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IMTC 2003 -Instrumentation and Measurement

Technology Confcrencc
Vail, CO,USA, 20-22 May 2003

AC and DC Shunts - Can You Believe Their Specs?

Dennis E. Destefan, Robert S. Stant
High Current Technologies, Inc. 7250 W. 118th Place, Unit A, Broomfield, CO 80020 USA
Ph: 303-404-3879 Email:

John D. Ramboz
RAMTech Engineering, Inc. 10345 Carlson Circle, Clermont, FL 3471 1 USA
Ph: 352-242-0366 Email:

a t - Link new information regarding high current shunis nof the principal contributor of overall error. Other subtle
(greater than 100 A), especially uc shunts, has been published in sources of error often dominate and are discussed below.
the last 30 yeors to ihe auihors knowledge. Since ihe advent of DC shunts have as their major design goals adequate
new measuremeni capabiliiies, sensors, and lower uncerininiies, power dissipation and minimal resistance changes with
recentfindings regarding theperformance of ac and dc shunis are temperature. Also considerations are given to minimal
presenfed. The findings are significant for users and calibration
laboratories. Errors due to curreni feedpoini selection, addc
thermoelectric errors and long term stability of the 4-terminal
difference, frequency response, the proximity effects of resistance.
ferromagneiic materials, and the effecis of nearby conduciors are AC shunts that are used for the measurement of sinusoidal
discussed. Factors thai must be included in the deferminafionof currents, transient currents, and complex steady state currents
measuremeni uncertainty are provided and discussed. have additional requirements to assure adequate performance
for their intended measurement application. The additional
m: Shunts, 4-terminal resistors, direct current requirements include a frequency-flatness of the 4-terminal
measurement, alternating current measurement, pulsed current, impedance magnitude for the frequencies of interest and a
low phase shin or linearity of phase over the frequencies of
I. INTRODUCTION In many cases, ac shunts should also have the same
requirements as the dc shunts with the possible exception of
Shunts, high current (greater than 100 A) four-terminal the need for low thermoelectric voltages. Depending on the
resistors, are in wide use in the metrology community and in measurement instrumentation used, thermoelectric voltages
industrial measurement applications. Such applications may he blocked by using ac coupling. However, the use of ac
include the measurement of dc, ac, and pulsed (transient) coupling may lead to additional dynamic or frequency related
electric currents. The typical range of direct currents is from errors. The errors would depend on the relative comer
a few amperes to several thousands of amperes. Depending frequency and related phase errors created by the high pass
on the application, maximum current ratings range from transfer function of the ac coupling.
several thousand amperes to 100 kA for pulsed current Thermoelectric voltages may he dynamic and not
shunts. Altemating current measurements include steady completely blocked by ac coupling. This is especially true
state sinusoidal currents, complex currents, and pulsed or for transient currents where shunt heating occurs dynamically
transient currents. The pulsed currents may he gated for the duration of the current pulse. The entire thermal
sinusoidal bursts, complex bipolar, or unipolar transients. process not only involves the dynamic Joule heating effects,
Heat dissipation typically limits the maximum current hut also the simultaneous heat transfer cooling process.
rating for shunts. Self-heating of shunts is the result of 12R Cooling can occur through conduction to current conductors,
Joule heating within the resistance material of the shunt. The convection, and to some extent, radiation. This'composite set
amount of shunt self-heating increases rapidly by the square of thermal conditions dynamically affects thermoelectric
of the current. Because of this, a very large amount of heat errors, changes the hulk resistance of the shunt, and may
can be developed in high current shunts. Special resistance significantly effect thermally induced mechanical stress. In
alloys, such as Constantan, Manganin, and Zeranin, have some cases the thermal effects may take several hours to
been formulated to have very small temperature coefficients reach thermal equilibrium and the thermal electric errors to
of resistance to combat the rise of temperature in shunts.[l] reach non-detectahle levels.
Although great attention is given to shunt materials and Further, at very high currents, mechanical forces are
designs having low temperature coefficients and manageable generated due to the strong magnetic fields; this can lead to
temperature rises, temperature related errors vely often are additional mechanical stress being impressed onto the shunt.

