WORKSHEET 5 Magcamit Reina Chiara G.

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Gearing Up for the Future: Curriculum

Reina Chiara G. Magcamit BEED 3

Directions: Answer the question below.
1. Are you in favor with the implementation of K to 12 to our country’s educational system?
If I were asked, I am favor with the implementation of K to 12 to our country’s educational system.
The reasons are the following: First and foremost, this K to 12 adds two years of learning, Grade 11 and
Grade 12 which the purpose is to serve as our training guide to be skilfully-developed than before. At
Grade 11 and Grade 12, provides tracks and strands. There are four tracks in Senior High School such
as Academic track, TechVoc track, Sports and Arts Design Track. The academic track has four strands
namely (1) Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM), (2) Humanities and Social Studies
(HUMSS), (3) Accounting, Business and Management (ABM) and (4) General Academic Strand (GAS).
This means that at Grade 11, a student chooses which track to pursue and if he/she chooses the
academic he/she must also choose which strand. If a student intends to go to college after Grade 12,
then he/she must take the academic track. The college program which he/she wants to enrol in
determines which strand to take – STEM, HUMSS or ABM. If a senior high school student wants to pursue
TechVoc courses in Technical Education Skills Development Authority (TESDA), he/she takes the
TechVoc track. He/She who is interested in Arts and Design will pursue the Arts and Design track. The
Sports track will be for any sports-minded Senior High School student.

These strands and tracks serve as the stepping stone of the senior high school students in
preparation to their College life. Through studying in certain strand, the students will be more
knowledgeable and skilfully-developed which will motivate them to have an idea what to pick appropriate
course in college. At this point, they will be more prepared and interested in going to college to choose
their respective desire courses.

Some students don’t know what to select course in college, so in their senior years, they will be
moulded enough to get-to-know the appropriate courses for them in their tertiary level. During their senior
years, others didn’t still discover their skills, but althroughout, they will easily get an idea and developed
it after studying in Senior High School.

K to 12 implementation adds two-year of studying in High School, specifically called as “Senior

High School”, but althroughout this, learners are moulded, skilfully-developed which are well-prepared in
stepping at College life, than the earlier years.
2. Are the existing realities that happened in the Philippine school enough justification for the
implementation of K to 12? Why and why not?
I think the existing realities justify enough to implement K to 12 Curriculum because being
labelled as third world country, the reality is we are left behind by other countries in the field of education.
For instance, a graduate of medicine in the Philippine School, as doctor, does not qualify to practice
profession when applying to other countries like in America, instead he became accepted only as medical
staff or nurse due to lack of education qualification. Same thing happened to other profession applying to
work abroad, they do not qualify for practicing their level. With K to 12 education, Filipino graduates can
now compete with the other graduates from other countries.

3. Does K to 12 gives improvement to the Philippine’s school curriculum and to the life of the students? If
YES, state those improvements and if NO, give your justifications.
Indeed, K to 12 gave improvement to the Philippine’s school curriculum and to the students.
The improvements are the following:
Additional grade levels in High School such as Grade 11 and Grade 12 which offer life skills
training with different strands and tracks where students can choose from depending on their desired
course for College to pursue.

The SHS curriculum includes entrepreneurship courses, to give students the option of starting
their own business after graduation rather than going to college.

Alternative Learning System or ALS under K to 12 Curriculum takes a more informal approach
to education, encouraging self-study and flexible learning timelines based on student availability.
Teaching is usually conducted at community (barangay) centres, in libraries or at home, and is managed
by mobile ALS teachers. Through ALS, the government improves educational equality in the Philippines.

Lesson 6.1 Reforms for Basic Education Curriculum

Activity 1: Let’s Do a Survey
The Philippines has implemented the K to 12 Curriculum from Kindergarten to Grade 12. Conduct a survey
among teachers handling those grade levels. Ask them what they like and what they do not like about the curriculum.
Ask their suggestions on how to improve the curriculum implementation.

Kinder teacher: Joanna Marie Moreal

Grade level: pre kinder 1 daycare

1. What do you like in the curriculum?

The one that I like in the curriculum is that in my everyday in my class session I know what to do and how to
handle my kids regarding the topic in curriculum just like it easy for me to survive two to three hours session the activity
is in there and I have the chance to make my own activity regarding the topic so form me the curriculum itself enhance
me as a present kinder teacher it serve as guide for me as a teacher too

2. What you don’t like in the curriculum?

Well sometimes the curriculum is not fit to the learner it's is ahead base on my experience as a study the
lesson plan given by the dswd office I observe that the activity on a certain topic is not applicable to the learner
sometimes the activity is not kaya ng bata hindi kayang gawin ng bata so ako instead nails ipagawa ko pinapalitan ko
for example my topic kami na national hero ages 3 to 4 didn't know who's our national here so instead I change it to
super hero so the kids will interested at all but the impact is the same in focus on the said hero

3. State your suggestions on how to improve curriculum implementation.

In my own opinion, maybe the implementer should be careful to its design so that the learner in every level
catch up easily what was the curriculum wants to imply to every learner and maybe the curriculum focuses on the
personalized learning in which it would base on the personal experience of a learner.

