of the sauce.

Cooked roux= beurre manie( knead equal amounts of flour and butter).

Question 6
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Provide 3 examples for derivative sauces which can be produced from each, fish velouté,
chicken velouté and veal velouté

1) fish veloute= Bercy sauce, cardinal sauce, and sauce vin blanc
2) chicken veloute= Albufera sauce,  supreme sauce, and Aurore sauce.
3) veal veloute= poulette sauce, mushroom sauce, and horseradish sauce.
Question 7
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What are the correct hygienic procedures to reconstitute sauces and soups whilst ensuring
the correct consistency and flavour?

often sauces are made before service and stored. they can be reheated and used when
needed provided certain precautions are taken:-

 reheating should be carried out as quickly as possible, stirring

 do not overheat as this can cause burning. 
 sauces can be reheated in covered shallow trays in a hot oven
to minimize the likelihood of burning, and when stovetops are in
 during service, the hot sauce must be held above 60 degrees
 at the end of the service the reheated sauce should be
discarded, as should any sauce brought out of bulk storage

Question 8
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List 3 derivative sauces which can be produced from sauce Demi-glace with their main

1) bordelaise sauce= a bordelaise sauce is a classic steak ingredient used to make it are
100 gm chopped shallots, 1 bay leaf, 1 sprig of time, and 5g of cracked peppercorns.
2) Madeira sauce or port sauce= is produced by bringing demi-glace to a boil. ingredients
are Madeira wine and butter.
3) mushroom sauce= shallots, sliced mushrooms, butter, red, white, or Madeira wine.

Question 9
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List 2 derivative sauces which can be produced from sauce Béchamel, with their main

1) anchovy bechamel sauce= to create this sauce, add 29g (1oz) 0f anchovy puree or paste
to your bechamel sauce.
2)  aurora sauce= tomato puree added to a basic bechamel sauce.

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