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A culinary school of designers




Problem statement..............................................................................................3
Aims and Objectives..........................................................................................3


Scope of the Project..........................................................................................4

Books ...................................................................................................................4
A culinary school of designers
If I weren't involved with food, I'd be working in architecture. Design is that
critical to me.

Alice Waters

Food and shelter have long been considered two of
the most Basic human necessities. In primitive
societies, much effort is expended ensuring that these
two needs are met. The reality is that Shelter and
Food never get out of our consciousness. Other than
our requirements, these two shape our daily routine,
our entertainment, our occupation, our hobbies even
our obsession.

Paris is the Eiffel Tower, croissants, and baguettes.
New York is the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building, bagels, and pizza. Lahore is the
Mughal Architecture, Paye, Lassi and Pathooray. Karachi is the sea port and Biriyani.
We remember cities By Food and Architecture. Architecture brings tourists and ‘Food’
attracts tourists to visit more. Food and architecture have so many similarities that it seems
impossible to separate them.

The difficulty of Architecture is... we must first make something, before we can attempt to
make it better.
- Paul Emmons

Problem statement:
Food industry is expanding day by day in our country, but the standard ‘back of the house’ is
not healthy as it should be.

Aims & Objectives:

 Providing ample natural light without making school ’heat island’.
 Provide a ‘theatre’ for the cooks to experiment & to make audience (diners) satisfied.
 To Design A Self sustainable culinary school.
 Dynamic, flexible, and functional, most advanced kitchens, restaurants and school
 To Design spaces that visually connect and promote the importance of observatory
 Design for informal learning and gathering, social interactions inside and outside of
the classroom.

Architecture and Food share so many similarities:

 Both appeal our senses.

 Both follow roughly same process. (design to prep to consumption)
 Both spring from Earth.
 Both vary according to region and governed by Climate.
 Both welcome Fusion of style.
 Both require Aesthetic Appeal.
Serving the food in the right ambience also matters: what colors, kinds of lights and shades,
spoons and forks, seating patterns. The buildings designed according to site considerations
are a success: site shape, entrance to the premises, types of neighborhood, sciography and sun
angles to name a few.

Scope of the project:

 Master plan
 Material Programme
 Detail planning of Culinary school (silent architecture theory)
 Landscaping (kitchen gardens and green houses)
 Restaurant

Site of the project:

Will be in Lahore near Jallo Park or Raiwind Road. A wide open space to blend architecture
and landscape.

‘Food and Architecture: At The Table’ editor Samantha L. Martin-McAuliffe
Hungry City: How Food Shapes Our Lives by Carolyn Steel
Strategies for Sustainable Architecture by Paola Sassi

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