0-7803-7705-2/03/$17.0002003 IEEE 1577

Full rated current tests are the only way to fully assess the these two thermoelectric voltages are equal and the affect on
impact of these stress related and thermally related errors. the measurement is nil. However, in practice, they are never
Direct current shunts range in quality, and associated exactly equal and a net difference voltage r e d t s due to the
costs, from about $20 US for manufacturer specified 4- thermal electric effect. Because of the polarities involved, a
terminal resistance tolerance of *I% to shunts with iO.O2% temperature gradient must exist between the voltage sense
tolerance at a cost of approximately $2,000 US. The cost of points to have a net thermoelectric emor voltage be generated.
ac shunts range from several hundred dollars US to 510,000 For ac shunts, an induced voltage can result from the
US or more for special, custom designs. Generally, the magnetic flux that can couple to the mutual inductance, +M.
tolerances for ac shunts are worse than those of dc shunts. The quadrature voltage that is generated will be equal to
The fundamental research into the theory and design of ac +M(di/dt). Although the quantity *M can be considered, in
shunts was done just after the turn of the 20Lhcentury.[2,3] most instances as fixed, flux coupling from current carrying
Additional research into ac shunts was conducted ahout 60 cables can affect the coupled flux. Thus the error caused by
years ago.[4] These works include theoretical as well as this effect depends on the current path to and from the shunt,
experimental results. One of the latest works was published or other instances, from flux generated from other nearby
nearly 40 years ago by Praeg [ 5 ] . His work was based largely conductors.
on the works of [2-41. Praeg provides ‘refinements . o n
previous work in [2-41 and additional work on coaxial shunts. CLhUnt
Most of the ac shunts manufactured today are based on the
early fundamental work presented in references 2-4.
However the range of frequencies and the quality of test
currents, i.e., low distortion of sinusoidal currents that could
be generated, were limited at that time compared to today’s
technology. Further, the uncertainty of the measurements has sfress, conneclions)
been significantly improved in the last 60 to 90 years -
especially in the area of low voltage measurement. In most
cases, the voltages generated by shunts are small since the 4-
terminal impedance can be as low as a few micro-ohms.
Recent papers into the construction and performance of dc instrumentation
shunts are provided in [6-81.
Shunts can be represented as an equivalent circuit as Fig. 1. Equivalent circuit of an current shunt. Adescription of each of
shown in Fig. I. For ac.shunts, all of the elements’shown in the circuit elements is given in the text.
the drawing can be considered. For dc shunts, all of the
inductances and capacitances have no affect, leaving only the It is common for manufacturers of d,c shunts and
resistive elements and the thermal voltages. The main shunt calibration laboratories to determine a shunt’s iresistance with
resistance is represented as &. The value of R, changes as a a single, short-term current application of a, low (significantly
function of temperature, time, current connections, current less than full rated), direct current. Any heating effects are
connection torque, stress, and frequency. Connected on not detected using this method. In some instances, the test
either side of R, is the current terminal resistance, r, current may be as low as !/SOth of the full current rating. This
located between the voltage sense terminals and the current is poor calibration practice and often leads to significant
terminals. The contact resistance, r,,.,, is located where the errors in the resistance determination. At low currents and
current cables or bus bars connect to the shunt current low shunt voltages, the thermoelectric potentials can’cause
terminals. The inductances, L,,, are the self-inductances of large relative percentage errors unless current polarity
the current terminals and generally are negligible. There are reversal methods are utilized.
two inductances that exist in the shunt between the voltage In one particular 600-A shunt measured, heating errors
sensing leads. The inductacne, L,, is the self-inductance of were greater than 1% from low current to full rated current.
the shunt and the mutual inductance, M, which can have a Depending on the test currents, shunt materials, construction
positive or negative sign. A capacitance, Crhunl, bridges a and resistance, the errors which can result from this low
portion of the shunt. Each signal lead contains a series self- current testing can easily exceed 1%.
inductance, Llead;and resistance, qead. Finally, the cable Many shunts have multiple current feed-point terminals.
capacitance, CEablc, exists across the voltage sensing leads. This configuration is typically found when a shunt is
(Other elements such as leakage resistances and eddy current mounted to high current, flat, wide bus bars having multiple
impedances are ignored in this model.) bolts for attachment. Without complete specification of the
Thermal voltages are generated at the points where proper terminal connections and the calibration methods
voltage-sensing leads are attached to the shunt due to a used, errors of as great as 1% may be incurred in the
“thermocouple” effect. The thermoelectric voltages, Vthemal, calibration process and unknowingly passed to the users. It is
are represented here as dc batteries. Under idea! conditions, also common to find temperature coefficients of resistance to

