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Gravity separation by falcon concentrator- an over


S. Farajzadeh & S. Chehreh Chelgani

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Gravity separation by falcon concentrator- an over review

S. Farajzadeha and S. Chehreh Chelgani b

School of Mining Engineering, College of Engineering, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran; bDivision of Minerals and Metallurgical Engineering,
Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden


Over the last three decades, in order to reduce environmental issues of processing fine mineral Received 15 October 2021
separation methods such as flotation while decreasing capital cost, gravity separation has become Accepted 7 January 2022
significantly important. Falcon concentrators as enhanced gravity separators have been developed KEYWORDS
for the sharper separation beneficiation of finely disseminated ores based on their specific gravity Enhanced gravity separator;
differences. Falcon concentrators employed centrifugal force, which is many times improve the Centrifuge force; Gold; Waste
separation based on the gravitational force. This comprehensive review analyses the literature on recycling
Falcon separators’ application and process mechanisms for the first time, contrasting several
factors’ effect on their metallurgical responses. Studying these factors would be crucial for optimiz­
ing industrial plant operation and the expansion of laboratory-scale investigation impact.
Summaries of the information indicated that the centrifugal force generated by bowl rotation
and fluidization water pressure could be considered the most influential factors through falcon
separation performance. However, this review released that correlations between operating para­
meters of a falcon concentrator with their representative metallurgical responses have not been
explored thoroughly. Addressing these gaps will pave the way for the design and operation of
a falcon separator and help to improve its performance.

Introduction of magnitude greater than Earth’s attraction due to the

It is well known that, during the past few decades, the high rotation rate in the flowing film.[9–13] The bowl of
necessity to process finely disseminated complex ores a semi-batch falcon can be fluidized to avoid compac­
caused a decline in the performance efficiency of the tion and remove light particles from the concentration
conventional gravity separators. Because of this ineffi­ zone. FCs are semi-batch machines, but on a larger scale,
ciency, froth flotation has gained large industrial uses continuous FC can process up to 100 t/h of ore with
due to its selective separation capability in finer sizes. a high feed pulp density (up to 45 wt%). FC that are
EGSs (enhanced gravity separators) were created and operated in semi-batch mode (Falcon SB) and the ultra­
developed to bridge the gap between conventional gravity fine Falcon (Falcon UF) can be utilized to accurately test
units and froth flotation.[1] EGS is a physical separation the separation performance of FC (Figs. 1–3, and Tables
method that uses centrifugation to separate fine valuable 1–3); hence, to establish the process’ feasibility on an
minerals from gangue minerals depending on their spe­ industrial scale. Neither the Falcon UF nor the industrial
cific gravities (S.G). The applied centrifugal force is many FC requires wash water, which lowers operating costs
times more than the gravitational force, increases differ­ and increases the environmental friendliness of this
ential settling, and subsequently allows sharply separate processing method.[14]
particles.[1–5] This technique is comparatively superior to The first industrial use of the ultra-fine (UF) Falcon
the traditional gravity-based separation in terms of per­ concentrator (Fig. 1) was commissioned in April 2005,
formance, efficiency, and processing of finer particle size making it a relatively new technology. The Ultra-Fine
ranges in the throughput.[6–8] Falcon was developed to improve the treatment of tanta­
Falcon concentrator (FC), as an EGS, consists of lum flotation concentrates due to mineralogy changes.
a fast-spinning bowl. The slurry is fed from the bottom The UF Falcon uses a spinning bowl to produce stratifica­
of the bowl, and centrifugal force is used to drain the tion of light and heavy minerals similar to other centrifu­
slurry in a thin film along its wall. Some particles are gal concentrators. However, there are a few differences in
retained in the bowl during operation, while others flow terms of the unit itself. The UF Falcon is designed to
out with the fluid. Centrifugal force can be several orders process feeds with a particle size of 3–75 µm. Another

CONTACT S. Chehreh Chelgani Division of Minerals and Metallurgical Engineering, Luleå University of Technology, Luleå,
© 2022 The Author(s). Published with license by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives License (
nd/4.0/), which permits non-commercial re-use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited, and is not altered, transformed, or built
upon in any way.

Table 1. Recommended setting of UF falcon concentrator by Sepro Mineral Systems Corp.

Parameters UF600 UF1500
Solids capacity (t/h) 0.5 2
Maximum feed size (µm) <38 <38
Minimum effective capture size (µm) <5 <5
Maximum solids percent range (%) 5–15 5–15
G-force range (G) 50–450 50–600
Applications Recovery of ultrafine slimes (tin, tantalum, tungsten, etc.), Scavenging of deslime cyclone overflow, Upgrading of fine
flotation concentrates

Table 2. Recommended setting of SB falcon concentrator by Sepro Mineral Systems Corp.

Parameters L40 SB400 SB750 SB1350 SB2500 SB5200
Solids capacity (t/h) 0–0.25 1–15 10–80 50–150 100–250 200–400
Maximum feed size (mm) 1 2 2 2 2 2
Maximum solids percent range (%) 55–70 65 55–70 55–70 55–70 55–70
G-force range (G) 50–200 100–150 50–200 50–200 50–200 50–200
Applications Recovery of gold (alluvial, aggregate plants, and recycling feed), silver and platinum group metals

Table 3. Recommended setting of C falcon concentrator by Sepro Mineral Systems Corp.

