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Media and Cyber or Digital
Reina Chiara G. Magcamit BEED 3
 Pretest
Directions: Read and answer the following questions by choosing the letter of the correct answer.
1. He defined media literacy as “the ability to access, analyze, evaluate and create messages across a variety
of contexts.”
a. Aufderheide b. Christ and Potter c. Hobbs d. Boyd
2. Which is not part of media essentials concepts?
a. Media have unique “languages
b. Media messages are constructed
c. Media representations play a role in people’s understanding of social reality.
d. Media literacy does not simply mean knowing what and what not to watch.
3. These are the skills and competencies that a majority of scholars agree on as being core to digital literacy today,
a. Underpinnings b. Central Competencies c. Background Knowledge d. Attitudes and Perspectives
4. This refers to those skills and competencies that “support” or “enable.”
a. Underpinnings b. Central Competencies c. Background Knowledge d. Attitudes and Perspectives
5. Which is NOT part of media literacy challenges?
a. How should it be taught?
b. How can it be measured and evaluated?
c. How to create and communicate?
d. How do we know we have actually taught them?

 Learning Activities
Directions: To better comprehend what each skill and competency requires and how educators are to learn and teach
them in class, it is useful to summarize each one as a set of questions discussion and write your own reflection.
1. Can I read/write? Do I know how to write and send emails, create documents and simple spreadsheets, use
a web browser and make sense of the search results returned by a search engine? Cite a particular situation
you have encountered in doing one of these, and what learning have you gained?
Reading is one of the most powerful thing to do to become knowledgeable and writing is one of the
most important thing to be able to communicate. These two are both beneficial to us as learners and future
teachers. For me, the particular situation where I encountered in writing and sending emails is when I am
making paper requirements such as the Constitution and By Laws, the List of all the Education Students as
members of the BEST department, these are my responsibilities since I am the secretary of our Department
in school in which these papers were be sent to the President’s email. There were several situations that I
created documents, like when doing lesson plan, typing answers in modules, or letter to be given to the mayor
requesting to use the gymnasium for our badminton training and/or clinique. I am not using a spreadsheet,
but I am a little bit familiar with this since I saw my father using this type in encoding grades and computing
amount. The learning that I have gained in using these media platforms is that I can be able to easily
communicate through using documents and send the files anytime that I need to submit even if we are far
away from one another such as the requirements and the like.

2. Do I know where to find information on local and national news, politics and events? Do I know where I am
likely to find reliable, factual information on a given topic? Do I have an understanding of the relationship
between what the information is about and its ability to make itself stand-out?
Yes I know where to find the information like local and national news, politics and events. These can
be found through the google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and even TikTok, etc. just click “Philippine Star”,
“”, “”, “Manila Bulletin”, “CNN News Today”, “CNN International”, “GMA News”, “ABS
CBN News”, “News 5” and so much more. Several information in certain news are fake and some are reliable.
For me, I can find reliable and factual information on a topic in the above-mentioned news – in google we can
easily view if the information is reliable or not, by the padlock symbol beside the link of the site. Also, there
are cited authors/publishers/ the accuracy and objectivity of the purpose of the content as well as the
similarities to other information.