be much larger than expected based on the ideal resistance the current streamlining into the shunt and can cause changes
‘alloy characteristics. Temperature coefficients as high as 30 in the 4-terminal resistance and impedance. A related
times greater than predicted by widely published material problem is that many shunts have current lugs that may have
specifications have been measured in shunts. [8,9] Many cables connected to them on either of two faces. Some shunts
engineers and metrologists also assume that the temperature also exhibit sensitivity to the torque used on the nut-bolt
coefficient of a constructed shunt is the same as the cable or bus attachment.
theoretical curves for the resistive element material before Field coupling to the shuntfrom cables (ac effect): It is
fabrication. This is a poor and risky assumption. This is not possible for the current conductors to take many different
the case in most shunts. Depending on the accuracy desired paths when approaching and leaving the proximity of the
one MUST determine the temperature coefficient for each shunt. The interaction of the magnetic fields from these
shunt. To determine the actual temperature coefficients, each cables can cause a redistribution of the current within the
shunt must be tested at maximum permissible current. shunt, thus resulting in a change in the 4-terminal impedance.
It is also believed that an ac shunt can he calibrated at dc Also, mutual couplings can exist between the current circuit
and have the ac/dc difference be negligible. Some of this and the voltage sensing circuit. A voltage can be induced
belief is based on the theoretical works cited. In most cases, into the voltage sensing measurement circuit, which in tum,
the users rely on the determination of the resistance or leads to errors. This can he treated as a mutual inductance
impedance of a shunt by manufacturers or calibration that creates a quadrature voltage error component. It will
laboratories. Many users are surprised to find large affect both the magnitude and the phase angle of shunt
discrepancies between manufacturer values and the values impedance. These errors and problems are installation
from several different calibration laboratories. These dependent and are difficult to evaluate. The resulting errors
discrepancies may far exceed the assigned calibration are also frequency sensitive in terms of the mutual couplings
tolerances or measurement standard uncertainties. and the skin effect and can easily reach several percent at
Shunts are sometimes calibrated using a bipolar dc power frequencies.
reversal method that minimizes thermoelectric errors. This Proximity to ferromagnetic materials (ac effect): The near
method is recommended for consistent results in a calibration proximity of the shunt to ferromagnetic materials can alter
laboratoly. It also aids in closer transferal of results between the current distribution of the current within the shunt, which
laboratories. Many users in industrial situations cannot may result in a change of the 4-terminal resistance or mutual
utilize dc reversal methods in their applications. These inductance. This is a little known fact. It is also common
thermoelectric errors, while removed from the calibration practice to place shunts on steel (ferromagnetic materials)
process, are many times overlooked by users and not tables, carts, or steel frames which can cause systematic
accounted for in error budgets. errors that are not detected by common calibration methods.
To provide a useful calibration to a user, calibration A further complication of this effect is that the nearby ferrous
laboratories must understand how a shunt will be used. In material will experience magnetic saturation at high currents.
some cases, the testing procedure should be altered to This will, in tum, create a nonlinear coupling with current
replicate the users operation of the shunt, such as the short amplitude. Hence, the errors due to the proximity of
term or long term application of current, unique current ferromagnetic materials can be sensitive to the current and
connections, etc. When determining an uncertainty, many frequency content. A secondaly problem of having
factors must be considered beyond those being derived from ferromagnetic material in the ac field is that of heating due to
a single low current measurement. Otherwise, errors of eddy current losses. This beating may or may not create
several percent my unknowingly result. measurement errors; most certainly it can cause hazardous
It is common, but not well documented, that some bum conditions to personnel.
manufacturers recommend that currents be limited to one-half Physical orientation (dc and ac effect): The convection
or two-thirds of the rated current. For example a 300 A cooling of a shunt may be sensitive to the orientation of the
shunt, according one manufacturer, should never be used with shunt. This is especially true for “blade”, ”ribbon”, and
currents greater than 200 A. This requirement may often be “strip” types of shunt construction. The amuunt of cooling
related to whether the shunt is operated in still ambient air or and the temperature gradients resulting in the shunt will
with forced air-cooling. When performing calibrations, this change significantly for different orientations. It is good
limitation should be carefully investigated and verified with practice to calibrate the shunt in the same orientation in
the.shunt manufacturer. which it will be used.
Subtle and less known effects can also influence the Induced error voltages into voltage sensing instruments
measurement accuracy when calibrating or using shunts. (ac and possibly dc effect): Voltmeters or digitizers that
These may include: measure the voltage drop across the shunt may themselves be
.Current feed-point sensitivify (dc and ac effect): Many sensitive to nearby ac magnetic fields produced by the current
high current shunts have current terminal configurations that that is being measured; precautions should be taken to guard
allow attachment of current cables in more than a single way, against any such effects. It is also suspected that strong dc
namely, multiple current feed-point locations. This affects fields may affect solid state electronics. Inductive and

