NSTP Values&virtues - 4-1

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A. Framework for Transformation


A. Pagkamaka-Diyos * Prudence
B. Pagkamaka-Tao * Justice
C. Pagkamaka-Bayan * Fortitude
Organizations D. Pagkamaka-Kalikasan * Temperance NATIONAL
Family * Industry
Community * Loyalty DEVELOPMENT
* Responsibility
Institutions * Cheerfulness
* Generosity
* Magnanimity


As depicted in the table below, human beings must be endowed with

the following values and virtues that will serve as the backbone of man in
pursuit of the common good.

 Faith in the Almighty - integration of the value of faith in God in all activities
God - stronger faith practices in the home
- attributing one’s efforts to God
- making God a part of choices and decisions that one makes

- instilling discipline
 Respect for Life - recognition of the uniqueness and worth of each member
- appreciating the value of the life of every person
- recognizing the dignity of others

- develop a good set of study habits and zealously follow

 Order through everyday
- develop organization skills
- practice good grooming and gentlemanly/ladylike conduct
- managing resources, studies and extra-curricular activities
- follow and respect rules and regulations in and outside school
- affirming inspiring and appreciating efforts toward achieving
 Work results in school work
- continually strive to develop talents and gifts and learning to
be self-reliant
- being a productive member of society
- work-related actions are governed by an unwavering faith and
conviction in doing what is moral, honest and just

 Concern for the Family - respect for elders, parents and siblings
and Future - direct parent involvement in children’s development
Generations - regular family counseling
- appraisal of one’s role in the family and devise ways to be a
better family member

 Love - perform little acts of love: being more attentive parent,
understanding and charitable sibling, responsible and caring
child, sincere and trustworthy friend
- being a good example of generosity, genuine concern,
compassion and integrity to one’s fellowmen
- unification of members of the society and working against
injustice or tyranny

 Freedom - not allowing oneself to be used to further others vested

interest or impede others from practicing their own freedom
- perceive freedom as one that allows a person to act
responsibly, conscientiously and charitably
- every citizen must be a keeper of the other’s freedom
- strive to be well informed of issues that are crucial to the
defense and preservation of our freedom

 Peace - establishing order in one’s affair & having the will to stick by it
- review one’s stand on certain issues that deal with peace
- preparing well for school in terms of accomplishing
assignments and requirements

 Truth - never considering cheating as an option

- enthusiastically and sincerely performing one’s task and role
as a student guided by a sound and prudent set of priorities

 Justice - nurturing an attitude of vigilance and understanding of

situations that tend to undermine justice in one’s relationships
and in the community
- develop a renewed consciousness of being mindful of the
rights and dignity of others and maintain a high level of
respect for every individual
- promoting social justice by seeking ways of reaching out to
those who are less fortunate as well as giving them justice by
helping them live a dignified life

 Unity - make a united stand with the rest of the country
- give everybody hope and make them understand that you are there
for them in any way you can, as a responsible and loving countryman
- have a more active and dynamic involvement in your community
- being a faithful advocate of good values and civic duty
- be a productive worker and share in the success of your organization

 Equality - treat classmates kindly and fairly

- learn to judge every person based on his/her own uniqueness and
- encourage others to live out the value of equality by being a good and
consistent example to them

 Respect for - develop a conscious habit of abiding by rules and regulations starting
Law and with those in school and your home
Government - seek to understand the laws and roles of the government as well as
your own role as a citizen more fully
- be a good example for your friends and family by being law-abiding
and by respecting the work of the government

 Patriotism - love our country by being vigilant and ready to defend it from internal
and external threats
- patronize our country’s products
- uphold and live good citizenship values
- being proud of one’s heritage and national identity
- being vigilant and proactive citizens
- doing simple acts of service to our fellowmen without string attached
- carrying oneself as Filipinos with dignity and pride
- being a responsible voter

 Promotion of - learning to think beyond yourself

the Common - learn to reach to the many people who are not as fortunate as you are
Good - render volunteer service in times of crisis
- actively participate in immersion, outreach and social exposure
Concern for the - develop a more conscious and consistent habit of keeping your
Environment surroundings clean as well as using environmental resources
- have a deeper understanding of the dire state of the environment and
in your own capacity, contribute to the work of preserving it


Prudence - the habit of which enables man to direct his actions to human life’s
goals of knowing the right thing to do and applying it

Justice - the habit of giving each one his due with constant and perpetual will;
gives stability which man needs to work without fear and anxiety in the
search for happiness

Fortitude - the habit of overcoming the difficulties and pressures of life in the
pursuit of good

Temperance - the habit of bringing the desires and natural inclinations of man under
the control of right reason

Industry - the habit of working hard and working under pressure

Loyalty - the habit of remaining true to your friends and to your principles in
spite of difficulty

Responsibility - the habit of being accountable for one’s actions, duties, obligations,
readiness to answer to the consequences of our actions

Cheerfulness - the habit of being optimistic, positive, always seeing the bright side of

Generosity - the habit of sharing the good that one has with other people, thinking
first of the people around him and looking for ways he can help and
serve them

Magnanimity - the habit of having great ideals and ambitions of doing good; being
concerned with doing great deeds of service to others by devoting his
life to serve his country or to help people

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