Parameters C400 C1000 C2000 C4000
Solids capacity (t/h) 1–5 5–27 20–60 200–400
Maximum feed size (mm) 1 1 1 1
Minimum effective capture size (µm) 10 10 10 10
Maximum solids percent range (%) 40–45 40–45 40–45 40–45
G-force range (G) 50–300 50–300 50–300 50–300
Applications Primary concentration of tin, tantalum, tungsten, chrome, cobalt, iron, fine oxidized coal, and uranium
Scavenging of fine particles lost by low G force processes and flotation
pre-concentration of heavy minerals

Feed Feed

Retention Retention
zone Rinse Fluidization water

Stratification Stratification Rinse Nozzles

zone zone

Light Light
particles particles

Impeller Impeller

Heavy Heavy
particles particles

Figure 1. Schematic diagram of UF type Falcon concentrator. Figure 2. Schematic diagram of SB type Falcon concentrator.

result of using such fine feeds is that the UF Falcon does These machines, designed for continuous duty, may
not require any fluidization water, even at laboratory size. achieve bulk yields of up to 40%. The Falcon ‘C’s principal
With a maximum value of up to 600 Gs, it is capable of goal is to optimize recovery while reducing tonnage to
stronger G-Forces than standard continuous Falcons. downstream operations. Because no water is introduced
Finally, in industrial size systems, the UF bowl is practi­ during processing, the method is also suitable for scaven­
cally vertical, with the gravity concentrate holding zone ging or pre-concentrating applications (Falcon
consisting of a single, changeable lip ring.[15] C brochure).
Falcon SB Concentrators (Fig. 2) are referred to as Although several investigations have addressed the
“Semi-Batch” because they receive feed continuously application of Falcons, few studies are exploring the various
throughout the run cycle but only generate concentrate effect of process conditions on its performance in detail.
during periodic rinse cycles. Depending on the application, This is the first review to offer an in-depth analysis of Falcon
run times might range from five minutes to many hours. performance in various mineral beneficiation processes,
Falcon Concentrators use a dynamic braking mechanism to including experimental worked and modeling procedures
instantly slow the bowl down, rinse away the concentrate, suggested in the literature. The literature analysis indicates
and then return to full operational speed. This gravity that while the Falcon application in mineral beneficiation
concentrator, which has a variable frequency motor, can has been extensively explored, insufficient attention has
work at pressures ranging from 50 to 200 G’s (Falcon SB been paid to its system application in recycling processes.
brochure). It is also highlighted that the literature available on Falcon
Although UF and SB falcons may mostly have similar process modeling is scarce. The lack of fundamental under­
feed rates, UF can be used for ultrafine particles (micron standing of the effect of Falcon variables on the separation
size), while SB mainly uses particles within the millimeter process is discussed, which is essential for effective optimi­
size range. Therefore, UF falcons have been operated in zation systems.
a higher G-force range (50–600 for UF vs. 50–200 for SB).
Compared to SB Concentrators, Falcon C Concentrators
are often employed in gravity recovery applications requir­ Separation principles
ing a larger mass yield to concentrate. Falcon
The separation mechanism inside a FC is quite complicated
C Concentrators, which are frequently used to recover
(Fig. 4). It is difficult to fully understand the separation
precious fine particles, can recover fines missed by dense
characteristics since various forces influence particle move­
medium separators, spirals, or any other low G process.
ments in the concentrate chamber. In the last decades,


Retention Throttling
zone Nozzle
Rinse Nozzles




Figure 3. Schematic diagram of C type Falcon concentrator.



Heavy particle
Light particle



Figure 4. Schematic diagram of Falcon Concentrator.

numerous studies have been carried out to investigate the

separation mechanisms in a FC, including investigations on
the separation characteristics, influencing factors, and
simulation studies (mathematical and computer
In general, the separation system in a FC is based on the
difference in particles’ settling velocity in the centrifugal
field. It operates on the principle of flowing film concentra­
tion, in which the feed slurry acts as a flowing film. Feed
slurry is injected near the cone’s bottom and is accelerated
up the cone wall by the centrifugal field.[18] Before particles Figure 5. Position of different products inside the Falcon
report either to the outlet or get trapped inside the retention concentrator[22].
zone in response to the centrifugal force, the impeller
homogenized feed particles that facilitate particle transpor­
tation in the flowing film. The particles’ differential settling the retention zone, the heavier layer’s upward movement is
velocity promotes the separation over fluidization water in restricted to facilitate overflow discharge. The heavy layer
FCs.[19,20] According to the quantitative comparison clings to the wall and is discharged through pinch valves
among the available data, a FC could provide the lowest fitted on the bowl wall in the retention zone.[1]
separation density (d50) for different centrifugal gravity Based on the structural analysis of FCs, the product can
separators (EGS). This could be due to its ability to provide be divided into three parts: 1) overflow, 2) top groove,
a maximum centrifugal force of 300 g.[21] and 3) bottom groove, as illustrated in Fig. 5. The heaviest
The feed slurry is introduced at the bowl bottom particles settle at the bottom groove, medium-density par­
through a central pipe. An impeller then forces the feed ticles remain in the top groove, and lighter particles leave
toward the bowl wall. Strong enhanced gravity force the chamber as overflow. It shows that the separation
resolves into 1) a force component normal to the wall process is accomplished based on particle density and
and 2) a force component parallel to the wall. motion. Randomness movement of a single particle that
Stratification starts at the migration zone by the impeller causes the mismatch of particles (few heavy particles move
action due to differential acceleration. The normal force is into the overflow) affects the apparent regularity of the
very strong and induces the radial velocity on the particle. particle’s overall movements and the separation.[22]
The heavier and coarser particles have higher radial velo­
city, while lighter and smaller particles have a lower radial
Modeling and simulation studies
velocity. The heavier particles form a bed adjacent to the
bowl wall, and the lighter particle layer remains at the Two distinct particle separation mechanisms are identified
farthest location from the wall. A weak parallel force com­ inside the FCs[9,11,12,23,24]: differential particle settling
ponent helps layer migrations in the upward direction. In within the liquid film flowing on the surface of the rotating

Figure 6. Effect of a) centrifugal force and b) fluidization water pressure on the three-dimensional velocity[32].

