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Social Literacy
Reina Chiara G. Magcamit BEEd 3
 Pretest
Directions: Read and answer the following questions by choosing the letter of the correct answer.
1. It is a sign of humble and mature character when one commits mistakes.
a. Apologizing b. Greeting c. Empathizing d. Communicating
2. They play vital roles in developing children’s social skills.
a. Peers b. Teachers c. Parents d. Schools
3. This pertains information showing how to act and behave accordingly in promoting positive and productive
relations that are free from unfair prejudices, hate, and discrimination.
a. Communication b. Appreciation c. Social Literacy d. Social skills
4. This is an able to feel what the other person feels.
a. Apologizing b. Greeting c. Empathizing d. Communicating
5. It connotes a fixed standard of treatment for all people, equity seeks good of others, and labors to find
means by which everyone gets “what they need” rather than simply “everyone gets the same thing in the
same amount.”
a. Equality b. Equity c. Behavior d. Quality

 Learning Activities
Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
1. Are you more of a listener or a talker? Which social skill/s do you think you need to develop? In what ways
can you develop it/them?
I think I am more of a listener. Since I am a shy-type person, I tend to talk less and just listen to what
others say it’s because I am doubting of what I must say that is appropriate for the question or statement of
who am I talking with especially in academics. For instance, when there is a recitation, I feel shaken and when
I recite, I stutter, and sometimes my mind blocks that prevents me from thinking properly of what I am going
to say, that led me to not answer the question correctly.

I think the social skill I need to develop is my self-confidence, and trust in self to avoid doubt before
deciding to say anything. To develop my social skills, the following ways are to practice myself to begin talking
about something with others especially to strangers, then lessen overthinking and doubting myself before
talking. Most importantly, I try motivating myself to answer all the questions depending on what my mind is
telling me.

2. If you were a parent at this time, what would you teach your children on social literacy? How could you teach
In this current situation, if I were a parent, I would teach my children while they are still trying to learn
pronouncing words by letting them watch videos about the correct word pronounciation but with guidance,
and let them practice through repeating the words pronounced in the video. Afterwards, as they grow older
and they are starting to master pronouncing those words, I will let them talk to his or her fellow ones to have
interactions but of course under my guidance. In addition, I will use to let him read books and magazines to
completely gain more knowledge. Playing games is also helpful for the children to connect and interact with
others, so I will let him play games with our neighbor. If there is a case that my child cannot understand what
others are telling him, I will interpret it to him specifically and clearly, and ask him if he already understand

3. If you were an employer, what would you look for in aspirants or applicants to your company?
If I were an employer, what I will look for my aspirants or applicants having the skills on the way they
answer or respond to my interview questions, observe their behavior, as well as their social skills, since in the
field of teaching, teachers must be approachable and good in social skills, so these are must for the applicants
for soon-to-be teachers.

4. How do teachers educate children of social literacy nowadays? What specific content and learning
experiences are there in the curriculum that develops social literacy?
Nowadays, teachers educate children of social literacy through interaction. For instance, giving them
group activities always, so the students will have the opportunity to socialize with their fellow classmates.
Through this, they will not just work on with the group task, but also let them know and familiarize with each
other’s behavior, knowledge, and manner. At this point, the learners can build a good relationship with their
classmates. As a result, they will create a good and successful product and performance filled with the effort,
hard work, teamwork, and combination of set of great ideas from each one of the members.

 Assessment
Directions: Read the questions carefully. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
1. How do computer technology and social media affect your social skills and that of your peers? Cite positive
and negative impacts of digital technology to communication.
In this modern technological age, computer technology is useful and has several benefits to the lives
of everybody, as this makes the studies and works of students easy and fast. Similarly, social media is the
key to easily access and connect to different people and other relatives distantly. But, there are also negative
effects that these two can bring.

I think computer technology and social media affect my social skills in terms of havingno chance to
talk with my peers in person which is the best way to connect and communicate. Through social media, I tend
to change or delete what I just told them, which is one of my weaknesses in socializing, I always have doubt
of what I am going to say. In computer technology, mostly I spend my whole day using it that prevents me to
spend time to interact to my family and friends.

Furthermore, there are some negative impacts that digital technology bring to communication. These
are the: charm of the good old world is missing, specifically the exchange writing of letters and the lengthy
face-to-face conversations are not existing. In the current trend of using technology, some people may
overuse it and led them to become alone, introvert, and sometimes feel depressed.

Therefore, as a future educator, I will assure to teach my students as well as my children to have
discipline and become responsible in utilizing technology as well as social media platforms, especially in good
ways that may not harm any of them.
2. Make a list of Dos and Don’ts in the school and the workplace in relation to social literacy. Present it creatively
through an infographic.

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