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Resistors in Series

The Characteristics of a series connection of resistor is that the current is constant, meaning that
the magnitude of current that passes through each resistor is equal all throughout the circuit.
The total resistance is equal to the algebraic sum of all resistances connected in series. The
terminal voltage is equal to the algebraic sum of all the voltage drops across each load.




1. I T =I 1=I 2=I 3=. . .=I n

2. RT =R1 + R2 + R3 +. . .+ R n

3. V T =V 1 +V 2 +V 3 +. ..+V n

Sample problem 1
It is desired to limit the current in a 50-𝝮 resistor to 10 A when it is connected to a 600-V power
source. (a) How should an auxiliary resistor be connected in the circuit and what should it resistance
be? (b) What is the voltage drop across each resistor?
a) 10 Ω b) 500 V ,100 V

Sample problem 2
(a) What is the equivalent resistance of three 5-𝝮 resistors connected in series? (b) If a potential
difference of 60 V is applied across the combination, what is the current in each resistor? (c) What is the
voltage drop across each resistor?
a) 15 𝝮 b) 4 A c) 20 V

Sample problem 3
Two light bulbs, one of 5- and the other of 10-𝝮 resistance, are connected in series across a
potential difference of 12 V. (a) What is the current in each bulb? (b) What is the voltage across each
bulb? (c) What powers dissipated by each bulb and by the combination?
a) 0.80 A b) 4 V, 8 V c) 3.2 W, 6.4 W 9.6 W
P=I 2 R , PT =I T V T

Sample problem 4
A 2000- and a 5000-Ω resistor are in series as a part of a larger circuit. A voltmeter shows the
potential difference across the 2000-𝝮 resistor to be 2 V. Find (a) the current in each resistor and
(b) the potential difference across the 5000-𝝮 resistor.
a) 1 mA b) 5 V
I= V =I R5000Ω
R 2000Ω

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