3. Can I make sense of documents and images that must be scrolled through rather than flipped (i.e., like the
pages of a book)? Do I have the stamina and ability to listen to and understand videos of people talking? How
about animation? Do I know at least three ways to share information online? Do I know how to evaluate if a
particular information source is factual/true and trustworthy? Do I know how to synthesize the contents of
several texts on the same topic into a coherent whole? Do I know how to best match the manner in which I
communicate information to my intended audience?
The documents and images that must be scrolled rather than flipped are those information containing
a non-sense content which will be a waste of time to read and believe in. I have this stamina and ability to
listen and understand the videos of people talking. This is the way which makes me understand more
something rather than just reading or listening. Through this, I can be able to comprehend information and
remember it longer than reading and listening. In animation I can also understand it, through the pictures or
images being displayed that really catch up my interest to watch. I know three ways to share information
online, these are by chatting in chat rooms such as Messenger, Instagram, Telegram, Viber, etc, then the
second is video conferencing through Messenger, Google Meet, Zoom, Instagram, Telegram, and many
more, and the third one is audio conferencing through phonecalls, messenger, google meet, and the like. I
can evaluate a particular information source as a factual/true and trustworthy by its accuracy of information,
the cited publishers, have similarities of content to others. To synthesize the content of several texts on the
same topic into a coherent whole, first thing to do is to organize your sources, then outline the structure, next
is write paragraphs with topic sentences, and lastly is revise, edit, and proofread. These ways are very much
important to produce a coherent and well-organized structure of the content as a whole. To match the manner
in which I communicate information to my intended audience are the following – in every communication, one
must listen while the other one is talking. After listening, one can ask queries or anything with regards to the
information being conveyed. Then, each other especially the listener must have an eye-contact to each other
and be open-minded to what the other one is talking about. Also, they must emphatize one another to achieve
a good social relationship. Furthermore, if you are a speaker and having a discussion about a particular topic,
you must consider and be aware of what your audience’s age, gender, ethnicity, beliefs and culture to achieve
a better and good communication with them and avoid any judgment and bias. And, most importantly is having
respect with what your peer is saying, to imply good behavior and avoid bad judgment. These are must in
considering when talking or speaking with other people most especially to those strangers or high level
position and old ones. Another way of communicating is through writing whether in soft and hard copies, then
send it to the target recipient. In this, it is also important to consider first the kind of group or individuals so
they can easily grasp the message to convey.

4. Do I understand and accept the fact that will all these digital tools at my command, I have both the ability and
responsibility to learn whatever I have to learn, and to do so on my own? Do I understand and agree that there
are morally acceptable and unacceptable behaviors that ought to govern what, how, why, and with whom I
communicate online?
At this age, it is very important that you have digital tools because these are now what all the people
mostly need and use to communicate or sell online the products and services even in long distance. As a
generation Z, of course I have the ability and responsibility to learn all the digital tools on my own. Since being
a generation Z has the ability to become independent especially in learning or discovering something
especially in technology. Even, sometimes there are things that I cannot easily understand in using these, I
find ways on how to – through searching and discovering how to deal with it online – by the use of YouTube
or Google that have enough information to search with. Furthermore, being a user of digital tools must be
responsible enough. Communicating through different people on different social media platforms requires
limitations. We must not easily trust anyone online, because they must be scammers, hackers, and
cybercriminals, and others are cyberbullies. In addition, posting on social media platforms must be limited
also, the personal stuffs you have must not be shared nor told to anyone whom you know strangers or just
met online, because these might endanger us. So, as a generation Z student, I am responsible and always
put limitations on every post or information I share online to avoid danger and to have a peaceful and happy
life as a netizen.

 Assessment
Directions: Use the following questions to evaluate your understanding of the concepts, principles, and ideas in the
chapter. Write your answer in a separate sheet of paper.
1. Explain to a classmate how Media Literacy and Digital Literacy are related?
Media Literacy and Digital Literacy are related since they are both using digital tools to access,
evaluate, create, and communicate media in varied forms. In addition, they are both beneficial in teaching-
learning process by connecting through video conferencing applications like Google Meet or Microsoft teams.
The information being communicated here are called media and the digital are the tools being used to
communicate with one another so they are interrelated. Furthermore, they are both essential for individuals
to function and succeed in today’s society as we are now in technological age where they are useful and
needed in order to interact and easily communicate with others.
2. Discuss how critical thinking is important to both Media and Digital Literacy?
Critical thinking is important to both Media and Digital Literacy. This is not only how to critically
communicate with others online, but to critically use digital tools and responsible to any information shared
online. It is therefore the responsibility of anyone to use digital tools in proper and better usage. As a future
teacher, I will immediately set in my mind the ways on how to properly and responsibly use these tools and
will soon teach to the learners these steps. These must not only be set in their minds but also to apply critically
since being media and digital literates must think critically. Along with these, everyone will be safe and secured
enough in dealing with the media and digital tools.