bowl, and particle rearrangement inside the granular Falcon model relied on a hydrodynamic analysis of
bed[25] that forms inside the Falcon’s retention zone. For particles’ trajectories inside the Falcon’s flowing film.
dense particles, such as fine gold, the second separation They indicated that the dredged sediment particles had
mechanism controls the separation. The heavy particles comparatively low inertia; hence, separation inside the
are centrifuged against the bowl even before they reach Falcon was controlled mainly by the fluid flow field.
the retention zone. However, differential settling will con­ Accurate modeling of particle trajectory inside the
dition the probability that a fine and light particle may get Falcon was a truly three-dimensional problem. The
the particle bed during its relatively short residence time fluid velocity in the azimuthal direction appeared in
inside the machine.[9] Therefore, the first separation the axisymmetric solution of the particle force balance
mechanism is likely to control the separation mechanism equation. The three-dimensionality of the problem was
for dredged sediment beneficiation. Particle rearrangement neglected and results indicated that the FC could be used
inside the concentrate bed could play a beneficial role where for beneficiating dredged sediments. The simulation
light particles are entrained inside the particle bed. This model helped to predict the washability of both the
transfer allows them to be re-suspended into the flowing product and the tailings streams. Consequently,
film, which can be achieved by fluidizing the Falcon’s Falcon’s partition function could be calculated. The par­
retention zone.[9,26,27] The water movement inside tition function predicted by the simulations for
a rotating drum or a bowl will affect the separation 1000 rpm and 4 l/min was applied to the washability
characteristics.[28] simulated the water flow mechanism measured on a sample of dredged sediments from a lake.
inside a rotating Falcon SB-40 Concentrator bowl using The main forces acting on the particles during their
a CFD package Fluent and standard k-epsilon turbulence motion through the fluid film are the buoyancy force
model. They highlighted important findings like water film ( FB ) (due to the density difference between the particles
thickness along the sides of the bowl at different axial �!
and the fluid), the pressure gradient effect ( FG ), the
heights inside the domain in an unsteady state. �!
added mass force ( FM ) (due to inertia of the fluid dur­
[16] presented the basis of a mechanistic model for the
ing an acceleration either of fluid or the particle) and the
FC, to quantify its potential for beneficiating dredged �!
sediments with ultrafine particle size and relatively low drag force ( FD ).[29] Accounting for the viscous and
density, say 5–60 µm and 1.2–3.0 S.G. The presented pressure contributions..

�! � �
calibrated by systematically changing operating condi­
FB ¼ ρ p ρf Vp~
g (1)
tions that could be used to predict the UF Falcons
performance quantitatively.
�! D~
u [20] also developed a predictive model of the FC based
FG ¼ ρf Vp (2)
Dt on a physical analysis of its separation principle and the
� � validation of the proposed model against experimental
�! D~u d~
ν data. They extended the analytical law to concentrated
FM ¼ ρf Vp CM (3)
Dt dt suspensions, making it applicable to actual plant operat­
ing conditions (Eqn. 8]. Dredged sediment waste
�! 1 removal and coal recovery from fine tailings are two
FD ¼ ρf Ap CD j~
u ~
u ~
νÞ (4) examples of industrial cases that have been used to test
the model.
Where ρf and ρp are density values of fluid and particle, � �!
respectively, V and A stand for volume and area, ~ u and ~ν 4π
λ ð1 1:6ϕ ÞQ 1 2
ω ρ ρ
p f
are velocity vectors of the fluid and the particles, and CM Cp ¼ min 9 (8)
rp2 μ 1 Rmin Rmax Hbowl ; 1
and CD are added mass and drag coefficients.
[30] quantified their presented models (Eqn. 1–4] for the Rmin , Rmax and Hbowl define the bowl geometry (base
beneficiation of ultrafine low-density (s.g. < 3) suspen­ radius, radius at the outlet, and height).
sions composed of dredged sediments. Under dilute con­ In the other areas, the flow dynamics of the concen­
ditions, the model equation for the partition function was: trator were investigated using numerical simulation.[32]
� � � � The effect of centrifugal force and fluidization water
4π β
Cp ¼ min λQ 1 ω2 ρp ρf rp2 μ 1 R20 α cos L1þα ; 1 pressure on the fluid velocity component was considered
9 2 bowl
(Figs.6 and 7). The gradient characteristics were revealed
(5) by analyzing the turbulence intensity in the radial direc­
� � tion. Simulation results indicated that near the wall area
ln 1 þ RL0 sin β2 exhibited high turbulent flow energy and a high turbu­
α¼ (6) lence dissipation rate. This allowed light particles to
ln RL0
reenter the separation region. Meanwhile, the fluid
Where the variables were flow rate (Q) and bowl spin­ exhibited a steady flow pattern in the fall wall area,
ning rate (ω, particle radius (rp) and its density (ρp), fluid which aided the stratification process. An increase in
dynamic viscosity (μ) and its density (ρf), bowl’s base centrifugal force raised turbulence near the wall; how­
radius (R0) and cone angle (β). λ was introduced as the ever, fluidization pressure had little effect.
model calibration constant. [3] reported that the performance indices for Falcon UF
The model was modified for concentrated suspen­ showed a 4-phase separation. Unselective bed formation
sions with the addition of an expression for solids con­ occurred during the early phase of growth, as small particles
centration (ϕ) in[31]: were ejected from the bowl. Afterward, through the second
0 � �1 phase of selective separation, differential settling began as
4π 1 2
λ ð1 1:6ϕÞQ ω ρ p ρ f A the concentrate bed rapidly expanded until it achieved its
Cp ¼ min@ 9 (7)
2 1 2 α β 1þα
rp μ R0 cos 2 Lbowl ; 1 desired final shape. During the third phase, the concentrate
bed stabilized, recovery, and enrichment continued to rise
Experimental assessments carried out with fine silica due to a selective erosion process that appeared to favor
particles, which had yielded validation of all the key dense particle concentration. Capture sites saturated, and
model hypotheses, including: particle settling along the recovery rates declined in the fourth stage.
centrifugal gravity was the main separation mechanism, Falcon separator flow field information could also
particles that entered the Falcon bowls retention zone obtain using high-speed dynamic shooting technology
could not be re-suspended back into the flowing film, to validate the correctness of theoretical and measured
the flow field inside the flowing film could be modeled values. Rising the height of the cylinder wall would have
by a Poiseuille’s semi-parabolic profile and a solid rota­ an inverse relationship with the thickness of the flow
tion, at the bottom of the bowl, the impeller mixed the film. In both the separation and delamination areas,
suspension homogeneously, the action of the fluid on measurement findings revealed that the measured flow
the particles could be described by a Stokes’ law whose film thickness values could be identical to calculated
drag coefficient was inversely proportional to the parti­ values. On the other hand, the increasing rotational
culate Reynolds number. Moreover, the model was frequency might result in a small increase in relative