resistive voltage dividers that may be used in the measuring much of the final product was in error by at least the -0.91%.
setup may likewise he sensitive to ac magnetic fields. These The user had accepted the manufacturers :ipecified values
instruments may have to be kept at distances of 3 meters or without having had the shunts checked or calibrated.
more from the current carrying busses to reduce errors to an Surprising results are not unique to lower cost dc meter
acceptable level. shunts. In another instance, nine laboratory standard quality
shunts were calibrated. Two of these were nominally rated
11. APPROACH for 1000 A and seven were rated for 300 A. All of these
shunts had a stated accuracy of approximately 0.02%. Both
The work presented herein utilizes new and well- of the 1000-A shunts agreed with the manufacturer's stated
characterized current sensors, improved measurement uncertainty. Six of the 300-A shunts agreed with the
capabilities, and enhanced measurement uncertainties with specifications. One shunt was found to be in error by -0.14%
NIST traceability to determine performance of numerous dc from the nominal value. This was a significant error relative
and ac shunts. The availability of high-frequency, high- to the manufacturer's specification and the uncertainty of the
current current sources now permit the evaluation of shunts at measurement standards. All of the shunts exhibited good
frequencies and current levels that in the past were difficult to resistance temperature coefficients, i.e., good thermal
achieve. stability. The 300 A-shunt that was out of tolerance did not
The equipment used to collect the data included well- have any apparent evidence of abuse or damage. It also
characterized and calibrated dc and ac current sources, and dc showed excellent stabilitv over 3 davs of testine.
and ac ratiometers. The ratiometers comprised of DMMs and
16-bit digitizers. In all instances, traceable impedance
I -- Hisloogram
I -- I
standards were used as references.
In general, the uncertainty of the standards used to support
this work was 0.02% to 0.06% for direct currents to 1000A.
The uncertainty of the measurement standards for altemating
current range from 0.04% for currents to 1000 A and 0.2%
for pulsed currents to 100 kA.[10] The above uncertainties
have a coverage factor of k = 2 .


