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Age years ICMR 2010 FAO 2004

Calcium Phosphorous High Low protein intake

(mg) (ma) protein mg/day in less
intake developed countries
mg/day in
Adult men ( 19-65yrs) 600 600 1000 750
Adult men +65 yrs 600 600 1300 800
Adult women 600 600 1000 750
Postmenopausal women 800 800 1300 800
Pregnant women 1200 1200 1200 800
Lactating women 1200 1200 1000 750
Infants 500 500 400 300 human milk
Children 1-3 years 600 600 500 500
Children 4-6 years 600 600 600 550
Children 7-9 years 600 600 700 700
Adolescents 10-17 years 800 800 1300 1000 during growth

Food Sources

Milk and milk products are sources of calcium. It is preferable to use milk or card as a source of
calcium rather than cheese because it contain high amount of sodium which increases excretion
of calcium through urine.
Food item Calcium content mg/100g
Sesame seeds 1450
Skimmed milk powder 1370
Whole milk powder 950
Cauliflower green 626
Cow’s milk 120

Deficiency of calcium

 Rickets
 Deformity of bone

How to correct deficiency

Calcium deficiency can easily be corrected by increasing dietary intake and reducing the calcium
inhibitors from the dietary intake and reducing the calcium inhibitors from the diet especially at
the time of taking calcium rich foods.


Is softening of the bones.

It occurs because of a problem with vitamin helps in calcium absorption.


Lack of proper amount of calcium in the blood leading to weak and softening of bones.

Liver disease- the liver cannot covert vitamin D to its active form.

Cancer – rare tumors that cause low phosphate level in the kidney.

Kidney failure

Hypercalcemia – high blood calcium as a result of our production hormone.

Osteoporosis- the act of bone becoming brittle and easy to break due to calcium deficiency.

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