Worksheet 6 MAGCAMIT Reina Chiara G.

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Ecological Literacy

Reina Chiara G. Magcamit BEED 3

 Pretest
Directions: Read and answer the following questions by choosing the letter of the correct answer.
1. It refers to an individual’s understanding not only of ecological concepts, but also of his or her place in the
a. Economical literacy c. Environmental Literacy
b. Ecological Literacy d. Ecosystem Literacy

2. An individual’s understanding, skills and motivation to make responsible decisions that considers his or her
relationships to natural systems, communities and future generations.
a. Economical literacy c. Environmental Literacy
b. Ecological Literacy d. Ecosystem Literacy

3. A ______________, who understands the value and limitations of human knowledge, the power and
limitations of the natural world, the role of intuition in real life pursuits, and the role of self as it is manifested
in one’s personal narrative.
a. Inquirer c. Morally responsible
b. Reflective learner d. Ecologically responsible

4. Characteristic of a person who embodies ecological ideals in daily life.

a. Inquirer c. Morally responsible
b. Reflective learner d. Ecologically responsible

5. Those who governs actions with precepts (responsibility, seeking justice and equality for all) that maintain
harmonious relationships;
a. Inquirer c. Morally responsible
b. Reflective learner d. Ecologically responsible
 Learning Activities
Directions: Read the questions and instructions carefully. Write your answer in the space provided.
1. In “Ecological literacy among secondary school students,” Adawiah and Norizan (2013) identified essential
ecological concepts that students need to understand. Let us see how well you know and understand these
concepts by writing on the corresponding column key ideas.
Concepts Key Ideas

The Ecosystem A geographic area where plants and animals, and

many other organisms work together to form a new life.

Succession This is a process in which the diverse species and

habitat in a particular area changes over time.

Energy Flow This is a process where the plants being the producers
absorb sunlight with the help of the chloroplasts and a
part of it is transformed into chemical energy in the
process of photosynthesis.

Conservation of Resources It defines the care and protection of the resources to

persist for future generations such as maintaining
diversity of species, genes, and ecosystems as well as
functions of environment like nutrient cycling.

Competition A relationship that harmed each organisms which are

both using the (limited) same source in order for their
growth, reproduction, or survivability.

Niche This is all the interactions of a species with others of its

community such as competition, predation, parasitism,
and mutualism.

Materials Cycling It describes the flow of matter from the nonliving to the
living world and back again. This involves caring and
managing materials use along the entire materials
cycle to maximize benefit, minimize losses and risks,
promote reuse and recycling, and encourage the
conservation of resources.

The Community A group of actually or potentially interacting species

living in the same location.

Life History Strategies The pattern of survival and reproduction events typical
for a member of the species.

Ecosystem Fragility This means that the ecosystem can be destroyed easily
by deliberate destruction or lack of care.
Food Webs The natural interconnection of food chains and
graphical representations of what-eats in an ecological

Ecological Adaptation Being responsible in taking care of the environment

Environmental Heterogeneity Governing the species richness gradients

Species Diversity This is the different species living in an ecosystem

Density Dependent Regulation A process wherein the population growth rates are
regulated by the density of a population

Limiting Factors A resource of environmental condition which limits the

growth, distribution and abundance of an organism
within an ecosystem.

Carrying Capacity This is the species’ average population size in a

particular habitat.

Maximum Sustainable Yield This refers to a hypothetical equilibrium state between

the exploited population and the fishing activity.

Population Cycles A roughly periodic variation over time in the size or

composition of a population.

Predator-Prey Interactions An organism would maximize the time spent foraging

for food or finding a mating partner and reproducing.

2. What environmental issues and concerns move you and provoke you to action? What efforts and practical
steps do you do to influence others to take action?
As of now, as we take a look around at our environment, it looks destroyed. Ones’ health, studies,
business, and other stuffs are harmed due to environmental problems.
The environmental issues and concerns that move and provoke me to action are the global warming,
air pollution, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, ozone layer depletion, mining, light and noise pollution. These
environmental problems we are encountering can be prevented by means of the following solutions.
As a good citizen and future teacher of the country, I am following the orders that must be done,
such as the proper waste management like the Reuse, Reduce, and Recycle; tree-planting to save the
environment from deforestation; Travelling less to produce a substantial amount of air pollution; Conserving
water to reduce water heater temperatures and repair leaks. These things must always consider not only one,
two persons but all the people in the world in order to gradually save and bring back the beauty of our mother
earth (as a pay since we humans are the ones who destroyed our environment).
 Assessment
Directions: Use the following questions to evaluate your understanding of the concepts, principles, and ideas in the
chapter. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
1. Develop a personal definition of sustainability.
Sustainability from the term “sustain”, means preserve or instill. As a whole definition, sustainability
is the action to maintain, preserve or instill something. The sustainability of our environment is to maintain the
proper care, attention, and importance to our mother earth. This includes following the proper management,
planting more plants and trees, reducing the use of gadgets, water, and travelling to lessen the air pollution;
using the recyclable materials to reduce the wastes.

2. What are initiatives done by your department or college? (Before pandemic)

The initiative done by our department or college institution are the following:
 Conducted seminars regarding on the management of the environment
 Ordered students to have a clean-up drive.
 Planted more trees and plants around.
 Perform waste segregation and 3 R’s
3. What personal greening initiatives would you propose to your own campus, community and home?
Prepare/ Design your own plan of action.

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