An example of common dc meter shunts that have

significant errors relative to their manufacturer's specification
of *I% is shown below in Fig. 2. The figure shows a
Fig. 2. Distribution of 4terminal resistances for 125 each,
histogram of 125 individual, 500-A shunts with a 50 mV/500 A dc meter shunts upon initial calibration (manufacturer's
manufacturer's tolerance specification of *I%. These shunts nominal resistance = 100 @).
were used with isolation and scaling electronics for a welding
process. The data shown is only for the shunt, independent of The calibration performance of two dc, laboratory
the isolation electronics. Some of these shunts had been in standard shunts with long calibration histories are shown in
use prior to calibration and others were new. It is seen that a Fig. 3. One shunt was rated at 100 A and the second was
few had significant deviations, -5% to +11%, from their rated at 500 A. Each shunt had a Type-T thermocouple
nominal value of 100 pa. These were most likely defective, bonded to the resistance element as described in [SI. The
had been damaged or abused. However, this large 500-A shunt was tested at 150, 300 and 500 A. The 100-A
population, excluding these outliers, had a mean resistance shunt was tested at 20, 50, 7 5 , and 100 A. Note that neither
value of 99.09 fl. This would indicate that the of these shunts reached the commonly accepted critical
manufacturer's reference measurement system was biased temperature of 100 "C at their full current rating. The data
having a mean error of -0.91% offset, or that the shunts shown for the 500-A shunt represents 15 calibrations over a
drifted relative to the nominal values. The drifting is not period of 20 years. The 100-A shunt was calibrated 10 times
supported from up to 4 years of calibration data with the over a period of 14 years. The 100-A shunt r:hows very close
majority of shunts having stability much, much better than agreement with a classical resistance-temperature curve,
the 0.91%. regardless of temperature and corresponding current level.
From these data, it is concluded that a significant number The 500-A shunt shows a classical resistance-temperature
(43% of total population) of the shunts were out of tolerance. curve with tightly grouped calibration data helow
!I is interesting to note that the manufacturer of the approximately 48 "C. However, for the 500-A shunt
electronics assumed that the shunts were within tolerance and (temperatures above 48 "C) the measured values diverge
centered at the mean value. Because of this assumption, significantly from the curve. Such performance is not

detected unless shunts are tested at maximum permissible Note, even at dc the shunt resistance varies with feed point
currents. If this shunt was not evaluated over the full range connection pairs. The spread in dc resistance was 0.64% with
of currents the as5ig;ed uncertainty would have been the connections shown.
significantly understated.
Even more inteksting is the performance of ac shunts.
AC shunts 'are manufactured with a variety of configurations
or geometries, including coaxial, folded bifilar designs, and
other a&ngements. The goal of all of these different designs
is to minimize the series inductance, and to minimize the
mutual coupling between the voltage sensing circuit and the
current circuit. Also, part of the design goal is to maintain a
uniform distribution of current in the resistive element over a
wide range of frequencies, i.e., minimal skin effect.

F"Wr=YiHL born->

L o cr c -+Ea ..A.BF -x-op L - O - E D I

Fig. 4. Shunt impedance frequency response using 5 separate

current feed-point locations. The legend at the bottom of the figure
indicates the different terminal pairs used for the current feed points
The inset shows the current connections to terminals D and F.
20 38 10 M 60