Figure 7. Effect of a) centrifugal force and b) fluidization water pressure on radial turbulence[32].

error. The observed result is nearly identical to the pre­ the stratification region. The estimated fluid flow profile
dicted value, with a reduced relative error in terms of would be useful in simulating particle trajectories inside
recoil water velocity. Assessments released that calcu­ the FC.
lated and observed values can properly estimate the flow
film thickness and recoil speed in an increased gravita­
tional field.[17] Effective parameters
Fluid entered the FC from two points: (a) the gravity- Many factors may influence a Falcon’s operation effi­
assisted feeding mechanism and (b) the fluidized hole on ciency, including feed characteristics such as particle den­
the concentrator wall.[33] injected a tracer into the sys­ sity and size, and also operating variables such as
tem to determine the role of fluid entering the concen­ fluidization water pressure (only for the Falcon SB), feed
trator. Results demonstrated that the fluid entering rate, pulp concentration, rotation speed (or frequency,
through the gravity-based feeding mechanism was which affects the generated centrifugal force), and the
responsible for forming thin flowing films in the strati­ geometry of the rotating bowl [bowl angle). Some of
fication region, where particles were stratified based on these variables have significant effects, while others may
their relative density. The simulation outcomes showed have limited impacts. For example, the nature of the raw
that the rotational speed and fluid flow rate substantially material has a determinative impact on whether FC could
impacted the fluid velocity profile within the stratifica­ be considered for the separation or not. In general, the
tion zone. On the other hand, the fluid flow rate had higher density difference between the valuable and
a major impact on the tangential velocity profile. It was gangue minerals leads to a more precise separation,
discovered that achieving a high mass recovery from while the presence of coarse gangue mineral particles is
suspension required a high rotational speed and a high detrimental to the separation process. Heavy mineral
cone angle. The fluid thickness profile of a FC’s spinning particles that are roughly spherical are often more likely
bowl was estimated to be in the range of 150–200 µm in to be collected than flaky particles. However, many inter­

actions among these variables could also affect Falcon’s particle net weights were at their minimum at the
performance, and the effectiveness importance of each low-frequency levels. When the water pressure
variable should be determined through a multivariable increased, the generated hydraulic force was sufficient
assessment. to reject both the heavy particles (pyrite) and the coal
concentrate (light particles). Thus, this increase
Centrifugal force and fluidization water pressure resulted in a decrease in the separation efficiency.
The bowl rotation would generate the centrifugal force Meanwhile, gravitational force was sufficient to col­
that could be one of the most important operational lect heavy particles and some light pyrite particles at
variables for separation by FCs. Fluidization water pres­ the high-frequency values. In that condition, by
sure plays the same role for the SB-type Falcons. The increasing the water pressure, the produced hydraulic
effect of centrifugal force through the separation of force would also enhance the separation of lighter
particles could be investigated in the form of rotation particles and increase the separation efficacy of the
speed or frequency.,34studied the performance of process. In other words, the interaction between cen­
a Falcon B concentrator to recover gold particles with trifugal force and fluidization water pressure would
centrifugal force values of 250 and 350 G. They con­ improve the ash rejection process. Ash content is
cluded bowl speeds giving the centrifugal force greater reduced as the centrifugal force and fluidization
than 250 G could not improve gold or sulfide recoveries. water pressure increase.[37]
They indicated that the interactions between backwater It was reported when a higher centrifugal force was
pressure and rotation frequency on the desulphurization applied on the ash particle; there would be a lower
efficiency. The backwater pressure had a major impact chance for particles to join through the overflow.
on the desulphurization efficiency, but rotation fre­ A centrifugal force around 150 G and the water pres­
quency showed a negligible effect [34, 35] investigated sure around 0.02 MPa could result in the combustible
the effect of some Falcon operational variables, includ­ matter recovery, ash content, and sulfur content:
ing rotation frequency, on the celestite separation from 74.86, 16.06, and 0.95%, respectively. These numbers
calcite. Since the rate of heavy particle stratification was could be translated as 46.27% desulfurization
not considered at the low bowl speeds, the lighter parti­ efficiency.,[37]38studied the effect of process variables
cles (calcite) had a chance to dilute/displace the heavier on the enrichment of macerals for a low-rank coal
ones (celestite). When the bowl speed is increased, the sample. It was documented that the vitrinite enrich­
heavy particles are more likely to stratify before entering ment ratio gradually increased as the rotational fre­
the fluidization zone. Since stratification enhanced the quency of the FC increased, leading to a gradual
particle packing, the drag force exerted by the fluidizing decrease in the recovery. The enrichment of particles
water was insufficient to disrupt the stratified particles. in the upper and lower groove would be more diffi­
This phenomenon could release the entrapped gangue cult. The water pressure forced on particles in the
mineral, i.e., calcite, and reduce the upgrading perfor­ fluidized zone increased as the water pressure
mance. Thus, lower bowl speeds resulted in lower recov­ increased. Large water pressure could increase clean
eries and higher grades. carbon’s yield and ash content and decline the vitri­
Consequently, lower bowl speeds (10 Hz) had the best nite content.[38]
conditions for separating celestite from calcite. [39] performed an investigation on pyritic limestone
Although the centrifugal force was the overriding vari­ to understand the performance of fine minerals in dif­
able, the percentage of calcite was important in selecting ferent operational conditions. They found that high
the operational variables for the machine. The interac­ calcite recovery would be obtained at higher water pres­
tion between the motor speed and the water pressure sure and lower gravity force levels. The increase of
also considerably influenced the concentrate grade. In gravity force could reduce the calcite recovery in the
addition, the design findings demonstrated that more overflow due to the influence of the centrifugal forces
than 95% of the calcite was eliminated at low bowl speed on both calcite and pyrite. The quick stratification of
and medium wash water pressure.[35] both the minerals might lead to the packing of particles,
[36] experimentally studied pyrite removal from and the entrapment could subject calcite particles in the
coal using FC via Central Composite Rotatable tail. In this case, the fluidization water pressure could
Design (CCRD). They used the Response Surface assist in dilating the particle bed and reducing the
Method (RSM) to design their experiments with entrapment. The effect of Falcon operational variables
two factors: backwater pressure and rotation fre­ (two types of Falcon UF and Falcon SB) on the removal
quency. The process outcomes indicated that the of gangue minerals from tungsten ore demonstrated that

