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ACT 191

Narration: As kids, growing up in a strictly religious country, we were taught that there are and shall only
be two gender roles within society, a man, and a woman. A man is expected to be strong, the breadwinner
of the family, and the one who everyone shall rely on, while a woman is the one who takes care of
everything and everyone, someone who keeps everything in order at home, and who shall bring light and
love into the family. We grew up thinking that this is what is expected of us, and this is the extent of what
we should be in a family, but as we learn through the years, this was not the case. Not everyone has a
strong male figure to look up to or that provides for the family, not everyone has a nurturing female figure
that takes care of them at home, at most cases when one of the other is missing all of the other factors that
makes up for the missing father or mother figure is filled up by that of whomever is there, both roles at
the same time with no gender specification.
We are currently living in 2022. 22 years has passed since the 21st century hit and humans as a society
has come a long way from its previous ways. The whole world has been fighting off misogyny not just in
small individual cases but the system that it has created over the years. Men aren’t the only ones in
positions of power nowadays. By 2020, there were at least 843 LGBTQ people have been serving in
elected offices in US. In Ukraine, about 15% of the Ukrainian army combat forces. A lot of examples
such as these that proves just how much we have progressed when it comes to gender is true all around
the world, but this doesn’t mean that the job is done. The best way to let you know and understand what I
mean is by showing you. Viewer discretion is advised for the clips you’re about to watch shows the
disappointing reality how much work there is left to be done.
*Insert clips*
The game showcased in these clips is called Valorant. A character based multiplayer shooter game and
one of the most successful games to be released in 2020. It has been so successful that almost everyone
knows and plays the game, even kids from the young age of six. Seeing and knowing the game’s nature,
skill is most important but through the clips misogynistic statements can be heard, irrelevant comments
were made pertaining to the players gender despite their playstyles or how good they were, stereotypes
and tons of unnecessary comments were made simply because of their gender. The game and interaction
may be online, and the anonymity may make these an exaggerated representation of the current status of
the world when it comes to gender but what these videos are trying to show us is how deep gender
inequality has been in the minds not only of the past generations but also the young minds of today’s
generation. In this documentary, join us as we go deeper into one of the most controversial issues that the
world is dealing with today.
Narration: There are different perceptions, definitions, and priorities of gender equality all over the
world. While others view it as having equal rights and opportunities for both genders, others see it as
distribution of power and influence in domestic work and society. According to the report provided by the
World Economic Forum, gender equality has an impact in four different key dimension such as: the
economic contribution and opportunity, educational fulfillment, health and survival, and political
liberation that can affect the country’s ranking in the Global Gender Gap Index. Among the 156
countries, Iceland, Norway, Finland, Sweden; as well as Ireland, Switzerland, Lithuania, New Zealand,
Rwanda, and Namibia were the countries that consist of the top 10 having the highest gender equality.
Upon the current growth, the WEF predicts that it would take at least 135 years to close the gender gap all
over the world. It appears that the largest gender gap is under the political liberation category. Which can
be seen worldwide that it is rare for a country to be led by female officials. The second largest gap is part
of the economic contribution and opportunity classification. The study said that the proportion of skilled
women and their wages increase but contradicting to that, females who engage in leadership task and job
attainment remain imbalance. The category for educational fulfillment and health gaps are small on
average. On the other hand, countries that typically located in the Middle East and African region such as
Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, DR Congo, Iran, Mali, Chad, and Saudi Arabia has the lowest
gender equality rate and largest gender gaps due to limited to little opportunities for women in the field of
Politics and economic opportunities.
While in the Philippines ranked 17th in the list in the field of gender equality. Based on the data shows,
Philippines has one of the lowest percentages in closing the gender equality gap in the field of politics. In
that sense, it needs to sustain its achievement and opportunities given to both gender and overcome and
improve its political liberation to close the gender gap in the said field.

Narration: Like any other problem faced by a nation, gender inequality is rooted somewhere deep inside
our culture and is yet to be unearthed and fully accepted by the people. Which is why we have
interviewed several advocates of gender equality and women empowerment as to enlighten us with
gender inequality in the country, its cause and how it affects an individual, society, and the country.
*Insert interview clips*

Narration: The topic regarding gender inequality in the majority of the South-east Asia is tough to avoid.
Years had passed, women kept and still fighting harder than ever for their right to be seen and treated as
equal to their male counterparts, as well as the LGBTQ+ community.
Gender inequality refers to unequal treatment or perceptions of individuals based on their gender.
Ingrained in societies all over the world, it evolves in many different forms. A few examples of gender
inequality against women are: Unequal pay/salaries, sexual harassment & assault, lack of education,
violence, rape, economic dependency, and lack of representation in government.
Through all the challenging cultural and social norms, as an individual in today’s generation, we can get
closer to eradicating gender inequality. There are plenty of NGOs whom empowering, supporting, and
helping women fight gender inequality daily. With the help of charities and NGOs, more women, and
members of LGBTQ+ community will find their voices to voice out, the future will hold light and shine
brightly for establishing gender equality.
Gender inequality serves as the main roadblock toward social justice. From individuals, businesses,
government, and non-government agencies, all must contribute to address the gender inequality and its
impact. According to Victoria Robinson (2019), the two aspects in addressing this global issue are: to
increase education regarding gender relations, masculinity, and feminism, and to focus on
intersectionality in relation to gender inequality.
Furthermore, here are some of the ways to address gender inequality:
Awareness-raising: Conduct programs to raise awareness about different gender identities, stereotypes,
and gender-based violence.
Law review and reform: In each country, law review and reform are needed to eliminate violence and
discrimination due to the harmful practices that violate the health and development rights of girls, women,
and other gender identities. Increase enforcement and punishments from existing laws against gender-
based discrimination and sexual harassment.
Legal literacy: Conduct campaigns to educate women, young children, and others of their rights and legal
actions in case of human rights violations.
Reduce socialization by adults of girls and boys into traditional gender roles: Gender roles are society’s
expectation on how we should talk, dress, act, or work based on our gender, and many of these are toxic
and enforce unhealthy behaviors between people. Therefore, beliefs in negative traditional gender roles
must be reduced.
Increase job opportunities for women: Make efforts to boost the number of women working in
traditionally male occupations and in political leadership.
Same salary for equal work: According to the United Nations data, in every dollar a man receives, a
woman earns only 70-90 cents. Men and women must be paid equally for the same nature and amount of
work; therefore, it is important to recognize companies that pay the same salary.

Narration: We grew up knowing about two genders and only giving more credit than what’s deserved to
one than the other. We were used to giving gender specific roles and expectations to people not knowing
that they are much capable of things than the standards that we have set up for them. In this day and time,
each country strives to be a progressive one, and to fully overcome the continuous struggle one should
start with how they view themselves and the people around them, to not restrict them and limit them of
their capabilities by their gender or means of identity expression. One shall recognize that how a person
chooses to identify themselves does not incapacitate them because one is viewed as much lower than the
other. We must remember that we are all people, all with two eyes, one nose, a pair of lips, faces, bodies
that may all differ but most importantly is that we have a brain, and a heart in which we should use to
openly accept, acknowledge, and love everyone despite their gender or

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