Shunt temperature Ide(JrFe9Cl The dependence of the frequency response on the selection
of current terminals is also shown in Fig. 4. Each curve in
Fig. 3. Calibration results for a 100 A (14 years) and 500 A (20 years) the figure is a different pair of current terminals on the same
shunt. shunt. The uncertainty of the values shown is 0.08% (20
confidence level). Based on bandwidth and theory, the shunt
The ac shunts that have been tested yielded widely varying should have an error of less than 1 ppm at 400 Hz relative to
results. Many of these shunts did not meet the the dc resistance value. Unusual behavior can be seen on
manufacturer's specifications and/or theoretical design goals. several of the plots where the response "kinks" downward
A 35-pn coaxial ac shunt was measured at dc and up to with an increase of frequency. This would infer that the
400Hz. The acidc differences ranged from -0.15% to phase response would also behave unusually. Note the
+0.36% at power frequencies as shown in Fig. 4. These increasing impedance with frequency or a generally inductive
differences increased to nearly 2% at 400 Hz. Further, the behavior. This behavior may be the result of current feed-
frequency dependence changes dramatically with the point sensifivify andfield coupling from cable.
presence and location of ferromagnetic materials near the A 6-pR pulsed current shunt used in association with
shunt, the routing of the current conductors, and the selection pulsed current measurements to 60 kA was tested. It was a
of current terminal combinations. This shunt had a calculated hi-fold design. The acidc difference errors of nearly -1%
-3 dB bandwidth greater than 500 kHz based on theoretical were found at 50 Hz and 60 Hz, -4.5% at 200 Hz and -6% at
analysis. The -3 dB bandwidth was predicted based on I kHz. This shunt was tested in the configuration as used by
original research work 50 to 80 years ago. Limitations of the customer. The ferromagnetic material proximity errors
equipment in that time era precluded high frequency steady were significant. A 3.8-cm x 3.8-cm by I-meter steel angle
state testing and relied on short duration impulse currents to was placed at various positions near the shunt. At 50 Hz the
predict frequency bandwidth based on rise time relationships. impedance changes relative to dc was as great as 11.6% and
Using modem power sources and improved instrumentation at 500 Hz these changes ranged from +3.6% to -5.6%. This
available today, the bandwidths measured on ac shunts are shunt also displayed significant feed point sensitivity.
often far less than that predicted by theory. This raises As another example, a manufacturer tested 6 high pulsed
questions of the validity of the models or the construction current shunts at low steady state currents. They were then
methods used as compared to the models. tested at a standards lahoratoly at low currents. The two low
current test results were generally in agreement. They were
then tested at up to 30 kA pulsed current. In three shunts