Primary Grade
Grade 3 teacher: Marion S. Camacho
What you like in the curriculum?
It must be a good curriculum. It is not rigid which means it is flexible, can be monitored and evaluate by the
administration. It must be based on general student needs for your population, and when the students need to get at
the end of the program.

What you don’t like in the curriculum?

If it is highly structured approach which may not fit to the needs of the students.

Your suggestions on how to improve the curriculum implementation:

Its implementation must be in right and standard manner. It must include all the aspects and views which are
important for growth and development. The drafting must take place after the suggestions of all the people who are
associated with it followed by votes. This must be followed by formation of a board/committee which will closely follow
at. With it the board/committee most includes member from all the classes to which this curriculum is to be implemented.
Intermediate Grade
Grade 4 teacher: Mary Ann G. Tolentino
1. What do you like in the curriculum?
Basically, as a teacher, it is fundamental for me to learn about school curriculum to be able to help my students
to learn easily and connect with sources of information and knowledge that allows them to explore ideas. A curriculum
will always help me to adjust in the environment better. It outlines the skills, performances, attitudes, and values that
pupils are expected to learn and that's the reason why I like the K12 curriculum.

2. What you don’t like in the curriculum?

Sometimes, the highly structured approach may not fit to students needs. Example: In TLE subject, the high
level of competencies in ICT integration are not suited for elementary level. Another issues/concern that needs to
address is that lack of equipment especially in science lab. And also inadequate supply of books and learning materials
especially in public schools.

3. State your suggestions on how to improve curriculum implementation.

Maybe there are more urgent problems/issues needs to address like, classrooms, textbooks, labs &
equipment, computers, etc. for effective learning to happen.

Junior High School

Grade 10 Teacher: Rein Mhavel D. Coching
1. What do you like in the curriculum?
There is a continuity of learning of all the macroskills since most of the competencies are taken and/or taught
when the students are still in Grade 7 to Grade 9.

2. What you don’t like in the curriculum?

Since there is a continuous learning when it comes to the competencies being taken or taught because of
the spiral progression approach in the K to 12 Curriculum, there are cases where students did not master or learn a
certain competency. Therefore, it is hard for us teachers, to strengthen the mastery or retention of such competency
when they are already in Grade 10.

3. State your suggestions on how to improve curriculum implementation.

As of now, DepEd has released the Most Essential Learning Competencies in every subject. Compared to
the previous competencies in the Curriculum Guide before pandemic, this new version is a lot more attainable and I
think, it would be better to retain this set of competencies.

Grade 10 teacher: Dame Paola G. Pagsuyuin

1. What do you like in the curriculum?
K-12 provides sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop lifelong learners, and prepare
graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship.

2. What you don’t like in the curriculum?

Major disadvantage is that it’s an additional two years to earn a degree. People work later, they earn money
later. And in this country, where a lot of children support their family and parents, that’s a major disadvantage

3. State your suggestions on how to improve curriculum implementation.

Let the teachers focus on teaching and have the personnel to do the non-teaching related and clerical works
in schools
Senior High School teacher: Carlo Magne Jeffrey G. Magcamit
What you like in the curriculum?
I like the goal of the curriculum which is to enhance the quality of education. The K-12 Curriculum helps the
students to become more familiar and learned on the course they are going to choose in College.

What you don’t like in the curriculum?

The K-12 Curriculum was implemented very quickly without proper preparation and without further research.

Your suggestions on how to improve the curriculum implementation:


Activity 2
1 What do I know? What can I tell?
K to 12 Curriculum have advantage and disadvantages in the life of the students and teachers. Some
of the advantages of the curriculum is the enhancement of the knowledge and skills of the students in each
of their chosen tracks and strands which will lead them to decide with what course they will take in college.
This is also their preparation, where the students will be more furnished to deal with much higher level of
mastery or can be a stepping stone to know the appropriate course they should be in Tertiary level. In Senior
High School, students will be trained enough which will make them commensible at certain track. However,
the disadvantages of K to 12 Curriculum namely the following: Parents of the students does not in favor with
this new curriculum, since their children may take another two years of studying in High School when they
should already take College. Financial problem is also a factor why K to 12 Curriculum is a disadvantage.
Parents may have to disburse more money just for another two years of studying of their children. The
government also have insufficient fund to pay for the two years of free education since they must prioritize the
lack of classrooms, school supplies, laboratory equipment and others, and especially the textbooks which will
be a barrier if not be resolved. Just like what have been stated by Claire Bryant, “The problem is not the
content, not the length of basic education. We need to have a better education not more education.”
But, it is important to take these another two years in High School specifically the Senior High School
or Grade 11 and Grade 12 as for the enhancement of knowledge and skills and mastery of these to be
prepared enough in the Tertiary level and to have an idea on what to choose the course in College.