3. If your principal asked you to insert Media Literacy into your subject, and you could only accommodate three
skills/ competencies, which competencies would you aim for? On what bias would you choose the three and
exclude the others?
The three skills or competencies that I would insert Media Literacy into my subject are Background
Knowledge, Central Competencies, and Attitudes and Perspectives. Although these skills and competencies
are under digital literacy, these can also be under media literacy since they are related. Background
knowledge is knowing where information on a particular subject or topic can be found, how information is kept
and how it is disseminated. These things are very important before sharing information online where through
this, information can be assure as factual and trustworthy. In central competencies, majority of scholars agree
on being digital literacy today as the following: reading and understanding digital and non-digital formats;
creating and communicating digital information; evaluation of information; knowledge assembly; information
literacy; and media literacy. Throughout this, not only learners will adapt these but the netizens as well through
inspiring them to learn and discover more about digital and media literacy. Finally, the attitudes and
perspectives, it is said by Bawden (2008), “it is not enough to have skills and competencies, they must be
grounded in some moral framework”, in which this is the most important thing to consider being a digital and
media literate, they must have independent learning where they have initiative and ability to learn whatever is
needed for a person’s specific situation, and the moral/social literacy, which is an understanding of correct,
acceptable, and sensible behavior in a digital environment. Applying these skills and competencies will aim
success and effectiveness in teaching-learning process in terms of Media Literacy as well as Digital Literacy
at this technological age.

4. If you had to create a report on Boyle’s Law, can you create a plan for locating and accessing the information
you need? How would you ensure that you actually understand the information you find?
Indeed, I can create a plan for locating and accessing the information by considering the following:
understanding forms of and access to information resources known as resource literacy, this includes the
ability to form, format, locate, and access methods of information resources. I would ensure that I actually
understand the information I found by looking at the sources which must be reliable and the content is
accurate, there are authors or publishers/publication that are well-known, and finding for more relevant
information. Furthermore, the production and social significance of information must be studied and
understood, which falls under social-structural literacy. Throughout these ways, I can be able to produce a
plan for locating and accessing the information I need and find factual information that will bring truth to each
and every one of us as students and others.
5. Can you explain why an email from a woman in an abusive relationship promising you 100,000 US dollars in
exchange for your help is likely to be a scam? Can you explain how an advertisement on social media from
an unknown company promising you a chance to win a brand new, top-of-the-line smartphone is also likely to
be a scam?
As we all know, anyone who is abusive especially a woman won’t ask for help from stranger/s like
me that will exchange this big amount of money for a help, even if you won’t trust stranger people and will
never do this. This email from a woman promising 100,000 US dollars in exchange for help is truly a scam,
since this is a big amount of money and we are in the Philippines, I guess she didn’t knew it, she just set up
and send emails to anyone, and if there is/are who will bite this will be totally lose all the money. Scammers
are likely to be intelligent especially in using social media platforms. But you must be wiser enough to be
threatened by them. Just like an advertisement on social media from an unknown company promising you a
chance to win a brand new, top-of-the-line smartphone, they are obviously scams. Looking at the site where
it posted, it is an unknown company, right? If it is legit, then it must have a reliable source for confirmation.
Sources are the best way to look at when you’re finding out if the information you found, viewed, or even
received is legit. Of course, take note that it must be reliable, common, and/or popular enough. These things
must be kept in mind always before believing and getting information online or from any social media

Learning Resources
Alata E. (2019)Building and Enhancing New Literacies Across the Curriculum
Bishop E. (2014). Critical literacy:Bringing theory to praxis. Journal of


Theorizing 30(1). Retrieved from http:// 457

Freebody, P.(1992). A Sociocultural approach:Resourcing four rolls as a literacy

learner. In A Watson & A.Badenhop(Eds) Prevetionof reading failure (pp. 48-80).

Sydney: Ashton- Scholastic.

Freebody, P.,& Luke, A (1990) Literacies Pprograms: Debates and demands in

cultural context, pros. Prospect: Australian of TESOL, 5(7), 7-16.

Freire, P.,(1970)Pedagogy of the oppressed. New York: Herder & Herder.

Freire & Mercado, D. ( 1987) Literacy: Reading the word and the world. South

Hadley, MA Bergin & Garve.

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