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1. Your task is to glean or gather ethical issues/experiences from real-world situations about
Frameworks and Principles Behind Moral Disposition.
2. Use Microsoft power point presentation to create your story glory (with images). This should be
done individually and make sure to examine their moral disposition and have a reflection towards
the end.
3. You will be graded based on the following rubric:
4. Also you can use the idea below as an example of some ethical issues/ real world situations
Applied ethical issues nowadays are classified into various subfields:

 Bioethics. This concerns with ethical issues about life, biomedical researches, medicines, health care,
and the medical profession. As such, it deals with controversies like those about surrogate mothering,
genetic manipulation of fetuses, stem cell research, using human embryos in research, in-vitro
fertilization, abortion, euthanasia, suicide, patient rights, confidentiality of patients' records, physician's
responsibilities, and mandatory medical screening.

 Environmental ethics. It deals with moral issues concerning nature, ecosystem, and its nonhuman
contents. This includes issues such as animal rights, animal experimentation, endangered species
preservation, pollution control, and sustainable development.

 Business ethics. It examines moral principles concerning the business environment, which involves
issues about corporate practices, policies, business behaviors, and the conducts and relationships of
individuals in the organizations. It investigates ethical controversies such as those about the social
responsibility of businesses, employee rights, harassment, labor unions, misleading advertising, job
discrimination, and whistleblowing.

 Sexual ethics. It studies moral issues about sexuality and human sexual behavior. It examines topics
like homosexuality, lesbianism, polygamy, pre-marital sex, marital fidelity, extra-marital sex, non-marital
procreation, loveless sexual relations, safe sex, and contraceptive use.

 Social ethics. It deals with what is right for a society to do and how it should act as a whole. Its focus is
on what may be deemed as proper behavior for people as a whole. Some of the issues under this are
those about racial discrimination, death penalty, nuclear weapon production, gun control, drug use for
fun, and welfare rights.

Criteria Performance Indicators Points Score
There is a proper introduction, which conveys ideas to be 3
Organization discussed/what to be expected.
(15 points) Ideas flow in a sequential, logical, and/or consistent manner. 5
Ideas are grouped (per topic/subtopic basis) with no overlapping 5
There is a conclusion based on the presented ideas. 2
The content establishes a framework for the rest of the 5
Content is well-explained in language appropriate for the target 7
Content audience.
(45 points) Information is accurate based on acceptable industry standards. 10
Material/s included to support the content is/are relevant to the 8
overall concept of the presentation.
Points made reflect well their relative significance on the main 10
concept of the presentation.
Content does not contain irrelevant information/examples. 5
Performers maintains good eye contact with the audience 5
accompanied by appropriate body language.
Performers sustain a very clear and audible voice. 5
Presentation Delivery is composed, controlled, smooth, and has no dead air. 5
(40 points) Performers exhibit good language skills and proper diction. 5
Performers utilize paraphernalia that is well-prepared, fitting, 5
effective, and not distracting.
Presentation lasted within the assigned time limit. 5
Information are well-conveyed/understood by the audience. 10
Total 100

04 Task Performance 1 *Property of STI

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