2 If you interviewed teachers, parents and students about K to 12, what ten ideas or concepts can you tell?
(1) Some of them aren’t in favor of the implementation of K to 12 Curriculum since it is not that
(2) It is stated that the first two batches taking the K to 12 Curriculum is just an experimentation to
know if this may have an impact in the students’ knowledge and skills.
(3) Some of them are in favor of the implementation of the K to 12 Curriculum, just like Carlo
Magcamit, who likes the goal of the K to 12 Curriculum.
(4) It has many benefits like it “provides sufficient time for mastery of concepts and skills, develop
lifelong learners, and prepare graduates for tertiary education, middle-level skills development,
employment, and entrepreneurship”, as what Dame Paola Pagsuyuin stated.
(5) “There is a continuity of learning of all the macroskills since most of the competencies are taken
and/or taught when the students are still in Grade 7 to Grade 9”, stated by Ms. Rein Mhavel
Coching, which are better for the students to be learned in preparation for their Grade 10.
(6) As what stated by Ms. Coching that the curriculum will always help her to adjust in the
environment better which outlines the skills, performances, attitudes, and values that pupils are
expected to learn and that's the reason why I like the K12 curriculum; wherein there are several
benefits that this curriculum brought to her as a teacher and to the learners
(7) As the teachers that I have interviewed stated several benefits of the curriculum to the teachers
and learners, there are also major disadvantages that they don’t like about the implementation
of this curriculum.
(8) Sample of the teacher’s answer in what they don’t like in the curriculum is “There are cases that
students did not master or learn a certain competency which is difficult for the teachers to
strengthen the mastery or retentions of such competency when they are already in Grade 10”,
which is for me as a student of K to 12 Curriculum, honestly I did not master the competencies
or outcomes of the certain topic not just in College but also in High School and Elementary.
(9) “Sometimes, the highly structured approach may not fit to students needs. Example: In TLE
subject, the high level of competencies in ICT integration are not suited for elementary level.
Another issues/concern that needs to address is that lack of equipment especially in science
lab. And also inadequate supply of books and learning materials especially in public schools.”
For me, I agreed in this statements answered by Ms. Tolentino. Since schools have inadequate
learning facilities/equipment, learners will not be able to learn well and discover how to use this
particular equipment just like the above-mentioned.
(10) I think one of the great suggestions being given by the teachers I have interviewed is that the
“DepEd’s new released of the Most Essential Learning Competencies in every subject”, where
through retaining this set of competencies provides achievable teaching-learning process
especially in this time of crisis.

Curricular Reforms in Teacher Education

Directions: Write an essay on the topic and submit to your teacher.
“The New Teacher Education Curriculum and My Future as a Teacher.”
Various changes have been emerged as the new curriculum implemented but this benefits the
teacher and the learners.

The teacher education curriculum programs move toward globalization, contextualization,

indigenization, and other changes or upgrades, educators, curriculum specialists, faculty, instructors,
students, and other stakeholders are experiencing a great deal of harmonization.

The New Teacher Education Curriculum consider several features. The Commission on Higher
Education approved the offering of new teacher education degrees to prepare teachers in basic education
through a Commission Memorandum Order-Program Standards and Guidelines (CMO-PSG) after examining
local and global situations. The degree programs are based on OBE principles, the PQF framework, K–12
Basic Education Curricula, and General Education Courses for College Degrees.

Different degree programs will generate future ready teachers in basic education, addressing the
needed teacher quality for the twenty-first century. The curriculum is being updated with new and improved
Some new features are as follows:
• All future teachers will receive training in the use of technology in the classroom. (Teaching and
Learning Technology 1 and 2)
• All future teachers will improve their evaluation skills (Courses: Assessment 1and 2)
• Experiential Learning Courses will place a greater emphasis on putting theory into practice in a
variety of settings (Courses: Field Study 1, Field Study 2 and Teaching Experiences)
• All future elementary school teachers will be equipped to teach a variety of courses, including Good
Manners and Right Conduct, as well as the Mother Goose.

