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An energy resource is something that can produce heat, power life, move objects, or
produce electricity. Matter that stores energy is called a fuel. ... Most of the energy we
use today come from fossil fuels (stored solar energy).

Energy resources can be classified into conventional and non-conventional sources.

Conventional sources are those energy sources which have been in usage for a long
time. Firewood and fossil fuels are the two main sources. The major advantages of
using conventional energy sources are.


Source :

Definition.:The energy sources that once exhausted, do not replenish themselves within
a specific period are called conventional or non-renewable energy sources like coal,
gas, and oil. For a long time, these energy sources have been used extensively to meet
the energy demands.

Type of Conventional energy: Conventional energy sources such as natural gas, oil,
coal, or nuclear are finite but still hold the majority of the energy market. However,
renewable energy sources like wind, fuel cells, solar, biogas/biomass, tidal, geothermal,

• Accessible: The deposit of minerals is widely accessible and completely identified.

Thus the identification, extraction and usage can be widely done.

• Wider scope: People are much accustomed to the exploitation and usage of
conventional sources, especially firewood. This is the basis of living, especially in rural

• Basis of many industries: fossil fuels are the basis of the functioning of many
petrochemicals and other related industries.

• Energy generation: The generation of electricity still uses coal as the major power
source. It can be easily converted to electricity.

But the consequent exploitation of these conventional sources has many

disadvantages. Some of them are:

Pollution: The major disadvantage of these conventional sources is that they cause high
pollution. The burning of firewood and fossil fuels result in air pollution. This can be
avoided by using these non-conventional sources.

• Exhaustible: The major problem while using conventional sources especially fossil
fuels is that they are exhaustible sources. It takes millions of years for them to be
renewed and replenished. But non-conventional sources are renewable sources that do
not get exhausted.

• High cost: The extraction of these energy sources are very costly both economically
and environmentally. The cost of energy production and extraction is much lesser for
non-conventional sources if the initial cost of establishment is borne.

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