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Bahir dar university

Bahir dar Insti tute of Technology

Faculity of Computi ng

Department of soft ware engineering

Name : Awoke Dessie

Id : 1103376

Section: ‘B’


 RNN(Recurent neural network): is robust tye of neural network, and the only one of having
internal memory.
 It is relatively an old type of neural network.
 Inituialy created in 1990s
 The increase of computation among huge amount of data is along with this
 Because it has internal memory it remembers important inputs,which allows them to predict
the coming next
 Helpful in modeling sequencial data
 Exhobit similar behavior to how human brains work
 Has no concept of language understanding

 One to One RNN. This type of neural network is known as the Vanilla Neural
 One to Many RNN. This type of neural network has a single input and multiple
outputs. An example of this is the image caption.
 Many to Many RNN. This RNN takes a sequence of inputs and generates a
sequence of outputs. Machine translation is one of the examples.

1.Explain and give example about RNN(Recurent Neutral Networks)?

2.Explain the steps and challenges to develop Machine Learnings models?

3.Find out the Local problems in your society that can be solved bybAI and write down implementation

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