Adapting various changes serve as difficulty for the teachers, but for me, as a future motivated
teacher, I will face and overcome these challenges, as I really do love to pursue this dream career.
Outcome-Based Education for Teacher
Lesson 7.1
Preparation Curriculum
Activity 1: Finding OBE in the Classroom (by groups can be submitted after the final demo teaching)
1 Seek permission from the teacher to observe the class for one complete teaching lesson
2 Observe the teacher’s lesson plan. Identify the Intended Learning Outcomes (Objectives) at the beginning of
the Lesson. Record observation.
3 Observe the class activities with the guidance of the teacher. Record your observation.
4 Observe of the intended learning outcome at the beginning of the lesson was achieved (achieve learning
outcome) at the end of the lesson. Record your observation.
5 Summarize all recorded observations in the matrix below. Use the example as your guide. Write down your
own report in the proper cell
Intended Learning Outcome/s of Activities to accomplish the Achieved Learning Outcomes at
the Lesson Intended Learning Outcomes the end of the Lesson
Classifies objects into solid or Children mess up with objects Classified objects into solids or
liquid trying to group them into two liquids.
clusters: solid or liquid

Based on the Activity 1: Finding OBE in the Classroom, answer the questions below:
1 What did the teacher intend to accomplish in the lesson at the beginning?
2 Was it accomplished or achieved at the end? Has learning occurred?
3 What learning outcome was achieved?
4 During the activity, was there an opportunity for all children to learn? Describe?
5 How was the achieved learning outcome assessed? Explain.
Enhanced Teacher Education Curriculum
Lesson 7.2
Anchored on Outcome-Based Education

Activity 1: Am I Familiar with the Degree I am Pursuing?
Directions: Fill up the information asked of you and answer the questions that follow.

Name: Reina Chiara G. Magcamit Degree Pursued: Bachelor of Elementary Education

Year Level: Third Year Course/ Subject: The Teacher and School Curriculum (Prof Ed 9)

1 With the degree you are pursuing, what Grade Level are you preparing to teach when you graduate and
become licensed professional teacher?
I am preparing to first teach kinder or grade 1 pupils, since they are in the starting level of learning. I
want to encounter those younger ones, to have thrill in teaching. I want to know how they behave and interact
with me as their teacher in the classroom, which needs to consider my patience, how long I am having patience
with these kids, which are very clumsy, but I believe in myself to have more patience since I am a kid-lover. I
also want to deal with them as younger ones and became their bridge or stepping stone, as their guide to the
next level. I really do want to see the improvements of them when they are stepping in the next level, I want
to give the best I can do for them.

2 How many clusters of subjects are there in your degree? Please check only. One___ Two___ Three / /
The three clusters in my degree are Cluster 1 is Professional Education Courses, Cluster 2 is Major
Courses, and Cluster 3 is Electives.

3 Enumerate what subjects in the Professional Education Courses, Major Courses and Electives have you
already taken in your degree program. Write in the space below.
There are 102 units in Professional Education Courses, Major Courses, and Electives that are
needed to take in BEEd program. However, the courses that I have already taken in the Professional
Education Courses are The Child and Adolescent Learners and Learning Principles, The Teaching
Profession, The Teacher and the Community, Foundation of Special and Inclusive Education, Facilitating
Learner-Centered Teaching and Learning, Assessment in Learning 1, Assessment in Learning 2, Technology
for Teaching and Learning 1, The Teacher and School Curriculum (still taking), and Building and Enhancing
New Literacies Across the Curriculum (still taking).

On the other hand, the Major Courses subjects I have taken are Teaching Science in the Elementary
Grades (Biology and Chemistry), Teaching Science in the Elementary Grades (Physics, Earth, and Space
Science), Teaching Social Studies in the Elementary Grades (Philippine History and Government), Teaching
Social Studies in the Elementary Grades (Culture and Geography), Pagtuturo and Filipino sa Elementarya (I)
Estruktura at Gamit ng Wikang Filipino, Pagtuturo and Filipino sa Elementarya (II) Panitikan ng Pilipinas,
Teaching Math in the Primary Grades, Teaching Math in the Intermediate Grades (still taking), Edukasyong
Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan, Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan with Entrepreneurship (still
taking), Teaching Music in the Elementary Grades, Teaching Arts in the Elementary Grades, Teaching PE
and Health in the Elementary Grades (still taking), Teaching English in the Elementary Grades (Language
Arts), Teaching English in the Elementary Grade Through Literature, Content and Pedagogy for the Mother-
Tongue (still taking), Good Manners and Right Conduct, Research in Education (still taking), Technology for
Teaching and Learning in Elementary Grades.

While, in the Electives subject is Teaching Multi-grade Classes only (still taking).

Furthermore, there are total of 102 units in the subjects – Professional Education Courses, Major
Courses, and Electives. Basically, 42 units in Professional Education Courses, 57 units in Major Courses, and
3 units in Electives, but the total number of units I have already taken are 90 units, 3 each per subject. There
are only three subjects to take in fourth year – The Field Study 1 (3 units) and Field Study 2 (3 units), and
Teaching Internship (6 units).

