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SITXCCS007 Assessment – 1

No Questions Rating

1. How likely is it that 3

would recommend
this products a friend?

2. How well do our 4

products meet your

3. How would rate our 3

quality of products?

4. How likely are you to 4

purchase any of our
products again?

5. Did you enjoy our 4


Q1. PR2.1
1 to 4 (1 being Disagree, 2 being somewhat disagreed, 3 somewhat
agreeing, and 4 being totally agreed)


No Questions Rating

1. How long have you 3

been use this product?

2. What would you 4

improve if you could?

3. Which product 4
features do you use
the most valuable?

4. If there was a new 4

feature you could
suggest, what would it
be ?
5. Does the product help 4
you to achieve your

Part B

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