Falcon SB had a higher gangue rejection with marginally renewable carbon steadily declined. The yield,
lower recoveries as compared to the Falcon UF due to ashes content, and vitrinite content of coal
the fluidization pressure.[14] improved slowly as the feed rate rose from 15 to
35 ml/s.[38]
Particle properties ● Solid percentage: Feed solids concentration showed
Size and density are the essential particle properties a minor effect on the FC efficiency.[40] Increasing
through the separation by a Falcon. It was reported the solid content from 5 to 25% in the feed led to
that a FC failed to reduce the ash content of the −44 µ a leap in the content of ash products from 17.3 to
fraction.[40] In comparison, it could cut the ash content 15.5%. However, the combustible recovery values
for the −149 + 44 µ fraction from 20.53 to 7.71% and the fell from 63.1 to 54.6% in the same range of solids.
Sulfur level from 3.02 to 1.67%.[40] Xiang nan Zhu et al. The decline in recovery might be a function of the
[37) indicated that smaller particle sizes would be under batch operation. [39] reported that the variations of
set conditions to reach the overflow. Additionally, with solid percentage in the feed could be managed by
the reduction in particle size, the difference in the ash controlling the water pressure.
content between raw coal and clean coal with the same ● Bowl geometry: Limited studies have investigated
fraction would decrease, resulting in a steady decline in the effect of bowl geometry, specifically bowl angle.
the separation efficiency. Aydogan & Kademli [41] [34] examined three different bowl angles of 10, 12,
reported that fine particles were washed with the effect and 14 degrees to recover gold particles and
of the water pressure, while the concentrator might be achieved the best results with the 10-degree bowl.,­
choked in coarse sizes. There was also no opportunity stated that the smaller slope bowl (8° slope) had
for varying concentrations of particles to use the same greater sulfur and ash rejection due to improved
artificial gravity value and washing water pressure. The particle retention times.
assessment of the test results showed that the artificial
gravity strength and the water pressure were reversed in
Operational factors could manage the effectiveness of As previously stated, some operating condition variables
particle properties. The FC has complex operating con­ such as fluidization water pressure (for the Falcon SB
ditions and has to run under optimal conditions to only), feed rate and density (increasing rate and density
improve the efficiency of diverse particle size distribu­ above a certain value will hinder separation), and rota­
tions. The distribution law of different particle sizes tion speed (increasing spin raises G force, increases the
might be significantly influenced by centrifugal force in separation force on the feed) or frequency (increasing
a Falcon). The distribution rate of coal samples of vary­ frequency increases the separation force on the feed) can
ing grain sizes in overflow decreased as the centrifugal all have an impact on a Falcon’s efficiency. FC is capable
force increased. The distribution rate of various size coal of treating particles up to 15–20 µm, but upgrade ratios
fractions decreased with an increase in the fluidizing are generally low (typically 2 to 1). All these parameters
water pressure. Any intermediate density particles in could be set up differently for the FC gravity separation
the fluidized region had been removed from the riffle beneficiation by various ore systems.
by the large water pressure and could be an overflow
Other parameters In coal-preparation plants, froth flotation is the most
● Feed flowrate: [40] considered feed flowrate as a less popular for ash and sulfur rejection. However, flotation
effective factor on FC efficiency and stated that the efficiency for cleaning fine coals (1–0.3 mm) could be
volumetric flow rate could control the capacity of poor.[40] The ability of gravity separation equipment to
a centrifugal washer. A fast flow through the bowl treat fine coal has greatly improved with the development
tended to wash certain material in the overflow, and application of enhanced EGS. This is due to the tens
usually reporting to the underflow. This condition to hundreds of times Earth’s gravitational acceleration
sets the optimum flow rate for a particular bowl created in an enhanced gravity field, which significantly
diameter. Recent studies also confirmed this phe­ increases the sedimentation velocity differential between
nomenon that increasing the feed rate steadily sulfide and coal particles.[18,42–44] Although the FC has yet
enhanced the coal ash removal to an optimum to be used on an industrial scale for fine coal cleaning,
point and then decreased the clean coal yield.[38] several laboratories and pilot-scale attempts have been
With the rise in feed rate, the content of vitrinite in conducted to improve fine coal using FC (Table 4).

Table 4. A summary of researches on the application of Falcon concentrators in the coal industry.
Levels of variables
Falcon Experimental Water
model method Size (µm) G force pressure Other variables Optimal results Reference
SB6 OFAT −150 -600 300 G - Bowl angle −150 µm sample: sulfur reduced from 4.02 to 1.45%, and ash reduced from 33.7 to 16.0%.
8 ° & 14 ° -600 µm sample: sulfur reduced from 2.9 to 1.59%, and ash reduced from 20.3 to
C10 OFAT 600 x 210 210 x 37 –37 300 G - - For a fraction of 210x37µm maximum separation performance was achieved, 70% of ash
and sulfur were removed and almost 90% of combustibles recovered.
C10 Statistical 1000 x 600 600 x 300 10–30 Hz - % solids While maintaining high organic efficiency of 94%, the process reduced the ash content of
design 300 x 210 210 x 150 5–15 difficult-to-clean coal from 29.0 to nearly 6.9%.
150 x 75 75 x 44 Medium density (gr/cm3)
N.M BBD −500 (fixed) 70, 74, 78 Hz 2, 3, 4 % solids The optimum pyrite sulfur desulphurization efficiency is 86.90% when the feed rate is
15, 20, 25 2.97 L/min, the feed solids% is 15.01%, the backwater pressure is 3.80 Psi, and the
Feed rate (L/min) rotation efficiency is 77.73 Hz.
2, 2.5, 3