4 In what year level will you do teaching internship?

I will do the teaching internship in fourth year, since this is the last level we BEEd to take in College,
where it is a requirement and through this, we have an opportunity here to apply all the necessary knowledge
and skills we gained within our studying three years before, so that we can surely master the teaching process
in this level.

5 In the courses you have taken, what competencies/ outcome have you mastered? Name at most 5.
The competencies/ outcome that I have mastered within my three years of taking BEEd program and
in the courses that I have taken are the following:
(1) In the course, Edukasyong Pantahanan at Pangkabuhayan with Entrepreneurship subject, I have
mastered and able to conduct an experiment in raising vegetable seedlings;
(2) In Teaching Mathematics in the Intermediate Grades, I can read and write decimal numbers through ten
thousandths (M5NS-lla-102.2);
(3) In Teaching Arts in the Elementary Grades, I can demonstrate an in-depth understanding of the concept,
elements, and principles of arts in the elementary grades;
(4) In the course Teaching English in the Elementary Grades, described the importance of English in the
elementary grades; and
(5) In Educational Technology, I can write a Reflection on each topics.

6 At this point in time, do you think your teacher education curriculum or degree program prepares you for
your future job as a teacher? Please explain.
Indeed, the teacher education curriculum or the degree program prepares me for my future job as a
teacher. There are some barriers, but I think the teachers really did their best for us to be more knowledgeable
and skilled enough. I have learned so much advices, tips, strategies, etc. that could really help me to become
a great teacher someday. Just like me, I am a kind of person who pursues so hard and give my best especially
in my academics and sports as well as my skill in dancing. I can say that I am developed not only in knowledge
but also to skills.

7 What features of your degree illustrate that the curriculum is outcome-based?

All future teachers will be trained on how to use technologies for teaching and learning. (Courses:
Technology for Teaching and Learning 1 and 2); All future teachers will enhance skills in assessment of
learning outcomes (Courses: Assessment 1 and 2); Experiential Learning Courses will be more focused on
the application of theory to practice in varied contexts (Courses: Field Study 1, Field Study 2, and Teaching
Internship); and All future teachers in the elementary level will be prepared to teach all subjects areas including
Good Manners and Right Conduct and the Mother Tongue.
The new teacher education curriculum is based on Outcome-Based Education as evidenced by the
constructive alignment of the important elements of the curriculum
As a student of curriculum and as future teacher, would you be able to:
1 Know exactly what to need to do to achieve the outcome even at the beginning of your degree plan?
Yes _/_ No ___
Explain: As a future teacher, I need to keep in mind that the outcomes is in the level of the students’ intelligence
and achievable, so the outcome is SMART in order to ensure that it will greatly achieved. In short, I as a
teacher, know exactly what must need to do to achieve the outcome even at the beginning of my degree plan.

2 Identify what you will do in order to achieve the desired outcomes?

Yes / No ___
Explain: I can identify what I will do in order to achieve the desired outcomes by`

3 Measure the desired outcome if it has been achieved?

Yes_ /_ No ___
Explain: I can measure the desired outcomes if it has been achieved by the assessment tools appropriate to
its content. There are also frequency of grading in order to measure if the outcomes has been achieved
through looking and identifying the description of frequency appropriate to the grades/scores of the students.

4 Develop the competencies required for all future teachers? Yes__/ _ No ___
Explain: I can develop the competencies as a requirement for all future teachers, because in our past activities
in this course, and in the course – Assessment of Learning II, we are tasked to make outcomes, and I did it.

5 Tell if you are improving or not in knowledge, skills and values while schooling?
Yes_ /__ No ___
Explain: Indeed, my knowledge, skills and values while schooling have been improved and still improving as
of now, for the reason of I can be able to answer some essay questions and perform such hands-on activities
without guide since we are still in face-to-face learning class and all we have to do is Do and Learn on our
Own Pace, I can independently do those tasks in different courses, as well as I can manage my behavior in
such situations.

