ICT117 Week01Fundamantal Concepts S

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ICT117 Systems Analysis and Design

Semester 1, 2011 Important information from the Unit Outline Andrew Barnden 9286 9973 a.barnden@boxhill.edu.au

Topics studied
Systems theory System development overview Modelling techniques UML V2.0 Requirements gathering for modelling Interpreting the models Documenting the system

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ICT117 Systems Analysis & Design, Sem 2, 2010

1. 2

leading to Learning Outcomes

Appreciation of business processes Appreciation of complexity Using abstraction to manage complexity Understand the systems development process and roles Become proficient in modelling techniques Become proficient in information gathering Understand the importance of documentation (communication)
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Administrative details
2 assignments 40% (15% + 25%) Text book exercises 10% 2.5 hour closed book exam 50% You must achieve a minimum of 50% in the exam to pass the unit Re-sit eligibility is a minimum 45% overall plus a minimum of 40% on exam You require a copy of the text book in order to complete the set exercises
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Necessary and sufficient

Knowing the overhead slide material alone is not sufficient to pass Reading and understanding the text book is required prior to the associated lecture Attendance at lectures and tutorials is required

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Information literacy
You must know how to efficiently find reliable information, and know how to cite it. Three tutorials will develop those abilities Academic misconduct must not occur in any assessable work see StudentWeb>Commitments and

Policies>Conduct Management>Plagiarism, Collusion & Cheating Policy & Procedure

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Submitting work
Both assignment submissions must conform to the specification stated in each assignment The second assignment requires Information System models created in UML V2.0 using diagramming software Tutorial exercises in modelling also must use diagramming software Microsoft Visio is licensed for use at BHI All assignments must include the Cover Sheet
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Week 1: Concepts of System, Information and Abstraction


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Lecture objectives
Understand the dichotomy between Reality and Concept Understand the concept of System Understand abstraction Understand Data, Information, Knowledge Understand Information Systems

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Reality cf. Concept

Real: tangible, concrete, existing, objective, visible Conceptual: intangible, idea, thought, planned, belief Conceptual things are in our mind and real things exist in our world IT professionals regularly work with conceptual things
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What is a system?
A working real thing. An inter-connected whole. A consistent way of doing something. An organised way of thinking about something. A framework for making sense of something.
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The concept of System

a purposive unitary whole composed of interrelated parts hierarchically organised shows emergent properties capable of communication with its environment able to change its operations in response to environmental stimuli (communications)
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System definition
An identifiable set of interacting components, hierarchically constructed, operating as an integrated whole with emergent properties and reacting to its environment in order to achieve some purposeful outcome.

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System characteristics
A whole thing; has a boundary; accepts input from its environment; produces output; purposive (intended to achieve a purpose); composed of interacting sub-systems (components); exhibits emergent behaviour Emergence: behaviour that is only possible through the operation of the whole system

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Systematic processes
Designed to implement business policies Performed regularly Performed consistently Specific to their inputs Consistent in their outputs e.g. the way Ford makes doors for Falcon cars e.g. the way BHI assesses ICT117 students
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Data, Information, Knowledge

51092 ATM 01000111010001111001010000000000 - what are these? Measurement, context, understanding Meaning the understanding that we interpret from the information available
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Data (plural) Datum (sing.)

Measurements of real world attributes that require context, units of measure, intentions for us to make sense of a situation Information is data in context that enables us to make decisions Knowledge is the understanding that our informed decision is correct in the current circumstances
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Business data and processes

Businesses and organisations make purposeful decisions in their day to day operations based on information Business purposes are achieved by various processes There may be many purposes, but usually one over-riding purpose: that of business continuity, success and prosperity
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What information is needed?

To sell a product? To provide a service? To buy materials? To pay staff? To install a PC network? Divide the task and conquer it

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representing something in a simpler form removing non-essential details but retaining the essence of the original A model is:
Smaller scale Simpler Accurately representative Cheaper to construct

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Booch et al (2007) pg 45

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Different forms of abstraction

Network diagram abstraction of cables, routers, bridges, switches, access points, characteristics into symbols Tonka truck an abstraction of the form, and some functions into an artefact Text description e.g. cake recipe abstraction of components and process steps into English sentences
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Systems Analysis
The IT professions, especially the Systems Analyst, deal with and use abstraction in their day-to-day professional work

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Information System
An abstraction of business processing Data are representative of measurable attributes of real things Processes are descriptions of actions which are undertaken These two are the abstractions used to model activities in a business context

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IS components
Information System components include: People - need the information, build the system, operate it and use it Data and Information - the raw material which the system is set up to manage and distribute Computers - process the data and information Procedures software and manual, that define how the information is to be input/stored/processed/output (formal and informal)
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Information as an abstraction
A collection of attributes sufficient for their business purpose e.g .Customers pay their invoices a) in person b) using e-commerce The business does not need the customers physical presence in order to receive the payment
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Information System as an abstraction

The software that receives the customers identity, their invoice number and payment amount and records it Is an abstraction of receiving cash money, writing it in a ledger, putting it in the drawer and stamping the invoice Paid

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Information system functions

All information systems perform four main functions: Input - receiving data Storage/retrieval - keeping and finding data and information Processing - transforming data into information Output - displaying/presenting information
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Information System complexity

Information systems are relatively complex: many components (data and processes) much interaction between components systems within systems intangibility of information (what to record) subjectivity of information (hard to define)

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Reality versus concept

Usually we dont need to know the full complexity of a thing to be able to use it Television turn it on, change channels, turn it off We dont see (and dont need) the internal workings of the TV to make it work for us just the needed inputs and expected outputs We call this the black box metaphor
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Building Information Systems

Activities involved in building computer-based information systems are: analysing and describing information needs including identifying existing information problems designing solutions to meet those needs acquiring or building new systems implementing the new systems
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Next lecture
The context of Systems Analysis and Design The Systems Development Life Cycle (SDLC) Professional roles in the SDLC

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