SB40 Statistical d80 = 28 (fixed) 20, 78, 176, 0.5, 1, 1.5 % solids A gravity force of 300 g, a solids% of 20%, a feed rate of 1 L/min, and water pressure of 0.5
design 300 G 10, 20,30 psi were determined to be the optimum levels for achieving a minimum ash content of
Feed rate (L/min) 40.26%.
0.5, 1, 1.5
SB40 Statistical d50 = 4–10(fixed) 20, 78, 176, 0.5, 1, 1.5 % solids The Falcon concentrator was discovered to be ineffective at reducing the ash content of
design 300 G 10, 20, 30 ultra-fine coal tailings.
Feed rate (L/min)
0.5, 1, 1.5
C400 N.M −75 980–1100 - Tailings valve-pressure (Psi) Falcon Concentrator achieved a low specific gravity of separation of 1.74 and a probable
807-1153 160–200 error (Ep) of 0.13.
576 G
SB40 Taguchi d80 = 28 (fixed) 20, 78, 176, 0.5, 1, 1.5 % solids The MGS can generate clean coal with a calorific value of 5696 kCal/kg and the Falcon
300 G 10, 20, 30 produces clean coal with a calorific value of 4224 kCal/kg from feed coal with 66,2%
Feed rate (L/min) ash content and 1835 kCal/kg calorific value.
0.5, 1, 1.5
L40 RSM −300 -150 -75 20 100 300 G - % solids Solid concentration should be increased up to 50–55% to generate a dense and viscous
5–50 medium.
L40 RSM −300 -150 -75 20 100 300 - % solids % solids should be kept above 30%-35% (maximum 45–50%) for effective fine coal
5–50 beneficiation through the Falcon concentrator.
SB40- CCRD & RSM −100(fixed) 20–78.5 Hz 1–4 % solids At rotation frequency, 78.38 Hz (rotor speed 2282 rpm, 300 g), and backwater pressure
VFD 10 (fixed) 3.90 psi, the optimal pyrite separation efficiency was 70.61%.
Feed rate (L/min)
SB40 OFAT −500 - Recoil water - At 107 g centrifugal force, 13.3 L/min recoil water flow, clean coal with yields of 53.86%,
(L/min) ash content of 9.81%, 1.47% sulfur content with a desulfurization efficiency were
7, 9.5, 11, obtained.
SB40 OFAT −500 5, 50, 100, 0.01, 0.02, - The separation performance of varied particle sizes indicated poor separation efficiency.
150, 200 G 0.03, 0.04, Particle distribution rates in clean coal increase with particle size, and the presence of
0.05 MPa ultrafine fraction is the primary explanation for clean coal’s high ash content.
N.M Orthogonal N.M 20, 25, 30, 35, 0.02, 0.025, Feed rate (ml/s) For a calculated vitrinite recovery rate in clean coal of 71.30% and a vitrinite enrichment
experiments 40 Hz 0.03, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55 ratio of 1.17%, the optimal settings were rotation frequency 30 Hz, water pressure
0.035, 0.04 0.03MPa, and feed rate 15 ml/s.
Table 5. A summary of investigations on the application of Falcon concentrator in iron beneficiation.
Levels of variables
Falcon Target Water Other
model mineral Gangue minerals Size (µm) G force pressure variables Optimal results Reference
N.M Hematite Jasper, Quartz −1000 40, 60, 9, 12, 15 %solids Under optimal conditions of 40 HZ rotation frequency and 15 Psi backwater pressure, Falcon produced
(Martite) 80 Hz PSI 10 (fixed) a concentrate with 61.80% Fe with a yield of 62.40%.
SB40 Magnetite- Quartz, Kaolinite, −74 -25 80 G 20–60 %solids A concentrate of 62.16% Fe and 7.62% SiO2 was produced under optimal conditions (solid% 75%, water pressure
Hematite Smectite (fixed) (bar) 10–100 of 50par, particle size −25 µm) from 49.33% Fe, 21.18% Silica.
L40 Magnetite- Quartz, Calcite, −106 50, 150, 20, 30, 40 - When size was −106 µm and the water pressure was 30 psi, the maximum iron grade was achieved as Fe2O3,
Hematite Limonite, Goethite -153 250 G PSI 84.85%.

Conc. 1

Stage 1
Gravity Concentration

Stage 2
Grinding Gravity Concentration

Conc. 2

Stage 3
Conc. 3
Grinding Gravity Concentration

Total GRG

Figure 8. Standard procedure for a GRG test using a centrifugal gravity concentrator.