Curricular Landscape in the 21st Century

Curriculum Evaluation through Learning
Lesson 8.1
Activity: The 21st Century Classroom Amidst the 21st Curriculum Landscape
Considering the changes that are occurring have occurred in the 21st century, draw on a separate sheet how
a classroom would look to respond to the new teacher education curricula of the 21st century.
Directions: Check the items that should be addressed by the curriculum in the 21st century.
/ 1. Cultural diversity
/ 2. Multiple literacies
/ 3. Higher-order thinking skills
/ 4. Life and career skills
____5. Environmental sustainability
/ 6. Technology revolution
/ 7. War and Conflict
/ 8. Global warming
____9. Science breakthrough
/ 10. Health issues
Lesson 8.2 Education 4.0 in the School Curriculum

Activity 1: Research on how schools teach each of the following to prepare learners for IR 4.0. Share your findings
 Complex Problem Solving
 Critical Thinking
 Creativity
 People Management
 Coordinating with Others
 Emotional Intelligence
 Judgment and Decision-Making
 Service Orientation
 Negotiation
 Cognitive Flexibility

What do I know? What can I tell? ( OPTOPNAL)
If you are asked to lecture Education 4.0 and how schools can help learners for IR 4.0 what will you dwell
on? What will be the meat of your lecture? Show it in an outline made of success.
Curricular Modification in Basic Education
Lesson 8.3
During and Post-Pandemic

Directions: Answer the following questions:
1 A responsive curriculum adapts itself to the needs of a dynamic community. How did the Department of
Education do this to respond to the COVID crisis?

As the world moves forward in response to the new normal setting, curriculum adapts itself
to the needs of a dynamic community. Covid 19 crisis is a serious illness that cannot be cured easily, so
to avoid spreading this, the health protocols are implemented.

Department of Education respond to the COVID crisis by the following health protocols:
Wash hands frequently with soap and water; Sanitize when before going and leaving home; Stay at home
when there’s no important errands outside; Always wear face mask when leaving home and going to
other places; and Keep your distance to people especially to strangers.

These health protocols are very important not only to one person but for the sake of other people’s
HEALTH that may cause death when not being cured. So, we as individuals as also future educators,
must be aware and consider these health protocols as we go throughout our lives.

2 Interview a teacher on his/her stand on DepEd’s reduction of the learning competencies to the most
essential. What does he/she think about it?

Interviewee: Carlo Magne Jeffrey G. Magcamit

DepEd’s reduction of learning competencies to the most essential ones plays a great role
in the delivery of basic education in time of Covid19 pandemic. During the years of no face to face classes,
schools are required to continue educating learners through different modalities due to very limited time
allotment. Learners are doing their modules weekly containing the most essential learning competencies.
And as teacher, I can say that the reduction is truly necessary to give the gist of the skills needed to be
developed to children in the absence of face to face classes. I am in favor of that case since the learners
can learn on their own at least the basic skills in every grading period per grade level. With that, I can
say that education has continuity and no necessary skills are left behind.

3 Among the various curriculum delivery modes, which will be most effective in your particular setting in
times of crisis? Why?
I think the Flexible Learning delivery mode is the most effective in my particular setting in
time of crisis. For the following reasons – I can have choices depending on my situation where I can learn
better either Online Learning or Modular Learning. Through choosing these wise and appropriate delivery
mode a – Flexible Learning that I can be more learn motivatively.
As a future teacher, using Flexible learning as a curriculum delivery modes, I can be able
to consider my students’ situation, either if they are comfortable in doing modules with paper and pencil
at home or doing this online who have a stable internet connection.

Therefore, it is very easy if Flexible Learning will be used as a curriculum model, since these
gives an opportunities for the students to pick either Online or Modular learning they will take. Through
these, the students like me will be able to take into consideration and will be more motivated to learn at
the very end of every school year which is the very most important target for the students as they are
studying in this time of crisis.

4 Research on the following then share your findings in class (OPTIONAL)

 Three (3) accredited Alternative Delivery Modes done by DepEd
 The difference between home-based schooling and home schooling
 How formal education differs from ALS

Directions: Answer the following questions:
1 What does MELCs stand for? Why did DepEd come up with it?
MELCs stand for Most Essential Learning Competencies. These are defined as what the students
need, considered indispensable, in the teaching-learning to building skills to equip learners for subsequent
grade levels and subsequently, for lifelong learning. On the other hand, desirable learning competencies were
defined as what may enhance education but may not be necessary in building foundational skills.
Moreover, they added, “The MELC’S WILL ENABLE THE Department to focus instruction to the most
essential and indispensable competencies that our learners must acquire, as we anticipate challenges in
learning delivery.

2 What are alternatives to face-to-face curriculum delivery mode?

There are various delivery modes that are alternatives to face-to-face curriculum delivery mode.
These are the Online Learning, Alternative Delivery Mode, Distance Learning, Homeschooling, and
Alternative Learning System.

In online learning, students and teachers are connected through an internet connection where there
are some video conferencing applications and online chatting applications like Google Meet, Zoom,
Messenger, MS Teams that help them to conduct teaching-learning process which is happening in distant
with each other. Through these platforms, students will be able to learn better, for they can have an opportunity
to learn even in distant with the teacher.