impedance values became very erratic and unstable. The construction methods, and a more thorough understanding
range of impedance errors was as great as *5%. The ultimate and application of existing theory. Many manufacturers
conclusion was that large electro-mechanical forces were should more thoroughly specify their product to help prevent
generated within the shunt due to the high current. These over ranging shunts and to reduce t h e confusion over what
forces are suspected of affecting a brazed connection within can be expected from their product for critica.1 measurement
the shunt causing the instability. Without testing at applications.
maximum permissible current, this defect would have gone Important facts that must considered when 'using and/or
undetected in the calibration process. These problems did not calibrating shunts are: . ..
show up until currents greater than 15 kA.
Assigning an uncertainty for a shunt based on a single, low All shunts must he individually tested.
current evaluation is in most instances, inadequate. Shunts Shunts must be tested at the maximum,
must be evaluated at maximum permissible current where the permissible current level.
shunt will he used and in ways that reflect how it will he Theory may not predict actual performance.
used. Further, all sources of error must be evaluated or the Many error sources may go undetected.
measurement application should he taken into account with
input from the user. Calibration and use of shunts has many V. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
error contributions that are often greater than the uncertainties
of the Calibration equipment. Where shunts are to he used for W e thank the various customers who gave permission to
ac measurements, ac effects must he measured and must he use the results of shunt testing. This paper would have not
included in the ac performance. been possible without their permissions and equipment. We
The assumption that the acidc difference is zero or also acknowledge the cooperation and many beneficial
negligible based on theory, without measurement discussions of the technical staff at Szmdia National
confirmation, can lead to very significant errors in the Laboratories Primaty Standards Laboratory.
estimated uncertainty. Calibration laboratories should
communicate with users to assist in the selection of shunt REFERENCES
measurements that are meaningful for the user's actual
current measurements with the shunt. Users should request [I] Metals Handbook 9th ed. Vol. 3 StainlessStecls.00 1
Materials and
proper and thorough testing from calibration laboratories so Svecial Pumase Metals, pp. 640 -645. American :Society for Metals,
they get a realistic uncertainty estimate. Users and Metals Park, OH 44073. N o year available.
calibration laboratories must recognize that shunts can be [2] Silsbcc, F.B., "Notes on the Design of4-Terminal Rcsistance Standards
for Altcmating Currents," Bureau o f Standards Joumal of Research,
stable with time, erratic and unpredictable, or possess a vol. 4, RP133, July 1929, pp. 73-107.
predictable drift rate. [31 Silsbee, F.B., "A Shldy ofthe Inductance of Four-Terminal Resisrance
Depending on the combination of errors noted above, it is Standards," Bulletin ofthe Bureau of Standards, voI 13. no. 1, June 15,
1916,pp. 375-422.
verypossihle to have a shunt specified by the manufacturer to
[4] Park, I. H., "Shunts and lnductors for Surge-Cur" Mcaeurements,"
1% with errors of several percent at power frequencies and 5 Joumal of Research ofthe Nat'l Bur. of Stand., RP 1823, vol. 39, Sept.
to 10% at 1 kHz while theory predicts a -3 dB frequency of 1947.
5OOWz. If not properly evaluated and a thorough ac [5] Pracg, W.F., "Stress Sensitivity of Manganin Resistor in High-Cuncnt
Precision Coaxial Shunt," IEEE Trans. IPS~N. and Meas., vol. IM-15.
calibration done, the user will he under the false impression No. 4, Dec. 1966.
that the shunt is providing a 1% measurement, when in [6] Braudaway, D. W., "Precision resistors: A Raview o f Material
actuality measurements are in error by 2 to 10% or greater. Charactcristics, Resistor Design, and Construction Practices," IEEE
Further, because of the dependence on the current path, Trans. on Instru. and Meas., vol. 48, no. 5, Oct. 1999, pp 878 - 883.
connection location, and the proximity of ferromagnetic 171 Braudawily, D. W., '' Prccision resistors: A R w i c u of the Techniqucs
of Mcasurement, Advantages, Disadvantages, and Results," lEEE
materials, it is possible that users will incorporate varying Trans. on Instru. and Meas., vol. 48, no. 5, Oct. 1999, pp 884 - 888.
systematic errors up to many percent and never know the [8] Braudaway, D. W., " Behavior of Resistors and Shunts: With Today's
errors are present. Many of these effects increase with High-Prccision Measurement Capability and a Century of Matcrials
Experience, What Can Go Wrong?," IEEE Trans. on Instm. and Meas.,
frequency. vol. 48, no. 5, Oct. 1999, pp. 884- 888.
[9l Ramboz, J. D.. High-Currcnt Measurement Techniqucs, Pan I I 100 kA
IV. CONCLUSIONS Sourcc Characteristics and Preliminary Shunt and Rogowski Coil
Evaluations, NlSTIR 89-4040, March 1989.
[IO] Ramboz, J. D., Destcfan, D. E,, Slant, R.S., "lhc Verification of
The result of the testing strongly suggests that some shunt Rogowski Coil Lineariry from 200 A to Grcilter than LOO kA using
manufacturers are producing some products significantly Ratio Methods", IEEE Instm. and Mcas. Technology Conf.,
outside of its stated tolerance. Errors can he corrected Anchorage, Alaska, USA, May 21-23,2002,pp.687-692
through proper measurement methods and by ensuring a
chain of traceability to National Standards. Some of the
findings presented point to the need for improved calibration
methods in manufacturer's and user laboratories, better shunt


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