Honaker et al. examined various conditions for the fine separation (64.02% Fe) and gravity separation with
coal beneficiation by utilizing EGS, including employing a FC (56–65% Fe) could yield desirable concentrate
a FC, Kelsey jig, KC, and Mozley multi-gravity separator, grades, and the roasting process significantly
and discovered that the EGS was capable for separating increased concentrate recovery yields (despite
fine coal with (−300 µm).[23,43,45,53] EGS processes were a slight decrease in iron grades might happen).
provided substantial operational ease and cost savings
compared to other technologies such as flotation.
It was reported that in the optimized, for –
600 µm fine-circuit feed, total sulfur content was A Falcon L40 laboratory-scale concentrator was sug­
lowered from 2.9 to 1.59%, and for a −150 µm frac­ gested to be used for the gravity-recoverable-gold
tion decreased from 4.02 to 1.45%. Ash content for (GRG) procedure (Fig. 8) (a Knelson concentrate
the top size fractions was lowered from 20.3 to laboratory mainly operates this test). In general, FCs
13.54% and for a −150 µm fraction from 33.7 to have been successfully used to recover gold from various
16.0%.[40] A low-density cut point of 1.6 was resources (Table 6).
achieved for the 210 × 37 µm size fraction. Ash
rejection between 60 to 75% has been obtained
Recycling of electronic wastes
while recovering was greater than 85% for the com­
bustibles. The sulfur rejection values achieved were LiCoO2 and graphite comprise the majority of the elec­
superior to those were achieved by a spiral concen­ trode material in lithium-ion batteries, which is concen­
trator and a flotation column. The metallurgic per­ trated in the −0.25 mm size fraction of the fractured
formance for the – 37 µm fraction of all coal samples product. Gravity separation is appropriate because the
was minor due to insufficient centrifugal force.[23] density of graphite differs from that of LiCoO2, and con­
Other investigations reported more precise findings, ventional equipment cannot perform efficient separation
which are summarized in Table 4. The effect of due to the decreased settling velocity of particles. The
gravity force is mentioned either in terms of Enhanced Gravity Separators (EGS), on the other hand,
g force, Hz (frequency of bowl rotation), or rpm increased the separation accuracy of fine fractions.[32,62]
(bowl rotation speed). Falcon centrifuge can be used successfully to separate
LiCoO2 and graphite particles from spent LIBs as feasible
and straightforward mechanical processing.[62] The opti­
Iron ores mal results are briefly reported in Table 7.
For beneficiation of iron ores with fine particle sizes,
enhanced gravity separators such as Kelsey Jig,[54] Rare earth minerals
MGS (Multi gravity separator),[55] and Falcon For many years, gravity concentration has been used to
separators[54,56–58] have been utilized. A list of impor­ recover monazite (as a phosphate rare-earth mineral
tant findings on the application of FC is listed in (REM)) from heavy mineral sands. However, the process
Table 5. [57] recently found that wet magnetic efficiency is markedly varied based on the REM
Table 6. A summary of researches on the application of Falcon concentrator in gold enrichment.
model Ore type Ore mineralogy Results Reference
B12 & Non- Pyrite, quartz, feldspar, hydrous ferric oxides, The ore sample was a non-refractory gold ore in which the liberated gold was around 25% and a non-severe grinding followed by
B6 refractory amphibole, carbonate, 7.3 g Au/t a cyanidation process could recover near 90% of the total gold.
Falcon Leach Over 80% of the gold in the tailings is locked in The 14 ° bowl provided the best gold recovery of minus 20 microns. Falcon B concentrates gold-bearing silicate particles to 11
B tailings silicates microns in size. Particles smaller than 11 microns are beginning to follow the water flow into the tailings.
SB40 Free-milling Quartz, silicates and sulfides of Pb, Fe, Zn, Cu, With a bulk yield of 7.2%, 81% of the gold in the ore can be extracted. Panning showed 1760 g/t Au in the concentrate. Panned
23.3 g Au /t concentrates would most likely determine the gravity recoverable gold.
N.M vein-type Galena, sphalerite chalcopyrite, arsenopyrite, For the free gold entities, a liberation size of −53 µ was determined. This ore’s overall GRG value was discovered to be 48.28%.
epithermal pyrite, quartz, calcite, 7.5 g Au/t Producing a pre-concentrate from this ore via gravity concentration would be promising.

Table 7. A summary of investigations on the application of Falcon concentrator in electronic waste recycling.
Levels of variables
Falcon pressure
model Waste type Size (µm) G force (MPa) Other variables Optimal results Reference
SB40 PCB −74 (fixed) 30, 40, 50 Hz 0.01, 0.02, Solids conc. (g/L) With the slurry concentration of 40 g/l, the water pressure of 0.01MP, and the rotation speed of
0.03 20, 30, 40 50 HZ, the metals grade and integration efficiency of −74 µ PCBs were 76.89 and 80.77%,
SB40 PCB −1000 30, 40, 50 Hz 0.04, 0.05, Solids conc. (g/L) Falcon produced 92.36% metal graded concentrate with 97.05% recovery when the water
(fixed) 0.06 10, 20, 30 pressure was 0.05MPa, the speed frequency was 30 Hz, and the feed density was 20 g/l.
SB40 Li-ion Batteries −45 45, 90, 150, 200 G 0.02, 0.03 - Maximum yield of 55% achieved under 0.03MPa water pressure and 45 g centrifugal force.
SB40 Li-ion Batteries 90–250 20–70 Hz 0.01–0.05 - For optimum separation conditions of LiCoO2 s grade of 84.87% and recovery of 83.14%., the
45-90 water pressure is 0.025 MPa, and the rotary frequency is 50.00 Hz.
Table 8. A summary of researches on the application of Falcon concentrator in REM concentration.
Falcon Levels of variables
model Target mineral Gangue minerals Size (µm) G force Other Optimal results Reference
N.M Bastnaesite, Barite, Calcite, P80 = 144, 77, 50 100, 175, 250 Feed rate The optimum product of 14.5% calcium, 13.13% barium, and 7.8% rare earth
Monazite, Parisite, Dolomite, Quartz, G (min) elements was successfully generated from a feed averaging 12% calcium, 6.7%
Allanite Feldspar 30, 45, 60 barium, and 3.4% TREE was successfully generated with the finest particle size
distribution, lowest feed rate, and lowest G-force.
L40 Monazite Quartz, Feldspar, −53 45, 60, 75 - The LREE grade in concentrates rises in line with increasing frequency of rotation,
(SB & Micas, Tourmaline Hz but LREE recovery shows limitations with a maximum LREE recovery of 95% at
UF) a medium frequency of 60 Hz.