On the other hand, alternative delivery mode is a non-traditional education program that recognized
by the Department of Education (DepEd) which applies a flexible learning philosophy and a curricular delivery
program that includes non-formal and informal sources of knowledge and skills. Some of the accredited ADMs
are Modified In-Schools and Off-School Approach (MISOSA); Enhanced Instructional Management by
Parents, Community and Teachers (e-IMPACT) for primary education. It is stated that this alternative delivery
mode was being developed to address the problems of seasonal absent learners and congested classrooms
in schools.
However, distance learning include the delivery of educational content online, digitally or through
radio and television. There are used to be “School-on-the-Air.” In this COVID 19 crisis, the Philippine
government offered government-run television and radio stations as platforms for delivering lesson.

While, homeschooling is another learning option, also recognized by DepEd where this is not only a
stop-gap solution in time of crisis. Based on the policy guidelines by DepEd, this provides learners with access
to formal education while staying in an out-of-school environment (just like at their homes), which is meant for
the learners to unique circumstances such as illness, frequent travel, special education needs and other
similar contexts. It is stated that homeschooling is not the same as home-based schooling but is it much more
than using the home as a setting for schooling.

In contrast, Alternative Learning System is a “parallel learning system in the Philippines that provides
a practical option to the existing formal instruction. When one does not have or cannot access formal
education in schools, ALS is an alternate or substitute, which includes both the non-formal or informal sources
of knowledge and skills. ALS have two major programs that are being implemented by the Department of
Education, through the Bureau of Alternative Learning System (BALS) – one is the Basic Literacy Program
and the other one is the Continuing Education Program – Accreditation and Equivalency (A&E). Both
programs are modular and flexible, which means that learning can take place anytime and anywhere,
depending on the convenience and availability of the learners.

Therefore, it is convenient to use different curriculum modalities as alternatives to face-to-face

curriculum delivery mode for the continuity of learning and improvement of knowledge and skills of every
learner, as well as for the continuity of the job of the teachers.

Lesson 8.4
Curriculum Response of Higher Education for
Teacher Education Amid the Pandemic and Beyond
Activity: Planning for the Future as a Teacher During the Pandemic
1 When you become a teacher in the future which teaching delivery will you use during a pandemic? Why?
If I will become a teacher in the future, the Flexible Learning teaching delivery I will use. First and
foremost, that will happen in the future meaning everyone can access and be connected through an internet
connection which will be helpful in the teaching-learning process. There are different video conferencing apps
and online chatting apps which are useful in communicating with students, like the Google Meet, Zoom,
Messenger, Google Classroom, and Ms Teams (which are the combination of video conferencing and online
chatting as well as posting modules and submitting the students’ answers).

Furthermore, online learning is beneficial, since the students can have the chance to have a research
on their own about the tasks and activities they need to know or discover more about. Through these, the
students as well as teachers will gain more knowledge and skills independently.
The learning pace is also comfortable for the students and teachers, since it is at their own homes.
In addition, is very safe for me and my students when having an online class since we are in-distant with one

Moreover, when the students lived in the mountains or have no signal in their location, they will have
a chance to still answer their modules through a physical paper.

Therefore, every student have a chance to answer in their own pace and at their own strategic
learning ways.

2 Make a sample module that you will give to your student as an alternative instructional material for this time
of pandemic.

Resource: Developing Reading Power 2 (Grade 2)

Learning Phonetic Skills
English is your second language
You may not speak it in school.
You learn some subjects in this language.

English has its own way of saying words.

English has its own way of making words.
Learn how English words are made.
Learn how English words are said.
Learn the different letters and the sounds they make.

The Consonant Blends

Consonant blends are two consonant sounds put together.
You hear both sounds.

The l (el) blend is a group of consonant blends.

Here are the blends.
sl, bl, pl, cl, fl

Activity 1
Write the correct I blend to know the name of the object in the picture. Copy the words on
your paper.
Activity 2: “Match the socks to make words”
Directions: Point your finger from the beginning sock to the ending sock. Write the word on
your paper.

Activity 3
Answer the riddle. Add the correct I blend. Write the answer on your paper.
1. Girls wear this. (_ _ ouse)
2. This is the color of the crow. (_ _ ack)
3. This tells time. (_ _ ock)
4. This covers the sun. (_ _ oud)
5. You use this to make bread. (_ _ our)
6. The sampaguita is a sample. (_ _ ower)
7. You enjoy doing this. (_ _ ay)
8. The earth is one. (_ _ anet)
9. This is a picture of the world. (_ _ obe)
10. This is like the paste. (_ _ ue)
The r blend is a group of consonant blends.
Here are the r blends.

Activity 1:
Check the picture words with r blend.
Activity 2: “What words complete the sentence?”
Directions: Select from the list. Write the word on your paper.