Table 9. A summary of investigations on miscellaneous applications of Falcon concentrator for different ores.
Levels of variables
Falcon Feed type/Target Water
model mineral Gangue minerals Size (µm) G force pressure Other Optimal results Reference

SB40 Oil sands tailings/ Quartz, Feldspars, d80 ≈ 150 20, 60, 150, 200, 300 - Water temp.(C) Falcon was able to extract 85% of the heavy minerals but only 30% of the bitumen.
Ti/Zr oxides Zircon, mafic G 20, 50 This value may be decreased more with enhanced liberation.
SB40 Celestite Calcite −80 3, 20, 45, 70, 87 2, 4, 7, 10, Calcite % At low bowl speed and midpoints of washing water pressure and calcite content,
Hz 12 2.5, 12, 26, 40, 50 more than % of the calcite was eliminated. It was possible to obtain
a concentrate with as low as 4% calcite.
SB40 Bentonite/Smectite Feldspar, Quartz, −500 49, 100, 175, 250, 0.66, 1, Feed rate (L/min) Falcon used maximum gravity force and minimal water pressure and feed rate to
Calcite, Dolomite 301 1.5, 2, 0.99, 1.5, 2.25, 3, raise smectite content to 97.74% and eliminate virtually all non-clays
G 2.34 3.51 (impurities).
SB40 Limestone/Calcite Quartz, Dolomite, −75 60, 155, 250 0.5, 1, 1.5 % solids At gravity force 223, water pressure 0.95 psi, and solid concentration 30%, the
Pyrite G PSI 10, 20, 30 highest SO3 rejection was 81.03%, while the maximum calcite recovery was
89.40% CaCO3 at gravity force (g) 139, water pressure 0.96 psi, and solid
concentration 30%.
SB40 Chromite tailings/ Serpentine, Talc d50 ≈ 300 25–300 20–100 - The optimum results were obtained with 150 G at 60 kP in below 250 µ, with a 72%
chromite G kpa recovery a grade of 28.38%.
L40 Tungsten ore/ Vesuvianite, −150 30, 50, 70 1, 2, 3 PSI % solids The optimized Falcon SB test enabled for scheelite, calcium salts, dense calcium
(SB & Scheelite Epidote, Hz 2, 6, 10 silicates, and light non-calcic silicates to achieve 71.6%, 22.6%,17.2%, and 12.6%,
UF) Feldspars, Garnet Feed rate (kg/min) respectively.
1, 2, 3

associations. As a result of comparatively high S.G of Different types of falcons have been developed for
REM (up to 7) and the low S.G of silicate gangue (2.5), various purposes. The Falcon bowl (Falcon SB) can
gravity separations could be successful. However, their be fluidized to prevent compaction and remove light
gravity separation has historically proven problematic particles from the concentration zone, while the
due to REM’s impact (and loss) containing particles and Falcon UltraFine (UF) bowl cannot follow this pro­
their similar S.G with barite. Gravity separation of bast­ cedure. FC operated in continuous mode (Falcon C)
naesite has also had limited economic success.[66] process up to 100 t/h of ore with high feed pulp
However, gravity separation has been employed for density (up to 45%wt). However, few investigations
REM beneficiation in heavy mineral sands processes, have been conducted for comparing various types of
with separators such as FC, Knelson, Mozley Multi- falcons’ performance. Modeling could potentially also
Gravity Separator, spirals, and shaking tables serving as covers part of their differences.
gravity pre-concentration stages.[67–69] However,[70] Modeling and simulation studies of FC operations
reported that the Falcon UF and Falcon SB are less reveal that the water movement and thickness of the
efficient than flotation for the fine residue of water film inside the bowl will affect the separation
a monazite sample. The Falcon UF provided excellent characteristics. Using numerical simulation to study
recoveries (87–95%) but little enrichment (1.3–1.4 the flow dynamics of the concentrator showed that
ratios), whereas the Falcon SB concentration of high turbulent flow energy and a high turbulence dis­
unscreened residue produced higher grades (up to sipation rate near the wall area could allow light particles
0.6% LREE) with poor recoveries (17–22%). to reenter the separation. In the fall wall area, the fluid
A summary of some investigations on FC’s application showed a steady flow pattern which facilitated the stra­
is presented in Table 8. tification process. Turbulence along the wall increases as
the centrifugal force increases. On the one hand, fluidi­
zation pressure had minimal effect on the process. The
Other applications fluid arriving through the gravity-based feeding
mechanism could be responsible for forming thin flow­
FC has also been used to recover Celestite,[35]
ing films in the stratification area. The rotational speed
Bentonite,[72] Tungsten ore,[14] chromite,[73] Nickel
and fluid flow rate significantly influenced the fluid
laterites), Limestone[39] and other minerals, and related
velocity profile within the stratification zone. On the
studies and applications are shown in Table 9.
other hand, the fluid flow rate had a significant influence
on the tangential velocity profile. A high rotational
speed and a high cone angle were required to achieve
a high mass recovery from suspension.
Enhanced gravity separation (EGS) is a physical The nature of the raw material has a significant influ­
separation technique that employs centrifugation to ence on whether or not a FC should be employed to
separate fine valuable minerals from their gangue achieve separation and what would be the metallurgical
phases based on their specific gravities. In terms of responses of the process. In addition to particle density
performance, separation efficiency, and processing of and size, other elements that may affect the Falcon’s
finer feed particle size ranges, this method outper­ efficiency include the feed rate, pulp concentration, rota­
forms standard gravity-based separation. Falcon con­ tion speed (or frequency), and geometry of the spinning
centrator, as an EGS, is a fast-spinning bowl that uses bowl (bowl angle). Falcon concentrators’ most signifi­
centrifugal force to drain the slurry in a thin film cant operating variable is the centrifugal force generated
along its wall. Due to the rapid rotation rate in the by bowl rotation and fluidization water pressure for SB-
flowing film, centrifugal force can be many orders of type Falcon. Other factors, including feed rate or solids
magnitude larger than Earth’s gravity. In general, two concentration, may have a minor effect on separation
separation mechanisms can be identified inside the responses; however, few studies have been examined
FCs, including differential particle settling within the relationships between FC operating variables and their
liquid film flowing on the surface of the rotating representative metallurgical responses.
bowl, and particle rearrangement inside the granular FCs have been examined for de-ashing and desul­
bed (retention zone). The second separation mechan­ phurization of coal, recovery of rare earth elements
ism works for dense particles, such as fine gold, while and precious minerals such as gold, recycling of electro­
differential settling controls the separation process nic waste (Li-ion batteries and discarded PCBs), pre-
for fine light particles. concentration of iron ores, and separation of Celestite,

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