1. My _________ is pretty.
2. Mother needs a __________.
3. A king wears a __________.
4. The grass is __________.
5. Mango is a __________.
6. We __________ in the church.
7. The _________ hops and hops.
8. The __________ is red.
9. The big _________ gives shade.
10. The king’s daughter is a ___________.


Activity 3
Add an r blend to make the name of the picture. Write the word on your paper.
Activity 4
Directions: Complete the sentence. Select the answer from the word box. Write the answer
on your paper.

frog bright draw

brave tricycle bread
friend graceful grass
prayer crayon greenhouse
drink freezer cry

1. Liza is a ________ dancer.

2. Your eyes are red? Did you ________?
3. Many animals eat __________.
4. We say our ________ before meals.
5. Orchids bloom in the ________.
6. Place the ice cream in the _________.
7. We ride a ___________ in going to school.
8. Somebody you like is a ____________.
9. A hero is _____________.
10. A ________ croaks in the pond.
11. Do you _________ milk everyday.
12. I like __________ for breakfast.
13. The sun is ___________.
14. We will _________ some pictures.
15. We will use our __________.

The s blend is a group of consonant blends.

Here are the s blends.
Activity 1
Directions: Put the correct s blend to make the word. Write the word on your paper.

Activity 2
Directions: Put the picture whose name begins with the blend in the box.
Assessment 1
Directions: Make four words in each row. Add the correct consonant blend to make the word.
Write the words on your paper.

bl br cl cr dr sl sm sn st tr

own ack ick ain ow

blown slacks slick stain stow

______ ______ ______ ______ ______

______ ______ ______ ______ ______
______ ______ ______ ______ ______
______ ______ ______ ______ ______
______ ______ ______ ______ ______
Assessment 2
Directions: Read each sentence. Write on your paper the word that begins with the blend

1. dr The girl dreams in her sleep. ________

2. sm The flowers smell sweet. ________
3. pl The plane flies high. ________
4. gr We will go to the grotto. ________
5. sw Ripe mangoes are sweet. ________
6. pr The story is about a princess. ________
7. sp The spider makes a web. ________
8. cr The crow is a black bird. ________
9. bl These are alphabet blocks. ________
10. sn We do not make snowmen here. ________
11. cl We shall clean the room. ________
12. st The stars are bright. ________
13. br I like the brown puppy. ________
14. tr Have you seen a train? ________
15. fl The flowers are beautiful. ________

Directions: Answer the questions below.
1 What are the emerging challenges in the flexible teaching and learning modality during the time of pandemic?
There are emerging challenges in the flexible teaching and learning modality during the time of
pandemic. Some of these are the poor internet connectivity, far-away from internet signals, financial problem,
difficult to cope up with the lessons on their own, poor time management, gets easily distracted, the place is
not conducive as learning environment, lack of learning materials such as gadgets.

2 What would institutions do to ensure curriculum continuity in teacher education?

To ensure teaching and learning continuity, higher education institutions have to turn into flexible
teaching and learning modality to adjust the curriculum, train the faculty, upgrade the infrastructure,
implement a strategic plan and assess all aspects of the plan, and to adapt the flexible learning delivery
mode to diverse learners. Therefore, it is necessary to implement continuity in teacher education to address
the gap in the absence of face to face classes.
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer.
1. In modern times, machines have saved human endeavor, however, there are limitations. Which
characteristics do human have which the machines lack?
I. Creativity III. Compassion
II. Flexibility IV. Empathy
a. I and II b. II, III and IV c. III and IV d. I, II, III and IV

2. Statistics show that 80% of the skills trained in the last 50 years can now be outperformed by machines. What
does this imply?
a. Individuals must be taught how to use the machines at their advantage.
b. Replace all human laborers with machines.
c. Do away with machines and let individuals do the job for they are more effective.
d. Individuals should invent more machines.

3. Which concept/s about Artificial Intelligence must be taught to learners?

I. AI can enhance or optimize creativity but cannot create.
II. AI is a great creative tool for scientists, musicians, and writers.
III. Learners must be made to understand that Artificial Intelligence (AI) can’t replace workers in creative jobs
but can do the routine jobs at the service of human.
a. I, II b. I, II and III c. II and III d. I and III

4. In Education 4.0, which teaching-learning strategies apply?

I. Problem-based learning (PBL)
II. Project-based learning (PrBL)
III. Service Learning Immersion
IV. Shadowing
a. I, II and III b. I, III and IV c. II, III and IV d. I, II, III and IV

5. Which assessment practice/s is/are true of Education 4.0?

I. Pencil-and-paper test will no longer be used.
II. Assessment is limited to authentic methods.
III. The use of authentic outcome-based assessment is recommended.
a. I, II and III b. I and III c. II and III d. I and II

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